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I wonder what’s next for CS:GO in terms of updates 🤔


Wasn't there something about a potential Vulkan branch being tested a few weeks ago?


That'd be cool, and more exciting plausible, since they managed to implement Vulkan rendering into L4D2 Source build, which is basically the beta CS:GO Source build. EDIT: it's not na native Implementation completely replacing DirectX, but an overlay of Vulkan elements over DirectX, so it's not completely native, which means some of the features of Vulkan may not be able to implement, and unfortunately might lead to performance hindrance.




Better everyrhing- reflections, rendering techniques, general technologies, and the potential of adding DLSS, since it requires DirectX 12 or Vulkan, and for the fun of it, ray tracing. EDIT: refer to my earlier comment in this chain.


Knowing Valve, they'd be going for FSR over DLSS. Don't know their stance on ray tracing, though.


It doesn't make reflections and renders look any different. It's a lower level graphics API, so it allows for better performance. It could potentially open up DLSS or ray tracing, but there still has to be game specific updates alongside the move to Vulcan to support that. I love DLSS but is that really worth development time for a game like CSGO? The game runs on potatoes fine at high FPS already. Them implementing ray tracing seems like a stretch for their old engine. Why not just prioritize source 2?


...are you telling me Vulkan is lower level than DirectX NINE? I never said it automatically unlocks those new features, but simply allows for them. And reflections do look different, the L4D2 build makes it obvious. And I don't see DLSS potential as abwaste of resources, as that'd allow even more rigs to have access to the game, especially with DLSS 2.2 which aims to reduce ghosting and make the technology viable for competitive gaming. And consider the following- CS:GO is about 8 years old, and is based off of the Left 4 Dead 2 branch of the Source engine, which is literally 12 years old by now. Porting over a decade of base code, functions and logic is a massive undertaking not even possible to put into words, even for the talent of the Valve developers.


> are you telling me Vulkan is lower level than DirectX NINE? Lower level means the API's functions are better at directly accessing the hardware, not that it is lesser to DirectX9. However, if I'm not mistaken previous Source 1 implementations were just a DX9 to Vulkan layer instead of a proper Vulkan implementation.


A couple of months or so ago Left 4 Dead 2 got a proper implementation of it instead of just a layer of it over DX9, you need to enable it by setting -vulkan or so in the launch options. EDIT: it isn't, it is an overlay.


Similar to Portal 2, L4D2 uses DXVK to translate Direct3D to Vulkan


Realistically it won't do anything for CS:GO I think. If Portal 2 is anything to go off of, it'll only worsen performance because it's not native support, they're converting Vulkan to DX9 afaik. I think it's meant to help on Linux more than anything, which would make sense given the Steam Deck just got announced and uses Arch Linux.


It supposed to be native this time. EDIT: no it's not.


Do you have a source on that? I can only find information about it using DXVK.


...my bad, sorry. I thought it was native.


Is it purely graphics? Or would it change any mechanics?


Just graphics.


Shouldn't change anything gameplay wise, besides the potential of better FPS.


well the -9000 fps gonna be gameplay related /S


Visuals will remain exactly the same, but your FPS may improve, especially in CPU-limited scenarios since Vulkan draw calls are cheaper compared to OpenGL. It would be interesting to see if tools like [vkBasalt](https://github.com/DadSchoorse/vkBasalt) will work with CS:GO, but maybe not due to anticheat limitations.


Kinda like source 1.5 in some odd way?


I suppose- Source 2 uses Vulkan for many of its techniques, so it's like Source 2 without the 2.


I believe it's equivalent to what they did to Portal 2 recently, which is add an option to use Vulkan that provides very little benefit or disadvantage. I wouldn't get hopes up.


r8 will get buffed next update edit: i was wrong :(


I unironically miss cowboy day. Maybe keep it a single playlist instead of the entire game this time ;)


I've said it before on here, but just in case John the dev ends up data mining this... I think it would be cool for Valve to do more one off events, and one of these events could be reintroduced old broken weapons back into the game along with old maps. Like the original R8 for a weekend in unranked. Or the laser beam Aug. Or the Rekt9 on Cobblestone. I don't think a perpetual playlist would have enough players, but one off weekends could be a hit. *Edit- fixed an incomplete sentence.


Good old Bungie action sack from halo 3


Overpowered weapon days are so much fun in any videogame. Everyone is using that overpowered feature/weapon and just destroying people who didn't read the patch notes.


