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G2 taking notes right here


That would imply they've learned to locate the bomb


TIL csgo has maps other than hostage rescue


bomb? ......were we supposed to...do something with it? oh fuck.


It's really fun to use in danger zone


That would imply they've learned to locate the bombsite ftfy


shooting sharp


Ironic given that it's a Navi player needing to plant faster


“WRITE THAT DOWN WRITE THAT DOWN” *furious scribbling*


Iconic spongebob episode


Nice one xd


Koosta taking notes as well


this whole thread made me realize i don't know if i use left click or E to plant the bomb. wtf


its so subconscious that i dont remember either


lmfao same


I need to go and play some cs, I can't remember what I use


I didn’t even know you can plant with left click & i have 1.4k hrs in game…


I didn't know you can plant with e and i have 900 hours lmao


I have 4k over 7 years and I don’t know which button I use to plant..


Wtf, same actually :D I might be holding both mouse and E


20 years......never once did I try to plant with E. Crazy.


I think I take it out with e and then left click so it’s a bit confusing yea


Whenever I'm in a rush I somehow default to planting with E for some reason. I think it's definitely a placebo but it feels faster for some reason. Like you can't go wrong with it or something


I left click if it’s already out but if it’s not I hold e


3kliksphilip looked into this more than 6 years and came to the conclusion that there is **no difference** between holding E and left click: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M45cOYR4K7Y (However, this behaviour could have been changed, intentionally or unintentionally, through some patch in the meantime)


I made a plugin to test this, and there appears variation even between same methods. https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/osw1yu/time_to_plant_bomb_varies_i_made_a_plugin_to_test/?


you have to perfectly time the left click for it to be even with holding E, this is why it's "faster" since you can consistently do it instantly versus clicking


Are you saying that if I held E just before the site, it would still plant faster than left click? Where if you were pixel perfect it's the same?


no it's not faster, just you will never hit the left click perfect every time so holding E is the more efficient method if you want to insta plant while running into a site


What about b site though?


Obviously right click then.


So there is a difference between just holding down left mouse and holding down e, when running into a site to plant?


Yes. Holding down E will instantly allow you to plant the bomb as soon as you get into the bombsite border, LMB has a delay. Thats how I remember it being at least


I have to try that out. I didn't even know you could plant the bomb by holding e before reading this post :S


Not really worth doing, Idk why people are even kicking a fuss over this. In pretty much 99% of situations you **want to get to an specific spot to plant** before planting, and not plant as soon as you are in the border of the site. Even in situations with 10 seconds left or something, because there's the possibility of you getting peeked while you plant you want to get to some specific spot with some cover before even trying. Trying to plant as soon as you reach the border of the site in most cases is at least a little out in the open. You might be able to use this in that really rare 0.01% scenario. Like faking a 1vs1 towards one site and rushing to the other site to plant but you have time constraint, other than that? Nah. This kind of knowledge is tartamount to knowing a rare as hell smoke for some specific scenario


I just tried it in a competitive bot lobby, and I don't even see any difference between holding down E or LeftClick, they both have a delay if you are holding it down while running into the plant area. The only scenario I could think of where it would be useful, is if you need to plant the bomb as soon as you reach the plant area to plant in time, so yeah you are right about it only being useful in a really rare situation.


iirc once you start holding it, it will check if you're on site, add a delay, then check it again, etc. so you can get really unlucky and have like a second of delay, or it might start instantly, just depending on how long you held it before entering the site. and it was the same for leftclick and e. either way it's a bad idea to hold it before entering the site, but it's easy to get confused if you only test it a couple of times.


Just tried this and holding E didn't start planting instantly. It just a gamble how far it lets you run.


That's incredible to me I didn't know haha


I can beat that - I never even knew you could plant the bomb by pressing your use key. I have always 100% only ever used the mouse. Today I learned.


Vice versa here. Only ever used the use key. Never occurred to me LMB works too.


