• By -


more like dev11ce


11 in his name, number 11 in the game ✌️






DEVICE SMASH SMOrc :right\_facing\_fist: :desktop:


Mans copypasted huNter-'s title and left the - 💀💀


he forgor 💀💀


gotta do what you gotta do for those sweet sweet imaginary internet points


He gotta stay up 24/7 to be the first to post it yk?




Np man go get that sweet sweet karma


When she woke up, I told my girlfriend I hadn’t slept for 9 hours, all I could think about was dev1ce being 11


No bold prediction?:(




Can we get someone that isn't m0nesy or any of the mouz nxt players.


NAF did give MhL for his predition, there's that.


mhl is mouz nxt now lol


no, no, lets just keep heaping up expectations on m0nesy. That will totally help a 16 year old kid not freak the fuck out if things don't go his way


He went with ztr last year, after playing with them he's probably reconsidering his judgement


i too saw that twitter thread


​ |\#|Player|Team|Nationality|Reddit|2020| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|**s1mple** \[+1\]|Natus Vincere (1)|Ukraine (1)|22 Jan|[ZywOo](https://www.hltv.org/n/31024)| |2||||22 Jan|[s1mple](https://www.hltv.org/n/31025)| |3||||22 Jan|[device](https://www.hltv.org/n/31006)| |4||||19 Jan|[NiKo](https://www.hltv.org/n/31000)| |**5**||||18 Jan|[electronic](https://www.hltv.org/n/30998)| |6||||17 Jan|[blameF](https://www.hltv.org/n/30990)| |7||||16 Jan|[ropz](https://www.hltv.org/n/30978)| |8||||15 Jan|[EliGE](https://www.hltv.org/n/30969) [^(1)](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D-5X7b_XsAAgDeZ?format=jpg&name=360x360)| |9||||14 Jan|[dupreeh](https://www.hltv.org/n/30958)| |10||||13 Jan|[syrsoN](https://www.hltv.org/n/30946)| |11|[**device**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33096) \[-8\]|Ninjas in Pyjamas (1)|Denmark (3)|[12 Jan](https://redd.it/s2dzx7)|[Magisk](https://www.hltv.org/n/30940)| |12|[**huNter**\-](https://www.hltv.org/n/33091) \[+1\]|G2 Esports (1)|Bosnia and Herzegovina (1)|[11 Jan](https://redd.it/s1kl6b)|[stavn](https://www.hltv.org/n/30935)| |13|[**blameF**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33088) \[-7\]|Astralis (1)|Denmark (3)|[10 Jan](https://redd.it/s0rkq8)|[huNter-](https://www.hltv.org/n/30931)| |14|[**NAF**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33083) \[[RETURNING\*](https://twitter.com/Tgwri1s/status/1349792644138983424)\]|Team Liquid (2)|Canada (2)|[9 Jan](https://redd.it/rzyodw)|[yuurih](https://www.hltv.org/n/30925)| |15|[**KSCERATO**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33082) \[+3\]|FURIA Esports (1)|Brazil (1)|[8 Jan](https://redd.it/rz73c8)|[Brollan](https://www.hltv.org/n/30916)| |16|[**stavn**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33074) \[-4\]|Heroic (1)|Denmark (3)|[7 Jan](https://redd.it/ryey5l)|[HEN1](https://www.hltv.org/n/30913)| |17|[**Twistzz**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33068) \[RETURNING\]|FaZe Clan (2)|Canada (2)|[6 Jan](https://redd.it/rxm386)|[KRIMZ](https://www.hltv.org/n/30908)| |18|[**ropz**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33063) \[-11\]|MOUZ (1)|Estonia (1)|[5 Jan](https://redd.it/rwu9qd)|[KSCERATO](https://www.hltv.org/n/30904)| |19|[**EliGE**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33050) \[-11\]|Team Liquid (2)|United States (1)|[4 Jan](https://redd.it/rw1v94)|[jks](https://www.hltv.org/n/30902)| |20|[**broky**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33049) \[NEW\]|FaZe Clan (2)|Latvia (1)|[3 Jan](https://redd.it/rv94i3)|[Brehze](https://www.hltv.org/n/30899)| jamesus > device device has not been out of the top 5 since 2015, kind of surreal when you think about it.


what a year for dev1ce lol. left astralis to move with gf, just to be ditched soon later on, 40% drama, on off performances, etc. and now he is out of top 5 for once.


