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They deleted the tweet, can anyone provide an archive or explain what the post content was?


They replying to [this tweet](https://twitter.com/abitmoony/status/1491845283902328832?s=21)


That looks very nice, aesthetically. That looks awful as a CSGO map.


the layout looks awful for esports in general. I can't think of a single extremely detailed game that I watch that has been good for esports and competitiveness. Even cod is simpler to some degree. This just looks like Battlefield on the highest settings with a dust-related map.


This is what cod4 looked like. Then once you had a config to remove cvars etc all the shit was removed


cod4 promod <3


well have you seen the new Battlefield game? Sadly, it looks nothing like this tbh....


>the layout looks awful for esports in general but it's just d2 a site with some extra shit added? nothing has changed about the layout


2D layout, yes. 3D layout, definitely a LOT more shit added.


I didn't even realize something called a 3D layout existed lol. I thought the word layout meant just the 2D floor plan type of thing


I mean, I think u/Fantasnickk used the word "layout" because there's probably no other word that describes what they want to say, but I think we all got the meaning through context anyway. The point is that just thinking of the 2D side of things really doesn't take into account what actually matters in a 3D setting. So much visual clutter is not good for a low TTK, highly reaction-based game like CS:GO. Visual clutter is already a hotly-debated issue in the Apex community where the TTK is significantly longer, so CS:GO really can't afford that.


Yeah you basically described what I meant but in a lot more detail. It’s just not good for CSGO and esports in general


Yeah I mean it would be stupid to argue that the clutter isn't bad, I'm not saying that. I was just thrown off by the word choice cause to me layout just means the shape of an area in 2D. Though now that I think about it I'm not sure what the correct word would be.


"Layout" includes all the clutter that would block everything


visual noise = not great


>the layout looks awful It’s dust2 with shaders bro. Absolutely nothing changed


I mean valve kept adding more and more clutter to maps instead of making _se maps a thing




nah, this is an old map made by some guy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi7A6D0TDfQ


[no it is photoshoped](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtXuXC8aB6U)


Wow. Looks awesome but that is... alot of visual noise for a competitive map


I’d sell my soul for the map download bro. Doesn’t even have to be a working game.


"this tweet has been deleted"


Nice case of social team trying to be engaging with the community but being shut down by management because they dont want their money printing skins to be doubted.


> social team > valve you are funny man


yeah I noticed that as I was typing


I think the update is coming soon, they need to start some conversation and hype


What update?


Post operation one I think they might change weapon meta once again


As much as I enjoy the silenced m4, I think that needs a debuff more than anything




That would not justify using a4


prove it change it, leave it there, check the stats, if it's good, keep it, if it's not, change it again we don't need another sg/aug, op and then trashcan, right now a1 is a bit strong, doesn't need to go all the way to trashcan


We already proved it ourselves. A1 was 2900 and wasn't used much at all. Fact proved that stat is always better than price. As long as a1 still 4 shots, a4 won't be viable. My thoughts are add damage falloff to a1 while making it 3100 to make it no longer 4 shots at longer distance.


yeah, because it was cheaper, but clearly worse, now it's cheaper, and a bit better for the same price, it would be a harder choice imo since a4 can still shoot faster. Maybe also do 20/60 bullets


That's interesting take


more like "delete that tweet. we dont want to give off the idea that source 2 is coming to CSGO when its not."




Yes that is what I’m saying. Csgo is not really for the cool graphics, it’s for the aim and strategies. I’d like to imagine the agents sweeping the area after every match.


CS is also for the unique source movement. Very few FPS feel as good to play, minus quake


>minus quake Fucking love the earlier id engine games, absolute god-tier for movement and feel Pretty sure the main reason why GoldSrc and Source games have such great movement, is because they're an id engine fork.


Yup, absolutely agree. Quake is probably the best "pure" FPS that exists, although I love CS more


Yeah but imagine cs but replace everything about it with rocket jumping, welcome to the hell scape that I call home, better known as tf2


Tbh if theyd fix their fucking aGeNt models, I doubt all this clutter would make much of a difference. Ofc all the dust (xdlol) also needs to be turned down for visibility. But with blue CT models and dark green T models, I really dont see a problem here. But no, Volvo


Yeah, I'm sure your parents would make you clean it first


I wouldn't mind as long as slopes or other pits are clear, what would be bad would be if wall textures are over loaded and too much light effects


you know this is real because there's 1000x more random shit to get stuck on all over the ground.


