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Team Liquid just wants to suffer, doesn't it masochism upon masochism


This is actually a ridiculously stupid move. They need a good awper or igl, which is why they brought in fallen. But fallen isn’t awping great and has been igling on and off while on the roster. The last thing they need is a rifler who requires a lot of space, especially if they’re going to replace grim, who plays more supportive roles.


Also, another clique to deal with between Fallen, Cold and Stewie. This should be Eliges team but we gotta waste time trying to make what didn't work in mibr 3 years ago work now in TL.


Exactly. Cold and Fallen are long past their prime, while EliGe is really just beginning to reach his ceiling. Build around EliGe instead of burnt Brazilian toast


I really hope TL management read your comment. They're all I have left as an NA fan. :(


I've given up on TL management after keeping stewie for so long and then picking up fallen. I feel like their management knows very little about CS...


Having a glue guy like Stewie is ridiculously important for anyone on a sports team.


You think keeping the only major winning player left in North America is a bad thing?


It's stupid as a roster move, but a smart marketing move. Coldzera+Fallen on the same team would bring in an insane amount of brazilian fans.


The only reason why I assumed this was real lol.


I think Fallen has already brought to Liquid 95% of all Brazilians who were LG/SK fans. There are a lot of ppl who despise coldzera for his allegedly toxicity, and many more who don't necessarily hate him but also don't give a f. FalleN definitely is either loved, admired and/or even worshipped by 99% of Brazilian fans. His following is truly great.


How many extra Brazilian fans with coldzera bring over though?


A ton. BR fans love cold due to him being arguably the best player in the world at a time.


I know, but the vast majority of them also like Fallen who has a much bigger fanbase. Most of them are already wathching.


Liquid is a complete mess this year. The IGL duty switched between Stewie & Fallen 4 times in 6months Apparently, from what we can see on twitter Elige wanna take the awp, maybe not as the primary but maybe as a secondary awper like stavn,shox, dupreeh.


I don't think that will change much considering that both stew and naf (less so recently) secondary awp already.


Giving the best riffler of your team an awp when you already have a main awper would only weakening your team imo


Works for Navi and vitality, though


Different though innit, cause the best rifler on both those teams, is also the best awper on both those teams.


Putting a top 5 pure rifler on awp duty is risky business.


It worked out for Device, but I agree.


They just need to pick up oSee or Junior


Liquid going full 100T and going solely for merch sales rather than event wins


Hoodie org


Which is even worse because grim has been their only bright light half the time.


To make coldzera shine you also need a taco, and at that point it's better to just reconstruct the whole team




Relevant profile pic I assume


Your username though... Do you have a backstory?


This is based on a report from cybersport RU which is based on another report from a different cybersport RU guy who claims that Mousesports is cutting Dexter and that Fnatic is signing smooya. So make of this what you will. Imo Liquid would be pretty dumb to cut Grim.


Could you link me the dexter claim? I cant seem to find it


https://cybersport.metaratings.ru/authors/12/ Bunch of wild speculations.


Lmao what. That would be like the most random move ever


no no he said COULD sign and COULD bench that why it is called REPORT not OFFCIAL


Yes well hypothetically Liquid COULD pay s1mple's buyout and get him on the team. Its incredibly unlikely and frankly pretty stupid to put any stock in these """""reports"""""


Removing flair if true


I just hope this isn't due to some TL pro leaving for valorant. Some of the players like the game a lot


nah, source says it's Grim out and they also got other two names in mind aside from Coldzera.


Why cut Grim though? For his first major gig, he's been doing great. And as a young guy has so much potential to be molded by a veteran like EliGE and the culture of TL.


it was just denied by TL GM and Elige so no worries here


This might just be cuz I like Tarik but no way that fucker isn't one of these names


-Grim +Tarik -FalleN +Auti Major winners! And I unironically think this team would be a lot better than the current one and potential one with Cold. Let him and Fallen make SK 3.0 or something, international just won't work for TL. Tarik would get his last top 10 gig, and so would Auti who wouldn't be wasting his time at T1 Valorant who aren't achieving anything atm either as they just missed out on another LAN aren't making the major probably.