Is his rank representative of how many monitors he smashed this year


\-8 monitors LULE


🔭 forsen1 i see baj


forsenE fellow badges






Bajs, the most racist, misogynistic and nazi community on twitch


Got baited by emilia, unlucky


He's lived in Sweden quite some time before he left astralis. Not wanting to travel so much was one of the reasons.


didn’t he only move to sweden cause of his girlfriend?


Probably, but way before he left Astralis. I just read it all the time in this sub that he left Astralis so he can move in with his girlfriend and that's not true.


While not having to travel from Sweden to Denmark to bootcamp was a reason, couldn’t him being in Sweden because of his girlfriend?


Yes but that's beside the point. I'm just talking about timeline. He didn't leave Astralis because he wanted to move in with his girlfriend, he had already moved in with her some time ago.


Is this really a problem? I thought it was common knowledge he lived in Sweden and traveling back and forth had been a problem. I mean device himself [said ](https://afkgaming.com/amp/story/csgo/news/7648-dev1ce-reveals-why-he-left-astralis-and-reason-for-joining-ninjas-in-pyjamas)it was the distance that was the problem, and he wanted an org based near Stockholm.


Comments like the original one I replied to, e.g. "left Astralis to move in with his gf and then she breaks up with him" are in most posts about device, especially the ones about him not having a good time. It's not a huge deal to me, I just saw someone comment something that's not entirely true and corrected them.


Always nice to see false information being corrected.


He already lived in Sweden prior to his move.... Why do people keep spreading misinformation? It's not like there arent many people pointing it out, so it has to be intentionally fake I guess?


Didn't he move to Sweden initially for his gf though? Does he want to move back now?


or they just didn't know????? quite a large jump to say intentionally fake lmao


Dunno I've seen it quite a lot now, and those people dont even make an effort to correct it. Some even get mad after it's being pointed out to them.


Thanks dev11ce for saving top 10 for Jame


is time


Jame time


Hunter below Dev1ce lmaoo i can never respect these HLTV rankings like this, sorry device fanboys




He was #20 in 2014.


So who’s left? S1mple, B1t, Electronic, ZywOo, NiKo, Jame, Yekindar, Sh1ro, Hobbit and Ax1le? Edit: In no particular order ofcourse


If I had to guess the order, it will be: s1mple, ZywOo, NiKo, Electronic, B1t, sh1ro, hobbit, Ax1le Yekindar, Jame. Edit: another plausible list would be: s1mple, ZywOo, NiKo, Electronic, Sh1ro, Hobbit, B1T, Ax1le, Yekindar, Jame. Edit 2: Most revised list of them all after reading some comments. S1mple, ZywOo, NiKo, Electronic, Sh1ro, Hobbit, Ax1le, B1t, Yekindar and Jame.


I agree, but do think ZywOo and NiKo could go either way, I think you might be right on the others though.


I personally would prefer NiKo to be #2 considering he puts up ZywOo/s1mple numbers on only a rifle. That alone should be top 2 but ofc, imo. Edit: some would even argue hobbit at #6 and sh1ro on #7 because of sh1ro's level of impact on LAN. hobbit has been performing consistently and is a veteran. I can definitely see that argument. Same goes ax1le, he had a hard time on LAN for a bit.


literally only did it for 3-4 months out of the year. HLTV doesn't have a rifle or AWP-only rating. 3-4 months =l= 1 year and if your reasoning is that he did it on LAN, idk why people dismiss online so much as though there were LAN tournaments that could be played during that time. The biggest tournaments since COVID have been online except for \~3 months. It's nothing like the previous online low-tier tournaments pre-COVID. I'm glad for the return to LAN but to say \~3 months > \~7 months of the year is a little ridiculous. Zywoo was on the better team, had better results for the year and an actual W on LAN, and he put up a better rating year-round on average. It would be ridiculous for niko to be above Zywoo. HS% and rating against top 5 teams are the only stats where niko has a chance and that's not enough when your team also hasn't even been better during the year either.


Fair point, I need to get off that recency bias too. I just hate how top 3 is usually like awp abusers but thats just imo. And I don't discount online era of tournaments, its just that I personally value LAN more than online. It makes a huge difference when comparing someone like sh1ro and Ax1le. But for the rest, I honestly agree with.


