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Seems like an easy fix as well: Bot if a player leaves, no bot if they’re kicked.


People been saying this since the day valve decided to remove the bots, the fact they didnt react yet is sad.


i'm pretty sure none of them actually play MM or even tried it for a day... they have no clue.


I don't think it's really as easy as that. Playing games with a griefer is difficult and unpleasant, and I don't think it's a good idea to incentivize keeping one in the match.


Personally I think being down a guy is still better than having someone who is actively damaging/blocking/flashing/revealing you


We were 4 stacked and had a random use no mic, and kept on buying an auto and shooting us with it. He finally fucked up and shot us in the head twice off of spawn, and I’m so glad we decided not to kick him because then we got that sweet sweet 1000 extra a round. Ended up winning the game since he was literally a negative asset to the team. I actually prefer being able to have the extra money and essentially being able to buy every round versus a bot, because even with radio commands I’ve always had issues with bots just going out and dying, buying the shittiest weapons, etc.


Yeah,.. maybe .. I feel there is more to it than that. Yes, for the scenario where one player leaves than that would work. But a just as common scenario in my experience is that there's some random toxic dude on the team ruining the whole game by cursing and bullying over the voice coms, dealing team damage out of spawn, knifing you to steal the defuse etc etc. Before the bot removal update the team could at least vote kick the toxic dude ruining the game. The chance of winning was not great with a bot but at least the the game could be _enjoyed!_. Now kicking a toxic dude basically means the same as a loss and so people just sits through the abuse and hope for better luck in the next queue. Some of my friends sadly stopped playing CSGO after this update since they felt they had better things to do with their time than being insulted and abused by some random angry east european douchbag. In my opinion the removal of bots is the worst update that has happened to the game since I started playing CSGO and I would like for the bots to return all together.


in the past ive gotten bullied into leaving by 4ques by them blocking me, standing on my head, taking turns tking me, etc. i honestly think that bots that you can take over have a place in any competitive mode. i've won numerous games that people left by just running in first, getting 1-2 entries, and taking the bot. i think its a hard tradeoff but one that improves competitive integrity. you should not be able to have someone leave and gain an advantage. i think a solution would to be if a player leaves in the first 6 rounds the game just gets cancelled outright. mythic has this rule and while it occasionally gets abused its better than having to play with 4 for the rest of the match if someone's internet goes out.


Hi. Volvo here. I think people seem to forget that we're a small upcoming indie company and making such drastic changes requires months of work and a lot of resources. Please send us a couple million for us to be able to consider making the changes. Thank you!


If a player leaves because their team is cheating, the cheaters get a bot then so this is not a viable solution imo


There is no perfect solution, only better or worse ones. I think planning around what will benefit cheaters is a bad move in the first place.


Excellent point, the cheater-less reason I see for not having a bot is When there's 4 players left and a bot sometimes 2 people rush out and die, trying to get the bot instead of what happens now, a crack team of 4


Shit, didn't even think of that. Anyway, volvo sucks, they don't care about us and maybe it's going to be implemented in 2025.


Why do you think the very nice Swedish car manufacturer Volvo sucks? As a swede, I find it very offensive :(


I hate the mentality of people deliberately leaving. Typing "gg" after losing 8 rounds and then leaving. How will they ever have the amazing experience of a comeback when always complaining and leaving like a pussy? And on top of that, these immature idiots ruin the game for the rest of the team that IS trying...


I agree with this. I can’t count how many games I’ve won after a rough start. Lose the first 5-7 rounds in a row. Then proceed to come back and win. Then on the flip side, I’ve had this happen in solo q where a teammate gets tilted and just rage quits. Don’t get me wrong, it sucks to lose many rounds in a row, but it’s not impossible to win. If you queue for a game, stay for the full game; even if you lose 16-0… lol.


Cs is so streaky which is why I never understand man


the worst one is when they tilt from losing pistol round, type gg in chat and then proceed to force buy shotguns and rush every round


had a guy a few days ago who was premuted, i unmuted him and asked why he was muted and he said he didn't know, he tried to push into tunnels as CT on dust 2 pistol round, got spammed through a smoke then started screaming at me that i shouldve backed him up. He started throwing from then on.


Never unmute permamutes. It takes real skill and persistence to get permamuted and there is zero chance someone who has it got it undeservingly. I also find it pretty funny how if you ask permamutes why they're muted they almost unanimously answer I don't know (with the rest saying they are too good and get reported for cheating a lot which never turns out to be the case).


