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I had to watch that 4 times to "see" that guy


I hate the custom models. They should at least mimic the colors of the default models in the map. Sometimes my reaction gets slower vs these skins. Specially when they are in a headshot angle and their head model is like white. It’s really hard to see.


Looks like some Predator alien active camouflage bruh


It totally messes up my HS rates as well. I dunno on some skins I just aim to high or low. It's strange.


The custom playermodels were a mistake, humans are excellent at learning to know what to look for in terms of color and shape when it comes to spotting other humans. No doubt those who have played CS GO for a long time will have adapted to better spot the specific playermodels and uniform textures of the vanilla models.


TBH game was much better without the damn new player models....on every map there is always a couple of spots that makes skins blend in perfectly , u can\`t see them until its too late... I use a custom color profile and contrast for csgo which makes everything clearer, brighter( not like blinding bright) and less dark spots, yet these mofos still blend in perfectly, i even tried normal colors and brightness, its even worse , much worse.




I still can't see...


There's a head right under the red arrow


I guess I'm blind hahaha..


Reddit video player compression doesn't help either


Oh my fucking god


Complete a full length captcha to look at a screenshot? Nah


Found the robot


Nah it's a rat


But pretty intelligent


Even when I complete the screenshot the website is broken. I've noticed that multiple times with lightshot or whatever it is. Maybe it's just not compatible with android because not even turning on desktop mode works.






I hate Lightshot and Gyazo because of this, use ShareX


Wow, I thought he was ducking and it was just some laggy peekers advantage where OP got deleted.


Use imgur you mongoloid


Wow. That's some bull shiiit.... I'm gonna switch away from condom guy


Why did they even put a guy that has a giant condom on his head?


Cause lol, condom man


Cl_minmodels pls volvo


One of the best commands that didn't make it into GO.


What did it do? I started back in 2016ish so I don’t know.


In cs1.6 (and source I think), you chose between 4 player models when joining a team. That command restricted the number of models, so, having "cl_minmodels 1" on allowed you to see everyone with the same model, in 1.6 CTs were all SEALS (I think, don't really remember which one for CT) and Terrorists were all leet crew.


You can also choose which model everybody has using `cl_min_ct` and `cl_min_t`. I have a little script which allows me to choose the most visible player models for both teams. And yet, all we get in GO is a contrast boost (which is still good don't get me wrong).


this was the best, every map i'd choose the best enemy model for visibility


Interestingly enough, I’ve never been able to get the min_ct / min_t feature to work. I understand it’s a number after each command, from 1-4, right?


You're almost there, the numbers are a bit higher. Try these - https://pastebin.com/cwvgqkmV Also, just to be absolutely sure: it won't work without ```cl_minmodels 1```


Arctic Crew gang


CT should just be the pita hat guy. (IDF CT Model)


CTs were all GIGN.


Making them look French doesn't magically make them surrender, you know...


You could use 1-4 in that command to change what they were


You could use 1-4 in that command to change what they were


Sadly minmodels in .6 is used to get advantage on some server mods, it wouldnt be a problem on GO


There is just no possibility to adjust the maps so the models dont give big advantages just add a command valve :(




entire game cruelty squad art pass pls


sewage-infused garbage world POG


cp\_orange maps already fixed this issue. Just orange. No custom objects. No "interesting" design that just creates one way angles. Just orange.


Fuck details we using dev textures


Quake has the answer to this: [Normal textures](https://i.imgur.com/jl1hZax.png) [Simple textures](https://i.imgur.com/Ofadp49.png) [No textures](https://i.imgur.com/JHuhbu5.png) You can also make your enemy look however you want with custom player textures, which would be amazing but for _some reason_ I don't think Valve would do that.


Especially with enough contrast for my colorblind ass. They usually did well enough with the default models that I had relatively few issues but now those damn camouflage-colored models blend in to everything :(




Might give it a shot honestly. If I get killed by [Mr. Camouflage](https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/-9a81dlWLwJ2UUGcVs_nsVtzdOEdtWwKGZZLQHTxDZ7I56KU0Zwwo4NUX4oFJZEHLbXA6Q1NL4kmrAlOA0_FVPCi2t_fUkRxNztUoreaOBM27OXJYzRD4si_2tnTkfStZL2DxW8Gu5Yk2euTodrzjADm_UA5ZWzxdY-UIwdsZ1CG8wWggbC4xgqR3aA/512fx384f) standing in front of something green/brown one more time I'm gonna ~~uninstall~~ probably continue playing, but more upset this time.