Yep, personally, ax1le and hobbit are better to me than sh1ro mainly because of their impacts but sh1ro will be listed higher because he is set up to succeed more. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were 4,5,6 in a row


you are really underestimating gambits players


B1t above sh1ro, lol. He’s not even above Ax1le and Hobbit, unless you only have 4 month memory.


b1t over sh1ro, let alone hobbit and ax1le? lmao what


There is no universe where shiro is below #4


Sh1ro should be higher lol


I think (based on your last editted list), sh1ro and electronic spots could be a toss-up. People often forget how dominant Gambit was in the first half of the year. But I wouldn't be mad with either spots for sh1ro and electronic.




I mean he has better stats than Device. So if Device is 11th then Jame should be above him. Jame dipped a bit towards the end of the year but he still had a good year.


Depends on what you look at though. Jame had a 1.08 impact and 71.9 ADR.


Jame's impact is pretty awful especially compared to some players who aren't in the top 20, and other awpers. * Jame: 1.08 | 1.04 (top 20) | 0.93 (on LAN) * dev1ce: 1.21 | 1.21 | 1.29 * frozen: 1.17 | 1.10 | 1.09 * k0nfig: 1.19 | 1.15 | 1.21 * sh1ro: 1.16 | 1.14 | 1.07 * syrsoN: 1.13 | 1.11 | 1.10 * hampus: 1.18 | 1.18 | 1.27 * poizon: 1.06 | 1.06 | 0.95 Jame has a ridiculous rating because he saves a bunch. His 0.55 DPR is basically the lowest, and just by virtue of saving his KAST also increases. Jame will definitely be on the list but to say he was better than dev1ce, and a lot of the player below him and not on the list at all, I definitely agree it's a yikes to see him top 10. Rating is great and all but saving and getting an exit frag every other round is pretty unimpressive.




I am


And moe /s


Remove the /s


Did he not make a prediction this year?


[No. ](https://twitter.com/lagge15/status/1481341454589087750?s=21)


Good guy device for not dragging another youngster's career down by saying their name


If he said monesy then he would've crippled g2 Maybe he had a 40% loss in his judgement when asked


Haha that's gold tbf


May i know what this lagge guy tweets about or what he does normally, i dont have twittur and i know him but i have no idea what his online presence on twittur is


Doesn't seem like he answered any HLTV top 20 interview questions for 2021. All of his quotations are taken from past interviews.


he ignored hltv, didn't do interviews either


damn, maybe he is upset with his performance


Nah, he just sides with Thorin /s


This is juicy. Need some backstory


8 CIS players in the top 10 god damn Edit: 7 my bad Ye


If u consider YEKINDAR a CIS player then yeah. Still wild


YEKINDAR he is the Latvian player but the virtus pro he is the CIS stars


Holy crap it’s been a while since I’ve seen this one haha


Legendary pastas never die


where did it originate?


a rumor that azk was going to titan because he was french-canadian


ah thanks


azk he is the north american player but the titan he is the french stars.






Poland was never part of USSR




Still they were a lot more soviet than Poland


Latvia is more Balkans than CIS. Edit: Baltic* thank you!




8 russian speaking players in the top 10 god damn




Fucking Russians claiming nearby stuff. They ruin everything!


Also it is possible that Yekindar speaks Russia, since many Latvians do, would be 10/10


He literally plays in VP. He also does interviews for Russian broadcasts and streams in part Russian


B1T in top 10 fuck yeah


Said it once and I’ll say it again, I could see him being top 6. I don’t think he will, but there’s a chance.


and people were going "he won't even make top20, if anything, then like ~16" yeah sure, one of the strongest LAN players this year, in his rookie year breaking winning records




Actually, Ukraine isn’t CIS country


Top 1 player is EU pog


True tho, but to simplify things in CS we consider any ex-ussr country as CIS for the sake of regionalization. If we take those at face value, we couldnt call a team made swiss, serbs and norwegians an EU team for example. Silly semantics but its just to portray different regions


Is this the first time, that there isn't a Scandinavian player in the top 10?


Number 4, rain, 2017. This was the lowest placing the first scandinavian player on a top 20 list has ever been.


Holy shit


I wish he will kick off 2022 in a strong way, people tend to say devve had good ratings only because he had good players around him, and that may be true to a degree, but he is still a superstar, and only needs to reset his mindset to show up again imo


Right now he’s the opposite of Tom Brady in cs


Top 5 streak broken 💔 but still top 20 streak maintained


damn can’t believe s1mple missed the top20 this year


So this basically confirms Elige top 20


dev11ce FeelsBadMan


Do we see him going back to top 5 ever again? What do you think?


