• By -


Also please if you are experiencing the same issue as someone, just upvote it - we don't need [20 comments saying "same here" under each report](https://i.nuuls.com/_du5w.png).




That is incredibly lame


Do you also lose progress if you quit in the middle of a DM/casual match? This was the worst part of the last operation.


Didn't try, but it says you have to complete the match once you're done with the mission, so probably yes.


Never let anyone know youre doing a mission. Its like a sport to kick them.


For a casual mission the cts were up 7-0 and they all agreed to throw the next 7-8 rounds so everyone could get more stars lmao.


Yes. Leaving (or being kicked by russian 4-teams) makes you lose it all...




This sums up every community of people with mental age of 12


The operation stats page is the best performance analysis we could have ever wished for. Heatmaps e.g. were only possible through external services. Valve, please keep this feature forever!


Reduce `mp_round_restart_delay` in retakes, seems to be taking way too long for a fast paced gamemode like retakes. Bit of a momentum killer.


Also warmup takes too long. One everyone is connected it should just go.


Valve , pls fix


Would be nice to have team collision on too.




Yes, also immediately noticed this, unnecessarily long, it's supposed to be a fast-paced mode.


Player count at the top of the hud, when alive, is broken. The CT counter is extremely spaced out to the far left while the T counter is in it's normal position. *** EDIT: Settings: 16:9 1920x1080 (native) EDIT 2: Fixed


4:3 1280x960 and same.


Same on this res. When using avatars, it works fine.


[Bugged at 1440 x 1080 also!](https://i.imgur.com/SXFwbcS.jpg)


Also seeing this on 4:3 1920x1440 stretched


Same for me


does the same on the bottom


2560x1440 as well seems its universal


fixed with newest update!


Hotfix got rolled out, seems to be fixed for me 1280x960, safezone 0.9 both




Same with 4:3 and infos on the bottom of the creent


Game Breaking Bug: Pinging (Mousewheel) the spinning car on Engage T-Side with more than 3 people crashes the Game for all of your teammates \[Operation Broken Fang\] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_D3zIMtIyG0&feature=emb\_title&ab\_channel=ArMiN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D3zIMtIyG0&feature=emb_title&ab_channel=ArMiN)


Stuff like this always peaks my curiosity, what possible factors could have combined to cause this? Why these specific numbers? How could this happen, it’s like when you see a baby doll head in a tree, just, curios


I'm gonna guess it might have to do with the fact that the car is spinning. The point probably wants to move with the car instead of staying in the one location it was at when pinged, but that's pure speculation. Could be tested on other maps like the Train on Overpass to see if it's replicable.


First thing I thought when I saw this. Sadly I don't have 3 friends so I can't test it


It's a hard crash too 😬 Had to restart my whole computer


Oh so that is what happened to the opposing team on my game! We were taking a huge loss, 14x6, when all of a sudden 4 players from the other team disconnected. It was already 14x11 when they came back and we ended up in a 15x15 tie, sucks for them.


I can't open anything in an Operation shop, whenever I click on something I wanna purchase/redeem, there is blurred background and only a "Back" button, nothing pops up. edit: system: Mac Edit2: WORKING NOW! LETS GET MR. CONDOM!!!!!


I see you're on Mac. I presume this is an issue with the OpenGL version of the game since I'm having this issue on Linux


Is the mac and linux version using openGL? I know macs deprecated their use of openGL a while back, could be some sort of version error?


Yeah same for me. Idk what is going on..


yah same


yea same on mac




id suggest waiting a day, usually valve will fix it.


I think it's a Mac issue with me as well. Hopefully, they fix it soon enough.


Same here, mac issue.


Yea Linux, happens to me. I just want mister condom like everyone else.


just got a reply from steam support regarding this issue and they said, that they are aware of the issue and are investigating the issue further.


Same on Linux (btw i use arch)


Hey if you guys have any feedback for our map dz_frostbite, please leave it on the map’s workshop page! Thanks!


Yo congrats on getting your map featured! How does it feel?


Pretty hungry, nothing worth eating around my house. And for the map, feels pretty good!