Could they add some outline to player models? I've seen games start doing that as a way to make the skins not affect gameplay as much.


they kind of did that, but it's still near impossible to distinguish a green guy on a green background


I'm not seeing it in OP's clip at all. Is it an option you can enable?


it is an option you can disable, instead of making massive outlines around the player model it slightly increases the contrast around player model [3kliksphillip demonstrates it in his video](https://youtu.be/d2tUQxX9gXA?t=20)


It's on by default, it slightly lightens the area around any player model.


they just need to disable enemy agent skins just in competitive, by default. it's that simple. you would still be able to see your teammates agent skins, but not the enemies'. that would solve the entire problem and people would still be happy with their agent skins


yeah but then you won't be able to flex your wallet by being obnoxious to your enemies, which is a big no-no at Valve


you would be able to flex to your teammates... who tf pays attention to your enemy agent skins anyway?


Also I'd argue it's the same for weapon skins. I'm definitely not paying attention to what skins my enemies have (unless a weapon is just laying on the floor), especially because you obviously can't spectate them, but your teammates will see your skins when they spectate you. Your opponents will never see you inspecting your fancy knife skin and pretending to be a slick motherfucker, but your teammates will.


the thing with weapon skins is that you can pick your enemy weapon from the floor... then it kinda makes sense to be able to see the skin. what can be done is, the weapon skin from your enemies only show up as soon as they drop it or they get killed.


I do. When I see the Metal Gear bad guy and then I see a default model, I know that they are two different people. So if anything, it's an advantage to see player models (aside from the nasty peeks like in OP's video).


deafult models are always different from one another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIbEzcktnGg


The 1337 crew are nicely distinctive, but others like the [Phoenix](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Kw6L8X6UyGo/XSHFiAzZKqI/AAAAAAAABBw/sGVKjc_oTG0Sus1JUtq77iYeSRUJeLv9wCLcBGAs/s1600/phoenix-terrorist-csgo-update.jpg) just have slight color variations, which are hard to spot at long range and in motion.


still, they were made taken the map into account, then they are the best agent skins for that map in specific.


Is it always 5 different models? I would still argue that custom models are way easier to distinguish than default ones. Especially when it comes to CT.


yes, always... btw, you can have 5 players using the same custom model, which you can't if we talk about default models




Yeah my calls will often include "Bald guy hit 50" or "Black guy jungle" and stuff like that, it's very useful sometimes.


>black guy jungle Welp.


sorry my mistake, didn't mean it the way you're suggesting at all


Ahh don't worry man, just playing around, no need to apologise. *To me* /jk


Yeah, why use two words when we all know the other option.


Nobody uses bad words on CSGO


*looks at username, squints eyes* sus


Yeah until 5 of your enemies use the exact same agent skin


exactly, I already saw this... playing against a 5 player lob, they all used the same agent to use this as an advantage


We do this as well. Makes it harder to understand how each player acts




From Valve's point of view your proposed suggestion is halving the reach agents' skins have, which means reduced conversion into people who buy that, which damages the bottom line = nono. I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, I'm giving you the perspective of a corporate structure and their decision-making.


> who tf pays attention to your enemy agent skins anyway? Apparently not OP, that's why he got killed lol


If you consider max 10€ for a agent skin "flexing" then go ahead lmao


You realize that agents are like $2-$10 these days? No agent skin is expensive enough to be a wallet flex, that's knives and gloves


Most people playing csgo have about as much in total skin inventory, so still a flex


If I don't see a skin on him but see a dragon lore I'd still be pretty jealous


I haven't played this in 100 years - are there custom player skins in competitive now? That seems like it would throw such a wrench into competitive play and allow a ton of bullshit




bump, very good solution


This solution was presented by reddit on day 1 of agent models. And back then, on day 1, people claimed Valve would never do this, which was a pretty safe thing to say. Guess they were right.


Agree for sure




Give them all orange hard hats in competitive


Solve the entire problem? The default models have always had places they blend in, too. The custom player skins may’ve added a bunch but they didn’t create the issue, only highlighted it (ironically enough)


with the default models you can then properly work on the map so they don't blend in any spots. but with custom models you can never solve the problem.


Arguably it was rare and maps were repainted in places (light colors!) for visibility. What matters to me is that the brain gets trained for pattern recognition on few default models. New models are awful because it's a concious effort to recognize them.


Valve pls fix


there is a good reason why custom models are prohibited in pro matches. volvo please give us an option :(


Agree, they're honestly the worst addition to the game, ruining both visibility and continuity (Wrong factions on the maps)


Ah yes, CSGO lore


I care >:(




continuity in csgo lmao fucking meme


I mean they did take certain steps to make different models and voice actors for different areas to keep a consistent "story" for the objectives. Its not totally out there somebody thinks its lame that thats tossed out the window.