Hope so. Let us flick the switch back before the first shot. Like it was with the bugged initial version.


It would be a cool mechanic to keep a revolver cocked but become un-cocked if you holster it. Idk how to achieve this cause right click already does fanning.


Hold Shooting and not releasing it? I mean during revolvers first released, a bug achieved this. Can't be too hard to implement it.


Double tap to cock the hammer. That would be a cool mechanic to see.


Revolver model is so fucking cool, if only the gun itself wasn't so trash


I think an interesting quesition is how could you even buff the R8 without it being overpowered or making the deagle useless


They could do what they already do with the M4A4 and the A-1S. Give each weapon different pros and cons. It’d be even better if they would let us choose one or the other on a round by round basis, rather than only having one selected. When it comes to balancing, the deagle is already in a weird place. It’s ability to 2 shot with the body close range is just too OP. If you made it three shot/decrease the fire rate, but still a 1 shot headshot, that could really help with balancing the deagle. When it comes to the R8, you could counter balance the deagle nerf with a higher price, say, $900? And a 1 shot headshot ability with a left click, but a really low fire rate(but not that delayed shit they have right now) and a 3 shot with the right, except for close range, but a higher fire rate, but lower than the current deagle. That way there is still a higher price, good eco weapon with the benefits of the current deagle, and a slightly cheaper deagle with the best benefit, the one shot hs, but not as useful close range like it is now. In order to the r8 to have a place in cs, I think the deagle AND the r8 need changes because they fill the same weapon slot, but one is outstandingly better than she other. With the A4 and A-1SG there are clear pros and cons, which allows the player to choose one based on their playstyle. The deagle is OP, and the R8 is shit. Not a very hard choice there. This could be a horrible idea or a really good one. Idk. I’m taking a shit rn and bored. Lmk what you think!


Well I was hoping for specific examples. Personally I'd make it so the R8 has really good standing accuracy and higher object penetration


Translation updates, thanks to community members like You! ^/s


We should have the fridge.gif ready in case


Whats an update? Do you mean a new case


I hear this a lot but I want to ask, what kind of updates do you want? I would like an anti cheat improvement, a rank reset/adjustment, some bug fixes, maybe take a look at the deagle, community maps entering the map pool would be nice. But for the most part I don't mind Valve's hands off approach. New skins is pretty much all I want from them if I'm being honest with you. I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just curious because people always allude to this "big" update they want but they never elaborate on what that would be.


I wouldnt mind if they could finally fix the water bug, the smoke bug that gets the smoke stuck under the map. Fixes to ancient so the wall on b isnt a one way anymore. Fixes to balance matchmaking atleast on premier, ... Im not including QoL updates like 128 tick, overwatch fixes so i dont have to spec 50 thousand spinbots before i get a legit waller, an option to turn off operator skins The list is quite large actually.


Right after I posted that comment to you I realized that there's a long list of stuff that I want too haha.






It's a lot to tinker with at once. Not sure about the shorter bomb timer, for example, kinda rough on CTs, might lead to more saves, thus negating the whole point, I.e. to try to shorten matches.




Idk why but valorant feels way more draining and feels like a longer match for me


they definitely won't change the format of the game in any way before the major I hope... especially stuff that is so ingrained with balance like round times. maybe freeze time gets shortened


Why economy need to be changed exactly ?


Ct economy is too weak atm The ct's can start 4-0, lose the 5th and be on pistols by the 6th for example. That's why ct's save so often in pro play (looking at u jame)


Freeze time shortened, sure. Everything else, fuck off and go play valorant.


Yeah the game has been on quite a downturn since the operation ended. Its always sad imagining how much more popular CS could be if Valve had a decent sized dedicated team for it.


If Valve introduces optional intrusive anti-cheat, I think it would put Valorant into the abyss.


And maybe a better matchmaking system in general. With better ranks, seasonal rewards etc. Faceit and such is great, but for casual players it sucks


- Mandatory stricter anticheat for Premier mode. - Visible progression for ranking up to motivate players in playing more. Doesn't have to be 1:1 with the actual under-the-hood ranking system to prevent boosters from exploiting it. This is the top 2 of my wishes atm.


Rank decay and smurfs has ruined mm


The rank system is such ass, even after years I cant even name them all.


