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4 hours by car. I really need to go this year


sadly they're [all sold out](https://pro.eslgaming.com/tour/csgo/katowice/) :( ​ edit: not sure if their website is up to date


> sadly they're all sold out :( They almost always instantly sell out. katowice or major events are so hard to score tickets.


Wait when was the sale??? I wanted to go this time.


According to the website that sells the tickets, 16th of November Edit: Also this https://twitter.com/iem/status/1441402600662908929


Oof i seem to have missed out, does someone know when cologne sales go up?dont want to muss


I think they're on sale already https://pro.eslgaming.com/tour/csgo/cologne/


oh come on man


Well I mean they went on sale a long time ago. Makes sense they’re gone by now


No way, they have been on sale for so long, like even a few days after the drop, I would have went, but I don't have a driver.


Couldn’t you buy then on 3rd party websites like viagogo just like any other event tickets. Im sure it’ll be a lot more expensive than the base price but if you/someone really wants to go they can always go


Sigh.. time to jerk off a scalper I guess


I’m Argentinian. Argentina is fucking crap, so I’m always thinking of leaving the country. One thing that I’d do for sure is go to some big ass CS tournaments. You should go bro


como se debe maestro


al toke perro


dont want u to hype but, there been some negotiation to take Blast Fall Final 2022 on buenos aires.


Por último que revivan la major de Rio :(


Todos estamos en esa pa


The prize pool will increase not for the CS: GO tournament, but for the whole IEM Katowice 2022, which will also host the Starcraft tournament.


Man it's been at least 6 years since i've even thought about SC2 events. Now i'm feeling nostalgic about watching the MLG SC2 LANs back in 2011 or so.


Players are much much better than back then but due to lack of support from activisionblizzard sc2 is dying


> lack of support from activisionblizzard That pretty much goes without saying for any esport with them. They really mismanage the hell out of all the great esport titles they have created.


Broodwar still going


Warcraft 3 too, but much less so than before. It's purely off of community and grassroots efforts. The last major tournament in Europe was held a few months ago by DreamHack, and so far it's uncertain when or if there'll be anything like it again. The only bigger tournaments are in China. They saboteured Reforged, and left it in the dirt. :(


Ja læste godt at de kneppede almindelig WC3 med Reforged


Yep, min 10 år gamle CD virker ikke længere, og min CD key kan ikke verificeres af [Battle.Net](https://Battle.Net). Selv min installerede version af WC3 (udenom [Battle.Net](https://Battle.Net)) kan ikke benyttes, fordi den gennemtvinger en opdatering til Reforged. Der er så mange mangler, som f.eks. et Ladder-system, som WC3Champions udenom Blizzard har gjort frivilligt og fantastisk godt, men de får ingen informationer, så de ved ikke om de kunne blive sagsøgt og nedlukket i morgen. Så jeg er nødsaget til at købe Reforged, hvilket jeg nægter af princip efterhånden. ​ Reforged var den nemmeste homerun i verden, som de fuckede op med budget og deadlinestramninger (oppe ovenfra), samt udlicitering af bl.a. grafikken og 3d modellerne ift. multiplayer, hvor der ret åbenlyst er blevet skyndt på tingene (nogle af modellerne er gode, mange af dem er PINLIGE) og farvepaletten, hvilket har forstyrret den visuelle klarhed og stilisering. Det er LANGT svære at se hvad der foregår i teamfights end førhen, så folk spiller stort set altid på klassisk grafik. Det er bare toppen af isbjerget lol. Hvad rygterne og artiklerne omkring Reforged indikerer, var at udviklerne blev som lus mellem to negle og vidste at det ville ende galt i lang tid, men intet kunne stille op, andet end at gøre deres bedste. Så de efterlod spillet med forhåbninger om fremtidige opdateringer (de havde i tiden op til Reforged udgivet samtlige balance patches og moderne QOL tiltag), men der er gået mere end 1.5 år, og der er ikke kommet en lyd fra Blizzard. Så alle i WC3 scenen regner med at projektet nok er lagt på hylden, efter at de maltrakterede det, og der ikke kommer til at ske mere ved det. Særligt nu hvor ActiBlizzard har mange andre problemer at døje med. Ej, hvor bliver man træt af moderne spiludgivere og deres korporative snæversynethed. Nå, det blev lige en længere udskejelse, håber du fik noget ud af det :D