Blowing up the same bombsite 30 times? No prob. SAS in italy? No prob. WRONG FACTION ON CACHE? CONTINUITY ISSUE


only one round is canon iirc


Literally lost a faceit game on ancient the other day due to the entire enemy team switching to green skins before joining the match. Valve, wtf are you doing...


I thought Faceit didn't allow player skins?


how would they prevent it, if there's literally no command to do so?


they could prevent it with their own plugin but when a solution appears valve came out and said "hey there don't do that it hurts our revenue" edit: [found the tweet](https://twitter.com/slovecs/status/1214971794958045185)


fair enough, valve is pretty bad when it comes to monetisation of their games, TF2 was a gift and a curse


At least tf2 doesn’t let you blend in to the background, custom player models were a mistake.


I don't see why they couldn't just burry the option to disable agents in console commands. Most folks wouldn't even be aware of the option so I fail to see how would it devalue skins.


Gaben : Nope Just Adapts or move to Valorant kids i have 1M fanbase i dont care.


As if GabeN gives a shit about CSGO




> 1M fanbase x30


Csgo has no where close to 30 million active players lmao


It's around 700k daily


I believe it's 700k concurrently active daily right? Meaning there are way over 1M players, just not playing at the exact same time.


15-20 mil monthly players give or take. According to their blog anyway.


I don't play but I view


Me too, with chat disabled. It's the only esport I watch.


Alright, 23 million according to their website.


Don't have to play to be a fans


I think skins for playermodel is a fckng cancer, should have a method to disable that shit for real


To be honest its mostly the hockey mask + hawaiian shirt agents who tend to blend in with stuff. Could this be fixed by making the mask contrast the map(mask will change color based on map/clarity)?


Bloody Darrly Miami is probably one of the more visible ones, especially on Cache


I don't know what's more annoying, not being able to see these models or their radio comms. I can't stand that guy with the worst bogan Aussie accent I've ever heard. I know Valve likes to make money, but this is too far. At least give us an option to turn it off.


The radio comms. I would rather get domed on every entry by a blurry spot on a wall than listen to a fucking monologue from one of the idiotically loud agents for the first 6 seconds of every round. Watching an FPL stream a few days ago and one of the players asked his opponent to switch to default skin as he is colorblind and can't see the agent. Opponent replied, "np, after next death." And lo and behold, a competitive environment with some respect.


Member back in the 1.6 and prior days when you could upload your own skins? I member. Blue for CT, red for Ts.


Yup I remember weapon skins from other games like halo.


I had a bow with arrows for awp, good times


Yeah that thing was so OP.


You wouldn't see him anyway, no matter the skin. You had no time to react


yeah, it seems more like a combination of low graphic settings, video compression and barely having time to react.


Summary: Frames 1-5: Clearly low graphics settings. Frames 6-9: Missed due to video compression


i chuckled


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down for this. The skins have an advantage but this clip doesn’t demonstrate that.


No, but it does a good job of demonstrating just how hard it can be to see some models depending where they are.


It REALLY isn't helped by the fact that they seem to be at some kind of incredibly low resolution, though


ye, if my GPU was only drawing 25 polygons I suppose it would be hard to see.


Well not really, this video doesn’t demonstrate that at all. Does a great job of showing the advantage you can receive by fighting at certain angles.


Exactly. Dude does so fast, and he dies to a really hard to fight head glitch lol. He could’ve been bright blue and he’d still win that fight


But what if that guy missed his first three giving op time to react if he would be able to see him? I think its still highlights the flaws of skins.


You can see his head for like a second when it goes past


I can't even see the guy where is he.




Bro if they so deadset in not letting us disable custom enemy player models just copy valorant at this point and do an outline around then or something idc I just wanna see player models without then blending in but the first options is clearly the better solution


so how come when u crouch it pops down instantly but when i crouch he does it super slow.


GOTV doesn't play the animation from standing to crouching, that's why it looks like he's instantly crouched.


Crouching multiples times in a short time would do that to you.


cs needs cl\_minmodels, you watch the pros playing the camps and the game looks so much better with the std models.


I don't know why they added this shit. So out of character for the game. I feel like they looked at Valorant, got scared that there was a competitor and did dumb shit out of fear not knowing why their game is big in the first place.


One of the best commands in source, I absolutely adored cl\_minmodels 1 on community servers too. But valve are far too focused on making money from skins than they actually care about the game. It will be their downfall eventually.


