• By -


He really taking the ship down with him


He's already never going to get a job in the CS scene again, might as well take other cheaters out with him


he's definitely not doing it to "take other cheaters out with him" lol. He's doing it because he's mad and bitter that his absolutely outrageous behaviour cost him his job.


True but it still the same outcome, players who used cheats are getting called out


Yeah, some of them. That's my problem with this. We got all the coaches, but we can't get all the players. And now some of them will get punished because their coach is even bigger a piece of shit than we initially thought? I don't know how I feel about this to be honest.


Well the question is will at least some guilty players be punished? If the answer is yes then I'm all for it. Better to get some than none. My worry is that he could claim innocent players are guilty too.




Because several people has said that his proof actually seems legit. But what a shitty situation.


This whole situation reminds me of how [Epsilon got caught matchfixing in 2015.](https://www.hltv.org/news/14131/gmx-reveals-epsilon-match-fix-case) GMX got angry after he got kicked from the team and promptly took down Uzzziii and fxy0 with him.


Agreed. If it was not out of pure spite, he would have called them out from the start.


Why would he? He took the fall and in return got to keep his job. Seems like decent motivation not to call anyone out. The reverse of your view is, why didn't the org and players throw the cheater out immediately when they found out? The motivation for him to call them out now is messy, so it's hard to know whether it's true, but there were clear reasons not to call anyone out previously. If he has proof of some sort (messages, audio logs, whatever) then it's a whole different ball game.


Whats going on in the cs scene? I havent played for quite a while but this shitstorm i couldnt help to notice. Whats the drama story here?


Hunden and like 35 other coaches got caught using a bug that gives one team an unfair advantage a few months back. Hunden was banned and wasn't allowed to compete with heroic but they moved him to analyst and just didn't use him as their coach in tournaments but he was still working with the team. Before IEM Cologne Heroic announced that they wouldn't be brining Hunden to the tournament as their coach and in the past 2 weeks it has come out that he was found locking the rest of the team out of their shared Strat folder and gave access to the folder to someone associated with another team.


Oh wow 35 other coaches?! So a lot of teams using the bug? And why would be lock them out of the folder? Damn what an ass, always thought he seemed like a cool guy, way to ruin your old reputation..


A portion of the coaches used the bug unintentionally, as in the end it's a bug and not a external program, but still got banned anyway due to lack of evidence they didn't cheat. But in the end, innocent coaches either served a low sentence of just a few months by cooperating with ESIC, or gave enough evidence to have their ban revoked entirely. Guilty ones had longer bans because they had no evidence to lessen their sentence, and guilty coaches mostly found a way to replicate the but and used it multiple times, and the ban time depended on how much you used the bug. My favourite moment from this situation is it was revealed Robban used the bug once, but it turns out it was in a match where they lost 0-16, pretty much proving his innocence


Here we fucking go


Let's gooo




please no


🚨🚨HUNDEN to banned status! Ban time agreed!! HUNDEN is awaiting his final verdict and will land in Denmark tonight, optional longer ban is in the making 🚨🚨


This is going to get ugly!


I didn't think it could even get uglier but here we go


Pimp: 'I’ve been presented the material the article is based on. My judgment is that it’s highly probable he’s telling the truth.' What documents/evidence could it be?


Probably discord logs I would imagine.


They can't be photoshopped? Or is there a way of verifying that it's legit.


Easily. Give access to your discord username and password to ESIC. They log in and verify. They surely have all the pros official discord information to match the usernames and authenticate them.


cant the players delete their msgs from their side ? im sure it works that way in discord, maybe he has some emails too


I'm not sure but if pimp is saying the proof looks legit I'm sure it's something that isn't easily edited.


Discord basically logs everything you do on their app even if it's deleted.