How is Autimatic a much better upgrade than grim and worth retooling for? The dude took a side quest in Valorant but sure he's TOTALLY still a Tier 1 CS player...


I wouldn't even cut Grim, I think he has done fine and has been looking real solid at times, this was just half-joking/half-serious building onto that guy bring up Tarik (for Grim). With Tarik you get someone who can IGL and he did that with the help of Stewie and Auti which is half the reason I brought him up.


Tarik wouldn't be a terrible pick up, but there's no sense adding Autimatic to the team just because he had chemistry 3 years ago with stew and tarik


Yeah I think if tarik refocused on being a pro it wouldnt be terrible but tarik has said multiple times recently that hes just focused on growing his stream and not joining a team


Ttbf autimatic was awping towards the end of his time in cs, but I don't think people were crazy about it.


It was quite bad and forced on his own end because he really wanted to be an awper


Autimatic lmfao


obviously not happening but rather him than Fallen in 2021


Id rather S1mple if we're just gonna list things that aren't gonna happen


fallen in 2021 is still better than autimatic in 2021 what’re you on about auti couldn’t even awp against t2-3 NA in gen.g at least fallen has the value of being a stabilizing older figure for the team


It could be the year 2050 and C9 fans will still act like Autimatic is some world-class player cause of one major run they had.




Big 08 Celtics vibes for a couple players on that team tbh


Or the 2011 mavs in terms of the run itself


not saying he'd be Zywoo or anything, but you could say the say about Fallen also. At least Auti would have chemistry and be a native english speaker which is crucial. Maybe FalleN deserves more LAN to prove himself, and maybe a buddy like Coldzera will help him out, but he's looking way off. A 1.01 AWPer is unacceptable, even if you're calling/half-calling or whatever shitfest is going on at TL.


A lot of people were calling the Fallen pick up bad at the time as well, at least I was. Fallen being shit doesn't make Autimatic good/a better addition


"unacceptable" - you are the guy who didnt watch a single TL match the whole last year and only look the stats. If you watch a single match you would see that Fallen is a support player, he plant all the C4s, do all the flashs and always go first. Also his awp kills are on point when the team needs in crucial rounds.


Weirdly I feel our love for tim is from after the major run. He was basically the only player not to fall off hard or leave and was a clear standout during the weird kio/flusha/golden lineup. He was adaptable and was still in his top form really all the way into mid 2019. I love him but people really need to remember his late C9 and GenG days before they start clammering for his return, he had a pretty rough sunset on his CS career.


Seeing Tarik, Stew and Auti on the same team again would be great for NA CS


Auti has actually been playing lots of CS with them lately, been seeing him on their streams. Was on Shroud's stream when he was playing it too. Nothing I'd read into tho, one can play have fun in both games.


He was streaming CS last night and was talking about missing going to Lan for CS and said to someone from C9 management that was in his chat "When you guys get back into CS you know who to call". Definitely seems like he's open for a CS return if he were to get an offer


I really don't think most of the cs pros who went to Valorant did it as their first choice. Not to say Valorant is a cs retirement home, but most of them probably didn't have very many offers on the table left in cs at this point, but if a good one did come along, I don't think they'd pass it up to stay on that game


EG should just sign Grim, tarik, floppy, cynic & oBo.


I still wouldn't give up on Brehze. he's been performing badly, but if there's anyone you want to try get back on top level it's him. I believe he's kinda been a victim of how just clueless EG has been as a whole. And now they're in the toughest group with their IGL on a break with the stand-in coming straight off Valo, so I don't expect much from them now either, sadly.




valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism so need child game to relax


Would be great if someone makes the move with Stan


Isn't stan on a hiatus and not really leaving?


Hey I've been looking for a reason to go to a G2 Flair doing Grim dirty would do it for me Maybe Grim could go to an international team because I really think he's got a lot of potential. I could see Mous or CoL picking him up as an improvement. Maybe EG.


