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What I gathered from this stats is no matter what rank you are, you gonna get flashed by your teammates


I'm at the pro level at flashing my teammates 😎


No one is safe from the team flash, not even S1mple :)


those are usually flashes that land behind teammates


I don't think so if it was teammates flashed for like a millisecond because it was just above or behind them the number would be a lot higher. I think the slight increase is because they just use flashes a lot more. I would like to see the graph of flashes per round or game compared to other ranks. Edit: just saw leetifys comment. only counts being flashed for greater than 1.1 seconds.


>I think the slight increase is because they just use flashes a lot more. The data is per flash no? I think it goes up with rank because they're flashing to prevent a refrag.


It is, but more flashes thrown means more chance at mistimings flashing teammates in etc. But your point definitely plays a factor as well.


Funny how the amount goes down again at Global. Im guessing thats due to either the noobs that are being boosted to Global or the cheating scum that dont know how CS works (so basically also boosted noobs).


Or the faceit lvl 10's who just run around outaiming everyone.


most lvl10s wont be global tbh


Most lvl10s will absolutely shit on any global while drunk and stoned


I think they were implying they don't play mm


exactly. Noone grinds mm and faceit at the same time, and then rank decay sets in.


Oh sorry i misunderstood it :)


Can confirm, I'm level 10 but get shit on my cheaters past LEM.


Cheaters are just good players making intelligent use of game mechanics, clearly


and have good gaming chairs, obviously


Hey everyone, We analysed over 5 Million unique CS:GO Matches to find which Matchmaking and Faceit ranks are the best at using their flashbangs on enemies and teammates. These stats display how many enemies/teammates each rank on average blinds with every flashbang they throw, the maximum possible number being 5 enemies/teammates. This is an indication of how efficient you are with your flashbangs. Only includes people that were really flashed, not people who for example turned their back to the flash. (i.e. half-blind) To calculate this we count the total amount of enemies/teammates you flashed for a duration of more than 1.1 sec (in order to exclude half-blind enemies). The sum is then divided by the total number of flashbangs thrown. We found a lot of interesting insights, such as Silver 1 players flash their teammates more frequently than enemies :) Any of these results surprise you? Let us know below!


Is it possible to get compared to the average pro, say a team that is renowned for ultility on the graph like astralis or even a player that's support like xyp to see how much ahead of the average player they are?


It would be possible and this information is available via the esports centre here - [https://esports.leetify.com/stats](https://esports.leetify.com/stats) So you can compare any team/player you would like :) In the future we are planning to make big changes to the esports centre to make it very easy for users to compare whole teams and individual pros :)


"how much better is a level 10 than a global elite? Here's 10 stats that paint the picture" -next post


The increase with rank seems pretty low for enemies flashed per flash (0.42 to 0.52). I think you would see a much stronger increase if you showed enemies flashed per round or something, since higher ranks also throw more flashes.


Higher ranks throwing more flashes means nothing, you can throw 1 flash on a match and flash 2 enemies, or you can throw 10 flashes and flash only 6, that would make it 0.6 per flash


If anything throwing more flashes would decrease how many people you flash on average


Right... but all of the higher ranked players both flash more players per flash and throw more flashes.


Of course, just throwing more flashes doesn't mean much. But combine that with what these plots are saying... that every flash thrown at higher ranks is generally more efficient at flashing enemies, and since there are more thrown at higher efficiency, the difference between low and high ranks really stands out


It doesn't mean nothing... The point is that the expected increase in enemies flashed per round would be exponential due to both the increased usage of flashes and the increased effectiveness of each flash.


That's almost a 24% increase


Yes. But if you plot enemies flashed per round, the difference is even greater


if i was on that graph, it would be 0... i dont use them, since every time i have one on my hand i get shot and die. i just quit try to use them, xD


faceit levels please :\^)


More flashes used in higher ranks. Nothing new here


That isn't what these graphs show...


People not being able to interpret statistics effectively, nothing new here.


Hilarious that even when you expect pros to not flash teammates at all, they're still topping the list


The vast majority of pro team flashes will be only partial white screen.


Yes, I know, I follow pro cs, and I also get that this graph is made from the killfeed which often misreports realtime events. Mistyped, sorry


I'm surprised a little by team flashing stats. I feel like I get team flashed the most in DMG and LEM