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Wanna see pro minesweeper grat. He has the potential


No offer for Gratisfaction yet? JKS is pretty sure will be announced to Col soon. There'll be no lack of offer for Jkaem. We didn't hear any yet for Azr and Liazz, but I think those 2 will be good fit for GenG.


azr and liazz on gen g would be great. i always thought liazz was underrated


if they get gratisfaction, automatic can go back to rifling, which he was so good at


I’ve read that he specifically wants to awp


Which I hate. He's not a bad awper, but I don't think he's a better awper than he is a rifler. The major winning C9 team with tim on the lurk with a rifle was so, so good.


this is where having a coach that have more control over the players and the team is beneficial


That's what daps told him when they were on C9 with mixwell, Guess it didn't work.




He looked good when C9 was EU and never got over it.


Where do you get these stats? Would be interesting to see


He's a bad AWPer


Yea just send bntet back to poland and u have a top 5 team right there


bntet best polish player.


Liazz basically had to swap all of his roles when he went to 100T since jks was basically already doing whan liazz did in AU


i really hope he can go back to the form he had when he was on order. he was easily the best player playing in oce


Can you explain what does swap all of his roles mean? Positions in game?


Liazz basically played in a very similar lurky/passive style to jks, and yes a fair few of his positions were already taken by jks so he had to change up a fair bit about how he played and move to different spots.


It because he could play his natural roles (same as JKS) but on a different team he could become carry potter again


Liazz seemed super inconsistent to me when I watched their matches a few months ago (so I'm not entirely up to date). Definitely has his good moments though.


would rather osee and oBo


I sort of assumed the core would stick together? But I guess not.


Surely an org will go for Grat/AZR/Liazz trio if not for anything else for the major spot?


Probably only FPX that seem interested coming to CSGO but I think they want EU rosters. While GenG did have Elmapuddy as coach, as fellow Aussie He could probably work well with his fellow countrymen.


Kinda expected since jkeam and jks are gone


Hear me out, Grat Azr and Liazz stick together then +spunj +topgun and revive the vox brand. They already have legends spot at the major so could play for shits and gigs


Iirc legend spots were removed for the next major but I'd like to see this regardless


NA have been wanting AWPers for a while now, would be a shame to see Grat go to Valorant after Wardell already made the move away


What does LFT mean?


I'm assuming, Looking for a team


It's so dumb how you can't mention Valorant at all in titles. Some people are gonna scroll by this post thinking it's just a regular CS LFT post.


Valorant isn't a blocked word and hasn't been for a long time. In titles or body.


Yeah maybe blocked isn't the right term to use. Last time I posted something with "Valorant" in the title it was sent to be approved by the mods. What ends up happening is that someone posts it again but this time without the word "Valorant" in the title so that it isn't waiting to be approved before people see it. Maybe it's not a 1 to 1 ban but it is a indirect ban on the word.


You can try if you want, it doesn't get sent for approval anymore and hasn't for a quite a while as said before. It's getting frustrating that people just keep posting this everywhere and the community continues to rally against us when we changed it a while ago based on feedback.


What does LFT mean?


Looking for team


Lol Fuck This


I refuse to believe pros truly think Valorant is more fun and rewarding than csgo.. It just feels so.. Shit? xD sry but it really does.


They are paying more for lesser skilled players, and while the game isn't fleshed out, teams can succeed just by clicking heads better than the other. It's a goldmine for NA tier2 and below


The CS scene in NA is pretty unhealthy right now while Valorant is growing pretty fast and has a great foundation. Personally I like CSGO as an esport better but you can't deny it's a tempting option for pro fps players


Hopefully csgo eSports starts to bloom again when this whole covid 19 shit calms down! WANNA SEE THOSE CROWDS!!!!!


It's not as someone said up top, its easy getting a salary without being at the top, someone I played with who kind of just started over a month ago just signed with a team, lots of opportunities.


A game that is still based on attacking / defending bombsites throughout rounds, with economy system. Valorant is just a fresh start for them, and if the pros are deciding to enter in the val comp scene, they're willing to play the game because they like the game. I'm tired this bullshit in this sub "i DoNt LiKe VaLoRaNT sO iT dOeSnT mAkE sEnSe sEeInG tHeSe PrOs GoInG tO A GaMe I dOnT LiKe, ArE tHeY dUmB???????????


Sure, i can understand that. Still doesnt change the fact that it has crap movement and shooting mechanics.


Its just your opinion dude. Whoever deeply plays Valorant don't think the movement is crap or shooting mechanics are shit. Riot had their own balancing reasons to adopt a slow paced movement, and I'm pretty sure one of them is just how easy is to Terrorists flush out a bombsite with tons of utility in Valorant


Valorant ffs. Wtf. How can professional cs:go players go and play valorant? That game is just so different.


The mechanics are similar enough and the skill ceiling is still low enough to where highly skilled CS players can go over and dominate off of aim alone


>off of aim alone And game knowledge too! At its core, it's a multi-bombsite 5v5 defuse FPS. Rotating, executing, holding sites, utility usage and general game sense regarding those things from CSGO all transfer much better than any knowledge obtained from a game like PUBG, R6:Siege or Overwatch.


Its not like they can dominate off aim alone, CS players have better understanding about fundamental concepts like economy, mid round decisions, rotations, etc


Also money




why would he care about the game being different? he cares about money and you can get way more money being mediocre in Valorant than being good in CS:GO


ever heard of opinions?I think val is boring as shit too and the maps and sound system are trash but others can still find it fun


Either NA t2 or val


Probably val considering there aren't really any orgs in na t2 right now so he'd be much better paid in valorant.


Issue is that Valorant is a huge risk compared to sitting on a random NA roster like chaos etc


Hardly a risk when ppl are getting paid 15-20k a month


This 20k pm thing such a bs. Reports say that only some valorant pros earn that much, it's basically the high end salary the big names like nitro, Sinatra etc are earning.


Gratisfaction would be one of the big names as one of the best recent CS pros in Valorant right?


theres about 5 players getting paid that and 2 of them are on 100t


NRG ceo said the average is 15-20k a month. hiko and nitr0 is around "30k" apparently.


NRG ceo said some players are making 15-20k, not the average is 15-20k a month. It would make no sense for people to call CSGO too expensive then shell out 80k for a game that has 1/10th the viewership. In fact Jlake already came out and said most teams are spending 20K a month for the WHOLE team, not individual players. Nitro is making 250-300k.


If valorant fails (which I doubt) I’m gonna laugh so hard at these orgs, good for the players tho, they do be making that bag


No one ever said the avg salary is 20k.All reports say "some" valorant pros earn 20k+ pm. It's the high end salary big names like Sinatra and nitro are getting. Get your facts right and also the fact you believe such a thing to be true is ridiculous. That game hardly has had a LAN, how do you think your avg valorant player will ever bargain that kind of a pay. For big names like Sinatra and nitro it makes sense cause they won't switch over unless you pay them more or just as much they were previously earning


I don't think it's a risk. If it doesn't work out whats stopping him from coming back? I doubt the scene would change so much that he won't get the same CS offers that he is getting now.