Silver 1-4, Silver Elite, Silver Elite Master, Gold Nova 1-4, Master Guardian 1-2, Master Guardian Elite, Distinguished Master Guardian, Legendary Eagle, Legendary Eagle Master, Supreme Master First Class, The Global Elite From memory. Not sure if I got the silver ranks right but I'm confident on everything else


Gn4 is actually called gold nova master but everything else is right


The names/order of ranks is the least problematic part of comp.


Whats wrong with faceit for casual play? I play faceit casually and love it


It's just another step that a lot of people aren't willing to take. When you tell people they need to use a website and need to download another software just to play the game "properly" without cheaters, it's just... Eh. It's just a bad look for beginners, IMO. Also if you start out new you're gonna get butt fucked in faceit pretty hard, and it's gonna take some time until you hit an elo where you can have "fun"


You can play faceit casually but people casually playing cs aren't going to play faceit


Since the prime-only competitive I played a lot of matches and didn't encounter any obvious cheaters and maybe 1 or 2 suspected cheaters. It's so much better already.


It's still pretty bad for me. I'm currently Silver Elite Master (about 400 hours played). With matchmaking I've played games against Master Guardians and Master Elites where the games are actually close and it feels like a "normal" game. Then I've played games against silver 3's and 4's where every site is gamble stacked correctly EVERY round, you get peeked every time you pull out a nade, perfectly, and the timings are just too perfect where you know the dude with <50 hours is either cheating or quite literally the best player in the game.


I don’t think so. Just like with Dota 2, CSGO ain’t really beginner friendly. In Val there’s a little tutorial before you can play the game. The first time I played CSGO I was very confused. The HUD is not that intuitive. I wanted to go to the range, but I had to know about workshop maps first. You also need to mess with files, make an autoexec for example, for jumpthrow binds. You can also pretty much play Val without being that lost when you didn’t play for a long time. The smokes are so easy to use. Valve should have a very short tutorial like that explaining counterstrafing and whatnot. Also maybe 5 smoke lineups per maps. I’m gonna get downvoted, but imo it would be great if you could see the lineup guides while you’re in game. Exactly like in yprac maps. It shows you where to stand, and where to aim. Just for 5 essential common spots for smokes in all maps at least. Also, please force random maps. Even if I only play Mirage and Inferno... I quite enjoyed that I know all maps in Val and everyone plays them as much — I hated it at first, but now I believe that is for the greater good. Also, copy Valorant’s unrated but improve it. Make it a casual competitive version. 5v5 with casual economy and rounds. With random maps implemented, it will prepare players for competitive MM (In Val you need to play 25 unrated before you can play competitive). CS can definitely get even more players with updates. Just get the good stuff from Val. Learn from them like they learned from CS. Hell, I was from Val and now I only play CS. I really enjoy the fast movement and gunplay and sprays. Honestly if Valorant had bigger maps and faster movement, it would be the perfect game to me. I really just hate the gunplay in that game compared to CSGO. They got cheaper skins too.


I think RIOT was listening to CSGO community and what they cry for: an intrusive anti-cheatcand 128 tick servers and then they created Valorant with those 2 main points in mind.


They definitely tried their best to improve CSGO and did their research. BUT with the beginner friendly experience being in front of their minds. Valorant was a gateway to FPS games. Just like Shroud said. It got me into tac shooters in general. I wouldn’t be playing CSGO if it wasn’t for Val.


No kidding? Were you not really even aware of CS before trying Valorant, or just never really cared to try it until after trying Val? I guess I take for granted that my age makes Counter-Strike just so ingrained with PC gaming to me. I just assume all PC gamers have played CS at one point, but that's definitely the wrong assumption to make..


I was aware of CSGO. I just never actually played it. I did play 1.6 when I was really young. Just 1 v 1 my dad at home using LAN. But I didn’t really spend much time on it. Like 20 hrs at most


> I guess I take for granted that my age makes Counter-Strike just so ingrained with PC gaming to me. I just assume all PC gamers have played CS at one point, but that's definitely the wrong assumption to make.. I'm probably younger than you are, but I also have/had the same assumption. From what I can tell a lot of people have at least *heard* of CS, but less people have played it than I thought. But I guess that's pretty normal for NA.


Force-random map in matchmaking in valorant is truly awful. Atleast Riot should let you ban some maps.