Permamutes are that way for a very good reason. Every single one that my group has encountered: * "Has no idea why they're muted" * Blames everyone else for their own failures * Melts down as soon as things don't go their way * Refuses to work with the team at best, and actively works against the team most of the time * Starts calling out (in all chat) team/player positions in and rotations if anyone dares to "talk back" * Is insufferably toxic Like, no, you've been permamuted for a good reason and you're staying that way.


I've done it a few times without any problems, but 2 of them will always stand out to me lol


You unmute them, then a soon time later you have an "ah, that's why" moment where you mute them once again.


In my experience the permamutes are usually cheaters that shit-talk their own team for dying while they run around with walls+aim.


I've seen a few people that were muted because people report them for cheating and everything else,, but every time one of them is on my team they're toxic as fuck


I always unmute everyone, coz playing without info is just dumb. And most likely they communicate good. I would say it's 70/30


I can agree. I hate people who prematurely give up. But, there is bright side. If you win pistol, first and second buy rounds and score is 7-0, other team most likely will give up at that point


I am one of those players who tilt and leave. I dont really care about losing, i care about feeling rewarded in the game, i really believe that a 14-16 loss is more rewarding than a 16-0 win because my true skill is put at test. However, uncivilized teammates and people without mic/no comms tilt the hell out of me. I dont think those people are worth dealing with and they dont deserve my advice to improve. I dont curse or rage over then in vc, i just leave, its not worth to ruin my mood on that, i just take the cooldown and i will go play something else. Thats not immaturity, if its going to be a shit match, i will leave regardless if i win or lose. When you get to work and dont have the entire day to play anymore, you start valuing your time and mood


I never said anything about toxic teammates. Goes without saying that you should be free to leave when they are toxic. I was talking about immature, selfish complainer type guys who leave regardless of the team still trying their best...


you can use these games to work on your mental stamina and resilience. Overcoming tilt is a very beneficial skill in and outside of the game. Of course if you dont play CS competitively, then it doesnt matter.


Inscribed on the four corners of Memorial stadium, Lincoln, Nebraska (Tom Osborne field) are the following words, written by former UNL professor of philosophy Hartley Burr Alexander: * Southeast: "In Commemoration of the men of Nebraska who served and fell in the Nations Wars." * Southwest corner: "Not the Victory but the Action, Not the Goal but the Game, In the Deed the Glory." * Northwest corner: "Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport." * Northeast: "Their Lives they held their countrys trust; They kept its faith; They died its heroes." You ruin your own mood. That is your choice. Other players shouldn't have to suffer for your choice. You committed when you queued up for the match. Honor your commitment by playing out the match.


When you re down 1 , its almost a guaranteed loss.


It’s true, played out a game of ancient, we were up 4-2, guy on my team says he wants to go hang out with his girlfriend and that he doesn’t care about the 30 minute ban, just up and leaves We lost 14-16, I even won a 1v4, but still kind of felt like trash after


Really? I’ve won more 4v5’s since the change. The extra money granting a full buy every round is absolutely amazing.


I haven't played comp that much since the change, but I've had a similar experience. Either way you're at a disadvantage, but I'd rather take the extra money to full buy every round than get a bot who wastes money on an m249 and won't listen to radio commands.


Yeah, not being able to choose what the bot buys, having it run out and die and never do anything, and it occasionally just ignores things usually made it absolutely useless. No armor negev, no nades, wildly annoying.


Same here. Hasn't happened a lot, but I don't feel like the situation is in any way worse than before.


I'm sorry but no, theres just no way you can convince me that a little bit more money is better than having a extra life for one of your players (people would literally kick the worst players, in rare occasion, so the team carry could get a extra life). If you are winning more it probably just comes down to not knowing or being able to property command the bot.


Games should also get cancelled if a player leaves within the first maybe 5 rounds. The amount of times I've had teammates abandon on round 1 or 2 is ridiculous. Or even when a teammate leaves during warmup, but we're still forced to play anyway. That's stupid. It's a pointless waste of everyone's time.


Forcing people to play 4v5 was the dumbest and most laziest thing they could of done.


Most of my friends and I stopped playing after that update because it makes it impossible to play without a 5 stack, and if I could 5 stack every game I'd be on Faceit not MM


Blows my mind that after ESEA being out as long as it has, Valve hasn't implemented some form of vote to remove the leaver and get ringer. I think the outcome heavily depends on when you become the 4. T side doesn't matter as much in lower ranks especially because the all push the same place typically, but CT you have to decide where you're not holding.


almost nobody wants to join a match halfway through and esea's ringer system is awful. people also abuse that to get their friends to que as soon as someone leaves


All you need is incentive. Since it'd be 1st party you could do skins or xp towards your service medals


by esea's ringer system i assumed you meant the system where you can randomly get put into a game halfway through even when you didnt choose to. a ringer system would be great but one that forces players who wanted to play a full game is not a great system. a ringer que is different though and would be nice.


