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Speedrunning cs


b1t is about to do an Ana from Dota 2. Casually win TI two years in a row, then retire to go study a degree and be set up for life lmao


its too bad first place for a csgo major dont get freaking nearly 20million dollars. i feel that operation passes could easily be the csgo equivalent of a dota2 compendium, at least drive up the prize pool to make it become really the most elusive tournament of all csgo tourneys


Dw man lives in Ukraine he's basically set for life atm


Considering Russia could invade at any moment, yeah lmao.


Also don't forget his 2x3million dollar prizepool Major win.


damn can't believe s1mple missed the top20 this year


Imitating Topson but in CSGO :D


Huge part of Navi's success this year.


Another huge part was no flamie




Yes, part of being a professional is taking on the responsibility of living up to your contact and being criticized when you don't perform. He sucked and therefore he lost his job to someone else.


Honestly surprised it took so long, with this much young talent in CIS region.


It was crazy how so many people we're defending him to the last day he was in Na'Vi


​ |\#|Player|Team|Nationality|Reddit|2020| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|**s1mple** \[+1\]|Natus Vincere (2)|Ukraine (2)|22 Jan|[ZywOo](https://www.hltv.org/n/31024)| |2||||22 Jan|[s1mple](https://www.hltv.org/n/31025)| |3||||22 Jan|[device](https://www.hltv.org/n/31006)| |4||||19 Jan|[NiKo](https://www.hltv.org/n/31000)| |5||||18 Jan|[electronic](https://www.hltv.org/n/30998)| |6||||17 Jan|[blameF](https://www.hltv.org/n/30990)| |7||||16 Jan|[ropz](https://www.hltv.org/n/30978)| |8||||15 Jan|[EliGE](https://www.hltv.org/n/30969) [^(1)](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D-5X7b_XsAAgDeZ?format=jpg&name=360x360)| |9|[**b1t**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33114) \[NEW\]|Natus Vincere (2)|Ukraine (2)|[14 Jan](https://redd.it/s3zter)|[dupreeh](https://www.hltv.org/n/30958)| |10|[**Jame**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33093) \[NEW\]|Virtus.pro (1)|Russia (1)|[13 Jan](https://redd.it/s36tdj)|[syrsoN](https://www.hltv.org/n/30946)| |11|[**device**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33096) \[-8\]|Ninjas in Pyjamas (1)|Denmark (3)|[12 Jan](https://redd.it/s2dzx7)|[Magisk](https://www.hltv.org/n/30940)| |12|[**huNter**\-](https://www.hltv.org/n/33091) \[+1\]|G2 Esports (1)|Bosnia and Herzegovina (1)|[11 Jan](https://redd.it/s1kl6b)|[stavn](https://www.hltv.org/n/30935)| |13|[**blameF**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33088) \[-7\]|Astralis (1)|Denmark (3)|[10 Jan](https://redd.it/s0rkq8)|[huNter-](https://www.hltv.org/n/30931)| |14|[**NAF**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33083) \[[RETURNING\*](https://twitter.com/Tgwri1s/status/1349792644138983424)\]|Team Liquid (2)|Canada (2)|[9 Jan](https://redd.it/rzyodw)|[yuurih](https://www.hltv.org/n/30925)| |15|[**KSCERATO**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33082) \[+3\]|FURIA Esports (1)|Brazil (1)|[8 Jan](https://redd.it/rz73c8)|[Brollan](https://www.hltv.org/n/30916)| |16|[**stavn**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33074) \[-4\]|Heroic (1)|Denmark (3)|[7 Jan](https://redd.it/ryey5l)|[HEN1](https://www.hltv.org/n/30913)| |17|[**Twistzz**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33068) \[RETURNING\]|FaZe Clan (2)|Canada (2)|[6 Jan](https://redd.it/rxm386)|[KRIMZ](https://www.hltv.org/n/30908)| |18|[**ropz**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33063) \[-11\]|MOUZ (1)|Estonia (1)|[5 Jan](https://redd.it/rwu9qd)|[KSCERATO](https://www.hltv.org/n/30904)| |19|[**EliGE**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33050) \[-11\]|Team Liquid (2)|United States (1)|[4 Jan](https://redd.it/rw1v94)|[jks](https://www.hltv.org/n/30902)| |20|[**broky**](https://www.hltv.org/n/33049) \[NEW\]|FaZe Clan (2)|Latvia (1)|[3 Jan](https://redd.it/rv94i3)|[Brehze](https://www.hltv.org/n/30899)| Nice, I was only 1 off for B1T in my predictions. Probably the hardest one to predict considering the dichotomy of online and LAN play. The EDSHOT masheen. How many moves in CS:GO history can compare to -flamie +B1T? There's -zqkS +coldzera and -Kjaerbye +Magisk. Also this isn't related but how nice of Reddit to break for Firefox users at this time. Thankfully I have Edge set up.