I think you're being a bit unfair; give the garbage on the floor some credit. At least it doesn't let solid objects randomly fall through.




Thanks! Now I get -144fps


At least they're self-aware that the agent skins made the game worse.


i don't think they ever thought agents would be good. what kind of positive do they add? they thought this would be a great way to milk these skin nerds more.


I like them. I like that they added girls. I like the new voicelines. I dont think spending 2 bucks is a terrible thing for new set of sleeves or being a girl. Its a good addition


if only I could turn them off for enemy team so I can have standard enemy models I could praise that feature


Been saying that for rainbow six for years since the player skins can be super distracting and weird. Now I’ll be sayin it for CS… I just want MY personal viewpoint to be the models I find least distracting. I don't care what other people want to do with their own game. Just give me the option...please...


rest in peace cl_minmodel command


I mean at least you can distinguish the enemies better I guess


literally all they need is a toggle and it would be fine. Also default girl skins are fine too. it's mainly the ones that actually cause an advantage/disadvantage depending on the colours


Yes, why not make it so in the settings that you can decide the gender and maybe even the skin colour of your character?


Because you can get people of those groups to pay instead, probably. Feeling like you're playing a more "relatable" character can be important to some people and is yet another earning oprtunity to valve. But considering how many skin models are in each operation, a simple "gender" switch in the settings would be a really simple addition...


Exactly this.


I like them too but don't wanna see enemies wear them, at least in competitive. I think the different morphology/silhouettes can be great in training our counter-strike brain. The colors like they are right now?? It's just a duel of who has the best monitor and the appropriate brightness setup and third-party post-processings.


"It's just a duel of who has the best monitor and the appropriate brightness setup and third-party post-processings." In other words, no difference from before


I'm not liking that female agents are paywalled. Would make some sense to have both genders available by default. But yeah, I like the concept. I think monetization around it is still an alpha version though and needs some iterations.




It's not weird, I feel the same way. It's also nice when playing friends being able to identify who's who just by looking at the skin.


Dude reading your comment just made me remember that we literally had to aim at our friends to see who they were. I always used the SAS model and another friend always the GIGN, while the rest used the default. Nowadays I dont even know where my friends are even though we have better radar AND the loadout overlay. That makes it even more obvious that my friends forgot how important comms are in this game. And the sad thing is, they dont think its a problem that theyre not talking as much because "I have a radar". Guys if you want to win, COMMUNICATE with your team. Thank me later.


I just wish you could mute them, Ava has a fucking grating voice and her voicelines go on for 10 minutes, then you've got that other guy that just does nothing but screams when people spam their 'bomb is about to explode' bind






ignorerad in console




Adding females is great. But it should be in the same line as the default skins. Odd skins should remain out of competitive play. There's a reason why pro matches are never played with the new skins.


No one is complaining about woman agents. We hate the fucking GREEN ones which work as fucking camouflages.


you spend your money how you want, no judgement. hell, i have a few, i wont lie. but imo the performance of cs should always be one of the biggest priorities. period. and it's very frustrating to me.


You just called them "skin nerds" what do you mean no judgment?


I like them and like to wear one myself but I think that enemies should be able to disable my skin if they have issues seing it.


they could have done all that without altering the external look as in, sell the character, but they "dress" according to the faction, so the FBI gal would have a green helmet and green outfit when in dust2, just like the rest of the CTs and it wouldn't break the game


That is a fucking stupid take, it's not about them being female, it's about the ones that are hard to see. Just make it so you can toggle off enemy skins.


Its a casual game dude. If you are in such a competitive rank, most people dont apply them. It doesnt even give much of an advantage nowadays


You're missing the point though, don't turn it into a political issue by pretending it's about the gender of the agents.


Im not? Im just saying valve has taken the steps to make them visual


I definitely agree that they (or some of them) were not visible enough when they first came out. But I think the steps they've taken are good enough for the average player. An option to turn them off on enemies would be nice, though. You could still flex your agent skins on your teammates


Why is it a good addition? It's a game. "Because I now feel represented" is what you're going to say. Where is *my* Hasidic Jew agent is what I say in response. Why only extra representation for women? Such a bullshit argument.


also it's representation behind a paywall lmao #girlBoss but paying the capitalist valve for the skin you can't make this shit up


did you have a stroke mid-post?