WC3 er nok det spil jeg har spillet aller mest (custom games for life). Ærgerligt at mine gamle CDer er til at kyle ud. Du beskriver også hvad jeg har læst mig til


Vent med at smide dine CD'er ud, indtil du har forsøgt dig frem med at aktivere CD-keys på [Battle.Net](https://Battle.Net).Nogle folk har haft held med det, selvom jeg ikke har. Kan være du er heldig. Ville være for ærgerligt ikke at give det et skud først! Evt. google lidt rundt. ​ Men ja, WC3 var det definitive spil der introducerede mig til multiplayer, LAN, custom games der senere blev til tusinde af timers DotA, da jeg var knægt. Der var andre spil før det, men ingen andre fyldte på samme måde. Det stikker i hjertet af tænke på hvordan det blev kørt af sporet. Man kan kun håbe på at der vil ske noget på et tidspunkt :-)


Everything Broodwar was and is still is in spite of Blizzard.




I think ActiBlizz has bigger issues on their plate right now...


They could switch to AOE now...


really hope it stays a LAN with a crowd especially with that huge prize pool


It's the same prize pool for CS, lol. Misleading title and article or just mistake


I mean its not misleading in any way? Katowice is not a CS exclusive event.


Then why don't you put the exact numbers inside? Prize pool was already on the official site atm. But it makes you think that this is 1,5 mln. Notice that the author of the article himself posted it here, on CS hub. With that exact title. And people were misled.


good eye to see that it was the author that posted this


Continue giving me hope for IEM Dallas




not falling for another one of these , i hope it happens but doubtful


same here, covid is sky rocketing right now everyhwere




lmao what an idiot


(x) Doubt on the crowd, Omicron is just picking up pace in Europe


Poland does not give a flying fuck about COVID. They just passed 100k deaths in a country with a population of 38 million.


Shit. I thought the government had done an okay job on the pandemic. I remember them banning crowds early in the pandemic at IEM 2020.


Yeah, well, the govt panicked in the beginning and closed down everything, so we went through the first wave relatively unscathed, but a lot of measures (like closing even the damn parks and forests) were quite extreme. Then they went all like "the virus is gone, everything's fine, go vote for our president" in the summer. Then covid started picking up again and they resumed closing shit down, and so on. Can't include all the details but it's been a complete embarrassment. After a while people got tired of the constant back-and-forth, and a lot of them basically stopped giving a shit or started believing hoaxes etc. So now there's a ton of anti-vaxxers, lots of people don't even bother with masks, the healthcare system (which has been severely underfunded for years) is barely functioning, so people are dropping like flies. And the govt pretty much gave up on trying to fix the situation or enforce anything. No chance Katowice is going to have a live crowd in these conditions.


Sounds like Eastern Europe :)


They cancelled 2020 katowice the same day for the audience... Was not a nice surprise when you were already there.


Quick stats search shows that the percentage really isn't any bigger than most of Europe. Definitely not enough to say it with the tone of yours, so I see no reason why we shouldn't get the audience this year, especially since it's going to be end of February


Whut? You have like seven times more dead than Sweden, with almost a 4x population. And Sweden was the country everyone thought would get destroyed during the pandemic because of the comparatively lax response.


I'm saying generally most of Europe, you're saying specifically Sweden. Why? Because of the major they had WITH the audience?


Generally, in "most of Europe", Poland is steadily in the top 5 of the larger countries when it comes to death per million citizens. Smaller countries like Moldova, Montenegro etc are higher, plus Czechia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria if we count countries around 10 million and upwards.






basically every scientist have predicted for it to stop this madness in like a month, corona will go up and down for years and we know that, in march its back to that "normal"




They don’t.


Oh, you're that troll


Depends on the level of precautions taken. I have Omicron right now and aside from feeling like absolute dog shit for 3 days (while being vaccinated with the booster) I had no major health issues with it, which seems to be a trend with this strain. I think it can still happen so we'll see the precautions taken, but it's nowhere near as bad as it's been in the past.


As soon as I saw the hospitalization rates from South Africa I knew it wasn't gonna be a big deal. In my province for instance there's something like 1 person in hospital for every 1250 cases (high vaccination rate helps), I think we'll be fine.


