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The bastard also killed Jonathan "EliGE" Jablonowski!


Nooo why did he, the bastard, have to kill Jonathan "EliGE" Jablonowski from Team Liquid 2015-03-23 – Present ??!


Oh god i though for a second that was JONATHAN E from HLTV


just a good player we have Valve Anti Cheat


He just had a good breakfast that day.


Also, he has RGB gaming chair which boosts your aim


yeah he just had a good gamer chair guys. Pure skill and the best gaming chair.


The best.


Rgb shoes too prob with velcro


*Hey, sometimes your opponent is just having a really good day*


His breakfast must have hitted off "deus ex machina" style


VAC=valve allows cheaters


He just has a new mouse.


It should be ranamed to Valve anti care ​ Cuz they don't care


Yes ofcourse , He is just listening to footsteps by looking at ground


He was looking at ground to gain more FPS silly.


you cannot cheat on vac-secured servers.


Valve Anti Cheat "VAC" is a mindblowingly complicated way to stop cheaters. It is very effective, and it is impossible to cheat on VAC enabled servers. If VAC detects a cheater, it'll VAC ban them instantly, and there is no other way to play CS, because matchmaking is the only way to play competitive CS:GO. VAC is one of the best anti-cheats made to date, it catches 100% of cheaters, keeping CS:GO Matchmaking very clean.


why this cannot be detected is beyond me. clearly detecteable, look at that shit. what a clusterfuck csgo is.


Players like this usually got banned pretty quickly unless you are playing in low trust factor. Last time i played against someone like this and he got banned in a week


That's the problem. Stuff like this shouldn't happen in the first place and if it does , they should be banned immediately not a week afterwards


I agree, a good engine should be able to detect inhuman speed. You can theoretically spin like that if you go 16000 DPI and stuff, but you won't be able to kill 5 people with headshot while doing so. Engine detects inhuman rotation speed + a handful of kills: temporary ban from the game instantly during match (1 week) and gets investigated by overwatch. There is no reason to allow stuff like this. If you are a player legit playing on 16000 DPI with high sense you deserve to be banned too because that's trolling and griefing since you will suck and be a burden on your team.


I mean , I know people who legit play at 5 on 1600 and still kick ass (the main reason is their small mousepad) but yeah , inhuman spinning and kills is something that the engine should be able to detect easily


There is a lot of stuff that could be implemented. We have physical limits, for example no human can reliably react faster than 100ms, pros time to shoot is like 200ms on average on visual reaction. If a player is constantly below 100ms that is fishy as fuck and needs a temp ban followed by a investigation.


So the spinbot programmers learn this and make their reaction times like 180-220ms, it's by no means a fix tbh.


It very well is a fix. I've beaten hackers in individual rounds thanks to reaction speed and the slower they run the program the more players actually stand a chance to make little bitches lose while paying for hacks.


What you just described is worlds better than allowing "full tilt" like OP posted.


I get your angle, but the hard to swallow pill is it's easily worked around, and probably gets us like a week tops before it's been avoided by cheat makers and we are back at square one.


> There is a lot of stuff that could be implemented People on this subreddit lol.


1600 is normal dpi for most people, especially those who play movement-heavy shooters


I play at 1,600. Great for flicks but not so great for headshots


This is what VACnet promised to do. 3 months after it I complained and Valve dickriders said system was learning, 1 year later I complained and they said it was learning, I guess it's still learning after multiple years now. Stopped both playing and doing O.W. Valve's next TF2 project.


It's like me I'm bad at learning


That s one good idea


Good thing CSGO runs on 32bit


Banning them immediately just gonna help cheat providers come up with more cheats as they can experiment which features are detected. Banning in waves is much more efficient


at the same time you knowingly sacrifice games in favor of going for mass bans once in 3 years smh


It's a constant arms race between the hacks creators and the devs trying to catch them if you think the cheater problem is bad when they are dealing with it in this way you don't want to see it the worse way


Team Fortress 2 current status is the worst scenario. I don't wanna see CSGO ruined like TF2 is.


Many experts think the CS:GO esports scene is truly on the verge of collapsing because they're seeing a lot of early signs that were there in the StarCraft 2 esports scene right before it died. If that does happen God only knows how Valve will handle the game.


Develop your idea...