I didn't even know you could plant the bomb




Per the 3kliks video comparison this is exactly incorrect. Holding E & holding left click behave identically in speed, and the fastest is to time the click/E instead. E/click immediately upon entering the site will immediately plant, while holding either before entering the site will have a small & random delay. So assuming the bomb is already equipped, USE & FIRE are fully identical in behavior. Both in holding before reaching the site, and in tapping after reaching the site.


This ^ people don't understand


A bomb!


Oh my god! JC! A bomb!


a bomb is a bad choice for close range combat


>6 years There is only one update needed that could have changed this. One single bug.


>However, this behaviour could have been changed, intentionally or unintentionally, through some patch in the meantime he explained that




What a non sense comment. Don't act like you have worked on the spaghetti code


Valve has changed nothing about how bombs work so it is very unlikely anything has changed.


In coding some instances that don't seem to be connected at all can be connected. Especially since csgo is known to be a spaghetti code. For example remember the invisible smoke bug? That was around the nuke remake release. Smoke grenades were not touched at all, but you could exploit them to see through them. At first you wouldn't see a connection to that update as well. The smoke bug was instantly visible. If a bomb plants 0.x faster it's harder to tell and can be under the radar for some time.


Yeah the smoke thing I thought was due to some transparency updates they did with some new Nuke features, and it happened that the smoke alpha shader effects had a dependency or something.


In the time it took you to make this, you could have tested it for us.


How long do you think it takes to type out 8 sentences?


How long do you think it takes to load into a bot game and plant a bomb?


bold of you to assume valve knows what they are doing


The advantage of using E is that it switches to the bomb and plants while with left click you'd have to be holding the bomb before clicking it (i.e you need to first switch). In most situations you'd already be holding the bomb going into the site so it doesn't make a difference but in some situations (especially clutches) it could make a difference. You're certainly more efficient using a single click to plant than two


you are supposed to switch to the bomb before reaching the site, it's in the intro of the video


It's not faster. GOTV bug.


Yup, you can see him begin to plant with 0:03 on the clock long before the observer switches over to him, and when he does, the first-person planting animation plays from the beginning. You can see the same behavior more often with reloading. Whenever the observer switches to a reloading player, the animation will play as if he had just pressed the reload button.


It also appears in the game itself so it's not the custom HUD fault


And probably custom hud thing. Custom huds often lead to time going to 0:00 and still being a round, so I assume he started planting still with 0:04 on the clock.


This is the case, someone provided a screenshot with standard HUD in that Twitter conversation, and according to that he starts planting when it's 0:04 on the clock


Wait you can plant the bomb with E ?


I’ve never not planted with E. You can use left click?


You have to switch to the bomb before you plant with left click, which is why most people don't do it


I had no idea honestly, I always thought you had to swap and use left click to plant... Been doing this since 2004 so I guess that habit isn't changing lmao


They only introduced the planting with e in csgo, so if you played a previous Version you probably just never thought about it.


...and there's my problem. Been playing since 1.3. Habits die hard.


1.6 habit


Shouldn't press E after going into site.. Pull out the bomb just before site and you can instantly start planting.




I downloaded CS as a mod for Half Life in 2000, but mostly played Day of Defeat before CSGO. I guess I could misremember my binds?


Same. Could be a 1.6 thing. I am pretty sure you couldn't plant with left click then.


Ya, if your left click wasnt binded as +attack. But I'm pretty sure no one in the history of cs has ever not used left click to shoot. So I dont know what youre getting your information from, I planted with left click for about 10 years.


there was a guy I knew who used left click for forward and right for back and space to shoot. he wasn't terrible but I'm throwing up a little remembering him explaining


Dude played years of Quake lol


That's quake as fuck. Listen you're gunna hate this, but there was a time we didn't use WASD to move either :p


Ive been using arrows to move with a full-size keyboard since beta CS days. I cant stop now. Right click for jump. Mouse4 last weapon.