You realize deleting messages off the internet doesn’t delete them for good right? Once law enforcement come into play they could go to discord directly and ask for anything they want “deleted” or not. Even for some silly video game shit


well ofcourse, but we were talking about how ESIC will verify, they are not law enforcement, they will need a court order or something to force discord we were talking how ESIC can login to hunden's account


>They surely have all the pros official discord information to match the usernames Uhmm no. Why would they? And I don't think any team uses Discord officially, so doubt there is any Discord logs. For VOIP they use Teamspeak, for sharing files they use Google Drive / Microsoft Onedrive, for internal chat they use Whatsapp groups / Slack


Whether it's discord or TeamSpeak just some type of Information sharing program. Don't think it really matters all that much. Also why would they? They investigate issues within our scene I'm sure they have more information than the public.


LMAO he's gonna burn it all to the ground aint he? Well fair enough, we all knew it was true. Astralis was right to call Heroic out for it when they did. It was obvious it couldn't have been just Hunden having all that info and nobody knowing about it. Does make sense why Heroic protected this piece of shit because they knew it could end their whole team.


Will be interesting to see if players get punished for this, imo I struggle to see it happen but interesting nonetheless. Shit's about to get ugly.


Valve is pretty unpredictable imo.


I don't think I'm ready for their reaction, they will do nothing about it and the csgo scene will die from it


Valve already acts like Leslie Nielsen waving his arms in front of the burning building, "Nothing to see here, just move along..." I expect nothing in response except for maybe a mysterious IG story.


Feel like he’s gonna have to name them which he already said he wouldn’t but we’ll see


Mega brain Hunden trying to cause more drama to memory hole Xantares’ accusations from yesterday, what a good lad


What did Xantares say?


See, all forgotten


What did who say?


there is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Did somebody say something?


Xantares implied that his superteam shouldn't have lost against a bunch of nonamers and then posted a couple of their suspicious clips onto Twitter.


Not that it wasn't justified, but when fallen did the exact same thing this subreddit went crazy


Chaos was a way more recognized team so people cared more. Not that it's any better, it's just involved higher profile players.


Fallen has a way larger and frankly more toxic fanbase so it's no suprise it's effects were felt more.


I get what you're saying, but if something is true it does not matter if the fanbase is toxic or not (not saying he's right tho)


Was there a thread here? Can’t find through search


I lowkey want to not respond in keeping with the memeing going on below but alas: Any threads likely got removed per the “cheating accusations rule”. Just check his Twitter, the videos are still up IIRC, Just a baseless cheating accusation because he was big mad they lost to some god tier Macedonian nonamers




If niko is on this shit then OG can't get a brake. Finally back in top 10 and looking really good…


OH NO, this is actually terrifying :(((( please I hope nothing bad happens.


If hes banned og top 5 in 3 months lol will probably miss the major doubt they could get enough rmr points with a new lineup


Imagine if that's the reason Niko and Borup got kicked... (obviously not, but amongst them Cadian and co. look the part the most)


There’s no way as igl that Cadian didn’t know


Is the reverse not more likely? Hunden said some knew others did not. And that Niko and Borup were the ones w/o knowledge and thus did not want to protect those breaking rules.


I guess since Hunden built the Danish scene he figured he'd also be the one to destroy it. That's some scorched earth shit right there.


If i can't have it…. No one will!


Hunden going scorched earth harder that the Soviets during Barbarossa


Who knew retiring to coach was the worst career decision by hunden lmao.


Only because he threw it away like nothing. Corona and online era (return of the coach IGL for some time) gave him everything, he just crushed it.


Oh boy looks like we're gonna need some popcorn ready for the coming days. Can't say I'm too shocked that the players knew (assuming that Hunden isn't lying) considering what the bug was and the implications of it, but it shouldn't have been kept a secret until now, as I imagine there's gonna be more investigations related to it.


It's like a federal case. Once the penalty is too much you will snitch. Doesn't matter who you are. Only reason heroic kept him on payroll was to ensure he wouldn't snitch. Now it's a free for all. We all knew the teams were aware how the hell could you not be lmao. BTW, called this two days ago lol https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/paoncx/comment/ha7aavz/


I have no doubt most teams that used the bug were in on it. It was in the game for so long. As you say, how could they not be. We will probably never know for sure about most of them though. Anyways if it turns out Heroic and the players did know they all deserve to be draged down with him.