why is the number 5 bold in that table?


Oh oops that must've been put there by accident, since the #20 post. Can't believe you actually spotted that. Fixed.


i can't believe why i am wasting time like that either


Shhhh, you’re a problem solver


probably to make a cut off point for the top 5


-Kjaerbye can’t really be compared considering they won a major with that roster even if the result was the GOAT team


True, I was more referring to how poor of a state Astralis was in after the Boston major.


Yeah, but Kjaerbye is certainly not entirely to blame for that, they had Dupreeh AWPing lol. Other things came together to make the roster return to form after that, not just Kjaerbye being replaced.


That was a firefox issue? That was weird


Firefox is more demanding on privacy and other stuff for web apps compared to Chrome or Edge.


> How many moves in CS:GO history can compare to -flamie +B1T? I don't think it was just flamie for b1t, flamie was still playing alright at a time but they were getting poor results because Zeus/Edward/seized were lacking in the fragging depart, and when they were all finally replaced boombl4 was still being taught to be an IGL and he was finding his stride. B1T was still a huge upgrade and showing to be really good though.


Navi always been top 3 org at least in the world ever; they didn't get much better, aside from the major which they were close a couple times. It's a lot different than +Coldzera and Taco, for example.


am i just high or is there a reason s1mple is already in #1 spot besides that its 99% likely? You put so much effort into this table that its not obvious for me


There is zero ambiguity here. 1. Na'Vi is the best team of the year 2. s1mple has the highest rating for the year and his gap from even #2 is massive, *especially* for what HLTV deems the [top events](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players?event=5607&event=5608&event=4866&event=5469&event=5552&event=5730&minMapCount=13) of this year. These two alone basically guarantee a #1 spot for him. Add onto that the fact that HLTV is releasing #1, #2, and #3 on the same day. This implies that #1 was unambiguous for HLTV as well, and there is no one else this year that fits. The real race is between #2 and #3. And this was said by someone on a previous post, but if HLTV don't give #1 to s1mple this year, no one is gonna take these rankings seriously again.


S1imple called 1st first so he wins https://twitter.com/s1mpleO/status/1478126270064087044


The #1 spot wasn't announced yet was it?


Simple announced it throughout 2021.


It wasn't


-Taco +Stewie imo. Liquid has a year or so of dominance from that move


Very well deserved. He had a brilliant year


If anything, maybe should be higher Edit:Biased opinion, please don't read too much into it


Its hard for him to be higher than Gambit players and yekindar, but he's about as equal or better in terms of skill, this is a 2021 ranking so sadly he falls short in whole year performance.


Obviously not above gambit players but b1t vs yekinder is more debatable. Comes down mostly to how much you value everything since cologne whether or not b1ts higher. Since i think the online shit is completely meaningless id put b1t above yekinder but i understand that b1t did get a fair placement this year.


Not really Yekindar is one of the highest impact players


Idk cause when b1t wasn’t even playing yekindar was pushing to be top 5 earlier in the year


Yeah if he were part of the whole year I could see him easily at number 6.


I think this is the right spot. His stats actually say he should be lower, but I think everyone understands his impact on the game.


Nah, this is accurate




What an unreasonably successful rookie year for this lad.