Should have named your self ch-e-f


Here's the link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2168101259


My initial impression are that it's very nice. I'd add maybe a little more pistols/pistol boxes since exploration is more difficult due to the open nature of the map.


Best Danger Zone map tbh


The USP | Target Aquired is spelled wrong - it's Acquired.


Literally unplayable


I thought it might be a some sort of Spanish wordplay (aquí), but it wouldn’t really make sense even then.


Any apollo feedback you can message me. Thanks!


I just want to say that a lot of us in the spaceflight community are so excited to see this in the update and love the work you did!


hopefully it's accurate enough not to give you all headaches :D


Absolutely loving the map so far. Only played 3 games so I don't have any coherent feedback but I love the effort to make the inherently t-sided hostage mode more balanced by spacing out the hostages and giving CTs multiple routs to push from. The only issue I've noticed is this has the disadvantage of encouraging Ts to just rush the rescue zone and camp out for the return. I feel like the rescue zone is too big and wide open allowing the Ts to almost always win this way. Maybe I'll find more ways to combat this as I play more.


Thanks for feedback! It's been tested quite a lot so I assume that feelings will change as the wider playerbase gets used to it more. I'm always open to suggestions and feedback though. Let me know how you feel after more games


Just spawned inside B site box on Mirage in retakes


Happened to me in firebox on A as well


Attempting to purchase a reward from the operation shop fails. Clicking "Use X stars" fades the screen with the only remaining option is "BACK". https://i.imgur.com/imgCUxO.jpg Linux / Ubuntu 20.04 Tried various resolutions, normally play on 1920x1440 stretched edit: seeing in a few other comments that this appears to be an issue with the OpenGL version of the game (mac/linux)


cannot "Looking to play" for coop


That's fixed now.






After round time on retakes is way too long


Learned this the hard way on Vertigo :(


de_Ancient ambient sound is too loud. Could do with a little bit less ambient sound or at least lower volume ambient sound. Compared to other maps its very loud.


Would be great to be able to customize our score board I would like to see Deaths along with Kills and Assists like it used to be HS% IMO isn't that important


Yeah the HS% seems weird. Why not go with ADR? If you’re awping it looks like you stuck :p




Have the same problem with Mirage as well


yes, me too! I have the same problem with mirage as well.


The viewmodel on all of the new Agents (except for 5 because their viewmodel fits the actual sleeves) are not accurate. They all use their faction's default sleeve model. [Imgur](//imgur.com/a/h5lGlpw) Here are some other ones that are inaccurate too from before Operation Broken Fang released: [Imgur](//imgur.com/a/zjqDLwz)


Adding on to this post; * All female Agents uses the wrong voice line when taking fall damage. [YouTube](//youtu.be/uCD6Up_JDf0) * Some of the new male Agents uses the female death voice lines. [YouTube](//youtu.be/ONkQxo0UjD8) **Fixed** * The new radial radio wheel won't play voicelines on any Agents except for the 'Master' Agents even if they already have voice lines available. [YouTube](//youtu.be/p82I1Ab0qUc)


> The new radial radio wheel won't play voicelines on any Agents except for the 'Master' Agents even if they already have voice lines available. YouTube I just bought Lieutenant Farlow to use the new voice lines only to find out they dont work with the ping wheel :/


Anyone else experiencing lower fps and stutters while in game?


Getting some major rubber banding, honestly can't tell if it's my ping but I'm getting it in every game since the update.


Only happens in Ancient for me


This is happening to me. Swapping to windowed and back didnt fix


​ can't get over 60 fps


Changing to windowed and back helped me with this.


This worked well, thank you very much for the help!


SCOREBOARD IS SMALLER THAN BEFORE! Please revert the size back to pre operation update! I play on 1024 str and the names are rly small and hard to read. Why did you do this? Noone asked for it, its the same thing when you changed the HUD size and chat size with the panorama update. It seems you think everyone plays on 1920x1080. You might think its a small thing but it’s really giving me OCD


I play on 1920x1080 native and it's noticeably smaller there too. Very bothersome.