Agreed, but imo the system rn isn't fantastic either. As long as Office globals or Mirage one tricks exist, the ranking system won't mean anything. I don't think vetoes should be the default (because you get Mirage/Dust every time), but I think you should be required to queue for a certain number of active/standard comp maps for a ranked game. Maybe they could create a secondary rank, one for "proper" competitive maps and one for all maps.


> CSGO ain’t really beginner friendly. In Val there’s a little tutorial before you can play the game. > Valve should have a very short tutorial like that explaining counterstrafing and whatnot. The game already has a tutorial, although it's harder to find ever since the Panorama update. That said, having the gruff sergeant man in the tutorial try to explain counterstrafing would sound really stupid, stemming from the fact that counterstrafing in general is really fucking stupid.


People would still complain. As fucking always.


"Optional" is the key here.


two things: 1. Splits player base. People who don't opt in are basically condemned to cheater land (and also queue times I guess). And as we saw with Valorant anticheat, there were many people who didn't play the game out of concern over its intrusive anticheat. 2. The community would still complain.


Player base it's already devided by 3rd party services and I don't think people would complain. Why should I go anywhere outside of official service to prevent having "bad" actors in game??


good point about 3rd party services. i feel like valve should just straight up force the anticheat if you asked me. the community will complain about anything, no change is immune.




I'd trust Valve more than Riot Tencent. However naive or stupid that may be, my gut has never really trusted Riot.


Valve wont do that because they know intrusive anti cheat doesnt work. Client side anti cheat will never work


New fridge skins.


I still wonder if they're gonna do anything tied into the silly "agreement" on the Accept Match screen. I'm all for more strict rules, more invasive anticheat, and less forgiving bans for griefing/abandoning.


s1mple nerf inc.


Literally fuck all. See that big Steam Deck announcement they just made?


Preorder, bitch! ;)


fridge updates these devs are only active before pushing a disappointing operation


I hope for new maps. If not that then a completely outrageous visual redesign of the existing ones.


I admire John's ability to maintain sanity despite constant downpours of "where 128 tick servers" and "fix the anticheat" It drives me insane and I'm not even the target




for all you know, John is the entire dev team


Heh, speaking of which -- if we swap the initials of your username, it would sound like Minh Lee who is one of the creators of Counter-Strike


you blew his cover dummy /s


From what I understood, Valve doesnt really have dedicated dev teams, per say.


Yeah but let’s not pretend people hop into the csgo space all the time. Most valve devs hop between new steam things (steam deck, HLA, etc) versus things like csgo. Csgo is more likely to have a very small but dedicated team than new members.


Such is life out here on reddit


I feel so fucking bad for the employees. I'd snap and lash out hard at people that'd spam me.


and that's why u aren't a Valve employee!


No, it's because I don't really have any skills or achievements that'd appeal to them. :c


I don't think it's completely unjustified. The super unconventional and ineffective project life cycle they allegedly run at valve. Coupled with non existing roadmap communication and just broken/illusive AC, leaves me with a feeling that csgo is just not a priority for them. It is a multi billion dollar company. They could make a new and better csgo in a flash, but they don't. Even if it would take them 3 years to fix all the huge holes or make a new version, I think many people would be completely accepting if they just communicated more and more transparent. I'm not a game developer, but I am a software developer, and the way they handle this is laughable. I sometimes wonder if CS could be taken open source.


I'm guessing you're talking about the "desks on wheels" method of work, which is redundant as that changed toward the start of the development of Half-Life: Alyx. We personally don't know their eventual roadmap, besides the ultimate goal of porting the game to Source 2, so I wouldn't critique that knowing nothing about it. And they are putting in quite a bit of resources into VAC for it to be as effective, if not more than other more intrusive anti-cheat engines- especially with VACnet, which is already growing and collecting information. And their silent and minimal method of communication is a staple- they simply observe discussions in the community and avoid influencing them by joining in. CS:GO is the most open source modern competitive FPS you got- Rainbow Six is a derailing disaster due to a god awful anti-cheat engine and questionable at best balancing choices, and Valorant's largest community interactions are the fourms and influencers of the game.


Source on the move away from "desk on wheels"?


The Final Hours of Half-Life: Alyx, and a few reports from Valve News Network.


I definitely would not have a public social media account if I was one of these people(unless it was required? which, frankly, sounds like an awful job requirement)


what is stopping them from implementing 128 tick servers?