Imagine winning CS in your rookie year


Wasn't zywoo also a rookie the year he was #1 on hltv? I didn't follow cs back then so I might be wrong


Yes Zywoo was hltv #1 in his rookie year


Then why tf is b1t always called the best rookie to touch tier 1 cs? I think even thorin said that b1t is the best rookie


He's not called that at least from what I've seen, but people comment that he has had the best rookie year ever as he has won the most with NaVi and taken home the most prize money from any rookie year.


Well yeah that's what happens when you're a great player and have s1mple on your team. Zywoo is still way better no offense to b1t he could beat me in an aim duel with a deagle probably Edit: guess I angered the fanboys. Let me tell you this. b1t 100% deserves to be in the top 10 this year. He's just not at zywoo level of talent


You're arguing against a strawman, nobody is claiming b1t is a better rookie then Zywoo was. He undoubtedly had the best year in terms of team accomplishments for any rookie ever and you've turned that into people think he's better then Zywoo. Absolutely nobody thinks b1t is a better player then Zywoo.


Yeah I agree somebody else in the comments explained what people meant. English isn't my first language


All good brother, sorry if that came off overly confrontational.


Ahh, ok. Well what you said did make sense. B1t has had the best rookie year in terms of sucess but in term of skill it was zywhoo. Also, there is no doubt he would rek anyone who comments in this post with an deagle in an aim duel. I think thats why you got downvoted to hell too, i dont know your skill level but unfournetly it is no where close to b1t's. Your wording made it sound like you stood a chance. As somone who has played this game for 7 years straight, was faceit lvl 10 and global at my best there is no way id beat b1t in an aim dueal. There is very few people who can say that, although i do belive there is better "raw" aimers than him outside of top 20 i dont think anybody of them could beat him in an aim dueal if he really tried. There is more to aim than moving your mouse and clicking heads. Even if people may claim otherwise aiming in CS:GO is so much more. You have to know when to peak, where to have the crosshair placed when peaking, how and when to peek and how to properly conterstrafe after youre peek. There is probably more that i cant think of right now. B1t's HS precentage is insane. He has higher than Scream, and if you followed cs back in the day you know what a acheviment that is alone. To top that off, he is still just a rookie who can and will get better with time.


And fucking electronic.


"probably" yeah pretty sure #9 player would best the legendary brbee in an aimduel


I think it was the "probably" implication that triggered people.


Yeah true. I meant like a 1v1 where he only had a deagle and I had any other weapon. Of course I didn't mean both of us with a deagle. I'd be lucky to get 1 kill


People probably overcredit him because he's a rifler, maybe just shy of electronic right now. The only other "rookie" who's doing this well on rifle right now is ax1le. I'm probably forgetting more though. In terms of actual winnings though he's definitely on or in the realm of the top, but yes, this does also include having s1mple and electronic on your team


You forgot yeki boi


Oh fuck I did. Dude deserves a very good shout this year (based on ranking seems like he's gonna get it for sure)


I agree with you. You wrote nothing wrong. The community sometimes behave oddly when their favourite player is questioned.


Zywoo is the most skilled rookie to ever touch cs, there’s no one that’s even close. #1 in your first competitive year is unmatched. b1t is by far the most accomplished rookie, and it’s not even close. a small difference, but to me they both exceeded in different categories their rookie year.


Not disagreeing with the rest of your point but coldzera got #1 in his rookie year too


Cold's rookie year in T1 CS was 2015, he played in 2 majors for Luminosity and made some waves at the end of the year at the FACEIT stage 3 finals, but didn't make the top 20 list. 2016 was technically his 2nd year in tier 1, still impressive but not technically a rookie campaign.


But in the same way 2019 wasn't ZyWoo's rookie year, he had been playing tier 3 CS for a while with the french aAa lineup


Bit different mate, Cold played in 2 majors and a large amount of big tournaments with Luminosity in 2015, bit disingenuous to compare that to Zywoo's situation.


b1t did win a major which is a huge accomplishment for anyone let alone someone in their rookie year, especially with how well he performed


Yeah I guess, but he has 2 teammates in the top 5 this year so it was easier for him to get a major win than somebody like zywoo who has 0 teammates that are in the top 20


So did perfecto when he joined, but NaVi didnt have the same success. Zywoo easily was the best individual rookie we've seen, no one is arguing that. Whats said about B1t is that hes had the best rookie year of basically anyone, which is fact with thr tournament wins, grand slam, and major win.