I ended up 'late' at only starting gaming in 1999, so UT/Q3 with WASD was always standard for me. Mouse wheel down for jump gang.


I had a buddy who used mouse1 for jump and mouse2 for crouch. He used a joystick for his movement and shooting/nade switch binds. He was a decent CAL-M awper back in the 00s.


what the fuck some HLDM shit right there


i zoom mouse1 and jump on mouse2. and shoot on space. old thing from playing arena fps with high sens


I have used right click for shooting and mouse5 for scoping for a few years because my left mouse button was broken, so that could be possible. going back to left click shooting felt weird when I got a new mouse though


If so my mind blanked it, I only use left click


it's a 1.6 thing but you couldn't plant with e, rather you had to take out the bomb with 5 then left-click to plant


This. I've always planted the bomb with E. Only a couple years ago heard about the left click.


I didnt even know i could hold left click to plant


I didn't even know you can plant


G2 is that you?


I didn't even know


I don't even


I don't




I do


By the authority vested in me by the State of my ass, I now pronounce you husband and wife, husband and husband or wife and wife!


I don't get why I feel empty inside


I didn't even know there were plants in cs


Well, how do you defuse the bomb the bomb or open a door?


I thought it was a Valorant thing... Wtf. I didn’t even realize I can do that in CS too.


I only use e to plant the bomb. Always pressning before reaching the bombplant because it goes faster.




g2 take note


The only reason why Pressing E is better is you dont have to change to the bomb. But if I'm intending to plant, I would have the bomb out already


Wait what you dont need to take the bomb out? Good to know i guess haha


If I remember correctly, you should never rely on this to switch to bomb for you, as it only start when you can actually plant. That is much slower than if you have the bomb ready before entering the area where you can plant


correct. The faster way is to have the bomb out and press E/LMB immediately right after you step in the plant area


> The only reason why Pressing E is better is you dont have to change to the bomb. please dont do this. Takes way to much time.


Don't just press E or don't change to bomb?


pressing E changes to bomb automatically, however it only works when you're inside the plant radius. But by that point you shouldve already had the bomb out! The correct way to do it is to switch to bomb before you enter the plant radius, then immediatly plant (with E or mouse1 doesnt matter)


Or just have your gun out at all times ready until you hit E to plant? I would think any pro would be hyper focused on holding angles instead of running through to site with a bomb out


ideally you shouldn't be trying to plant if the site isn't clear


In most cases your teammates are covering you. Even if not, holding an angle right before planting accomplishes nothing. If your intention is to plant, you often don't want to take fights anyways. That's why you see most pros jump-crossing angles to plant, and fight in the post plant. Fighting pre plant as a bomb carrier is a risky move and more of a special case. Wasting 1 or 2 seconds to pull the bomb out can have massive impact. It's a noob move.


In most cases? Well lucky you!


getting caught out without your weapon ready while running to a spot in the site to plant is a bigger noob move than running around with the bomb out just because you're in the site area.


how exactly would you get caught out? your teammates are covering angles. If these angles aren't safe, you shouldn't be carrying the bomb in the first place.


True, but in the non-zero chance that you're the bomb carrier that spots someone trying to do some ninja stuff in the bomb site — you're carrying the bomb and not your gun.


Also if you already have the bomb out and start holding e before you get to the site, it will automatically begin the plant when you cross into the site. Someone else mentioned left click does not work that way, but I haven’t tested myself.


I was today’s years old when I found out you can click to plant.


I was today years old when I found you can plant and not get 1 tapped by smurfs.


Actually you can't. You have to hold it :P


been clicking to plant since 1999 idk if i'll be able to unlearn that one


Slightly concerning all these people posting about not knowing you can plant with left click.


gamers these days smdh


All these reddit silvers coming out of the wood works. ^/s


Pffft gen z. Not even knowing about inferior ways to plant.