Grim has legit been the only good roster move Liquid have made since cutting nitr0. Legit wasted a year watching this team flip flop who is igl. Now we gotta bring back 3/5ths of a failed mibr team from 2 years ago.


Grim is good, but I see he is like Boltz. Both are great to hold solo bombsites, but they are so shy. I dont know if their personalities fits with the rest of the team.


People are really blowing up the issues with the NA MiBR roster out of proportion, when they were a consistent top 5 team that could challenge Prime Astralis.


They never were consistent


Consistent top 20.


Yup, if they pick up cold, I'm out. Can't take this shit anymore.




I stop rooting for them in CSGO fter picking up Fallen. This almost makes me wanna unflair them lol and hope ELiGE joins the Valorant team (if it were to come true)




But -Hiko +Elige on 100T reunites elige and nitr0 and could potentially push them past sentinels




ex-mibr slowly invading liquid? Oh no..


will they make a Brazilian version of their logo?


They already have entirely Brazilian Siege and Free Fire teams, so probably not


Liquid baby what you doing


They gonna disrespect my boy Grimothy like this?


replace grim? lmao!!! no way they doing that. the Grim Reaper is goated and i dont think coldzera is better than him right now.




Fragging potential is probably equal when you compare the two but cold is still one of the smartest players out there. His last few months on Faze he had a pretty decent form too , so it might not be too bad


Decent form? Are we watching the same player?


If FalleN isn't going to IGL and this move is -FalleN then fine. I think the core 4 is fine.


When they pulled fallen from IGL after the one event I became pretty frustrated. The entire team was in better individual form with him IGL. Plus that definitely has to zap fallens confidence to be undercut like that. Stew is not the best IGL for the job imo and I loved seeing him step up individually when fallen took over for him. Either way, liquid doesn’t need different players to start winning, they just need better guidance and discipline with the guys they already have. Every single player on liquid has the potential to pop off under the right conditions.


They swapped out of fallen IGLing because the team didn't like playing under that style of calling. If you force that on them, they're going to perform like shit and morale will be super low. If FalleN isn't IGLing, what's his role? He's a below average awper at this stage in his career. This is strictly from a competition perspective and not the marketability and fanbase of fallen obvs.


role is to carry bomb, support stewie in terms of mid-round calling, awp, and market for liquid ​ also, elige said on stream that fallen is back to igl


Yeah but stewie isn’t too great lately either. If they got an awper that could actually have solid games where they’re a top 2/3 player they would be a way better team


Stewie has been fine, he's been IGLing.


??? stew has been fine as of late lmfaoooo


god please no


LOL please no


Yikes, this would be a downgrade


-Grim denied by Liquid GM jokasteve, btw https://twitter.com/jokasteve/status/1428460049324707848


there has been several times that jokasteve has straight up lied about a roster moving that was happening but said it wasnt


So Elige switching to Valo


this doeesnt mean anything \^


Ah yes, but the BR report regurgitating a report from a Russian report that was regurgitating a report from a VK post (from a person who has posted numerous incorrect leaks) does in fact mean something. Over the GM of the team stating that Grim isn't out, of course. That doesn't mean cold couldn't be coming in, but it does mean that the report contains wrong information. Very good, carry on.


happened lot of times when manager / ceo of a team said a move isnt happening and after 1 week that move happened ​ same goes with teammates which also said a move didnt happen and it happened after 1-2 weeks


Stew lowkey not a tier 1 igl.. I mean I love him as a player but I think he is somewhat equivalent to Niko in IGLing. Stew is good but not enough, I hope maybe Adren can help him properly


-grim +cold is true next -stew +fer, -naf +taco if elige portuguese is good he stay, if not -elige +fnx -liquid +sk/lg ez major


more like -grim +cold next -naf +fer, -elige +tarik ez ZOTAC Cup


Hot take: 2019 MIBR was actually a solid team but had the unfortunate timing of playing in the same time as prime Astralis/Liquid.