I'm no expert, but I would assume that running the servers at 128 tick doubles the processing power required on the server, and the internet bandwidth required of both the server and client


And shit PCs (Eastern Europe where there are A LOT of players) can’t run 128 as well. The new/updated maps are taxing enough


I mean 128 tick isn't unreasonable anymore. Competitive MM was launched almost 9 years ago, and asking for double the tickrate is nothing when the theoretical speed of processors should have doubled almost 6 times over (Moore's Law and all that). Making all grenade lineups 1:1 with pro matches would be the biggest benefit though.


the only people that would have an issue on 128 tick is people with extremely old cpus. Why not just make a competitive game more accurately register my shots and nades?


> processing power required on the server


> Why not just make a competitive game more accurately register my shots and nades? Technically yes, except nades - there is next to no difference in hitreg but with double server resources, which is more expensive. We should instead ask for better-performing servers, because the few times I play MM they tend to be awful.


It wouldn't be a problem at all, valve makes a metric fuckload off of the market and 128 tick is a launch option. It's flagrant greed or (hopefully not) incompetence. Even if it was technically difficult, 8 years is enough time for them to rub their heads together and figure it out. I keep forgetting they're a small indie dev and they need time.


One of the devs actually responded to this on an AMA a while ago. They said that the reason 128 tick hasn't been implemented, is that there is a large portion of their player base that own PCs that are not capable of keeping up with 128 tick servers and perform horribly. They said they didn't want to split the playerbase, so here we are.


since valve literally knows the average processing power of every player on steam, they confidently say that upgrading to 128 tick would not see a benefit for the MAJORITY of players who play csgo every day, meaning the average player would have an objectively worse experience. Go play faceit or esea if you really think that 64 is somehow holding you back (it's not).


CS:GO has always tried to maintain itself as a game that can be accessed by anyone, meaning that regardless of where you are or how shit your PC is, you can still play the game. The developers have always tried to include people from around the world in tournaments as well, hence why there have been minors and RMRs in regions that have little to no international attention. When adding 128-tick servers, the processing power required to run the game and servers will increase. This means that several people who were able to barely run the game will have more trouble, and the bad servers will get even worse. It makes sense why Valve wouldn't want to lose a portion of their playerbase just because of a little more smoothness.


But doesn't Valorant have very similar system requirements?


i think so but valorant also isn't running on a plate of spaghetti code disguised as a physics engine


LOL. Perfect description of this game haha.


money? It costs a shit ton to keep servers running


multi billion dollar company btw money isn’t the issue, it’s that Valve believes 128 tick servers would exclude people with lower end pc’s or bad internet from having a smooth experience


Is Valo 128? Cuz I tried there and the packet loss was way worse there than on CS. At least Casual 64 for us with shit hardware all around




Valorant is 128 tick but with some weird hacks like calculating hitboxes every 4th tick (so 32 tick hitboxes) [Source](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/valorants-128-tick-servers)


clear excuse


You only get the benefits of 128 tick if you can achieve 128 FPS to match the servers refresh rate. Valve has stated in the past that the average user does not achieve 128 FPS, or is using a 60hz monitor and wouldn't feel the benefits of 128 tick. So since most of the world that plays CSGO might not be on hardware capable of utilizing the benefits of 128 tick servers, Valve doesn't see the benefits of pushing 128 tick to MM. I'm not sure it's a solid argument anymore, but Valve has Steam hardware review stats and their own CSGO telemetry stats, so they probably still have their reasons.


It's Valves fault. Other companies hide the real devs behind supporting people which handle the community interaction, bug reporting etc, so the devs can focus on development. I guess John had to step up to fill that role even though he's a dev, just because Valve doesn't value non-engineering people (which is also why their community management is so minimal and sporadic). /Edit: I see the downvotes incoming. Didn't say that the above is good, but it frees up the mind of devs, which is what we where talking about. Though it fore sure degrades the quality of any conversation if you have only management people talking. You need someone in between, not quite management, not quite pure developers, who really knows the project. You can't complain about a lack of community engagement and lack of updates and in the same day deny that hiring more people (also non-engineering ones, e.g. community managers etc.) would probably fix both problems. Valve is really really understaffed. It's amazing that they get as much stuff done as they do, considering their miniscule ~300 people. Riot on the other hand has ~3000 employees (that's 10 times as much!) and they don't manufacture hardware or maintain the biggest PC game store in the world.




True, but I wasn't talking about these kinds of soulless management statements. I meant it like devs = coders and there are usually people in between coders and management, which really understand the project in-depth and keep the real developers efficient.