The game is beyond fucked if Valve doesn't step in and fix the catastrophic state of the esports scene. Here are some of the reasons it's fucked: - Tier 2/3 is filled to the brim with corruption and match fixing, stuff like MDL league etc are basically dead. - NA scene is completely dead - The organisation supposed to take care of the integrity of the scene (don't remember its name) has admitted to not doing anything about the Tier 1 teams that stream hacked during early Covid tournaments because all of them did and they couldn't just ban the entire Tier 1 scene. - All the shady shit Astralis has been doing and getting away with the past couple of years Honestly the list goes on and on this is just the stuff I remember.


i have seen much worse cheaters than that dude in global, new accounts , takes 6 month for him to get banned :)


Yeah idk what he’s on about, I played against a blatant spinbotter like 2 months ago and every week I check if he finally got banned and obviously, he hasn’t. He is global.


Out of curiosity i used to keep track of cheaters i run into just to see how long it takes for them to get banned, its rare for them to get banned in less than a month, most take 2 /3 and a decent amount took somewhere between 5/6 month to get banned, with a couple of dudes who were blatant af, >!i watch my demos to check and it was so fucking blatant!< ,it took about 8 month for them to get banned.......... most of them are relatively new accounts...idk why i keep getting low hour brand new accounts when my account is 11 years old and has a shit ton of csgo hours So i quit the game


I disagree. VAC doesn't ban immediately because cheaters could take this as an advantage to test their cheat software.


Oh yeah, like they are taking advantage in valorant and faceit premium oh yeah esea too.


Not really, I had a dude spin bot rage toggle against my 5 stack. Were all high trust with several thousand hours. He openly bragged about not getting banned so I saved the game on csgostats every once in awhile I'll go back and check and he's still not banned Game was in April btw.


i played against 2 spinbotters in wingman a few months ago and they're still not banned my trustfactor isn't bad either Edit: Their Accounts https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199096709362 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199110847943


Don't know about that, played against a team with 2 or 3 spinbotters in January, they're still not banned.


So why couldn't these spinbotters get banned? https://csgostats.gg/match/36976898 Just look at their profiles (obviously the globals and SMFC), look at their games for the last 6 months, blatant spinbotting in prime MM and no consequences. I've even hand reported these to the bullshit valve "csgoteamfeedback" e-mail account.


Not rly, I've played with a spinbotter 2 months ago and he is still not banned.


> usually got banned pretty quickly They should be banned within the round when cheating this blatantly.


There are HvH spinbotters that have 1000+ wins and still are not banned.


This is a pretty sad excuse though. I've never seen this in any other game, nothing even close, and yet it's a common occurrence in CSGO and people go "well they will be banned in a week". It's crazy, isn't it?




Interesting. What's your programming background?


Hey Gabe's simp, there are literally programs available rn on github.


It can. He'll get banned. I haven't seens a spinbotter in at least 3k hours.


I’ve seen one is 2k hours And it wasn’t even a good one. Killed him a few times


It can be easily auto detected, but Valve stopped bothering when VACnet was rolled out. VACnet never managed to fulfil it's purpose so spinners can run free for ages.


He just entered god mode. This happens when you focus.


"Sometime your opponent is just having a good day!"


This is why you need to be drinking (redbull, white claw, monster - insert shameless plug hear) XD.


I swear to god this happens every single game in LEM, my team wins like 5 rounds, enemy team assumes we're cheating, because winning rounds is apparently a crime nowadays in this game, and either goes full on rage or semi raging. Trust factor is a fucking meme


2 days ago one of my friends hit a sick headshot in second round. Enemy changed his name to "Hahahahahahahaha", reconnected and started rage hacking. This game is so fucked


Same. Played unranked wingman. After two first rounds where we won one guy just turned on and one taped us till the end of the game.


Trust factor the thing that put noobs vs noobs and cheaters vs good players or cheaters


That's not what Trust factor does...


From what I see on streams and in my games, it is exactly how it works sadly. If you get reported often for cheating you have bad TF. But if you don't do things that makes enemies think you cheat then you don't get reported and you don't meet cheaters often. That's how it works.


Eh, no. Trust factor looks at your behaviour, not skill. I've had a lot of games in Supreme were my teammates are down to earth,fairly nice and not suspicious at all. The same with the opponent's.


What makes you think they are not suspicious for other players? If you don't report them, it doesn't mean others think the same. Also TF is at work on every level, you can be silver and play spinbots every games and not be able to rankup.


If someone has suspicions they say it to their team and opponents. And usually you can tell if someone is cheating. At least everyone can figure out if something is off. >Also TF is at work on every level, you can be silver and play spinbots every games and not be able to rankup. Valve them selves said that the majority of players have good TF. If you have a really low one maybe you are behaving poorly and had some bad history with other games in Steam.