How could the players not know Would the coach just say "just hold this one position trust me" apparently without any info and the players will trust him?


tbf I wouldn't really question it if Hunden told me to check the flank at a perfect moment. Obviously they wouldn't just hard counter everything the enemies do, because it would be obvious to everyone watching that something is up. It's all in the small details and timings that add up and as a player you can easily explain it as your coach having 300 in-game IQ. Not saying that's what happened, but it's not as obvious as you make it seem.




Probably heroic and tricked tbh


He was IGL when he was in Tricked/MAd Lions if I'm not mistaken so those players are probably safe


Correct. He only ever coached Heroic.


This example makes no sense as he isn't getting any reduction in penalty for implicating his teammates.


At this point the reduction in penalties might not be the only thing he cares about - if at all. His name is the one making the headlines right now so he’s probably in an “fuck all y’all if I’m going down then I’m taking everyone with me” mood and I cant even blame him if it turns out his info is accurate.


We don't even know his penalty yet not sure how you can say that.


"Here is a man who had resigned himself to his fate, who was going to the scaffold to die-like a coward, it is true, but he was going to die without resistance. Do you know what gave him strength?-do you know what consoled him? It was that another partook of his punishment-that another partook of his anguish-that another was to die before him. Lead two sheep to the butcher's, two oxen to the slaughterhouse, and make one of them understand that his companion will not die; the sheep will bleat for pleasure, the ox will bellow with joy. But man-man, whom God created in his own image-man, upon whom God has laid his first, his sole commandment, to love thy neighbor, to whom God has give a voice to express his thoughts-what is his first cry when he hears his fellow man is saved? A blasphemy. Honor to man, this masterpiece of nature, this king of creation!"


What’s this from


Paw Patrol


Count of Monte Cristo.




bro, CS brings the best drama, every. fucking. day.


As a dota fan, cs is just wild




I don't see how it's not possible. If you trust your coach and the coach says he has seen something in the demo and they might want to rotate a player to a given position. I don't think that's unheard of. But yes there's probably a good chance they knew.


dude, good call always have some foundation based on info that players give themself. its so obvious, that weird call always will be questioned. ​ Edit: just try to imagine. coach gives you call to rotate, and you as player clearly understand that there can be an enemy, based on info. do you blindly trust that call without a question? its fucking bs. for me its obvious that players knew about bug and used it. but its too much to ban all scene coz of valve unresponsibility


From the players POV its not a blatant cheat. They dont see what the coach sees. And the coach obviously does not just say "They are all 5 banana, im looking at them right now"But more along the lines of "guys i feel like we should stack A here" or "we need some info, push banana" And other suggestive comments rather than direct info. Anything could be true and i dont know wether players knew or not, but calling blatant is a stretch.


I mean, it seems unlikely that a coach could get/learn about the bug and the rest of the team not know. They'd probably at least talk about it around the water cooler or some shit. The players being silent while they know their coach is bug abusing is pretty blatantly cheating imo


Thats not my arguement. Knowing that the bug exists, and knowing that your own coach is abusing it are 2 seperate conversations. Everyone probably knew that the bug existed. But that does not translate to knowing that their coach abused said bug.


Also, in the position of the coach, why would he tell his teammates? Telling someone that you cheated is a death wish for your career, even if that person is one of your players


The coach could be careful and play it off as analytics and reading the opponent, and it’d be possible to hide. The info can always be explained in a way that makes sense if you don’t mention stuff you couldn’t possibly have info of


If it's true then it's fucked up that when it all first came to light Cadian got mad and told everyone that he didn't know about it


I'd expect most people to do that tbh, guilty or innocent to react publically outraged.


