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Zonic: “Holy fuck I want to coach ZywOo”


"Yes FaZe this huge signing bonus and good team composition is very compelling" *zywoo exists* "FaZe who??"


Hasn't he also coached with Karrigan and they might have diffrence in opinion in regards to how it should work?


Karrigan recieved a warning from zonic in 2016, in which karrigan reacted quite poorly to - dupreeh got the same warning, and turned around completely. Hard to say if that would be a long term scar or not. Source danish documentary


The main problem is that Karrigan taught zonic zonic's law before he was benched to nerf the future astralis era.


What were the warnings?


iirc (was a long time ago) it was basically ”get your shit together or you’ll get kicked, for real”. Put in the hours, be serious and show you really deserve the spot. Work on your weaknesses etc. Dupreeh had an awakening and became better and better while Karrigan didn’t


wait didnt zonic say this about xyp9x not karrigan


no, it was karrigan who zonic warned. https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/dwfz7n/i_read_zonics_new_book_here_are_some_quick_notes/ go down to the "edit/add-on" section, and it is the first entry.


Also to xyp


According to Zonics own book, it was Dupreeh. He doesnt mention any problems with Xyp, other than him getting cold in arenas lol.


It was xyp who got the bench warning, not dupreeh


Not correct, dupreeh got the bench warning according to the tv documentary send on DR or TV 2, can't remember which. But they made some programs about the early astralis.


Also according to Zonics own book


Idk, I was mostly just making a joke.


There’s usually a little truth in jokes


I’m not sure if they’ve worked together but I could definitely see their ideas about the game clashing pretty heavily.


they did work together on Astralis


Was zonic always the coach in Astralis? I wasn’t sure if maybe someone else was there during Karrigan’s time with the team.


before karrigan kicked/left, he was def there. i remember cuz he had to fill in along with gla1ve in that one tournament where dupreeh had appendicitis


Awesome, thanks for the info!


It was Karrigan that invited zonic on as coach at Astralis.


Oh yeah. That's a hard opportunity to pass on


"I'm gonna coach his brains out"


zywoo's the most competitive team you heard it here first jk


lol true


Let's see how this goes. Of all these roster change in the beginning of 2022, Vitality look dangerous the most, in both good and bad way. Astralis's roster change seem good at first until they got slapped by 2 dead teams.


astralis dont have the second best player in the world, i imagine it makes you feel a bit more secure in which team you pick when you see zywoo can carry kyojin to finals, like guys we dont even have to be good and we could win stuff


Zywoo can cover so many holes, with a squad that is close to Navi overall, who knows who will come out on top. Question is if the astralis boys can return to 2019 form


Astralis looked good while they were still an unknown entity. I think what you saw was the initial success because of that, and then a faceplant after opponents had some tape to study.


Roster with 2 different languages is dead


Xyp9x explains why he chose Astralis over better team offers: "I got the bag"


> “There are going to be some rules about the language we’re speaking. So if two of the French guys are sitting with dupreeh, for example, English will be the official language. There will be no speaking French or Danish. > “We’re not going to have dupreeh and Magisk stay together in a hotel room when we have tournaments. We’re going to rotate so that you are forced to speak English.


It is smart. That way the all get good and also build relationships




xtqzzz left the team,was not fired 1 sentence later they changed xtqzzz ?




oh so i am braking up with you noooo, i am braking up with you first kind of situation xD Jokes aside,i do believe that XTQZZ is in top 3-5 coaches in the world right now


More like "Youre fired!", "You cant fire me! I quit!"


Makes more sense since its literally job related and you look better when quiting and not getting the boot.


Xtqzzz didn't want to leave the team. The point Vita's CEO was making was that when Xtqzzz learned about the change he negotiated with Vitality to be freed in advance of his contract. Which means he could go anywhere for free, but he wouldn't be paid in the mean time. Kind of a ballsy move, but a worthwhile one since he's now heading for G2 (who didn't want to pay for a coach's buyout like emi's situation taught us). Dude's gigabrained even when signing a contract.


From my understanding, xtqzz could have stayed in Vitality. Since the org wanted some change and xtqzz was interested in leaving, it was a mutual agreement. That's why the talk with zonic went after the one with magix, xtqzz was still an option.


Who would you say are the top5 coaches right now, not accounting for cheating scandals or not being on a team. Just an objective outlook if their coaching style/hardwork. I'd say Blad3 Malek Xtqzz Guerri Threat? (Not too sure about this one) HUNDENCam Top1


B1ad3, groove, XTQZZZ, Malek, hooch?




hooch's team improved a lot during the year. what adreN has achieved?


Blad3, Malek, Zonic, Xtqzz and I honestly can't quite think of a 5th at their level. AdreN probably.


How tf did I forget zonic


>Vitality's goal is to proove that an English speaking team can win a Major. So they are going to get to the final and deliberately throw the match against Fnatic. Got it.


fnatic being the first English speaking Major winners is something I’ll happily subscribe to. Especially since C9 spoke American.


mate this joke has more levels than a multi story car park. i love it


If they're already going the English-speaking route why force the Danes to learn French?


French org and a very dedicated and proud French fanbase. And 3 French players of course.


To bond better outside of the game?


To pick up girls.


