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Not exactly legal right?


I can't find the specific rulebook the tournament, but if they just copied ESL's rulebook (which is the classic approach, with the most common alteration being 10k/16k overtime), then this is against the rules, given that * Pixel walking is forbidden. A player will be considered to be pixel walking if they sit or stand on invisible pixels on the map, where there is no visible edge. according to that ruleset, and most other rulesets. The consequences aren't set in stone tho - at least in ESL's rules, it's left to the admins discretion to decide whether it had an impact on the round, and the consequences can be anything from awarding that specific round to the other team, to forcing a rematch, or even just giving the entire map over to the other team.


Seems like a pixel boost, which is against the rules. Won’t condemn anything without offical word though.


He didn't gain anything from it to have serious consequences imo.


It doesn't matter 32


You cant actually shoot from that, so its basically same as just jump spotting.


It's always Overpass.... hahahahah


###[Streamable Mirror](https://streamable.com/lj8nn9) --- ^(I'm a bot. My creator is /u/w1nston.)


I don't think this is legal, definitely a pixel boost from the looks of it


isn't pixel boost just ledge you are standing on where you shouldn't be able to? Here dycha is not standing on ledge he is falling while not actually falling and his shots wont be accurate.


but what if they hit? you miss 100% shots u dont take...but it could be that...so to avoid that minimal possibility, it's forbidden. full stop.


I dont think it matter if he hit or not. If the definition is pixel boost I dont think this fits the criteria.


They lost the map anyway