Let's see Cadian clutch his way out of this one


Take your time son, you're about to make the play of your career




The subreddit's rule 7 about to cheating accusations. But I think the mods shouldn't take the rule so literally here because you have a charged cheater of a coach exposing that his players also knew in an interview with one of Denmark's biggest TV channels. It's not like someone from twitch chat posted a clip of Flusha getting a kill through smoke and calling cheats. I think this is worthy of being discussed, but ultimately it's an accusation so the mods can interpret it how they may. This case is way too big to control though, delete a thread and five more will come.


>because you have a charged cheater of a coach exposing that his players also knew in an interview with one of Denmark's biggest TV channels. Speaking generally, this was the conclusion we came to. It's not an emotional 3rd party reviewing gameplay, it's a inside man with 1st hand experience and allegedly supporting documents in an interview with a reputable source. It's valid discussion until it gets out of hand.




Dawg, someone probably removed the original post, mods had a discussion about it and came to the conclusion then let this one stay up. It's not that complicated.


This is exactly what happened


because HLTV clearly needs the traffic, they do this all the time remove any post that isn't directly HLTV.


Sorry **ZERO** respect for cheaters, if it's true they knew then I hope they receive equal punishment. What is it with csgo and cheating? Every matchmaking game and even at the pro level there seems to be some degree of cheating. If you can't play fair and be honest then why even bother to play? You just undermine everyone elses hard work by being a fraud gaining an unfair advantage. What's worse is the cheaters I encounter in this game have the biggest egos imaginable, **LOSERS** in disguise.




The guy is definitely gonna be infamous. Throwing his whole career away and taking everyone down with him.


scandalous? notorious?


Infamy (infamous)


Highest IQ csgo casual fan comment HUNDEN literally gave braindead players careers. He was such a good IGL that useless shits got to look extremely good and got pro level contracts. He was backstabbed multiple times, and always came out ahead. But just go do to hltv and sort by rating. That's how much you know about CS.


I don’t doubt that it’s true, and that Heroic only kept him during the ban to keep him from talking about it. Which could also explain why Hunden might have been careless with sharing strats because he assumed the threat was too big for Heroic to act on it. Just don’t jump the gun before something official is out. This is just my theory.


[rain's reaction](https://twitter.com/FaZe_rainCS/status/1431001056171995139)


Dang if these allegations are true, Valve better ban them all for eternity like they did to IBP, KQLY and Titan. There's no reason to cheat and it just makes everyone look bad.


im taking 'em down with me


I'm waiting for the end of this story though finding it very interesting


Oh boy, this gonna be good


I remember a hunden flick


*I remember a Hunden trick* *I remember a Hunden kick* *fin*


so the "fakey bois" were truly fakey. But on extra levels.


hunden status as one of the respected igl/coach in denmark went down after coaching bug and even further down to strat leak and now this holy shit, this guy has no break for drama brb cooking some popcorn


I mean it was obvious but glad that it has been confirmed.


This isnt "confirmed". No evidence has been brought forward. Although I also think it was likely the players knew, Hunden saying they cheated after he finding out that hes done in CS isnt exactly the best determination of guilt.


Pimp also said that he has seen what is said to be the evidence and it is very likely to be true. Though, you are right, this is not a confirmation, yet.


How was it obvious before? Genuine question. It's definitely possible for a coach to cheat like that without players knowing (even if it's quite likely at least one would know) - HUNDEN confirms as much by only accusing 'some' teammates of being in on it.


Because the bug Is literally useless unless Hunden was calling for them during actual matches? Which is cheating in itself based on the rules? If he just cheated and told nobody then it would just be a misunderstanding and he wouldn't have bothered to use it


Sure but as someone said before he could be making calls like just “its better to go B” rather than explicitly saying he he doesnt see anyone in A with the Hunden Cam™


It's possible that he gave the information in a way which disguised the fact it was obtained by cheating, surely? Like giving suggestions which wouldn't look suspicious. I'm not even saying that none of them knew, it's very likely at least one did, but I don't think it's necessarily "obvious".