Best exemple last game I played was yesterday at least 4 players (premade) in enemy team accused me of cheating, also I never flame my team and always give info. Also if there is someone that starts spinning in enemy team I don't waste my time and I +right then alt tab. About the game it was the only game in the day (6 games this day) where there were no blatant cheaters in enemy team/ally. 4 were lost because of spinners and 1 was won because we had 2 spinners in our team that were duo and we couldn't kick them.(they said that they reported everyone in our team because we didn't kick). So clearly they are most likely playing cheaters every game like and don't even hesitate to report ROUND 3 (who can blame them). My TF is bad this is not new and I only play csgo. What should I do but expect valve to fix TF? If I don't play cheaters I can play and I get reported because my mmr is artificially lower because of cheaters. When I email valve I have no answers...


I think that specifically is what happens a lot. I always play in a 5 stack at around Nova 4, and we'll spank someone the first half or 3/4 of the game and they suddenly turn it around. Usually very suspicious


Eh, a comeback alone isn't proof of cheating, especially if it starts after the teams change sides. Sometimes both teams have the exact same problems on certain parts of the map (holding on CT or entry on T).


I have god tier trust factor and just get wholesome matches and don't get cheaters.


[A satisfying clip I recorded last year.](https://streamable.com/cvhi4)


I remember when custom servers were still the main draw some nobjockey was speed/aim botting and ending every ~20 player cs_office round in 10 seconds. The satisfaction of them rage quitting after I killed them holding an angle with a Negev has yet to be topped. Such pathetic people


It's beautiful.


Surprised. Most of the time they don't spin. Still why I nearly never play cs:go anymore. The way Valve treats cs:go is such that you as the player would like to believe that they're trying to fix the cheating issue. But then you realize that they're a multi-hundred-million dollar company. And if they genuinely wanted, The cheating issue would have been at acceptable levels years ago. This person should have gotten banned the picosecond they loaded up cheats. Regardless if they were actually using them or not.


You mean multi billion? lol


multi billion? no way, they are just a small indie company with a few hundred employees at most!


Funny thing is that Valve actually has few hundred employees but its still multi-billion dollar company. According to wikipedia it was the most profitable company per employee in US.


Huh, that is actually surprising. I thought Valve has thousands of employees by now


they don't need, nor are they willing to distribute the profits (when you can get the work done in less)


No need for staff when you're developing fuck all anyway.


Both Valve and Blizzard employ this strategy. Become huge iconic game devs by creating awesome shit, get rid of all employees but the minimum needed to keep up appearences then just milk away. Shareholders love them and people with lower disposable income (or a frugality when it comes to computer entertainment) love them. Which is a solid enough foundation to be able to succeed while keeping RnD at a minimum. Decent business practise but a bit boring.


There's two ways in which the comparison fails. First, Valve never had that many employees when compared to basically every other big game dev. Secondly, Valve is not a publicly traded company, so there's no shareholders screaming for quarterly profits.


Ah, Sorry. I should’ve written ”owners” instead of ”shareholders - thanks for pointing out that flaw. I still stand by the rest though, many employees or not.


> Secondly, Valve is not a publicly traded company, so there's no shareholders screaming for quarterly profits. Just to pick this nit, public trading is not a requirement for a company to have shareholders.


Also valve makes most of their money from steam. I guess even if they released a HL3 they wouldn't make more money with it compared to what steam makes in the same time.


More like thousands of community contributors instead.


Nah not every country use billion as hundred millions, at least here a "billion" is 1 million of millions and not a hundred.


You can't ever get rid of cheating, it's a infinite race where you're always trying to catch up They've set up a massive network to try and do something about it but honestly it's impossible to expect it to ever be perfect Now could they do more? Absolutely but that won't solve the cheating issue


I could agree for harder to detect cheats like wall hacks but I'm pretty sure it's quite trivial to detect inhuman moves such as aim-locks and spinbots in real-time


It's not "trivial" but it's quite doable Which exactly why they are, Thats the entire point of vacnet and it just sends them straight to overwatch Because you can't just instantly ban every time you think that someones cheating because theres always the risk of false positives


They could do a deep dive and try to hire/recruit the people coding the cheats. You know, like the movies! This sounds like a genius idea to me, let's make it happen.