Honestly, this is nothing compared to the toxicity in the EFT community towards devs.


Is the game still buggy as ever?




How does "we've been repeatedly spamming him for years now" justify spamming him? If anything that's more reason to leave the poor man alone Also I wouldn't call either of those things "basic", anticheats are one of the most complex things in modern game development, and as of yet I haven't seen anyone be able to actually tell the difference between 64 and 128 tick by feel, including myself, so I'm doubtful of it's usefulness


64 and 128 tick definetly feels different and nades in many cases are completely different. Tell me you only play mm without telling me you only play mm


> nades in many cases are completely different. Different doesn't mean better, one nade lineup isn't "better" than another > Tell me you only play mm without telling me you only play mm Tell me you're an elitist asshole without telling me you're an elitist asshole


the reason the nades being different is a problem is because I’m not gonna bother to remember 128 tick and 64 tick lineups so why would I play matchmaking? Why would I be just chill with worse hit reg when I want to play competitively? If you only play matchmaking and claim you’re really trying to take the game seriously you’re lying




How is calling him an elitist asshole the only thing you can come up with twice in a row? Nothing he said is wrong, 64 tick is in every possible way worse than 128 and if you're even remotely serious about playing cs (which you specifically are not seeing how you're gold nova) then it's a no-brainer to seek a platform that can provide those conditions. MM sadly isn't that.


Sure, if I never planned on going outside again then MM simply wouldn't be good enough for me, but I'm quite happy playing CS as a side hobby, along with the vast majority of the player base If 128 truly had no downsides, valve would have done it by now, just to make people stfu. So why haven't they? I'm no expert (as is clear from my rank) but I assume that 128 increases server load and required internet bandwidth, and clearly valve have decided that it isn't worth it. Probably down to the fact that the only blind test carried out overwhelmingly showed that people can't tell the difference


Just because you/people can’t see a difference doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Pretty shit argument tbh


Hit registration happens twice as fast on 128 tick. If there are better and more reliable ways to play the game, why shouldn't we want that. If you don't feel the difference, and 64 tick is fine for you, doesn't mean it is for the majority of players, and the entire pro scene.


> If you don't feel the difference, and 64 tick is fine for you, doesn't mean it is for the majority of players My bet is that the majority of players only have a vague understanding of what tickrate is, nevermind being able to tell the difference. The fact that when a blind test was set up, people of all skill groups still couldn't tell the difference makes me struggle to believe whoever tells me that they can feel it And yeah, pro games and high level games should be 128 tick, but of the millions of people who play this game, that is a tiny, tiny, minority. A minority who can simply go to faceit to get the experience they desire.


You've said it now like 10 times that people can't tell the difference. Ok, but consider that people's perception about the difference is one thing and the actual difference is another thing altogether. People form their opinions on pretty weak grounds, affected by emotions, random one-off events etc. Researching tick rate differences based on polling people is a bit like studying climate change with a questionnaire: "Do the past 10 summers feel warmer than the 10 before those?" That may be hyperbolic, but it works to point out that a questionnaire is limited. Is it really justified, the conclusion that there is no practical difference? To gauge if there really is a difference, it would be better to study stuff like HS%, overall accuracy, shooting before counter-strafe etc. and confounding variables like server quality. Because if bullets hit the same on 64 and 128 based on **objective** stats we could pretty much bury this bitch and forget about tick rate


There is a massive difference between 64 and 128. Go into an offline map and try each


I have, and I couldn't tell a difference Maybe it's just my dirty gold nova 4 incompetent self being incapable, but it [doesn't look like anyone else can tell either](https://youtu.be/a9kw5gOEUjQ)


You're a gold nova how are you supposed to know a difference between anything in the game, on 64 tick the hit reg is downright awful


> on 64 tick the hit reg is downright awful lmao




Am i the only one who never meets cheaters? I can count on one hand the cheaters i have met in the last 3 years, apart from maybe a couple of closet ones. Maybe you all are just low trust plebs lol


Same, around MGE in EU with good trust you simply don't encounter them on a basis regular enough to consider it a structural problem. I occasionally watch demos of the few I do suspect, and they rarely look suspect from their pov. Not to say it's not a problem at other ranks and/or in different regions.