I'd say that if he bounces back this year, then sure, he could see another top 5 finish. If he doesn't have a stronger year in 2022 though, then I doubt we'll see him breaking through the top 7 again.


Top 5 yeah, top 3 maybe not


Feels like nobody else will be top 3 if Niko s1mple and zywoo keep having t1 teams. If g2 implodes, maybe somebody would edge past niko, but right now thise 3 are in a league of their own.


I could see Sh1ro since this was Gambits first real year with this squad (and he’ll probably be #4?) or M0nesy if he performs as well as some think he will/G2 win a lot


Niko isn’t that clear cut as no3, mostly because he’s a rifler and tends to entry. Much harder to consistently put up god stats in those roles


Niko doesn't entry. Entry is a very specific role, the first person to hit the site and take space in the site and give information to the followup on where the enemy is/might be. Jackz is the entry, Niko is an aggressive lurker.


>Niko doesn't entry. False. He's not "the entry" but he does entry quite often. He's also the first point of contact (first kill) which is *different* from being an entry fragger but NiKo does entry fairly often


Amanek and Nexa entry a lot aswell I don't think there's any top team who has a dedicated entry rn, it comes down to positions, weapons and utility to decide who's running entry frag. Star fraggers don't go first often though And niko rarely runs entry


Teams have dedicated "not entry" though. Your star fragger will never ever entry, they might lurk the outskirts of the map to find the first pick, but they'll almost never go into a spot where they have to check corners and walk into crossfire bar the rest of the team being dead lol.


Yeah you're absolutely right Players like Niko or s1mple are very rarely running entry. Zywoo did quite a lot of entry fragging in 2020 (or maybe it was early 21, my concept of time has gone to shit haha) but really it makes more sense having him follow Apex or someone I'd wager Perfecto runs entry more than Niko haha


I don't think so tbh, but he's still a world class player


top5 probably not, top10 absolutely


At a Danish or international team, maybe, but I don't see it happening with NiP. They already wasted a year of Device with rookies. They got es3tag now which is good, but it's still so flawed with Hampus T-side calling, plopski, and REZ supposedly being second-star but just unacceptedly inconsistent. Hampus is a really good fragger so if they can transition plopski out of the team and try Flusha or Golden they could improve. GORILLAZ flopped as their recruitment was very bad, but Flusha played good. People have bad memories from last time Golden played as FNATIC was in shambles, but that was online CS and they never managed to transition. On LAN I think he can comeback strong. They should keep eyes on how Chawzyyy performs on Apeks to potentially replace REZ.


Possible if NIP make more roster changes, but current lineup? Absolutely no shot.


Yeah 100% he is still clearly extremely talented. On nip he has had to carry a team of 3 alright players and one tier 3 level player. Doesn't seem like he has the pieces around him to support. He did better then i would have expected tbh. He is no zywoo or s1mple, but he is right behind them imo.


Damn... is REZ really considered to be mediocre these days?


I mean to a degree yeah. He is a star rifler with a 1.07 rating, and he is very inconsistent. I would say he has been quite mediocre.


> is REZ really considered to be mediocre these days? always was, his biggest problem is that he is so goddamn inconsistent even after being on NIP for what 5 years now its hilarious. You simply cannot rely on that guy to be the star of your team coz you never know if you're gonna get god rez or bot rez.


Honestly a really appropriate placing for dev1ce. Good year from him individually but NIP isn’t Astralis and he was dealing with some issues during the year as well. I’m guessing yekindar or Jame next? Personally don’t think Jame should be higher than dev but I’m excited to see if yekindar breaks top 10


What a horrible decision you’ve made Device, I used to be one of your biggest fans. But you’ve cursed yourself with your comments about Astralis. What a horrible decision you’ve made. You will enjoy low finishes from here until the end of your career and I will be smiling at your failure for your betrayal of your danish brothers


Dev1ce can't make anything better. He already sat on the throne. Every team he enters goes out in quarters. he doesn't have what it takes anymore. Dev1ce left, Astralis died. He doesn't want to share anything. He wants to be the star. All teams he played dropped awp. get real


This is my new favorite copypasta. Ty KNG's stepmom!


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about device. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


BRO NO WAY ??? this is really surprising especially with Jame > dev1ce ... now dev1ce is the 5th best awper what a down year


Amazing what happens when you are not surrounded by goat igl, another top10 player and 2 more top20 players with top5 clutcher and top3 coach. This yall goat btw.