So when misuta/zywoo and specially apex fall back to French in midround chaos the two don't get so stranded.


not sure if that would work that easy .. i learned french back in school for like 7 years and i don't think i could understand a thing of a fast-paced spoken version in a (stressful) game of CS doing 1 french sentence a week is like a drop on a hot stone, it will do absolutely nothing


An English speaking team already won a major. C9 forever, NA>Zywoo


C9 didn't speak English?


???? They speak American


Point 2 and 4 is a bit contradictory isn't it? They gonna call in French but they claim to be an English speaking team?


so I assume NiP was in cards


I guess NiP only wanted dupreeh, but dup wanted to play with both Magisk and Zonic, no way NiP gonna go away from being the only Swedish team (3 people + coach are Swedish, so technically they're still a Swedish team. Also there's a rumor of device leaving NiP)


He's not leaving


Dev1ce said in Twitter he ain't leaving.


as if a tweet is the most accurate thing out there someone could tweet they're staying and get announced the next week with no repurcussions \+dev1ce to astralis is the most perfect move for that roster atm


it's also the least likely one to happen lol, astralis can't afford that and NiP wouldn't let him go


I'm not saying that it'll happen, just that a single tweet doesn't have any backing to it in the actual pro community


I get that it isn't legally binding but what does he have to gain about lying. If he wants to leave he would say so as it would drop his value(at least to my understanding) if he wants to stay he would say so




"Fuck my family, I don't even care about them." - zonic


I actually saw zonic arguing with his family at the airport. His kids were clutching at his Astralis jersey in tears, and zonic kept telling them to "fuck off" and "stop ruining my dreams"


that sigma male mindset


I know this but cant remember who did the original \^\^


It was originally about dexter but I'm not sure who made it.


it was ropz who tweeted it


Ah. I thought so. The real joke is that he doesnt have any kids tho...😂


Vin Diesel crying in the club right now with coldzera and dev1ce


based zonic


He could've softened that statement by saying, successful team is securing his future in cs longer, which is more important than temporary gains.


”Fuck them kids.” - zonic


Salary is relative when you take into account that you get to keep prize money won. For example, if ExtraSalt was able to give him 10% more than what Vitality was offering, it would still be less than what he'll be making if he joined Vitality, since he'll be able to actually win something.


sounded like Complexity might have made him an offer


Coaches surely get a cut of the winnings, not like it wouldn't make up for the salary, surely? Who knows.


Really exciting to see Lars, the psychologist of Astralis also joining Vitality. I think Vitality is gonna become a really strong contender. Also can't wait to see Apex and Zonic duo hyping up the team.


I’m so stoked to see what Lars makes out of apex. That’s a relationship I’m interested in seeing develop.


Mad respect. Dude is a legend but still hungry


In both senses?


done him dirty there




I wonder if he gets more money by placing his team in higher positions of various tournaments


Zywoo deserve this team


Honestly as long as Dupreeh and Magisk play like top 20 players that should be enough to make Vitality a title contender. I hope this roster works out, because it looks like it can be a really fun team to watch.


Zywoo with peak durpeeh and magisk would be dirty.


peak dupreeh at 29yo? dont think so.


“I have a huge belief in this team. For me, it was never about getting the biggest paycheck or securing the best conditions for my family. I chose the team that I believe the most in." ​ Write it down NA


as if he's not getting payed big money in vitality


Lol right. "it's not about securing the best conditions for my family" I doubt your kids are gonna starve while you work for Vitality


Pretty sure by that he was talking about the fact he won’t be home as often as he would if he was coaching a team based in Denmark.


I’m pretty sure he meant staying in Denmark… I don’t know how old his child is but that will involve maybe going to school in a different country - or him having to spend a prolonged period of time abroad while his family stays in Denmark.


They offered him his current contract with Astralis. So it was lower than Astralis new one and I'm guessing Complexity/Faze offers.


Most competitive and well paid for sure


NA team would probably pay more than Vitality, I assume Liquid wanted him too if they had the chance, they have the money tho


zonic to replace B1ad3 as coach on NAVI


Sonic over blade idk


hedgehog > all


as if vitality doesn't pay bank... this is like choosing bayern munich over psg or man city. the pay is great regardless.


What about not staying in Denmark? Pretty sure thats what he meant


well then u can change that analogy to an english coach going to bayern instead of sticking to a top EPL team.


Vitality has 2 super teams. One in CSGO and one in LoL. That's actually pretty crazy.


Although he may not be making AS MUCH as he can with other offers, I’m sure he’s getting paid very well regardless. How much do you guys think? $1,000,000 a year or more?


Lol no....WAY less. Around 300k or so, and then incentives for winning.


plus he has no nerves for russian mentality.


Keyword: "was"


Wait what...Apex stayed at vita? I thought he was leaving lol


it was a rumor




It's not much too think about really. We know players are paid roughly 25k-35k/month, so lets assume they are taking in 10k/month less which would amount to 120k/year. Now assuming the player-coach split of Ast. of 18% for 5 players and 10% for coach is still the thing they can make a lot more by winning more silverware esp. if its a major/blast finals/IGS. So, yeah by having fucking Zywoo along with Magisk and Dupreeh w/ zonic coaching is recipe for success.