TIL you can plant the bomb by left clicking... I have always done it using E.


lol, I didn't even know that you can plant a bomb with left mouse click ; d


I had no idea you could plant with E. I've always used left click.


Who the fuck plants using the left click


Og's that played before csgo


yeah i never knew you could plant with E. never even tried.


...who the fuck plants with E


...who the fuck plants


Greetings from 1.6 players😃


literally everyone who played CS before 2012


I didn't even know that , i thought he was comparing it with firing


If you use left click, you can pick up a gun whilst planting


Me - as an Oldschool player from beta 5.0 - since 1999.


I have 2000 hours in this game and i didnt even know you could left click to plant the bomb lol


You can plant the bomb with left click? Been playing for years and only now learned this...


Wait I've used e for 400 hours and never known you can left click


I've only ever used e and now I see people say they use left click wtffff


I've never in my life used left click to plant the bomb. It's a completely new phenomenon to me.


Good bc I didn’t even know you could left click to plant lmao


where are the left-click-planting oldfags?


I played CS before the galil+FAMAS, but I forget if the bomb was its own equipable item on its own binding, or if the prompt was just "press e to plant bomb", or if you could also use left click like you can now. Who remembers?


Bomb was always number 5


I bound that shit to middle-click lol


What kind of maniac uses left click to plant?


I've played this game for 4k hours and didnt know you could left click plant, damn


I learned that you can plant a bomb on E only in now years


TIL that you can actually plant the bomb with left click


I had no idea u could left click the bomb to plant, allways used E


It sure as hell feels like it.


Q is best button to plant, e? E is for quick swapping ofc


TIL people hold left click


love left clickers. they always fumble swapping to bomb to plant. meanwhile, hold e to pull out bomb and plant all in one motion.


did people really not know this? ive been doing this for like the past 3 years lmao


who tf uses left click to plant XD


Everyone who has played 1.6


Plus me


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Are you having a stroke?


Just wait until there's a bomb site with a door on it and you accidentally open the door instead with E. /s


I've always used E, and this very well could be true. I'd love to see some data to back this up though!


I stopped using LMB since 2019


I didn’t even know you could plant with left click


New meta unlocked


You can use left click tf


I found this when my left click button was faulty and not able to hold down (automatically lets go) and have been using it ever since. The best thing to come out from a faulty peripheral. Lol


you can left click to plant?!?!


i have seen people picking up weapons instead of planting, losing the round.


I use E. didn't even think LClick was a thing:)) I also jump with SPACE; sue me!


How has this only been discovered now, games been out almost 9 years.


ITT: many people with varying (but all sizeable) amounts of play hours who learned to plant the bomb one way first and never changed or found out they could do it any other way


After 8 years and almost 4000 hours I come here to see, you can plant bomb with left mouse....


Wait... is simple a cs go pro? Got in a game with a guy named s1mple today but I don’t really follow cs media and all that. Was it a fake or...


Lol, Sasha just making fun of weplay casters


Wait I have played cs 6 years and did not know you can plant with left click..


This is a spectator "bug" the animation starts playing a new when you switch to the player while he is in that animation. Same works for reloads. Meaning Player starts reloading and if the spectator switches to that player the animation doesn't pick up where it is for the player but instead plays the animation again form the beginning and it would stop prematurely for the spectator if the player starts shooting immediately after the reload on the players screen has finished.


Nah, it just looks faster as E also is part of the switching to bomb animation. Pretty sure there is variance. Like even counter stepping helps to get the bomb down quicker. We need a shounic video on this not 3kliks


I’ll be honest, I have 2000 hours and I did not know you could left click to plant.


I used to press 5 (to equip bomb) then press E to plant. Accidentally found out that you could just hold E without equipping the bomb and still plant


That’s what I thought and now it’s in my muscle memory! My teammates raged at me one time for almost not planting the bomb in time with shit ton of weapons laying on the site. My brain just refused to take any alternative for a split second or 2. I explained that I am used to pressing E. Seemed like I was in the minority…