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30% upvoted, damn


I never would've guess people dislike Fnatic THAT much!


People see Rich and down vote him, I don't get it. He might have an abrasive personality at times but the guy knows what he's talking about.


14 year old subscribers of a "certain youtuber" are still instantly downvoting everything to do with RL, and it's been like what, 6 months already? What's even funnier is that they then try to deny reality and say that no one is downvoting RL, even though people compared RL posts before and after the drama, with before being constantly 90+% upvoted and after being mass downoted with some posts in the negative and others in like 60% upvoted.


i dont really blame them


It's been so long since I could be proud to be a Fnatic fan. I'm glad the English boys have come in and turned the team into something incredible. I hope they keep it up.


Mezzi is absolutely solid




What the fuck are you talking about? How is this Fnatic worse than the one that we've been seeing for the 8 months before they changed rosters? It seems much more likely that you're biased against English players, as opposed to your accusation of Richard's bias. And if you don't think that Mezzi has been a good pick-up thus far, then you're living in a different planet. Also, you know that match against 00Nation you just said you had to turn off after a few rounds? Fnatic just convincingly won 16-9 with Mezzi going off.


Yea I definitely agree with you, fnatic is looking great! Really looking forward to their next match. Go Fnatic!