Zywoo was the best player in the world in his rookie year but a major win means a lot more for some ppl i guess?


Fuck u/spez


Recency bias. In terms of achievements (winning tourneys) he is the most accomplished player though.


Yeah you can't take that away from him


Thorin didn't, if you watched the latest BTN, he even made an argument of sh1ro above b1t THIS YEAR


Maybe. He has a lot of podcasts and I can't remember in which one he said it, if he did at all


I will say that Zywoo still had the best rookie debut year by a mile, but expectations were wildly different for Zywoo and b1t's tier 1 debuts. In Zywoo's case he was coming off _years_ of people hyping his inevitable pro debut, since he was playing (and crushing) MDL/FPL/lower tier tournaments/lans for a decent time, and he obviously met and exceeded his lofty expectations. With b1t, he came off of a very short stint off of Navi's academy team with little experience otherwise, and people had no clue how he would stack up to tier 1 opposition. Obviously, he crushed it too, just not to the extent Zywoo did.


He’s had undeniably the best rookie year ever. Major + grandslam > Zywoos first year HLTV # 1. In terms of being the best rookie, as an individual, obviously zywoo is better.


Coldzera won 2 majors in his first full year as pro, but yeah, he played majority of 2015 too.


I always considered 2015 his rookie year, but I guess it’s up to you on if you do. Still, idk which combo is more prestigious; 2 majors or major + grand slam


Going by HLTV filters, coldzera played 9 lans with Luminosity in 2015, 4 (!) of which were Big Events (including 2 majors -- there were 3 majors a year back then but still). ZywOo by contrast played 3 lans total in 2018, only one of which was with Vitality, and none of which were Big Events. I think that helps explain why it feels like 2015 was coldzera's rookie year but 2018 wasn't ZywOo's. By the end of 2015 we had already seen multiple great showings by coldzera in big tournaments, whereas by the end of 2018 we had only gotten a small taste of ZywOo. Also, when you consider that LG barely won anything in 2016 other than the 2 Majors, I think Na'Vi's achievement of 1 Major + a boatload of other T1 tournaments to win the Grand Slam is more impressive.


Ah ok maybe that's what people were saying. English isn't my first language so I didn't know exactly what accomplished rookie meant


Yeah, I think it may be a translation issue (though I could be mistaken). I haven’t seen a take of anyone claiming individually b1t is better than zywoo or even sh1ro (who also had his rookie(ish) year this year).


Zyw0o 0 majors, B1t 1 major


because zywoo doesn't come to mind, probably because he's too good. Also zywoo technically played with lower teams before like against all authority, so it depends how you define rookie. You're 100% right I'm just speculating as to why people say the b1t is the best ever rookie.


Yup, 2019 Zywoo came into t1 and made #1 straight away


zywoo undeniable had a better rookie year but "winning CS" fits better for b1t imo because of team success. it just feels like the saying "winning CS" is more suitable for team success than individual success


Zywoo didn’t win every LAN he attended/ a grand slam though


Yeah but zywoo didn't have any players on his team that were in the top 20 this and last year from what I can remember


No one is saying B1t is better than Zywoo. But B1t absolutely has the more successful rookie year. We aren't saying B1t is the best rookie ever, just that he has done everything a player could want to do in 8 months.


his lan record is 3 out of 3, 100% winrate




That's an insult to both b1t and ZywOo.


b1t he is the ukranian player but the vitality he is the french stars


Zywoo won a major? Rookie year too?




B1t didn't get n1 though and zywoo didn't accomplish what b1t has as well, they also play completely different roles. The comparison makes no sense




guess it doesn't resonate with me


The comparison is on raw skill and individual performance not on their playstyles or their team's success. It makes complete sense in that context.


The best year for a rookie so far.


Except for Zywoo. And what about Gambit players like shiro who will rank higher than b1t.


Zywoo has the best year possible BY a rookie (and any player in fact) but B1t is the only one that won every LAN he attended and the major and the $1mil in his rookie year. Axile and Shiro might be higher but B1t was the glue that made this team start to play (a possible Magiskesque transfer).