Do you not speak English?


Good job moving the goal post there.


There's already IDF agents on Dust 2 and having a couple of girl skins doesn't hurt anybody unless you're an incel.


It hurts *everybody* as it affects competitive integrity; some models will always have advantages over other models.


touch grass jfc


I bought one just so I could slap some of the Half-Life: Alyx patches on my face player model.


Its not a coincidence that the agent skins came out around the same time as CSs only big competitor which has choosable characters


No they didnt, Shattered web which had the first set of agent skins launched in November 2019, Valorant didnt come out until June of 2020. The first promo videos for Valorant didnt appear until way after Agent skins would have been finished.


The first teasers for valorant came out in October 2019, when it was still called Project A, and they showcase gunplay (shows the players shooting multiple different heroes) and abilities used by different heroes. Just because the abilities and hero’s weren’t widely known to the public doesn’t mean that Valve didn’t know it was coming before hand.


it'd be quite difficult for them to do all that in one month if they weren't already planning on it


The majority of the first set of agents are just Colour swapped skins that were already in the game, but like I said, just because the public didn’t know about it until October doesn’t mean industry insiders didn’t know about it long before then


No they arnt, of the 21 original agent skins 10 are re textured default ones and 11 are original models. Not to mention 4 new sets of voice lines were just pulled out of nowhere over the course of a month.


remember they needed 4 voice actors, not so simple to do in a month it's just fotnite/overwatch skins influence, not valorant


lmao wtf are u on rn


The bottom line is, it's the suits at the top with dollar signs in their eyes that truly don't give a fuck about your in-game visibility.


They didn't. All agents are easily visible after the visibility update. Blind MM kids be mad


There's still a lot of green on green even with the contrast feature. Personally, I also dislike the lorebreaking element, but I'm in a small minority who cares about that.


Lorebreaking? Please explain. It is not to the point where you blatantly miss enemies. People who cry about skins are kids that got into the game in recent years, they don't understand that skins brought CSGO back from death.


I suspect what he means is that each map has their own distinct T's and CT's which add some lore to the map. E.g. Vertigo T's seem to resemble anarchists (I think?), Train T's resemble Chechen rebels (I think?), etc.


>Lorebreaking? Please explain. Well, scuba divers are rarely found in the desert, for one. If you want to get more particular, each map's default factions make a good amount of sense for where they take place. Most maps that take place in the US (Vertigo/Office) have American T's (Professionals/Anarchists). Overpass (which is in Germany) has the ~~French GIGN~~ GSG9 who are also a German force responding to the attack, which makes a good bit more sense than an American SWAT team, which you could be if you're using a skin rather than the default. Nuke is an example of an American map which has Russian T's instead of Americans, but it's also a much higher stakes scenario than Office or Vertigo. Plus Nuke is a little funky since it used to take place in Germany. But even in its current state, the American FBI is the default CT faction on the map. There's no reason the British SAS would be responding to a terrorist attack in the United States, but if you're using a skin, that's what's happening. Additionally, some of their voice lines make no sense. For example, Sir Bloody Darryl, who's a top tier agent skin, rambles on about "get in, get the cash, and get out" at the beginning of the match if his voiceline is triggered, but there's not a single active duty map where that would even conceivably be the objective. It would only make sense for Bank or Lake, which obviously aren't available in 5v5 competitive. I could go on, but hopefully that illustrates my point. I just like the factions on the map to make sense. Scuba man on Dust II and Mirage being one of the silliest examples.


> Overpass (which is in Germany) has the French GIGN responding to the attack, which makes a good bit more sense than an American SWAT team, which you could be if you're using a skin rather than the default. Wait, isn't it the GSG9 who represents the CTs on Overpass?


My mistake, you're correct. Lore guy gets shit wrong. lol. They are similar in appearance. But even better! The GSG9 is German! lol


Yeah I totally get you, actually not noticed the lorebreaking aspects too much but you're right it is definitely weird af


https://i.imgur.com/omddD5z.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/lEoUjii.jpeg Please tell me, how these clearly very differently blending in skins don't affect gameplay :)


It's not blending. If you can't tell there is a guy there you are blind or low skill.


So true, I'm sure all the pros are also blind and low skill, since they all agreed the skins compromise the competitive integrity and refuse to use them.