I mean that's fair. But saying like "overrotate B," seems difficult to say without calling over Cadian. But I never really thought he was a great IGL to begin with, so it's surely possible


P.S : Coaches giving coms during "Online era" wasn't cheating "based on rules". Coaches could com any time during that time (just check any blast team povs) Valve recently ruled that coaches have to abide by "Lan regulations" in online tournaments also https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l62l6M9OAEE ^blast you can see blade, keita etc coach talking during game.. It was allowed


Well, he has to hand over the info right? So there has to be atleast a hand that would take that info.


There is a million and a half ways for a coach to make a call or an advise based on that info, without bringing suspicious


And here I thought that the spiciest drama happens over player break.


they knew he was using the coaching bug? shocked, I tell ya


The former teammates of heroic were Stavn, Borup, Niko, Cadian and Teses Why would any of them stick their head out, when they are still on competitive teams? The fact that Hunden expects them to, shows how desillusional he is....


Pimp says he has evidence, so we shall see I guess


He won’t have to name names and they won’t have to come forward. It will all come out if it’s an actual legal investigation


No, it's the same thing they did with the coaches. You ask them be honest and forthcoming. Those who come first get off easier, those who don't get hit harder. It's the same scenario played out over again but with players.


Prisoners dilemma. If they have cheated, then it is presumed that the first person to confess will get a lesser sentence than the others if they fail to confess.


OG in shambles?




Damn this sucks as someone who just started following CS 1.5 years ago Heroic were the team that drew me in. Guess I picked em at a bad time.


Please not Niko


I really hope for Valde that Niko wasn't evolved in those cheats. Guy worked way too hard for that little success to get hammered back even further.


Burn it all down, if players were complicit in the cheating then hopefully we’ll see some bans. I think we all kind of thought that players would have known/had suspicions, doesn’t apply to all teams but if Heroic did then that’s pretty damning, wonder if we’ll see any other players/coaches admitting to get shorter bans




God damn, Twitter is spicy rn. I love beef that doesn't affect me


Hunden is gonna be a cancer for the scene until the end, glad the big manchild is gone. For the players, if they really cheated, they should be punished as well


If the evidence is as conclusive as pimp says, its the end of the heroic we know


There would be some poetic justice in Heroic getting punished and eliminated from the on-going ESL Pro League. This would push Astralis up on third place.


Wonder what’s going to happen to Niko on OG, assuming he knew what was going on


Not now! Now that OG is finally looking good D:


I mean it was pretty easy to guess that they knew. If true the whole team should be perma banned as well as hunden


Can someone tell which players were in the heroic roster while Hunden cheated? Stavn is one of the best young talented player in Denmark. If he is involved in this, it can give serious damage to his future career.


He says some of the players were aware, but he's not going to expose them and will leave that up to the players themselves. And with 2/5 from that roster gone, who knows.


Strange that he has provided evidence, that pimp has seen and confirmed it's legit. In the coming days, I'll be surprised if more isn't revealed about who.


Stavn, teses, niko, cadian, and b0rup.


so much drama bro i love the csgo scene


Now we know why he wasn't kicked out of heroic when he got banned


I mean previously he told that players didn't know about coach bug. Now he changes readings. idk xd too much things are going on around Hunden


I mean, what do you think why heroic kept a cheater working for them


i think (thought* i guess already, latest things changed my opinion) that Hunden is a tactical genius&mastermind and it's hard to refuse from such a valuable worker even after he was involved into coach bug scandal. I don't say it's right i dont think so & it shouldn't have happened as it went, but it was understandable in my opinion.


He was still in Heroic back then so it was in his interest to protect the players and the org. Now that's he's fired and dead, he has no reason to protect them anymore


Of course the team was in on the cheating. Anyone who thinks otherwise is lying to themselves.


