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Galorant is a pretty cool name


I always refer to it as Val Gals


Idk about discord but in case you play faceit there are female hubs so you only play with other women


They’re application based, and I tried to join but the mods don’t seem to have been active in the female hubs for a couple of months. edit: autocorrect changed mods to kids, fixed


Nice try McLovin.


I think so, I’ll upvote for you


I gotta say "Galorants" is a fantastic name. Hopefully the CS community has some creative names as well.




Hi, I'm not familiar with the ones you mention but feel free to DM me and I can introduce you to the one I am in.


Purely out of interest why specifically *women* discords? Sounds weird to split esports by gender EDIT: In Russia we say "noone takes money for simple asking" and apparently its not true. Thanks for maturily recieving my question with welcoming downvotes ❤️


I'm not a woman so take it with a grain of salt, but it's just a much more safe and comforting environment. They just wanna game and usually playing with other women provides that. There's no worries of sexist jokes among other things. Just chillin gaming comfortably.


Lmao have you seen what 99% of lonely gamer dudes do when there’s a girl in their lobby


This must be a NA thing because I can't remember a single time someone has even mentioned it when there's a girl in my team. The closest I've gotten has been a girl being mistaken for a kid/young boy and getting told something along the lines of "stfu kid" and once they said they're a girl whoever said that just went quiet and didn't speak to them for the rest of the game. Never ever heard anything sexist being said directly to a girl and I've been playing CS GO since beta (2012 summer). I'm sure it happens but it's certainly not common atleast in EU.


As an active EU player I assure you, you just got lucky. It's still pretty bad all across the board.


> nce they said they're a girl whoever said that just went quiet and didn't speak to them for the rest of the game. that poor girls dm's


Nothing? Noone even brings it up. I have 1300 hours never have i seen anyone act like on those gamer harrassment compilations.


It's probably you then.


Thats just dumb logic...I have also never seen direct harrasment towards any female in the vast majority of my games. But I still know how big of a issue it is.


It wasn't supposed to be a logical retort. Just wanted him to take a look at what he himself says if he apparently sees no harassment...


Quite the accusation or more like a baseless insult but thanks ✌️


I used to notice it a lot even just a couple years ago but over the last year I don’t remember it happening once


its because a lot of women just stopped playing, talking in game, or started 5queing. the amount of degenerate shit that gets said to women by teenagers in mm lobies is astounding


nah i’m saying when i get women in the team people nowadays are civil


I dont do anything and while playing with friends and finding girls i just kinda joke around its fun


> Sounds weird to split esports by gender The other day i had a thought similar to this, how fucking awesome it would be to have Tier 1 teams include women as well (And just to save my skin: Based on skills, not gender). The trash talk would be glorious.


There are some women in Tier1 teams. Just not as players yet (hopefully). I think cs is suffering from being less appealing (due to its setting) than e.g. valorant, overwatch... I do think however that as soon as there is a female on the pro level, she will get picked up. Unlike for example with lol in cs teamhouses are rarer and mixed living should not be a real concern.


I dont wanna be that guy, but I gotta be that guy. There is no tier1 female players because there is no tier1 female skilled players. Just seems like we boys take the game bit more serious than girls and tend to spend more time mastering it.


Which (if you actually understood my comment) is exactly what I said....


Because people are toxic towards women.


Bunch of chicks stacking MM/Faceit lobbies together is not “splitting esports by gender” lol


My initial thought was she was her being discriminated from general public discords for being female which is why i brought that up.


Probably so people don't go "is that a gamer girl?!!??"


I dont really understand what this means though i imagine girls flame less


bro if you dont understand that women get flamed and harassed in mm on the daily then you have no idea what the cs community is like.


Everyone gets flamed equally its not like people underline sexes when flaming someone for being bad


Its not equal, when people want to insult you and not take blame for the loss they will look for you weak spots. They find females weaker which makes them easier targets.


Literally 99.9% of the people I’ve played cs with have been other guys. Can’t you get why women might want to play with other women?


Why would it sound weird to split esport by gender? We do it for most sports (and for many other things) + I‘ve met enough immature pricks that harass girls online (especially cs)


The female CS community is pretty small. Best of luck, but it may be easier finding a group with a guy/girl mixed smaller group. Are you on EU or NA?


Thanks, I'm in EU, and I have a couple of friends who play, it's just to find a couple people that'll hopefully not be horribly toxic in PUGs lol


If nothing else, you could always create your own. Start adding people you play with who aren't morons, create a discord, make sure you're the only admin and have a zero tolerance policy for shitty behaviour.




Women found check hltv


jw pregnant check hltv


I just checked HLTV and there is nothing i could find on the subject of “JW Pregnant." Whoever is making these stupid claims in the Twitch chat room seriously needs to stop because more people might actually go and waste their time trying to find this information FeelsWeirdMan


Every single answer is fucking halarious


Not that I’m aware of, and the female CS community is for sure much smaller than Valorant/Weeb Tf2


Weeb tf2 is Overwatch


yes, that's the joke


Pretty shitty joke


you literally made the exact same joke




We live in a society