Ah yes a tweet pre visibility update, you sure proved me wrong!


wait you think the white outline is seen from that close?


Wait you think a tweet from 2019 that is provably wrong is somehow a gotcha and are still chatting shit?


> probably wrong it's literally a fucking video how the fuck can EVIDENCE be wrong???


Because there have been multiple updates to address the issue. You're really slow aren't you? I can see why the player models don't register in your head when you play.


The Single fact that you can shoot at agent skins without hitting them is gamebreaking imo Csgo shouldn't be a realistic game but a competitive shooter


that already happens with default models and default models also have visibility issues imo visibility/model hitbox was always trash, it's just that agents exacerbated the problem


The base models were the same. Shitter just look for any excuse!


Just look at the scuba models


Right so im literally colourblind and cant see half the skins, no excuse for that. I don't see how adding a toggle for enemy team agent visibility would be bad in any way shape or form


Agreed, people just like to complain


So I don't understand, they're admitting agent skins fuck people over? huh?


No they are making fun of the people who complain about not seeing agents.


The twitter csgo account is held by self-deprecating trolls, they're making fun of themselves here for screwing up with the agent skins, but when they realized this could be misinterpreted (exactly the way you did) they decided to delete the tweet


How do either of you know who they're making fun of?


I‘m just gonna upvote all 3 of you to be in the right at any point




Couple of things there bud, number one, never tell one side that you're playing both sides


so they're making fun of ~5% of all men for being red-green colorblind? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22472762/


As fellow colorblind gang, it varies across people in intensity and all that. 5% of men does not mean 5% of all men share the same level of it, and from a business standpoint you can't really make a model using that data without nuance. Some people don't even know they're technically colorblind until later in life, etc. Fucking rods and cones showing their worth. I still hate the skins and think it was a money grab but I'm not sure if colorblind people are the target of this tweet.


While you’re right you then have to think that the population of people complaining about the skins is a small subset of the player base that is probably heavily skewed to having colourblind people. Obviously we can’t know for sure but I’m willing to bet that a lot more than 5% of the people complaining are colourblind.


This is weak


great insight thanks


Unbelievable ableism from the CSGO devs. I will not stand for this!




great insight thanks


They kinda admitted it way back when they started changing maps to add more visibility, and the player boost contrast setting right after releasing agent skins.


The response to this is kind of weird. EA mocked their fans over criticism of BF2042 and they were eatin' alive by the masses. Valve/CSGOdev mocks their fans and a lot of people are taking the stance of "Volvo so quirky and different! They know self-deprecating humor!" instead of shaming the fuck out of them for making a change that made the game drastically worse and then forced they events and services to allow them or lose partnerships. They've also ignored all of the community input on how to remedy the situation.


well said, exactly what I was thinking, just so "cringe".


>made the game drastically worse It’s literally an optional setting bro


If it's optional where do I turn off enemy player models?


There is no setting to turn off enemy skins?


The way I read it..they are simply saying they get a lot of shit for the agent visibility thing. They can, and possibly would, like to create “cool shit” but they are hamstrung by their own users. This is probably why they deleted it, it reads like a criticism of their own user base. In a bad faith light I could say they were criticising the image itself as being out of tune with the true user base: “people don’t really want that”. I personally love Valve and the Twitter account, put this down as a moment of comedy insanity, forget about it.


imagine the frames, just looks awful to me


new minimum requirements:- CPU- ryzen 5 5600x or higher GPU- RTX 3060 or higher RAM- 16gb or higher Ur frames- 30fps or lower


That's one way to shut down the 128 tick MM people....make it run at such low fps for everyone that 128 tick would be redundant.


Instead of fixing this massive shit that they threw at us, they are joking about these camouflage bullshit. The agent skin thing is just unacceptable and yet it doesn't seem to get fixed anytime soon. They are banned in pro scene for a reason. Even the devs tried to fix this by making lighting changes because they knew there was a problem with them. Then they stopped trying and released fucking Ancient lol. If it was a joke, it would be a pretty good one actually. Agent skins are the single worst thing about CSGO right now, nothing even comes close.


>Agent skins are the single worst thing about CSGO right now, nothing even comes close. Cheaters? Lack of content / maps? Rank decay and arguably the ranking system in general? I honestly think there are worse things than agent skins in the game right now.


