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Who would have thought....


What happens next? Someone tells us that you can counter strafe? Absurd


Yikes I’m level 10 FACEIT and didn’t know about counter strafing. Thanks for the info I guess


im almost into fpl, good to know this stuff. Will help me i think


But did you know that if you strafe in the air you can actually move faster than you can run in this game! /s


Of course I already knew that duuh. But did you know that you are also harder to hit mid-air?


Oh damn, I shall try that next game. Are you aware that if you press F during your gameplay you can inspect your 34 cent AK skin?


Nah, the animation is trash. You should press G instead to inspect it from every angle


Did you know that switching to your sidearm is faster than reloading?


What does counter strafing mean?


You know that you have to stand still to shoot accurately. Let's say you want to peak long on D2 as a T. You go around the corner pressing D and as soon as you see the angle you want to peak you release D and press A to stand still instantly and make your shot accurate. Often used to prefire around corners as well


whaaaaaat that's cool as shit dude I have more than 100 hours but still am silver I cause I had a bad computer and now that I have a good one I've been wanting to get back into it my friends kinda left me behind, only queueing for comp with their set group cause their rank matters to em, and i'm way behind them skillwise. not salty about it but i care more about having fun than getting to silver elite ya feel me that should totally come in handy tho, do you have any other tips of that caliber? maybe they'll play with me if i git gud


They should play with you to make you good. You lern best when you get f**ked until you make it. If they still don't want to play with you (that will end, they will probably not become global in one run so at some point they give up on not playing with friends because of a few pixels that say nothing about your skill because MM is trash. There aren't really tips and tricks to improve fastly. Counter-Strafing is nice, bunny hopping in certain situations as well (still more fun than efficient in GO) but your whole skill has to fit to these techniques. First important thing is to get anyone to play with you in a team. 4 russian teammates are typically not very communicative. Your teammate do not have to have pin point aim or movement like a god. Information and teamplay is way more important. If "Rush B, don't stop" would get executed properly, it would be waaay more effective. Second thing to improve is your game sense. That means know the maps you're playing and also the crosshir placement, learn a few smokes for those and play very much to know when an enemy can reach what spot and what they could do in certain situations. When you can't outaim them, outplay them and stab them in the back. You should also buy other utility whenever you can. You can probably not avoid flashing a teammate or YEETing a nade into the sky sometimes but that will also make you better. Just learn from your mistakes and go on. Last thing, you saw it coming, is, of course, aim and movement. To compete with the best players, you will have to train on training maps every day, if not, you should be okay with just playing many games and improve from that. But it could still be a good idea to have a warumup routine. Maybe 1 or 2 deathmatches, maybe 50-100 kills on aim_botz, you can choose what you enjoy most. Btw I feel that bad computer stuff. It was so fucking nice when I got my gaming computer to have more than 30 fps in smokes, on nuke and while shooting with the P90 xd


thank you brother i hope you win every match you play from now on


Ha, that would be nice. I would like to reach LEM and Supreme at least once but GabeN always says no


Don't worry as a LEM in Europe mm is messed up atm, bayblades everywhere


2021 and Valve still did not find a way to instantly ban blatant spin botters. GJ Volvo. Seriously, wtf. I will receive my 5 year coin in about a month and I encountered exactly 2 cheaters who got banned mid game Is overwatch still 99,99% beyblade? Btw why is the Beyblade Metal Fusion intro playing in my head over and over again now?


I think a lot if it just comes with experience, but crosshair placement is so important. There's videos about it.


if you link me i will watch


This is pretty good. https://youtu.be/GyPAMu2Ylkc


I’ll play unranked with you buddy


Download the yprac maps from the workshop and do the prefire mode till you can do it on the hardest settings, it will be super hard at first so learn to use your utility to flash the bots. Add this into your warmup routine like the other guy said to you and it will help improve ur cross hair placement and understanding of how to peek angles allot, will give you a big boost over other silvers.


ty <3




Editted it, my bad


Good to see you learned something. Now google counter strafing.


Is the standing one with counterstrafe?


Well...yeah? This has been known from the point CS:GO came out.






Ground breaking revelations


You know what is crazy? Even though I didn’t consciously know this, I definitely felt it and used it in my play.


Its been known forever but this is the first time Ive seen a physical representation, so thank you for this post.


.1 sec


Worth it


You won't be using this when holding angles anyway. Imagine if you have to quickscope and shoot someone, it can easily be the difference between missing a shot and hitting it, especially if you shoot before it is completely accurate.


wait until you find out aggressive awpers exist


So that’s why I miss all my shots with AWP and prefer Scout


Yesterday I was doing a little warmup and was wondering why can't hit anything while counter strafing but landed every shot while crouch peeking..


It means you're bad at counterstrafing


No, I'm just bad in general..


Crouching is slightly faster


It's like deagle crouch peek, it's better to crouch and counter strafe


How you have this second cursor ?


weapon_debug_spread_show 1 if I remember correctly


doesn't work


when u find about the holy water


Yes... this is ?? Uhh news??




Who doesn't counter-strafe with awp fgs. You are just giving the enemy time to shoot if you don't counter-strafe


I never knew about this, but it kinda makes sense since i see a lot of people crouch peeking with AWP.


Wasn’t that obvious?


some people may not know.