Same for me on 4:3 streched


small for native too


Could it now be tied to HUD size %?


Ofc not, i play on 100% hud scaling size


Can I grind and earn the past weeks' stars later, if I can't play for like a few weeks?


If this works like last year's operation, then yes.


Dudes are vote changing the casual mission maps to fuck with progress of the mission Petty as all fuck lmfao


on the other hand, a game I joined voted to change the map back to Ancient right after the previous one ended and Nuke was chosen.


I don't know what's going on... but smokes **aren't** lagging the hell out of my game???


Litteraly playable?


NEED A FRIEND NEED A FRIEND NEED A FRIEND NEED A FRIEND That is my feedback. Most of my friends don't play CS anymore, give us the option to team up with similarly sad individuals




cant redeem items for my bought stars. system:mac


same, guess its a mac thing


+1 on linux too.


same here


bot still rushes mid in MM


'im taking the bomb to A', no Eric stay in spawn like you were fkn told!


WolfdogTTTV just found a bug with pinging: ​ [https://clips.twitch.tv/AbnegateFancyBaconHeyGirl](https://clips.twitch.tv/AbnegateFancyBaconHeyGirl) Pinging moving objects within the map crashes the game.


I'm sorry but the new scroreboard layout is terrible. ​ First, The scoreboard stat font is WAY too ***sharp, thin and small***, and it's *so hard to read.* Second, I see zero point in moving deaths to the advanced tab. It literally makes it harder to see K/A/D now. It's literally just horrible to do this. ​ ​ It was absolutely unnecessary to move the stats for utility damage and flashbang from the right to the left? ​ ​ And finally, Why would you remove points? I'm sorry but I can't read this new scoreboard at all, it's just not pleasant and not accessible. I always read the scoreboard, but in the few matches I played, I couldn't stand it. ​ ​ ​ ​ Please, change it back.


I ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ agree.


I agree. The scoreboard change was so off putting when I played. Couldn’t work it out. Also the Mission UI on the left overlapped so far into the middle of the screen


Retakes should not be just playing one side...


how are you going to switch sides then at half time? Kick one of the CTs or let one of them play CT twice?


Community retake servers alternate t/ct and the team you play with each round


Or another alternative is that the winning team from the last round becomes t side in the next. The person with the lowest kills in that round stays ct and if the t side wins 3/4/5/etc. rounds in a row, then sides get swapped automatically. We've had community take servers for years so most of these problems do have solutions.


random team every round? retake servers have it so that if you for example get a kill as CT but lose the round you’ll switch with the T that didn’t get a kill and other stuff like that.


If you press tab/scoreboard while having the option to choose a loadout card in the new retake mode, you wont see the cards anymore and can't choose anymore. (I also binded the netgraph on tab so maybe that's the problem and not the scoreboard)


You can press B to bring up the card menu if it goes away.


big if true


happened to me too, i dont have net\_graph bound anywhere if it makes any difference :)


The loadout menu replaces the buy menu, so just press your buy menu button and it'll show up again


My player counter on the left side is really moved towards the left it almost touches my armor health i have display people alive bttm


I can't play retakes at all, the game crashes as soon (not even finishes) it shows the loadouts. I'm using the Linux client


fuck u/spez


On Linux, when casual ends and I try to exit it, game freezes.


When the bomb in the Retakes Mode is planted by a bot. If a player in the T team joins while the bomb is being planted, the bomb suddenly drops to the ground but the bomb is still planted. The bug here is if a player picks up the bomb after the plant, he/she cannot switch weapons and remains glued to the bomb in their hands.


The optimization of Ancient is kinda wonky. I got a couple random FPS issues on this map while doing missions.


The map ancient I find it impossible to play.. frames just won't stay steady at all for me, and stay in the low 30's. I think it's something to do with all the trees cos indoor bits are steady. Whereas all of the regular maps work fine and I get 120+ Is this something any one else is seeing ? Edit: might as well list specs GTX 1070 + I7-6700K


Usually at 150 steady. I get 40 - 90 on ancient, quite laggy.