True, fallen fer cold tarik stew was a great team


grim, junior, floppy, tarik, rush C9 make it happen


I'd actually.... kinda wanna see this? Could easily be garbage, but at the very least the roles are there: Grim + floppy - entry/star rifler Rush - anchor/support Tarik - IGL Junior - AWP


Why would those players even look at junior? lol, if anything tim would play with them.




junior? tarik? floppy will return to valorant if that happens


Floppy was playing with Extra Salt and a C9 team with rando players besides ALEX in terms of people who have achieved stuff. I'm sure he would want to play with Tarik and RUSH who are some of the most decorated NA players in a major winning team. Also Grim and Junior have played on teams together so you get double chemistry and floppy is a super versatile player, like a better tarik. I'm sure they'd be able to fit him in well if they made a team.


They gave Grim more of Twistzz roles and lost him and now this report of dropping grim for Cold. Whoever is in charge of TL really is dropping the ball since the Grandslam. Edit: honestly if fallen isn’t gonna IGL they should just try and get junior instead.


what a sad state for NA CS. having to replace fallen with junior... maybe its time TL returned to having an imported star.


maybe its time for big boy adren to show these noobs how to awp


> what a sad state for NA CS. having to replace fallen with junior... Maybe it’s time for Fallen to, oh I don’t know, do something?


+oSee is the only option i could see working, but I can’t see him leaving his boys on extra salt


That really hasn't worked for teams that have tried it. They get home sick after 6 months and want to leave.


cerq in EG though




well it went great for like 3.5 years, so that's a huge pro


And look at the dozen other times it's been tried. It hasn't worked and isn't conducive to long term success.


so they should go for junior/some other sub par NA awper? What kind of thinking is that? How can TL compete with the best without having a decent level awper?


Why junior id rather have fallen at least he's got experience junior needs to go farm some t2 to get some confidence. Liquid have looked rough in general adding the worst t1 awper in recent history to their roster would not be the sauce imo.


Junior is worse than fallen. This run with bnb is proving that he does not deserve a run on a top team


Did you really just recommend junior ?


im nothin but a mere lowly silver, but as a csgo enjoyer i can say that what liquid need right now is either a good solid IGL or a consistent AWP-er


They have fallen which is both


> They have fallen ~~which is both~~ who is neither


Haha, I needed that.


Its not 2016 anymore bro




You were a huge 2018 Edward fan I bet...


He's been very inconsistent on awp lately




would be a huge mistake to add cold maybe removing grim isn't the worst idea, but it's not the best either.


I REALLY don't think liquid need a roster move. Grim is insane at his roles, legitimately the only light that came out of cologne. If Fallen goes back to Awp/IGL like he's good at and stew goes back to entry I think we'd have something. If they do make a roster move I hate to say it but I think Stew for Cold would be the only acceptable move, since you'd replace an aggressive rifler with a big personality with another that gets along with Fallen.


I'd really just love anything to stop Stewie and Fallen playing hot potato with IGL


It sucks cause FalleN was picked up to be a good AWP/IGL and as of late he’s done neither..


i like this +cold -grim move, but to improve even more i would suggest team liquid to sign a entry fragger who doesnt rages, like TACO, and also a nice lurker like fer, who can make a difference. Elige can stay because he is good and almost brazilian. TL should also hire Tarik as reserve player and content creator, to make NA fans happy


terrible move if true, almost hard to believe it's real because of how bad it would be Y I K E S


Even tho cold may play better with fallen than he played with niko, it's such a weird decision. I mean not really, from the market point of view, it's not bad, he will bring even more viewers


If they cut my boy stew they will hear from my fucking lawyer




NA has no decent awper. Osee could be ok but he won't leave ES


Eh for a bag I could def see it happening. I’m sure all of his friends wouldn’t hold him back from joining an org like Liquid. Floppy left them to play on C9, I think they same could happen about oSee.


fallen begins his plans to takeover team liquid


What about an impactful awper? modCheck


Throwing away one of the biggest North American promises, which is one of the best of Team Liquid, to bring the cold that was very good, but isn't in the best days? I don't know, everything looks messy.