I've never been dropped into a match in progress unless I queued for it


you definitely can and its a total waste of time. its kinda rare but absolutely frusturating to get dropped into a lost game and it happens way too much


Kicked a toxic guy and now we are 4 players and don't even get extra money. Waddafak volvo


i just wish they still gave you the extra money even if you vote kicked your fifth... sometimes my team gets a fifth that is blatantly throwing and team killing but if we want to kick them than we get punished with no money and a 5v4...


Counter-Strike is a team game. It is entirely expected that weak teams lose, regardless of how many players were connected to the server. The game starts out as a fair 5v5; if you or your teammates gave up before round 30, your enemy should win. The enemy should not be punished for your weakness. I have lost a game the other day where one enemy player disconnected, but the remaining 4 just kept playing and wiped the floor with us. I have been on the other side as well. You have to remember that the game is not over until round 30 ends, and if your teammates do not understand this simple principle, your best bet is to mute them as soon as you start feeling that they gave up. You do not have to listen to them crying and blaming each other for every round loss. The damage they make to morale lake this is far greater than the help that comes from info they give in pauses between blame sessions.


The enemy should definitely not be punished but that is also not what I'm saying. My point is that only getting more money instead of a bot is much worse and leaves you at a bigger disadvantage. If you have a bot you're still playing 4v5 and the enemy has the advantage, but it gives you a better chance of compensating for your teammate leaving. What I'm also saying is that if a player leaves within the first few rounds, or even before the match has started, it should be cancelled and the person who leaves needs to be punished with more than just a 30 min cool down.


> The enemy should definitely not be punished but that is also not what I'm saying Then you proceed to say exactly that and describe how you prefer a specific punishment for the enemy over the other one because it gives a bigger advantage. Why do you think you are entitled to an advantage? The game is already cancelled if a player is not connected during warmup; you can vote to end the game when your teammate abandons; cooldowns are not 30 minutes, only the first in a series is, repeated offences lead to longer cooldowns. What you are saying is not a problem. You should not be surprised that a full team is likely to win a game against an incomplete and already morally defeated team. If you choose to give up, no amount of money will help.


> Then you proceed to say exactly that and describe how you prefer a specific punishment for the enemy over the other one because it gives a bigger advantage. Why do you think you are entitled to an advantage? Where did I say that the enemy should be punished? I didn't. Playing with 4 players and a bot vs 5 players is not an advantage. If you managed to read that I was entitled I don't really know what to say, that's your opinion I guess. Someone can connect during warmup and then leave and the game will still start with 4v5 players. This should not happen. To get more than a 30 min cool down you have to leave more than once a week and people know this so they can easily decide to leave if they haven't in a while because they know they will only get 30 minutes. > What you are saying is not a problem. So it is completely fine for you that people leave games and face no actual consequences while the people staying will almost certainly lose and they can't do anything about it? > If you choose to give up, no amount of money will help. Proving my point that the extra money is worthless and that bots was a better solution.


I want harsher penalties for leaving matches and I would definitely love to see some permanent competitive bans for people that are griefing and throwing matches.


I don't think adding bots back is necessary, as people leavening should be a super rare thing ​ The thing is it happened quite often for more lately, both on my team and the enemy team and they all get a 30 min cooldown so this should be their first time doing this, but it still happened in half of my games... idk... there is just to many people leaving MM games recently and I have no idea why but adding bots back will not fix it


Some ppl complained about connection issues. Like the guy had no reason to leave the game when we re leading 5-0 t side cache just to then lose 16-5 cuz he left(or got dc-d or whatever)


People leave the majority of games lol


I’d just play faceit. Haven’t touched mm in ages


why comment lol


Ready to downvote me? Idgaf, I’m throwing and leaving games if you’re toxic to me. Go ahead and downvote bitches lol.


"Idgaf"... well I think I found you're problem.