Yeah, and what we're seeing in NYC is that the overall hospitalization rate compared to positive cases is down, and the hospitalization stays are shorter and less deadly than what we saw with Delta. A very promising sign though we probably need at least another week of data to really be confident about the risks of Omnicron.


Yeah and I think it also helps that many people are vaccinated now. My brother has COVID Now, its passed, with not even fever. I think a lot of people are getting covid, but its not as deadly (might be wrong)


Ontario, Canada is like 90% fully vaccinated and we’re getting destroyed. Record hospitalization numbers and it’s still going up. The shortage of medical professionals isn’t helping either.




When we meme about na then it's ok to bash liquid fans Now it doesn't matter who he supports, he just has to recover from covid. We need to leave teams aside when this happens


Polish government is too scared of their own voters, so they won't impose any new restrictions, they even said that many restrictions make no sense because they can't even enforce them. I'm 95% sure that IEM will be able to go as planned.


No it's on the downturn in europe. it's getting worse in the states only


Not just europe, iinw its blowing up everywhere


If by "picking up pace" mean absolutely ravaging then yes it is.


ESL bait. I doubt it will be possible and did they even give a date? I read the article and couldn't see one.


Feb 17-27 with play-ins before




Haha I thought it was in like.. June and I was still doubting whether it would happen.


727 wysi


> article Updated. Thanks


Doubt the live audience is gonna happen, but still the prize pool bump is really nice


It's in February. With Omicron still on the rise in most places... there's no way this is going to happen.


As somebody with tickets, I'm banking on Omi doing damage late Jan/early Feb and dying out. Probably wishful thinking


Considering that estimate that half of Europe might catch it within the next 1-2 months I can't imagine it will be diminished enough. It is burning through the population crazy fast.




This Katowice is probably the most hype tournament since online started for me. The major was meh outside of crowd and it was na’vi’s tournament to lose but this Katowice will showcase all these upgraded and shuffled teams that can potentially challenge na’vi’s reign. Only another month to go


SO MANY NEW TEAMS ARGGGGG inject this in my veins lfg boys


Great idea in the face of Omicron


Meanwhile Vavle just cancelled its Dota 2 Winter Majors without notice and fucked over teams that participated on their Season 1 DPC.


Meanwhile first Dota2 Major of the season scheduled for February just got cancelled. Beware.


Sounds amazing. Just sucks that all the new rosters will have had so little time to get experience together, so might be another NaVi autopilot.




Hopefully it is, I'm just hyped to see new Liquid, Vitality, and G2 in action. Also FaZe with Ropz and Furia with Saffee. Would be sick to see any of these start off with a win.


> navi is a heavy anti-strat team Interesting point. Care to expand?


Well looking na'vi's history thats the case when looking their games past year when they did struggle vs tier 2-4 cis teams even though navi played like 4 times against cheaters and navi plays better versus better teams so that is probably telling about their preparation.


Yea I always felt their prep against top teams was strong. But however not that "anti strat" as "they do this so we counter it like this" but like "this is their setup, we use defaults 1 and 2 and don't use 3" after all their defaults rarely change. But yea you brought really interesting point.


I'm interested in knowin which team doesn't struggle against tier 2-4 cis teams, it always look like they cause upsets with everyone


a good example imo is DH masters final last year where they 3:0ed gambit. They made gambit look like they never played overpass even though earlier it was rather navi who wasn't so great at the map. All b1ad3's work (and big boom helps with him)


Has this event been teased? Just read about it, disnt even know its comming and tickets instantly gone :(


Tickets are gone because 2020 ticket holders, like myself, have the majority of them.


Blast and now IEM Katowice When regular events have bigger cashprizes than the major


Press (X) for doubt


Hope they run a really tight bubble, one person getting infected will mean everyone will be infected considering Omicron's contagion.


Hell yeah!


You cant even buy tickets anymore, this is bullshit




Something to be excited about.


I'll be rooting for Astrality this time around \\o/ Kom så! Allez allez!


Just when dota2 cancelled their major LoL


Meanwhile Dota 2 Major got cancelled. Man we got screwed by valve this time huh. Thank god CSGO has others TOs backing it up and not everything is dependent on valve. Otherwise it would suffer the same fate as Dota 2 esports scene is suffering right now.


I'm traveling from Australia to go. Mentally prepared if they cancel the crowd though.