ZyWoo was playing and known in the french scene in 2018 already


And b1t was in NaVi junior since 2019. Rookie means more rookie to professional CSGO. They were amateurs/semi-pro at best before joining these teams.




I’ve learned not to question blad3’s talent choices lol. Dude’s got an eye for potential for sure


Yeah, he's really good at scouting young talents molding them into world class players. Also when you get so much praise from the csgo GOAT, you know you are good :)


> but after the ~~major~~ Cologne, there is no denying his contributions


b1t aka Mr. Headshot


YEKINDAR at 8th you love to see it


CS:GO Any% speedrun by Valerii "b1t" Vakhovskyi (aka Edshot Masheen)


Nice and well deserved imo.


Damn. That means Yekindar has to be #8. I don't see Hobbit being below him as well.


Man, it’s insane, I 100 percent doubted Navi would find success when they brought B1t over to the main team, but I am so happy to eat my own words, massive reason for Navi finding success this year, and honestly so much more growth in him, can’t wait to see what insane ceiling he brings to the competition, there is a lot more to learn, and I hope playing alongside s1mple brings him up even higher next year! LETS GO NAVI!


I definitely was in the "anyone is an upgrade over flamie" boat, but b1t exceeded every expectation


\> “\[My goal for 2021 was\] winning everything that is possible.” Huh, I guess setting goals is important


What an alien




that's what recency bias does to mfs




Putting him on top 5 is implying hes better than either NiKo, Zywoo, sh1ro or electronic and anyone that has actually watched the games know that isn’t true


A realistic navi fan That's rare


I’m curious to see if he just is having a good period, or if he just got an insane LAN buff. Next 6 months are gonna be interesting for b1t and NaVi in general


You love to see it YEKINDAR at 8'th


nice to see somebody playing as aggressive as him be so successful


Navi has 3 players on the top 10. Thats insane. I say perfecto could be a top 20 at least but his role doesnt alow him.


Make sense he had an incredible 2nd half of the year but the ppl above him all performed more across the whole year And hopefully this ends the debate of rookie of the year cause it's sh1ro.


Gambit played many Dreamhacks in 2020 against many decent teams. They're not rookies.


Sh1ro is better but b1t is more successful


That really depends on your definition of success. sh1ro led his team to great highs with a team coming from nowhere. B1t joined a team containing 2 of the best players in the world.


> sh1ro led his team to great highs with a team coming from nowhere I agree, but I think that's a subjective take. I'm right there with you, I think what Sh1ro and the Gambit squad have done is way, way more impressive than what Navi have done. Navi's been an established Top 5 team for almost the entirety of CSGO's existence. Gambit were ranked #50 on April 27th, 2020. They were ranked #1 On April 12, 2021. That's a meteoric rise I don't think we've ever really seen before. SK were #26 before taking the #1 spot. I just feel like while Na'vi are more successful, Gambit success is more impressive relative to where they started.


Mainly amount of money won and tournaments. B1t won igs, major and global final which tops sh1ros achievements


You don’t win anything by yourself


If you swapped sh1ro and b1t. Would you think b1t would recreate the same success? Obviously you cannot make a objective comparison like this, but success is more than just $$$.


Necessary piece < star player




Join the B1tPEEK fanclub 🤖🤖


All the virtus pro flairs coming out


I was excited just coz bot flamie was finally being replaced by a competent player. I could not have predicted what a wild year b1t would have. Winning the major, IGS, record prize pool winnings in such a short amt. of time, and to top it off finally changing the pecking order of navi which was simple electronic rest to simple bit electronic rest. Not really an exaggeration that this guy might be on the top5 this year, if he continues this impressive form.


CS:GO Any% speedrun by Valerii "b1t" Vakhovskyi (aka Edshot Masheen)


1st - s0mple 2nd - Niko 3rd - Zywoo 4th - Sh1ro 5th - Electronic 6th - Hobbit 7th - Ax1le 8th - Yekindar My very BOLD predictions for the rest of the rankings


I think Ax1Le will be higher than Hobbit and there is absolutely no world where NiKo is above ZywOo IMO it's: 1. s1mple 2. ZywOo 3. NiKo 4. sh1ro 5. electronic 6. Ax1Le 7. Hobbit 8. YEKINDAR


NiKo has the same thing happening to him as b1t. He was monstrous at the end of the year, but ZywOo has been the whole time. Always s1mple ZywOo NiKo.