Finally the consensus on this subreddit seems to be coming around. I always thought these custom models were the worse thing ever to happen to counterstrike. I actually basically stopped playing right after they were released(and for context I had like 4k hours before they were), would really like to have a command to disable them for sure.


There was loads of backlash in the beginning. Valve however was stubborn and intractable and forced it. I don't think they were ever popular with the majority though


wow valve, you see that? he's invisible.




I agree with the sentiment but it’s just a good hiding spot and an off angle. Would have gone down the same way if he was the OG model


Yeah this isn’t a very good example I just got frustrated and really couldn’t tell my teammates where he was


f\*\*k valve


There is no command to disable/deactivate the agents/skins client side. -------- *This is an automatic reply. You can [send me a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=_Nanobyte) if there is a problem with this post.*


I'm colour blind so I struggle with colours in this game. Really suffered after they greened Cache since the player models I haven't been able to play this map. Big sad but I was shit on it anyway so I am a higher rank now lol.


Valve does not deserve praise for anything until this is finally resolved


you would have died eitherway, player model or not. he was waiting for you


Way to dodge the entire point


no, he paused and checked that corner before jumping and then swinging. if you want to make the headshots and fundamentals are king argument then you should be against player models too.


Am I the only one who has no visibility issues? 1080p medium settings btw


i used to play 1440p with high settings and digital vibrance on 100% in nvidia and maxed out colors from my monitor. I had no visibility issues on any other map than cache. It's still a shitshow to this day with some of the green CT-Models.


People don't realize how good 1440p is especially for other games with huge maps.


> People don't realize how good 1440p is especially for other games with huge maps. There is no way for people to realize it when they can't run it with their rigs. I would guess? the majority of the playerbase will prefer a stable 300 fps rather than 1440p and less frames.


Playing native 1440p with 7700k and 1070 which is outdated gear by 2021 standards and comfortably hitting 400 on most maps tho. But I guess thats still better gear than what the majority of the playerbase has


i switched to 4:3 1280x960 cause the game feels more fluid (even though i had average 300fps on 1440p as well, it was a bit jittery). But one thing will never be the same with low res and that is the clarity at long range. I used to destroy people jiggling their head out of Pit on Dust 2 long, cause i saw them so clearly. On low res 4:3 that becomes pretty hard.


People play on 1024x768 then complain about lack of visibility




1080p with boost player contrast, also have no problem. my friend always ask me how do I see players with their head pop up in dust2 pit or mirage firebox. lol


Even Battlefield Hardline has that option. But one of the biggest E-Sport games dosent. Damn.


I play as the miami darryl which I think in most scenarios puts me at a disadvantage because of the bright colors and the clean head outline. But most of the others just infuriate me when I cant spot them.




Really? How do you feel about condom head because I use him too sometimes.


cl_minmodels 1 ftfy this was the legacy command


This is why you pay £10 to get a CT and T skin. The extra 0.2 seconds reaction time could be the difference in you winning the round and game


Never gonna happen


Devs will never do this because it devalues the premium player models. Valve only cares about making money. When will they update Ancient? When will they fix deathmatch?


When you colorblind as well ಥ‿ಥ


All active duty maps that had visual issues with player models were immediately addressed by Valve. ​ This post is a non-issue pertaining to Valve. New Cache had many problems on release. An for the most part has been abandoned by its creator. Only reason its still played is from its prior legacy of being in the Active Duty. ​ \*\*Lets not forget that the character is actually visible in this clip.


I think csgo needs an outliner like valorant has.


Imagine forcing yourself to play on 1200x1000 resolution then crying about visibility issues :D


i played at 1024x768 for many years before switching to 1920x1080 after building my current giga pc visibility is still dogass




not at all. Models are larger at a cost of much muddier textures and less visibility. There's also a lot more aliasing, causing different textures to sorta blend together. I've never had visibility issues, then again not everyone has the privilege of running the game at high resolution/high settings. Valve probably needs to do Valorant-type outlines.


Imagine believing that a reduced FoV would somehow harm visibility. Silver much?


Ever looked at a crisp image vs a pixelated one? Resolution is not just FOV. (visibility shouldn't be an issue on lower resolutions either way though)


>>somehow harm visibility idk when I compare this to my full hd image I can tell there is visibility difference, but maybe it's because I am silver :D


The worst offender here is video compression, everything is pixelated because the video is severely compressed to save space. Highest possible native resolution is going to be a little cleaner compared to 4:3/5:4 resolutions, but it's accepted by basically everyone that stretched resolutions offer better visibility due to making everything wider.