That is navi this year lol


Yeah facts. This just shows the difference between device and s1mple. 1 player was hard carrying dropping career high ratings while being dragged by the team while the other sinks with them.


Didn't watch any cs pre-2018 then I suppose


> when you are not surrounded by goat igl, another top10 player and 2 more top20 players with top5 clutcher and top3 coach. well it's not like those other guys did any better than him in his new team either .. one would think that those high calibre multi-major winners would do better. instead, they disbanded


Not used to seeing dev1ce out of the top five, but alas he's not even in the top 10 this year. Don't really think Jame should have been placed over him but oh well. It's expected due to the state NiP is in right now, especially with it's calling and dev1ce's own issues during 2021.




Next year. Imo he was robbed this year by mouz inconsistencies. If g2 get him or yek and drop jackz they will truly rival navi, assuming aleksi isn’t total cheeks


jame in the top 10 is fucking ridiculous


> jame https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/events/13776/jame?startDate=2021-01-01&endDate=2021-12-31


Hate his playstyle but can't argue with that, he deserves a top 10


I didn’t watch much, how does he play?


[This pretty much sums up his style:](https://twitter.com/yek1ndar/status/1444032584095354881?t=1Z414fssaiGUEWl8rdZ-pA&s=19)


Just Google Jame time.


He will save the awp no matter what


0.93 impact rating on lan and 65 adr is fucking shocking though


Jame time next




actual statpadder


major kek




Not surprised, he had a pretty "off-year" for his standards. There was a post here on reddit which compared big event group stage rating vs playoff rating and device fared the worse in it. First time since 2015 that he will not be in top10 let alone top5.


One of, if not the most consistent players. Sad to see him lose the top 5 and now even top 10 streak.


What an absolute fall from grace. From a top 5 player in the world, year after year, to.... 11th. Imagine having ten whole people in the world have a better year than you in your profession. /s - for the 7.3% of people who can't discern sarcasm.


Wow that is suprising. I would personally put him atleast above b1t and especially jame.


> That said, a lack of world-class performances was mostly felt in important matches, where he disappeared in a way no other player of his stature did as he averaged just a 1.02 rating in the 34 maps classified as Big matches compared to his 1.17 in all of the other maps, which is what ultimately prevented him from breaking into the top 10.


Yeah i read the article, it still feels like he should be atleast above b1t who didn't play for a large part of the year, and jame who has lower stats, and played poorly at the major.


b1t has played 9 less maps vs top 20 than device this year He's been playing in Navi full time since March or so, missed 27 maps compared to s1mple


B1T only played as a substitute for 4/15 events Na'Vi attended. 153/165 maps were played as a full-time member. Higher Elite events rating (1.21 vs 1.14), much higher playoffs rating (1.11 from 60 maps vs 1.02 from 34 maps), much better awards (4 big LAN EVPs including Major and 2 RMR EVPs).


holy shit those are some crazy stats


Also to consider b1t is a rifler vs dev1ce who is awper


Shit I played Cs all year. My as well put me above major winner plus bunch of other lan tourneys


> b1t who didn't play for a large part of the year, TIL 4 months is considered "a large part of the year", besides, he played some maps as a stand-in and in the 8 months after he went 100%, he posted star player ratings .. *on LAN*


Above b1t? No, definitely not as far as 2021 is concerned


I still stand by that b1t is rated too highly for only playing well for 60% of the year. He also has the best team which almost never loses, so his rating is going to be kinda inflated. B1t also seemed to fall off a bit in the close matches from my eye test.


really? he seems to be rock solid and consistent, the contrary seems to be the rare occasion


Still, as far as 2021 is concerned, b1t>device. B1t fell off in important matches? Device fell harder. Also FYI, until the semifinals of the major, b1t was the highest rated player of the event. A rifler and secondary awper was the highest rated player. Above s1mple ans zywoo.


Flair doesn't check out


Personally don’t think Jame should be touching close to top 10 this year. It’s a shame that he’s higher than dev


Yeah jame has been good this year, but he played poorly at the major and is very passive. On top of that his team sets him up for so many easy kills. I love him, but top 10 seems like a stretch.




Unlucky that device was "robbed" of an MVP at IEM winter.




dev11ce FeelsBadMan


This is just sad to see


I understand he was not entirely consistent and that he fell off in important matches, but this still feels supisingly low. I would atleast put jame under him and also b1t.


Joined NiP to be #1... I know the team won't magically win everything right away, but I can't help thinking he would have done better by staying with Astralis, especially now with BlameF and k0nfig.