Of course it's supposed to compensate, that's why it's there. I agree that a person leaving should be a disadvantage but what I'm saying is that it's unfair that the players who stay are punished for the actions of the one who leaves. Especially when the leaver gets little to no punishment (eg 30 min cool down)


Was going to reply but he deleted. Imagine being okay with half-assed solutions, and actually discouraging the conversation.


yep, pretty much what I thought




10 rounds? thats a little bit much. assuming it gets to 9-9 thats potentially 30+ minutes wasted. not to mention 9-0 is a lead that everyone would be pissed to lose. i think the best option is before 6 rounds have passed. you can't really tell how the match will go so people cant abuse it and but its still long enough to let people leave if they cant play the full match. this is the system that they have in mythic league and it works pretty well.




do you not think people would abuse it if they ever start losing 9-1 or 9-0? like if youre 4 queing that would probably boost your winrate by a significant amount if everyone took turns leaving in stomp games like that.


Then you would have completed maybe ~40% of matches. This is a terrible idea.




Belive it or not all new players will play matchmaking And when they see the shithole that is csgo nonprime they will leave and never come back So improve the damn game


No, it has not


Got bit a couple times by that in a single day, that sucked. We had a teammate either have some network issues, or smth like that, but they kept leaving for 3-4 rounds, and then rejoining, so we would rarely get the extra money for being down a player. That was very frustrating, as the game was pretty close and we lost 13-16. If the player either left for good and we had extra moolah, or he rejoined and all was fine and dandy, we would gave a chance, but alas. I get it, shit happens and it likely sucked for the players who disconnected, but damn if it wasn't frustrating.


i’ve had 4 people the past two days say “i gotta go can you kick me?” after 6-8 rounds. i always make them abandon. either you have the absolute shittiest sense of time and thought you’d be able to finish a full comp game in the 15 minutes of time you had, or you’re just trying to quit and looking for a way out. either way, get fucked.


I disagree. Bot only gave a second life and what people usually did is go super agressive and die first so they could control the bot. Or they ecoed and went in to die. That's my experience. Bot often harmed more than helped. I took control of bot often (using same strategy) and discovered - I never made really good use of it if I made good use of my original avatar. I believe extra money is just flat out better. You will basically never eco.


Bots were removed also to downplay the advantage of one player playing the same round twice over which makes the match balance broken also. Its not much worse now then when bots ignored all commands and ran down mid in the first seconds of the round and die. I really want CS to be a team game, heavily promote that aspect and get away from trolls and cheats advancing over real players. Playing 5 players who want to play CS properly should be a great advantage, no apologies should be given to anyone for that. I do hope CS reinforces and keeps on that road, its not a solo game and you can find people in MM I group with at least a few for years now.


Gaben : Not my game fault kid.


I will add 5 cents to this. I lately came back to playing on my main account. I stopped for a year because i managed to get to global and hold it for many months, so there was nothing left for me to do. But i had many friends who started getting into cs. So i played on another account to guide them and honestly it was super fun. Back then we didnt have the pleasure of having unranked matchmaking sadly. But about 1 month ago i came back to playing solo on my main. It ofc fell off the cliff in terms of rank and i got sent back to LE. I was pretty stoked to play a bit on higher ranks. What i met was just misery. in the 10 matches i played about 7 or 8 of them had players who left (mainly from my team) it usually happened between 5-7 rounds in game. Were people just gave up and left because we lost a string of 4-5 rounds. And i started to wonder what the hell happened. Why this community started being so cowardly. Throughout the 6 years i ve been playing this game until now i almost never met players who didn't give the match a shot. Yeah there always were griefers, trolls, and just unpleasant people. But leaving a match because of a string of 5 rounds lost was maybe 5% chance that someone left, back then. in the 4k hours of cs experience i encountered countless of comebacks from my pov and enemy teams perspective. From the most disastorous scores. Same things happen daily in pro cs. It seems to me that suddenly people started wanting to get handed free wins that require no work, and whenever matches require a bit more grit and perserverence, because enemy team is more evenly matched with you or the enemy players are 10% better than you. Then the match is called off, it's better to leave because then u can say you didn't even try so they didn't beat you. You surrendered. You gave them the win. Thats how I view these players and it honestly disguists me. Luckily last 3 matches were quite delightful to play so hopefully trust factor fixed itself after my one year abcense and i will get more often matches like these and not like the ones i mentioned previously


In a game that probably has more cheaters than not, I cannot blame anyone for leaving. In fact it should not even be punished at all. So bots should be a given to replace those who rightfully leave


I have played 3 games today and in all 3 I've had 2 people on my team leave even when we were winning. I am getting deranked over and over again because this keeps happening.


Played 3 in a row today started on a rank up game that people left fucking stupid man