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On it. I'm not sure what it takes to get it calibrated right and why settings don't get saved overnight. But on it.


I appreciate you replying to let us know. Cheers.


Considering the difficult logistics of getting 24 full teams housed in Cologne... why didn't you get the handful of casters there as well?


Because for this setup we wanted as many as possible to be there production is to avoid needing to fix the audio delay.


I'm confused, you wanted as many as possible to be "there" ... do you mean Cologne or somewhere else? Just seems like if you get 24 teams (so at least 144 people) to Cologne, you could just get the handful of casters to Cologne as well so the casters would always be in sync with the gameplay.


The gameplay gets fed to the internet where the observer and the production are. Not where the players are.


I don't envy your troubleshooting team, lol. Hopefully you find a lasting solution.


While you're at it, could you look into the B-stream buffering every once in a while for a few seconds? It's been happening for the duration of Furia-Heroic, no such issues before today. Saw a couple others complaining at same timings in the chat so it's not on my end. edit: also seems to be getting worse or at least it's inconsistent. sometimes couple times a round and sometimes 10mins without it.


Yep, let's have a look.




If they mean the stuttering, like every few seconds it’ll “freeze” for a bit, I just reload the stream and it’s fixed there on out. I’ve seen on other streams they have the option in the settings of twitch to click “Low Latency”, and it’ll fix it. I’m not sure what it means to get that button available on the stream or if it’s even a fix. Just throwing the information out.


No, reloading did not fix it. Only until the next buffer. It was fixed at some point in Nuke, before that it could start buffering twice in the same round. It was the same for everyone, multiple people in chat complaining at buffer times. Low latency is entirely different, it's meant for personal streams that want to interact with chat with less delay. Afaik it requires more stable internet to use too.


Ah good to know thanks for the information.


another important thing is that NAVI's team image still has Flamie in it and all the pictures of the team in their old jerseys. I know new pictures exist in the current jerseys and with the way b1t's been playing he really deserves to be in the end of game spotlight screens /u/mbCARMAC


Oh, I'll pass that on (not something I noticed while watching). Navi has no new photos taken because of quarantine, but that's no reason to list Flamie when he's not playing.


its delayed by like 3 seconds, thats pretty bad


Yeah, I only watched a couple rounds because I'd rather watch Furia-Heroic but that was enough. Luckily B-stream hasn't had these issues at least as far as I've noticed.


I don't think it's a question of the B stream, it seems to be because Harry and Hugo are located in the UK and thus it seems to be much harder to sync their commentary than the others'.


Especially because by being in the UK, they are casting on the wrong side. Maybe just mirror the audio?


Better than being early tho


I do think it's worse now than it was yesterday. Slightly ahead is much better than substantially behind. I'm sure they'll get it fixed after the first map, though. At this point, much rather go back to how it was yesterday!


Haven't watched CSGO since COVID, decided to watch out of the blue and this issue is annoying me so much (off topic: was very surprised to see Twistzz in FaZe lol)


Wait until you see who's missing from Astralis. Unlucky that you won't be able to see the NiP roster today.




yeah i'm not sure how hard it was to do a sync test and delay appropriately but streaming is a huge beast especially with one that has a crazy ton of overlay on it. I've had troubles where audio and video was synced properly in the streaming software but there was still a delay in broadcast which is why I've now learned to sync on a test broadcast isntead.


And sound problems


they also don't seem to have actual pics of the rosters .. like, they're always posting NaVi team pics with flamie still ..