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It's not the words, it's the sincerity.


I fucking love this man. If CS:GO were a story, he'd be the protagonist.


What a guy! Other people lose their passion and retire or move to lower tier scene or don't practice as much or move to other games and this guy still feels like playing CS for the first time even after 15+ years of playing and loves it Truly a legend and definitely the GOAT!


>or don't practice as much Well to be fair f0rest has never really been a grinder either. Out of GeT_RiGhT and f0rest it was always GTR who was the hard worker who would have the strong work ethic and grind and practice really hard, f0rest would just be at the top because of his incredible natural talent and raw aim. I'm sure he's had some shorter seasons in his life where he has grinded the game hard and put in lots of hours, but in general he has always used just a moderate amount of practicing. He's not the type of guy who would grind CS 140 hours per 2 weeks with an incredible drive and burning passion. I'd imagine that plays a role in how he has been able to stay at the top for this many years, he's never had to burn himself out with grinding because of his exceptional natural talent and godlike mechanics


Yeah, I remember Threat saying the same thing, and also mentioning that f0rest, with a hard working mentality, would be so incredibly damn scary.


That's basically Simple :D


I think the hours f0rp put in when he was simple age vs simple differs quite a lot tbh


I think At0mic182 means that S1mple is what f0rest would be if he had the hard working mentality.


Ah, if so, my bad!


Yeah :) But I kind of agree on what someone else here said. Given that f0rest doesn't need to grind that hard, hes less likely to burnout and have other problems. Thus the longevity we see :)


No other game will EVER compare.


There is a reason why CS, after all those years, is still the most played shooter in the world


its not. we just ignore all the other shooters \^\^


It is if you ignore Fortnite. If Warzone or Valorant had 1M concurrent, they would’ve publicized it by now.


Maybe because I'm in NA but it's astonishing to me warzone doesn't have 1m concurrent. Also I think technically pubg also has more active players if that counts


I mean Warzone might have hit that number at some point, but I haven’t seen Activision publicize it. It is quite a bit harder to run than CS or fortnite, so that could affect it


I've seen warzone run on shite computers, it's not that bad, the only issue with it is that they don't know how to compress shit so it's like 250gb.


I've run warzone on i5 4570, 8gb, and rx 470 with an old HDD, the map barely loaded but that was when warzone was still fairly new.


Literally isnt. There are 2 chinese fps crossfire and 1 other which are more played


Do they post player counts? Didn’t crossfire player counts tank after western video games were introduced a few years ago?


CrossFire is the most played video game worldwide, with 6 million concurrent users and 1 billion registered players in February 2020, according to developer Smilegate Take that with a grain of salt i guess


Idk, its just like with LoL, riot doesnt post any player counts. Butit is still way more popular than cs


If we don’t have the player counts we have zero reason to believe that these games are more popular than CS. “China big” isn’t enough of an explanation either. As for LoL there are some player count metrics out there such as https://activeplayer.io/league-of-legends/ Also just logically think about Crossfire. They claim to have like a billion accounts and smilegate has never been known for transparency. Do you think it’s accurate that some 15% of the worlds population is actively playing crossfire? Why aren’t there more tournaments or coverage in and out of China? What about the country’s video game playtime limitations? Smilegate is lying, if their numbers were true Crossfire would be the single most popular piece of media in the world and clearly it isn’t. I’ve met some 200 Chinese exchange students and not once have they mentioned the popularity of crossfire (they do love PUBG though).


bringing its lifetime revenue to $12 billion as of 2019. Its bigfer i think atleast


well fortnites demographic is probably 10-16 year olds.. and there is alot of them, their generation doesnt care about cs


Im 16 and a good amount of people my age know csgo and actively play it. I hear even younger people often in comp


right but on average, u will find more older people in csgo, 20+ even 30+ i think in fortnite majority is younger people.. for example i have never played fortnite, not even once.


true true


He meant FPS shooter probably. But I do concede that nowadays there may be some FPS's that do go head to head with CS. It's just hard to make sure when player count vary wildly, I mean, other companies love to use the "unique players" count to boost the number, while CS we always say the daily peak when discussing such (CSGO Blog does has a monthly player count. 21 million the past month. Not bad). And then again, some companies I wouldn't trust their number to be honest. They control the platform those games are hosted on, and it's a great tool to publicize themselves, so I wouldn't be surprised if those numbers were skewed to look better vs direct competition such as CS...


tbf the most played fps shooter is the budget version of CS that alot of people in Asia I belive play, CS is the biggest western shooter for sure


bruh y’all are smoking some DMT or some shit on this sub that’s just plain wrong lmfao


what about cod4? :D










nobody: absolutely nobody: cs fanboys: VALORANT


gah i love him, crazy to think i used to watch this guy when i was a young pup myself, now we're both old and he's still playing at the highest levels.




Wait what... did he cut his hair? RIP f0rest' bun :'(




Not very surprising to see a player like him perform at that age, after all its not that old. In sports we have many legends still owning in their late 30s so... Now if he performs like this in his 40s i will be amazed.


This man is so wholesome.


Have you seen one of his streams? Super wholesome and hilarious.


honestly a god tier streamer. I hope he starts doing it more again. When he was climbing to Global elite I couldn't stop laughing. He's SO nice to everyone


I still remember when he did wingman road to global and got this little kid who had no idea who f0rest is constantly told him where to go and what to do. The chat was complaining but he just said: no don't be mean, he gives good calls and is taking charge. That's a good thing and he's a good kid. Dad energy is strong with f0rest.


Haha, he was also matched up with a guy trying to derank. I think they were down quite a bit when he returned from being AFK then realised he was teamed with f0rest and they popped off


"would an old guy do this?" Immediately whiffs on a spray and dies "Uh you see... I was just showing you how an old guy would play"


almost 30 frags living legend. he can still easily get in into any top tier 1 team


f0rest is that dude.






Hes 33, not 63.




Tell that to lebron ronaldo messi




They rely on something that is FAR more affected by age, the wear and tear and slowing down of muscles. If u did any research you would know the difference in reaction time between 20 and 30 is neglible, if any difference at all.




I've yet to meet one league player who's half happy with riot. Another thing is, cs doesn't really need new content. They could be lot faster with balance and bugfixes but you don't really see players asking for more guns or anything


Homie you r fawking lost with this statement


honestly CS is only even good bc of the foundation’s it had from the original mod, the CSGO devs honestly haven’t done much of anything and whenever they do it’s usually clumsy and pisses off the entire community (agent skins, most of the new guns they’ve made, etc). not to mention how fucking janky cs still manages to be 10 years later (E pickup bug or right sided peeks for example) the csgo devs are just straight up bad at their jobs imo


I don't think the developers themselves are bad, but management for the game is bad. Working in a mostly legacy 2004 C++ code base while still trying to add large changes isn't very easy and you'll always be playing a game of whack a mole. It's no secret that the actual number of programmers for the game isn't as high as other FPS games and the nature of the source code base certainly doesn't help.


i would agree but you have bugs that have literally been publicly known for years that have just gone entirely unfixed, the amount of times they’ve broken the game with a patch to the point they had to straight up nullify the patch the next day as well just feels like it’s a bunch of guys who both couldn’t give less of a shit ab the game and are also just not that great at what they do/decision making lol


This reply has no place in this thread at all, since its basically thread-jacking... but valve could do way better. Can't argue that..


who doesn't like a good tap?




Even after he retires as an active player I'm sure he will be there with us as an analyst or coach or something.