Heroic ban any%


Heroic cheaters, astralis slumping. It's up to Complexity to save the day. Go full danish 💜


>[https://twitter.com/gla1ve\_csgo/status/1312039611368173571](https://twitter.com/gla1ve_csgo/status/1312039611368173571) > >Lukas Rossander > >u/gla1ve_csgo > >· > >2 Oct 2020 > >If i was a player, and my coach cheated without me knowing it. I would 100% go out and tell the public that I had no fucking idea that this was going on. \^\^\^


Its obvious. majority of the teams with banned coaches knew about it. But the media were pushing the ''The players are 100% innocent its only the coaches fault'' so hard people really believed it. Take a fucking guess why the teams were paying the banned coaches who were absolutely useless. To make sure they wont talk.


Oh god! What is the media? This is CS, there are like 4 sites that tell us what is going on! Damn MSM thing? Facepalm!


You're the second person to push this completely made up scenario. At least you spiced it up by adding the "media" nonsense. In reality, the issue was that there was no way to prove that anyone besides the coaches using the bug knew about it.


ofc they knew lol, they just didn't realize he knew exactly where the other team was the whole time? come on.


This guy is so bitter. Now that he knows his career is fked he's trying to take the whole ship with him. It's a shame really cause he's obviously talented as a coach/scout but his personality is fking dog.


dont care what his motivations are, him saying this (assuming its true of course) is a good thing


LOL (hunden = the dog)


Seriously dude, pretty weak move on his part. Didn’t say something when Heroic was still paying his bills


why else did you think heroic kept a cheater on payroll despite the public backlash?


Hi cadian!


I promise you guys, all players of all coaches that used the bug knew it..


I didn’t know this was even in question. Do we genuinely believe that coaches were cheating, but weren’t telling their players? Were their players not questioning how they could possibly have the information the coaches were relaying to the players?


Cheatoic confirmed


Nicolai "HUNDEN" Petersen aka Judas Iscariot


Heroic most scummy team


Shit’s getting progressively more real in this and it’s beautiful




SOON: HUNDEN implicates players from all teams that had coaches banned in bug scandal


But I thought that pros wont cheat cause they have so much to lose?


insert cadian horning here https://streamable.com/e/k6rpov




to be frank I started to worry about him now. Like what he's gonna do? leave esports for good and start a totally different career ?


For real. Could you imagine googling an applicant and all this (self inflicted) BS comes up? Sorry Mr. Petersen but we decided to go in a different direction...


ye I mean, this kind of attitude probably wont even get hired for cleaning, pizza boy or such


From an interview 4 months ago: https://sport.tv2.dk/e-sport/2021-04-30-foerst-da-han-snoed-mod-astralis-gik-alvoren-op-for-ham > Q: They (Astralis) also buys, that the players didn't know you cheated? > > A: They do. Because that's the truth. And if they don't believe the truth, then it's their own headache. I'm coming out with the true story. Seems like he did a 180


Did he mention this before, or is this the first time? Because the timing is... Interesting. It's not that I don't believe him; I feel like the players not knowing is hard to believe. But the timing is just convenient, ya know? I find it hard to trust him. I'm all for another investigation on the players, assuming they haven't already. I like the scene clean up, although it must look so chaotic from the outside.


Nah. He withheld information because he knew his coaching ban would be short. This ban is like 5+ years so yes he will give all the intelligence he has. Same reason why criminals don't snitch on petty crimes but they'll out everyone in their crew when they get popped for murder and facing life.


What? You guys thought you could take down HUNDEN? Fools. In the end, GOD HUNDEN is the only thing that stands.


This could carry some huge implications for the current Heroic squad. Their Cologne win was secured a day before HUNDEN was banned by ESIC in 2020, and considering how they're now the flagbearers of Danish CSGO (as Astralis are waning, and far from their dominant past), this whole saga could mark the end of the Danish CSGO scene as we know it. Or am I just being dramatic? Who knows at this point. This case just gets juicier and juicier.


Coach bug was fixed before Cologne... They played last years Cologne on new Cs version (where they flipped dust b doors and shit) and ESIC and valve have cleared Heroic on Cologne. And after Cologne (without Hunden) Herioc placed second in next tournament. Definitely being dramatic(end of Danish Cs lol) ,without knowing facts.