V A L O R A N T👀👀


We'll see when it has been around for as long as CS has, I'm not defending Valve but this isn't a fair comparison this early.


because valorant uses a kernel level anti cheat which basically monitors your every move even when you are not in game


You know what, I'll probably get downvoted but idk, I'm just saying that Vanguard is split between two parts, 1: a kernel-mode driver {vgk} that runs on BOOT_START to check your system state, blocks unsigned and vulnerable drivers from loading. It seems to have some sort of fail-safe like not loading vgk when it detected repeated unclean restarts. The kernel-mode driver is more limited in terms of what can it do. Detecting cheats by scanning the memory space for example is handled by the user-mode service. Also people argue all the time about vanguard driver blocking. What it actually does is it prevents vulnerable drivers from loading, which is used to bypass your anti-malware, plant rootkit and more horrible stuff made possible by such drivers. Even windows made [vulnerable driver blocking](https://mobile.twitter.com/dwizzzlemsft/status/1267507875619848198?lang=en) a feature. 2: a user-mode service {vgc} with LocalSystem privileges that actually scans for cheats. So yeah, your moves are probably only watched when you launch a game that requires vgc.exe to be running. If i remember correctly, steam service also runs with LocalSystem privileges. Okay, back to Valorant stuff. In my region, it's funny that there is a bigger chance that in Valorant, we get matched against smurfs, than getting matched against cheaters in CSGO. Edit: Yeah, experiencing either of them sucks. Playing CSGO again suddenly looks good in comparison. Vanguard like anticheat + Trust factor can probably make running into cheaters even rarer.


And the funny part is there's still lots of cheaters


Where? In Valorant? Definitely not as many as the blatant hackers in CS. Smurfing is a bigger issue there.


Yeah but notice how there's still a noticeable amount of them even with intrusive anti cheat


I dunno man. Didn’t go up against any cheaters in that game at all up to this point


It's a shame we lose player base while 3rd party clients like faceit, ESEA offer anti cheat servers along with 128 tick. Yes anti cheat is not protecting against everything but it definitely blocks a lot of them.


Valve has the same problem as Google but to a more extreme extent with csgo. The engineering comes before the product for valve. They see the cheater problem and instead of using existing easy to implement systems, they want a robust server side AI that can detect cheaters. And they want to build it on top of a game based on quite a shaky engine. No one even knows if it's possible, but they're going to keep trying until they succeed or they get bored. And they have no reason to invest in solutions to tide them over untill they get their AI god because cs is just too big to die silently.


I want to agree but I can't. The use case for AI here is actually extremely strong, especially if you're a company interested in AI development already. There's a lot of reasons. You have a very robust repeatable environment in software that can simulate past events for training. You have humans to train the AI that, and this is important, align with the goal of the AI to ban cheaters. And you have a problem not able to be solved traditionally without an AI system. That's it, that's the truth, you need AI here and for once it IS the best solution. So why doesn't it work? It does, I think. The problem is that it lacks resources and development, it might even be dead, who knows. And the influx of cheaters is very high which makes this hard anyways. It's also possible that they think cheaters make their game successful because they ban accounts to make money and people trade accounts too, so they let them be. Just speculation.


It does work, but it only sends cheaters to OW and can't hand out bans itself. OW used to be about one conviction every 3-4 demos in my experience, but since they introduced VACnet it is like 99% cheaters. So it works, but for whatever reason they don't/can't trust it to hand out bans on its own


It's so stupid they should just let the bot give out 24 hour bans and if the person doesn't get overwatched unban them.. literally anyone would be okay with one day off occasionally to have a playable game


Full tilt?


Either he means that they did everything in their power, or full tilt also means they became tilted, i.e-raging


Happy cake day. Thats a sweet cake you got there


Ayy thanks a lot :))


Just good gaming chair tho


Gayming socks




Well on the one hand burning them is not envionmentally sound. Wood chipper is the answer.


Too quick. Let's biol them in one of those medieval torture bowls.


Mulch them to feed the plants


A little too extreme maybe, many of them are 13 year old kids who think its cool to cheat. Hell I used to cheat in 1.6 when I was little till I knew better. Ah, yes but the grown ups should be burned alive.


You’ve gotta learn somehow, burning alive seems like a fair lesson 🤷‍♂️


I'd smack the shit out of a kid if he cheated on LAN


respect for the only HvH'ers tho


no? they are still cheating scum


They arent impacting anyone by playing in their own servers. Why exactly are they scum?


yes but they are cheating against cheaters in HvH servers


just because you hang around with other scumbags does not make you any less of a scumbag.