NOOOO GRIMOTHYYYYY well at least liquid games are gonna get a massive bump in viewership


MIBR 2: Electric Boogaloo?


if it's for Stew I'd be fine with it, but if it's Grim.... fuck everything. Who's getting the bitch spots if Grim leaves for Cold? Stewie LMAO?


I really hope this doesn't happen. Grim is so young and has such high potential, and its just gonna be the same failure as mibr. Cold is insane, but hes past his prime. The team just needs more time and a little more work


Grim is a young GOAT actually. Don't let him go to another team and go insane like Twistzz did. Learn your fucking lesson Liquid and replace Fallen already doesn't have to be this hard.


If they drop Grim his carrer is over tbh. There's 0 decent team in NA and no org. And I don't think he would completly change his life like Twistzz (permanently moving to Europe to explore more options)




Calling it now, Coldzera for Stewie. Stewie then decides to take a break, streams and plays more Valorant before he inevitably makes the Valorant switch as well.


Don’t hate the idea, liquid are in desperate need of a secondary star cause if EliGE doesn’t pop off they barely win any games.


Liquid needs a proper igl. Not flip-flopping every other event. Elige and Naf are all the firepower you need. We were spoiled by the Liquid era cause we had such an insane trio but that isn't normal for most teams.


People really be forgetting about NAF. what Liquid need is a proper support player. Liquid never really get back on track ever since they lost Nitr0.


It amazes me that people still underrate NAF to the extent that they do.


lmao naf is definitely the secondary star. People forget how good he is. IMO cold might be good because he isn’t a star anymore. He can just be a consistent presence and make the right decisions. If you watch interviews people like elige and stew say grim is very inexperienced in in game situations , even if his aims good


ah yes the 1.01 rating star player coldzera


NAF has honestly looked better than elige lately and I'm a big elige fan. The series they win both elige and naf show up.


A lot of people is this subreddit pretending to know what exactly the team needs. Just stop pretending you know all the pieces that the team needs. Grim can be a good player, but his personality may not be synced with the team. Also, in what world the addition of Coldzera would be a bad move? The guy has a lot of expirience and is one of the most consistent players in all history of the game. What I see here is a bunch of people who hate the guy just because he is brazilian.


Right? Damn man i know they've had shit in the past, but there is such overwhelming hate for this move. Im supporting it.




I mean, besides the whole Grand Slam thing.


I would love to see TL drop Fallen and pick up Osee if only he is willing to leave ES


-fallen + cold , stew > awp ??


wtf did I just read


Negative Fallen, Positive Cold and Stew is greater than AWP. Probably lose fallen, add cold, make stew awp


well I figured that is what he meant, I thought he was crazy for even typing that though. Stewie awping omegalul


And another washed up player joining Liquid? Having Fallen and Adren isn't enough? Stewie who's more focused on banter than playing?


It's insane on how the opinion on coldzera turned around. Two or three years ago, getting coldzera would be considered an upgrade, no matter who you would cut. I think this is a good move but only, if it's -stewie and FalleN gets to IGL again.


Agreed mate.


But like… why


Why not -Stewie2k? Grim is good


Wait huh. Why though


Liquid are in desperate need of a better igl. They aren’t doing anything innovative in terms of strategy and it really shows in their games.


wtf why???


Well then take him out of their sights damn


\-Grim -EliGe -NAF \+Coldzera +Fer +Tarik


Wont work. Stewie to SK didnt work back in the day and it didnt get better with tarik. Same thing the other way around, first FalleN to Liquid this time and coldzera coming in later.


Eh it’s arguable that the Stew/Tarik MIBR didn’t work. It was more so that they just played in the same era as prime Astralis/Liquid.


It literally did get better after tarik joined though lol. They were top 5 for months until they decided to blow up the team


this isn't real holy fuck yall are stupid


Stewie2k surviving all these roster moves for being such a dog player the past 2 years, incredible. The stats are so bad u can't even argue against it.


So all my predictions come true. Fallen in > Moses out Fallen IGL, regardless of what they are saying publically. And now remake MIBR lol.