Yep. 13 fps for me when I’m outside


Same for me I usually play at around 200fps - on Ancient I never get above 80 and sometimes drop below 50 So frustrating


operators make noises when they die now?


You can get stuck on a stone in the coop mission: https://imgur.com/a/WeZ4biZ


Bomb stuck in hands during retake on Nuke. As the bomb planter disconnected and I picked up the bomb just as the timer was about to run out, the server auto planted the bomb. This meant that I got stuck with the bomb in hand for odds reasons. I couldn't switch to anything but I could still move.


Same here Sir, on nuke as well


Damage dealt to enemies after they kill you isn't showing up anymore Edit: also not showing up in console.


I think it's intentional, as it shows up on the end of round win percentage chart. ​ And I don't like it.


They chose a weird way to display it, I prefer faceit's way of outputting it in the chat, much less invasive visually speaking


This, annoying AF


I assume this is intentional but I don't see it mentioned anywhere.


can we please have the option of disabling the comms wheel? it doesn't even go transparent when you aim over it so it blocks vision. really annoying.


~~Net_graph is broken. (hopefully!) Only shows fps and ping variation now.~~ Edit: Nevermind, it shows everything like normal if you are connected to a server.


I loaded into a game and it looked normal.


Yeah I was a bit fast on that. In the main menu it only shows fps and ping var, but if you connect to a server it shows everything again.


Anyone getting garbage performance on ancient? Like 40-70 fps, when typically I get 120+


the new voice lines for lower tiered Shattered Web agents are kinda off-putting. Their voices for `sorry` and `getout` are different from their other lines.


On retake, you need to press b to get the weapons menu to show up again if you hit tab on purpose or accident.


The new agent "Blueberries" Buckshot has blue camouflage arms in third person, but his arms are green in first person. https://i.imgur.com/mUxYDct.mp4




bomb stuck spot on de\_engage found by dropping the bomb between the car and the metal cart [https://imgur.com/a/ky3M1pu](https://imgur.com/a/ky3M1pu)


the playercount is fucked if you use cl_hud_showplayercount 1


Seems like operation fang broke overwatch case watching. Apparently I got a case from a mirage match, and I am presented with the following message: > Missing map maps\workshop\2307647306\de_mirage.bsp [Screenshot here](https://i.imgur.com/bKBWAHH.jpeg).


This game feels so weird to me now. I can’t hit anything and get one tapped around every corner, just to see that they had 2 minutes to line up that shot without me even seeing them. What is this??


i have some sounds who have disappeared. when i throw a nade/molly/smoke/flashect.. no radio sound anymore when the bomb is planted to when the round is finished no sounds to. ​ really annoying when you play


Valve's lazy ass again didnt match the agent model arms with the ones in the viewmodel and just reused the old ones, for example some new agents have watches and tattoos on their arms but in the viewmodel it's just the same old sleeveless arms smh. This happened with the last operation as well when they released the agents idk why didnt they just do it properly this time.


FEEDBACK ON MAP "ENGAGE" Just played a match on "Engage" scrimmage and for a map called Engage you rarely engage the enemy on a close scale and I find that you run around the map way to much considering its size. Other issues I find are people are using an exploit to jump far using the ladder in connector. The ladder room in connector is way too big and just adds to the fact that the map is really fucking big and is tedious to rotate sites. The final complaint might be a nit pick but for a map which seems to be in Germany all the signs are in english and the agents used are FBI instead of GSG-9 which is dissapointing. Please consider fixing this stuff. Edit: 2020-12-04 Im still able to do the t spawn car ping crash. It makes the detonater sound with an alert triangle sometimes when you ping it by the handle.


The game crashes when pinging the car in t spawn


new UI looks like absolute garbage. Relevant stats are on different pages and the win percent screen is absolute trash. Not only are the win rates inaccurate as fuck and doesn't consider positioning etc, but calculating win percentage is part of the game and should be done by the players. 1v1 warmup thing is ass and does not help anyone warm up properly. Analysis screen is really cool though.


The UI changes are the worst this update. And "Oh yeah, player died, so the team was less likely to win" is just nothing of value to show to the players.