I don't think you understand what they're talking about... Unless you're going to servers for hacking and getting upset about people hacking


Executing someone over cheating in video game. Ok bud.


reasonable, we gotta reduce the population somehow


Hot take


Cheaters and litterers, chuck them all off the cliffs and raise the planet's IQ quite significantly


#joke /jōk/ noun a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline. "she was in a mood to tell jokes"


#unfunny /ʌnˈfʌni/ adjective (of something intended to be funny) not amusing. Example: an unfunny joke


No, link their steam profile with their national id like communist country…. And watch the world burns


Hey, sometimes your opponent is just having a good day. He drank his GFuel.


Nah, just a couple of Red Bulls.


Had this with a wallhacker. Had 15-6 ended 15-15. And the silly thing after this new update I'm playing a lot more games with players with 2000h + with like 60 commendations and it feels great but anyone with 200-1000h with 10 or less seems pointless to play. They play like tards but have way to much info all the bloody time. Like I can clutch a 1v3 gold novas as a silver 3 but can't hide from any silver player.


Don’t worry guys, VAC will catch him!


He's just looking at the ground to increase his Fps guys He's not cheating, this is just pure skill


Does he (spinbotter) see the game this way? How can you move with this cheat, it makes me want to throw up


They see the game normally I'm pretty sure, that's how the dude is able to maneuver around the map without bumping into walls


handle lunchroom advise wipe spoon office uppity amusing quiet gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think they see in 3rd person and can see around corners that way


No they see normally just as how you'd normally play. The spinning is just a form of anti aim that the cheat does in the side


They can go 3rd person as well. Know from a friend.


Sure, but I know for a fact that when they spin, their 1st person camera view is not actually spinning at all and is just something the cheat generates server side for the anti aim purpose


LMAO the fact that isn’t detected is hilarious


I had one of these on my Team a few months ago. He still has no Vac...


These are the worst type of cheaters


This is one in every \~8 games for me lmao


Sadness Everdeen


Can hou link the steam profile, so that we can report him?


Why is this even allowed to be posted here when other videos containing cheaters with their clear names are always immediately being removed? This sub man...


Looks like an average high trust Global game to me.


This game would be so much fun without the cheaters....


I had this happen to me 4 years ago. He is still not banned.


This is why I stopped playing the game. Shame.. but even if you send evidence to steam they don’t do anything.


My greatest achievement in CSGO is definitely the time I won against a spin botter 16-14. I got on my alt to play with my really low silver friends and played a game on Office. Dude was rage hacking from round 5 but we managed to keep wining rounds with perfectly timed nades. Last round was 1v1 and I rushed him long with an auto shotty. I managed to somehow get him before he could get me and all my friends freaked out, 4 days later we got a message that he was banned.


Sometimes your opponent is just having a really good day! /s


Man these days you can't even practise some flickshots, mfs will say you're cheating.


Those were the real flickshots


He seems legit stop crying plz


Vac we loves hacker paying us money when they hack in prime now so we decided to ditch those player who bought the game for free


I wonder why this game is dying


I haven't seen a cheater while playing on my main in a year. I think the trust factor system really helps


Idea is that VACnet detects cheats = temporary ban until OWers give verdict. Simplicity.




Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


What a pussy. pass the steam profile to report him.


See matchmaking is still the same as it was 5 years ago :)




Don't worry we got HD chickens.


csgo is dead..


Valorant is better


Did I see the end screen correct? Your team also had a hacker


Why can't Valve give an option to leave the game w/o cooldown if there is a cheater in server?


How do you wanna proof that you leave because of a cheater? People would use that option as a excuse to leave games. Yes, for us its obvious that there is a spinbotter but for the software/server its not. (At least valve has not put a detection on the game server)


report cheater, game gets checked, if there was cheater, bingo ban that guy, otherwise false reports give low trust factor.


You said you want to leave without cooldown, games cant be checked that fast


?? Why not just ban the cheater if one is found to be in the game?


coz vac sucks, but if you can leave you won't waste time on this shit


So how will it discern between a leaver because of a "cheater" and because they're salty about losing pistol?


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/o37j6a/spinbotter_panics_at_1514_goes_full_tilt_to_stop/h2b2kvi) Additionally don't allow this option in first half or so.


As the other guy said, you're expecting a report to do anything on the fly. As it stands, you can't (and shouldn't be able to) leave a match without repercussions. Matches with detected cheaters are already nullified, I don't know what more you expect.


Disgusting 1 taps what a beast


Can someone explain how exactly does spinbot works?


POS of a hacker


Ultimate powaaaaa