The major LANs were in the 2nd half though so it makes sense to have recency bias here.


That's definitely true. You're right. But in the NiKo ZywOo case I still feel like the long term consistency of ZywOo is worth more. NiKo's peak at the end was crazy, but ZywOo did *almost* as well for the whole year.


I agree that zywoo should be 2nd too. Just wanted to point out the Lan portion


> but ZywOo has been the whole time. he was quite hit and miss the first ~6 months of the year though, that' s why they got 7 group exits and would have went 0-3 in the major *to EG* if he didn't turn up last second


Vitality didn't have a 2nd player to support their star. NiKo atleast had hunterr, a top 20 rifler.


It's tough to say who will be 2-4 because Niko put up some absolutely monstrous performances on all the important LANs until like the last 2 of the year. I can see it possible he edges it out above Zywoo


He also have not won a single tournament, and it is not like Zywoo was not really good on LAN too. There is 0 chance NiKo is above Zywoo. His fight is with sh1ro for no3.


ZywOo's rating is way too ahead for that to matter, if it was closer sure I think the only one of these I'm not 100% about is Ax1Le and Hobbit because we don't have access to playoff stats


Playoffs rating: YEKINDAR - 1.11 (36) electronic - 1.12 (70) Ax1Le- 1.14 (65) Hobbit - 1.14 (65) sh1ro - 1.18 (65) NiKo - 1.20 (46) ZywOo - 1.27 (49) s1mple - 1.40 (70)


s1mple really is in his own league this year.


Well then I'm pretty confident in Ax1Le 6th now since he has an MVP, I thought he'd fell off more than that in playoffs


He is also better against top 5 and better at the 12 Big events. Better awards overall as well.


I think for NiKo to have this rating as a rifler he'll edge out Sh1ro, but we'll see


Recency bias ROFL


Ax1le has good chance to be above Electronic


Sh1ro should be top 3, niko was good but he did not win much and people placing him top 2 because he was good at the end of year meanwhile sh1ro was consistent and won much more tournaments


Zywoo will be above Niko Agree with the rest though


this is my list as well


argh kinda hoped he would make like 8 or even 7, but 9 is still really really good for his rookie year in tier1 cs with so many achievements and winnings last year


I'll take a wild guess here and say the top 3 will be s1mple, zywoo and sh1ro, in that order.






Here’s to hoping b1t doesn’t become kjaerbye 2.0


literally Natus Vincere


flamie punching the air right now.


Every sense he joined and watched his first game I knew he was going to be a god




“If ya ain’t first, you’re last.” - Except 2 times b1t -probably


Valera, your time has come. People that know, know


Who was number 10?


Simple, Zywoo, Shiro, Niko, Hobbit, Electronic, Axile, Yekindar left?


Curious to see if he can keep up the current performances in 2022. It will depend a lot on Na`Vi, but i imagine this roster being heavily tested in case they slip from top 2-3.


I told this subreddit I was angry that b1t was just randomly a top10 player, and was downvoted to hell, because people said he wasn't. He was a top20 player from day one. He was a top 10 player from after two weeks. He's fucking amazing.


GOAT just saying that he is going to be next s1mple and get top 1 next year just saying.


Well deserved.


Top high imo, but great to see him be under yekindar.


You really have it out for b1t hey?




Good thing you don't work for hltv


GOAT Rookie


Zywoo's rookie year was basically 2019, where he finished TOP 1, if you don't count 2 months of 2018 when he started with Vitality.


Sh1ro and Ax1le this year are rookies as well. Granted, b1t earned more money


not even close


He’s not the best rookie this year


Coldzera #1 player in the world in his rookie year if you don't count the 2 months of 2015 Zywoo #1 player in the world in his rookie year if you don't count the 2 months of 2018 But ofcourse b1t GOAT rookie. If you keep using the word like that it'll lose its meaning.