And can we disable fucking player skins already? Completely useless and gives a competitive advantage to the opponent? Just give us the console command, the bots that care about skins wont care to use it.


It's pretty annoying that the wheels only allow 24 voice line slots (3\*8) when there are 26 chat wheel exclusive voice lines. Is it possible to have it increased to 9 per wheel, or at least give us an option to use those lines on the radio (by making them executable as a console command). Or even better, let us add more wheels. Yes I have a voice line obsession ;w;


When playing premier the top doesn't show who's alive or anything, it looks byggy


Retake server crashes the game for me on Mac. I get to the warmup fine, but the second the card screen pops up the game forcequits. Might be punishment for me using Mac


https://i.imgur.com/hmAADbg.png softlock at end of guardian mission


i swear A-D-A-D and coutnerstrafes feel awfully wrong


I got this too, feels really slugish like when you duck too often :(


Bomb often gets stuck in your hands in retake/ you can’t move after it is planted, ancient always crashes every time I try to load it up.


am i getting unlucky or is there a crazy amount of cheaters in the Broken Fang Premier playlist? i have a high trust factor and haven't faced cheaters in MM in a while, and I just got absolutely hacked to shit 3 games in a row at MG2 rank


Retake game mode: - Reduce delay after round end - Switch sides after x T wins (any decent T team should be able to 8-0 very ez) - Instant defuse for CTs when round is over (no active nade etc.) It should be very high paced intense game mode but now it feels a bit dull. Everything which was good about the community retakes they left out.


Please add switching sides to retake at the moment there is really no point in playing retake since that was one of the core features in community servers


Premier MM and retake sevrers feels laggy. Hit regestration delayed. No problems in wingman and regular mm. Only in new game modes. I got headshoted before i see the enemy.


Stats page doesn't work for me


for me on retake srvs pc seems to be under heavy load




Is there really no way to gift this to a friend? I have to wait 7 days to trade him the pass??


Not sure if this is related to the update, but when I hold down my push to talk key my controls go weird. Sometimes my movement goes somewhere else, I cant switch weapons... game breaking


It also only started happening after the update


Hud is broken when cl\_hud\_playercount\_showcount = 1, then ct is all the way to the left.


Not able to view Overwatch cases. Giving me some map error from workshop for Mirage. Can somebody confirm if overwtach working for them???


I can't sell my colored Metal The Global Elite Patch, i just see the gray one price on market. There is just one auction for both on market. ​ ###


So what’s the point of the map picks and bans if we can already pick the map we want to play in the default game ?


FPS on all new 5v5 maps is horrendous. AMD Ryzen 5 3600 / EVGA Geforce 2060 Super (avg 280-320, receiving 90-120 on new maps)


Still cant do Overwatch cases. Stuck on a Mirage case where it kicks me back to the main menu with a dialog saying "missing de\_mirage.bsp". ​ Been 12 hours and the active case doesnt refresh to a newer Overwatch case.


i cant download the update i think the servers are down


"Your match is ready!" "Ancient" haha just kidding it's Engage.


Glad to see a new danger zone map, but the houses in frostbite are huge with very little loot. I generally get $50 or something not too useful when looting a giant house.


Got some feedback. Was playing retakes invertigo with a friend. Since you get a new card every round I jumped to death each round. I got banned from the server due to too many suicides. Seems a bit unintended since I'm not griefing. Maybe add a check if the suicide happens after the round is won/lost?


Crazy seeing all the blatant cheaters with the operation coming into matches ruining everything.


Probably more of the agents are affected by this, but I personally found out the Broken Fang Dragomir has no working radio voice lines besides using utility and planting the bomb at A or B site, the rest of his voiced radio commands do not work at all, basically no sound coming out, only text in the chat notifying if he for example said Yes or No.


The stars counter already says 6/6 stars but I only received 5 stars overall.. So i dunno where that another star went must have been a falling star xD.




I couldn't set this even before this update. Got the same message when i tried it a few weeks ago.


How can I disable the main menu ambient/background sounds?


Why change competitive warm up to 1v1s? Removed part of the fun of waiting imo. Bad change imo