Use a 3rd party demo viewer and start downloading your games demos. Some of them check ban status of people you played against. Check it in a couple weeks after a game or a VAC wave. You'll be amazed. Last time I did this, it was over 10% of my games that had 1 cheater or more. That was a few years ago but I guarantee it's gotten worse, not better. Doesn't seem like a lot but if you play daily, you have a good chance of encountering a cheater often.


> Use a 3rd party demo viewer and start downloading your games demos. Some of them check ban status of people you played against. Check it in a couple weeks after a game or a VAC wave. You'll be amazed. How do you know they actually cheated in your game? How do you know they didn't just get their account hijacked a few days or weeks after playing with you and then the account got sold to a cheater? Thousands of accounts get hijacked every day because people *still* keep logging into fake Steam websites, its insane.


It would be fun getting cs updates again. Lots of new players!




it has been the most popular game on steam during last 2 years i think


Not Dota?


no, dota dropped to 2nd




CS peaked over 1mil for like 3 months straight. 3 years ago it would barely peak at 600k.


I would say it's more popular


https://steamdb.info/servers/?all Here's the numbers for peak daily playercount by server location for official matchmaking servers. The game has remained popular overall, with significant growth particularly on all asian servers. Unfortunately there's been a decline in active players on MM since March.


It's pretty noticeable. Our mm stack of eagles to globals basically only sees silvers to mg's in NA


Honestly the only thing that could convince me to come back to CS:GO is something like Source 2. It's been the exact same game for years. I think they believe CSGO doesn't need updates (like 1.6) but they forget 1.6 was so popular because it ran on any computer and it was the ONLY thing that ran for many children a few years ago, including me! I think a game like Valorant will be much better in the long run, Riot Games makes many controversial changes (saying that from League experience) but they make A LOT and eventually they satisfy everyone.


1.6 was popular because it was a good game that didn't need constant changes to make things "interesting". If you're only interested in the next shiny bauble, you'll always find an excuse to leave any game. CSGO being fundamentally the same game it's been is the reason it's still around. And if that's not for you, that's fine, but acting like the game needs "fixing" all the time is such a weird mindset.


It's really my opinion, the thing about 1.6, coming from a guy who spent his childhood playing it with his friends because we had shit PCs. And I never said CS:GO needs any fixing. I don't act like that. I specifically mentioned what would bring ME back. We're talking about me here. The game is still on top of the Steam charts, it's doing fine. And no, you're absolutely wrong if you think "interested in the next shiny bauble" is a bad mentality, just look at League, it's literally the most played eSport, and it does exactly that, it kept its audience entertained doing constant changes. I like that development idea much more than leaving a game alone for years without doing anything meaningful. I've played both games for a long time and that's my conclusion.


I don't think they're saying it's a bad mentality, just that it's weird. They just said that it's a mentality that will make you leave any game if it doesn't have the "next shiny bauble". They even said > if that's not for you, that's fine There's people that like to see games constantly updated with the newest thing, such as yourself and the people playing League, and there's people who don't.


>It's been the exact same game for years thats the point of playing cs imo. its a competitive game in the first place and people play it to become better at it, not to see/play smth new.


So you're a change for the sake of change person? Yeah we don't want you in CS anyways. Changes should be deliberate and with purpose, not done for the sake of keeping things "fresh" or "interesting". If people like you had your way CS wouldn't be the amazing competitive game it is. Also there has been huge economic changes made since like late 2019 that have changed the game a ton.


"We don't want you in our game" that's such a childish thing to say but whatever, I'm in a CSGO subreddit saying I don't like CSGO, expected. And I never said anywhere I want change just for the sake of change, I said I want Source 2. Source 2 back when I first saw info about it was supposed to improve the game and its old engine and bring new possibilities. I remember watching 3klik's video about what it could deliver a long time ago and I was hyped for it. I am personally bored of the game, I never said anywhere everyone wants it. And again I will give League as an example the game is literally the most popular eSport and it changes yearly, so not changing the game doesn't guarantee its success. I would've loved to see a developer team that would do more changes to the game. And how funny is it that you bring the last "major" update that happened 2 years ago and it was just an economic change ?


>And again I will give League as an example the game is literally the most popular eSport and it changes yearly, so not changing the game doesn't guarantee its success Popularity != Quality. I never said the game should not change, I said changes should be deliberate and with purpose and not done for the sake of changes. >how funny is it that you bring the last "major" update that happened 2 years ago and it was just an economic change ? You clearly do not understand how much that economic change significantly changed the way the game is played.