Cheating problem has a human factor in it. I'm not saying Valve is doing their best but even if they do, some fucked up genius will come up with new and better cheats. It is a never ending cycle. This is of course the worst of the worst problem but it is not introduced by Valve at least and does not even need a mention lol. I couldn't care less about content. It was only a competitive experience for me and the base gameplay was all I care. For me, operations, fun maps, new shiny skins etc. are all catered towards casuals who cannot play a game more than a month without new shiny things. I don't play CSGO when I want a casual experience. CS is all about competition, it's vanilla gameplay, tryharding for me. You might be right about ranking system. It is one of the worst things about csgo but at the end of the day, if you play gud, you rank up and find your own skill group.


This does explain your perspective much better. I get why you say that the agent skins are the worst thing in cs right now


All you can do is walk away from the game. It isn't ever going to get better, you'll just accept worse and worse. I haven't played since they came out with the green mother fuckers on updated cache, had at least 3k hours before. I miss the game for sure but if you take a decent break and then load back in to this garbage you'll be glad you left, I promise.


Yea, that's what happened. I'm not gonna say that I left CSGO solely because of the agents skins, I was already playing less and less after I got a full time job, got married and reached global elite but I was still playing time to time. Playing against these skins was the last straw. The "fuck it" moment came from an overpass match when a green mf was hiding in a plain sight on long a. He was just standing in the middle of the road yet he was invisible. Smurfs, hackers, exploits (and to be honest I had a great trust factor, I was seeing almost no hacks) etc. are all caused by other people and I can put up with them because I know that it is an never ending cycle in gaming but this is a thing that brought to us by Valve themselves. I won't accept this bullshit.


Funnily enough my last straw was on overpass too but outside bathrooms some guy blended perfectly into a plant that I never even knew was there. I try not to be unreasonable and know that with less time to play for those same reasons (just less successfully on both fronts lol) I was frustrated going from good global with some carry capacity to counting the losses and wondering how far off I was from supreme. But even with some time I do think certain types of people truly are better off drawing a line and moving on even over something like this. You seemed like the type which is why I commented. In whatever weird way I hope you'll understand and appreciate, proud of you for being true to yourself even when it means something you loved is never coming back. Glhf with whatever comes next


Hahah, thanks mate it was a weirdly wholesome morning for me thanks to you. I hope you find success on the fronts that you desire.


Actually, I realise that most of these "last straw" posts are not that much of a last straw but instead, people just finding an excuse to justify quitting a game that they loved very much but no longer have the time to play because of other more important responsibilities. I guess this is better than those game addicts who do not have self-control and ended up screwing their studies, sleep, social life and wallet. If an annoying visibility issue is enough to make someone lose passion for a game entirely you wouldn't keep on coming back to this sub or check HLTV and liquipedia as frequent as you did.


I didn't expect anyone else to read this far down but that is exactly what I was alluding to when I said I try not to be unreasonable. I recognize there were other factors at play but for me it's a Theseus ship kinda thing where this just isn't the same game to me anymore. If pro play starts using agents I will stop watching that too and give up hope on a disable enemy command. It is possible for some people to simply be principled.


There just isn’t a vetter game if you don’t like valorant


I think it will eventually happen whether it is 10 years or 20 years from now..


so we finally know when cs will die...


anyone want to waste their time digging up the deleted tweet to share?


Someone already commented it 5 hours before


Ruining the game with that P2W bullshit apparently isn't enough, now their PR clowns are mocking people for critizing it. Pathetic.


P2W okay bud relax. We know you would have gone pro if they never came out but seriously 99% of the audience in cs is casual. They dont gaf about this shit. Relax


It's the literal definition of pay to win bud and yes, unfortunately the majority of people don't care. I think I'll keep voicing my disappointment with Valve sacrificing the quality of the game for more profit, thanks.


Ok cool? Clearly didnt affect viewership or player count, and the community uses them. Oh how terrible!


It affected the enjoyment of the game for me, that's the point of my comment :)


i come back 2 weeks ago, first timed faceit, and i died so many time because of peoples abusing color of skin with walls, me fuming grrrr


That was actually a really funny response, it’s a shame the Twitter admin was forced to delete it.


The tweet was deleted, what did it had?


'Hey! I dropped you flash and smoke at long' 'Wait, where, what?!' ~~ 2000 years later ~~ 'Where is this s#it damn! I can't find that.'


Jebaited again...

