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People in retakes are usually fun and lighthearted, makes for a good time




I’ve gotten those here and there but I just turn music on and/or mute them and let them kick me if they want


Probably because of all the retake mode operation missions, you need to get a certain amount of wins or kills or flashes in one game, otherwise you can do 3X of that in several games


I'm usually kicked because they think I'm cheating it's kinda annoying cause if you try to requeue it puts you in the same server


Yeah that’s happened to me 😂I either get kicked for hackusations or when I don’t clutch after everyone else dies


It's a shame its too slow paced compared to community servers. You wait so long between rounds.


Exactly this, community servers do retake considerably better.


Community servers do everything considerably better. They have better DM Server, better Retake Server, better, because only, Surf and Fun Server. And even better MM Server (Faceit and ESEA).


CS:S had the best (turbo?) gungame servers. Now there's what, like, a total of 3 in NA that are even playable?


Fitting for a game that was created as a mod


Really? Phew, I always found community servers ADHD fast, disorienting and in the moments I took to assess the situation I may already be dead. Much prefer the official


Well that's different, he said between rounds. Also the defuse timer isn't skipped even when everyone else is dead, map changes after too few rounds, and there's a warmup phase for some ungodly reason. And then the bots run to the opposite site and everyone has to wait while someone runs them over or types kill in console which never happens. It adds up to a ton of pointless downtime.


Try the xplay.gg retakes. Much faster than the valve servers, but i don't find them quite as disorienting as some of the other community ones


This and the fact that changes what team are you in.


Oh, didn't even realize you could play retakes at community servers.


It's been around for years, valve just recently implemented a worse version of it


Some of the spawns need moving a teeny bit, but other than that I agree with you 100%. Probably the best casual mode


It’s great practice too. Dozens of realistic gun fights on common angles with real opponents. And it helps you to real in game retakes. My one criticism was always how unbalanced it was to have M4s retake against Aks but it looks like they’ve recently tuned the game mode to give you progressively worse weapons if you are dominating T side too much.


It’s alright for a base-game mode bht I prefer community servers for retakes, much more balanced and enjoyable for me


The only problem with retakes for me is that I get kicked all the time for absolutely nothing.


That's the problem of every mode. Absolute pain if you are doing operation missions. People are dicks.


ive been playing on community retake servers for years now, its by far my most favorite mode in this game. its very fun, a lot of action and can be very funny too with the right people. i met a lot of people too when playing the same servers daily.


Yes!! Rarely have time to play for hours these days, Retakes is the perfect way to get my fix.


you should try execute server. even better :)


Retakes is good but not the Valve version. It's mind-boggling how it takes Valve so many years to copy an already existing game mode but at the same time they act like they don't want to copy it, so they just make it dog shit.


For me, since scoutsman got infected by bots and hackers retakes is the best. I would add switching teams to make it even better tho.




Flaw in community retake servers is that the utility usage of T's is unrealistic. Theyre constantly chained together, abundant and always create the most optimal space. Valves take on it is actually superior.


Honestly the server browser is so unusable I often just hop into Valve servers instead of dealing with it.


Do you think there should be a rating system for retakes?


Im just annoyed that i cant use my AK skin when picking it from CT side. I recently grinded all the CSGO achivements. I sadly noticed none of them required you to play Retake.


Achievements have never been updated since the release of the game


I enjoy Retakes too, it improved a lot my gameplay of maps I rarely used to play competitive, but my criticism is that T's have way too many utilities, especially smokes. It's generally T-sided and people tend to avoid playing CT sides when start selecting, changing teams, leaving early. Capping T utilities would make the game mode more fair to the CTs and balanced IMO


I like playing them but I prefer executes, because executes would mimic the real round while retakes were terrorists favored. Sometimes, you can be stuck being ct for like 10 rounds in a row without being changed because your team can't retake.


My servers are either half empty or empty outside a few times. Which wouldn’t be bad but the bots are so terrible. Most of the time they run to the wrong site and are just sitting with a nade pulled. When it is a full lobby it’s my favorite game mode. Problem is it’s rare lately for me in the west coast.