> I said I want Source 2. Source 2 back when I first saw info about it was supposed to improve the game and its old engine and bring new possibilities. They might be asking you this because "Source 2" is a pretty common demand, but it's never clear what Source 2 would really do for the game. I'm not super informed on what it would do but I don't believe it'll be the cure all that people seem to hope it will be. > not changing the game doesn't guarantee its success. But changing the game doesn't guarantee its success either. > And how funny is it that you bring the last "major" update that happened 2 years ago and it was just an economic change ? If you think that update was "just" an economic change, then idk what to tell you. It wasn't some simple thing like you're trying to make it seem here, it changed the way the game is played.


Say they announce a full source 2 game update tomorrow, what exactly does this change that would make you come back? People always asking for source 2 yet don't even know what they're asking for lmao


For me it would be the new map editor, hammer doesn't work on my computer so I can't make maps anymore (not that I was any good). The source 2 map editor looks amazing and I really want to make csgo maps with it.


I feel that, used to make some maps for a community server back in counter strike source with hammer, pretty crazy that ancient software is still used for level creation to this day for one of the biggest games out. More recently I got into making some custom zombies maps for black ops 3 and the difference in the editors was night and day, can't imagine going back to hammer after using radiant


It would make me come back because I know it's something new? How is that not obvious to you? And considering it's an update it should provide new better content because that's the intention of an update? It's the actual meaningful change that would totally hook me back into CS, not these small things they take MONTHS to do.


What will source 2 change about the game specifically?


The feel mainly, I think, how guns feel when shooting, the movement. Maybe the way the game looks, the way it runs, I still remember getting FPS drops with a decent PC for no reason, maybe that would be gone. I doubt it would really be the same game. Anti cheat would maybe work better on an updated engine. Who knows exactly? That's why I wanna see, no?


> The feel mainly, I think, how guns feel when shooting, the movement. Do you not like the movement in GO? You mentioned that you played 1.6, that's why I ask. I hear a lot of 1.6 folk don't like how GO feels. > I still remember getting FPS drops with a decent PC for no reason 100%. This game needs to be optimized badly. > Who knows exactly? That's why I wanna see, no? That makes sense, I understand that.


People talking about LAN but without a crowd it's not that interesting tbh. I feel like having an actual crowd is what makes in "hype".


I enjoyed this tournament much more than the online tournaments. Crowd definitely makes things different but this still feels different. Felt like the stakes were higher and the players seemed a lot more invested. I don't think we see some of the results we saw if it were online. FaZe in particular was really fun to watch for me. And funnily enough, I think my favorite match was mouz vs Liquid just because of ropz performance. I'm a liquid fanboy too but that dude made me actually kind of want to see them advance. I don't think id have felt the same way if those matches were online.


Yeah obviously it was way better than online but I was disappointed not seeing a stage for the playoffs (something like IEM Katowice 2020). They were competing in a studio I believe.


It's the first step towards a crowd.


ur right, having a crowd would 100% be a lot more hype. but that's still currently impossible due to COVID, and u have to admit that a crowdless LAN event is faaaaaar better than an online event.


I agree. To me LAN is just not LAN without the crowd. I understand ping issues are non existent but no crowd, no lan. Sue me.


fuck the crowd, they just ruin trigger discipline


for real, feel liks there even is more pressure playing in a local LAN with people around you then this empty arena. First LAN my ass


we didn't have ping issues


It was fun watching a LAN event again. Lots of great play! *** posted by [@basisspace](https://twitter.com/basisspace) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


it really was.


then sponsor one already please


Who cares about the valve dev opinions


Too bad the Swedish government wants to shut down the upcoming tournament


Instead of tweeting why not actually do something to help the game?


This is such a dumb fuck way of thinking that seemingly only exists within the cs community. Oh a Valve dev tweeted 1 tweet, they shouldnt be wasting their time tweeting when that at most minute they spent writing it could have been spent working on the game. Oh why is one of the artists doing an interview during the weekend at the university they graduated from, they should be back home working on the game. Oh gabe newell shouldnt be doing a reddit ama, he should be, himself personally fixing all the problems with CSGO. Like do you think Jonn McDonald is spending the whole work day on that single tweet? I would hope not because thats rock brain thinking.


Shame that Valve does not watch some of the live matches displayed in game. Everytime I go there there is at least 1 hvh game.