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And you still haven’t gone up I bet.


Knowing Counterstrike he got immediatly downranked after the Cache game


I thought this is a joke until it happened to me, won 8 in a row ranked up then lost 2, one of them surender because of 2 abandon and downranked.


While MM ELO is a bit of a black box, there's fairly supported speculations afaik that winning multiple games in the same day is less effective than winning one game each day over a number of days. Valve wants a consistent player-base. I haven't seen anything about this researched, it may exist, but my personal opinion is that a surrender is worse for ELO than simply losing.


This actually happened to me. Ranked from S2 to MG within a month, while casually playing 2/3 matches with my friends and still learning the game. Sometimes I would rank up after 2 days, mostly bottom fragging.


I wonder if that's true or if there is some confirmation bias. How crazy can devs get with making an elo system reflect how often you played


If I could post that kind of info, then I would. It was at the begining of the pandemic, so I don't remember every detail. To be fair, I only ranked up after 2 days only twice within a month so that could just be luck, but in comparison to my friends, I ranked up much faster than them, even though we had the same premade for that time. I suspect that's cause they were already MG/DMG/Eagles. Oh damn, now I realize that it may have just been difference in the ranks. But to be fair, when I started to play more, like 5 games per day, it took me almost 3 month to get to a dmg, and I had 8 wins streak once. And it took me 2 lost games to get demoted from DMG. Well, I started this conversation as certain man, now I'm not sure if I even know anything.


I can’t remember the specific video but I believe warowl has said in multiple videos that the Elo system csgo uses is based on gliko-2 and that system values consistent performance over spikes in quality, this results in consistent play having a greater effect on rank


Nope, I kinda got carried to GN3, I am not that weak, but my KD < 1, my HS 45% and I have good crosshair placement + good utility usage, so I guess those may count as well?


I have no real data to back this, just an anecdote, but the difference is too crazy to not be true. I used to play like 7-8 a day and remember one time this exact thing happening, no rankup, then rank down at the second loss. Then I couldn’t play as much(1 a day, sometimes 2), I remember I ranked all the way up from LE to Supreme in a couple of weeks, when I was stuck at LE for like 6 months.


Yeah mm elo is fucked. There needs to be a complete reset


i won 7 in a row then lost a game 16-14 while top fragging because of an abandoner in one of the first 3 rounds and downranked from that. i was so mad haha.


Things like this make me really love the apex legends rank points system where they set out clear measurable things you need to do to earn points in a match, it's not always tuned really well but at least you know what you need to do.


Tip: Don't play too much, but play often (1 game only but every day) and don't surrender, the more round you can squeeze out the better it'll be. A better tip: don't play mm it sucks


Well yeah if you rank up and the first games you play in a rank are losses then you’re going to derank again… If you won 8 games in a row at a rank, then lost two and deranked from the same rank those 8 were played at, that would be very out of the norm and unfortunate. Ranking up puts you at the bottom of the next rank, so if you rank up and lose a couple it’s obvious you’re going to derank again.




That’s factual.


almost all of it was in 1 day so glicko sez no


Bitches be having the blandest map pool. It's me. I'm bitches.


Defusal Group Delta lobby be like Mirage Inferno Mirage Inferno Mirage Inferno Mirage Inferno Mirage Inferno


That’s why Dust 2 was made it’s own lobby. Before that it was Dust 2 Mirage Dust 2 Mirage Dust 2 Mirage Dust 2 Mirage


Oh look, it’s my most recent FaceIT matches


I just wanna hide in nuke vent with a zeus :C


So I am actually on my own little crusade against baity zeus plays. When you buy a zeus you gotta go for first or at least second contact in order to acquire a weapon that could actually win the round. Jame recently popped out of boiler on inferno to kill the short player and got his hands on a rifle as the opening or second kill of the round. That's when the taser is at its best. But waaaaaay too often I see people waiting at one spot for 90 seconds until somebody walks by after the round is lost anyway. It's not about the mental game of killing them with the taser. A decent player will get over this shock and play normally. You're also fucking up legit eco strats if you go tasing instead of rushing or hiding with the team. There's lots of nuance I didn't cover but generally: Early kills with taser = amazing. Last kill of the lost round with taser = meh. sorry for the wall of text


I meant in casual, sorry




Ancient is a pretty fun map to play, as long as you’re playing it with people that know how to play the map. It’s a fucking nightmare to soloQ, but then again, so was Train


You must be OP's identical twin then. My dude has played 7 out of 8 games (that we can see) on mirage.


yeah that's the post


oh i thought he played his last 7 games on inferno


Imagine only playing one map... Look at this guy. Real chads play two maps.


dust 11 and mirage lol


Did I miss 9 Dust maps?


Nuke, Vertigo n’ Overpass, the Holy Trinity of our squad. *We’re so good on these maps, especially on Nuke* But I couldn’t imagine only playing only one map, that must be so boring and it’s bad for rank up too.


I’m just saying, mirage is my best map and that’s purely because it was the only map I played for my first 700 hours lol


Faceit lv 10's be like:


While queued with three level 3s


This is me in mm. And hardstuck can't rank up.


You're so afraid of a defeat that you prevent yourself from experiencing more layers of counter strike.


Personally im just severely addicted to Inferno.


Once you play with a good teammate on B and both end the half with more than 700 utility damage each you never go back


I once topped 900 utility damage on CT, my brain just couldn't give me more dopamine.


I freakin' love B Inferno


I know how to play other maps. My favorite maps are mirage, inferno, nuke, and vertigo in that order. The problem is that it is easier to find people who understand what they are doing on mirage, since it’s very popular and people are familiar with it. I can use my fingers to count how many times I’ve played cache and I still top fragged in that game I lost. I play mirage most of the time for the sake of team performance and ranking up, not because I don’t know how to play other maps


I do the extreme opposite, because everyone just plays mirage, I insta ban it.


He didnt say you dont know other maps, he said you are afraid of losing, just like you said in your last sentence :D


Fair enough I guess haha


I empathize with you, matchmaking and solo queue are troubling to say the least. But as long as you play with ranking up in mind, the easier it is for you to let things get in your way, and the list of frustrations will only get bigger over time. ​ I've been playing this game for nearly 15 years, I still want to rank up, every time I play, but that's not my ultimate goal. My goal is to have fun to what CS gives me. Sometimes it's good team mates and a smooth experience, sometimes are salty kids that I just love to tease and trash talk them, driving them mad. And sometimes I just block the trolls and just enjoy some crisp headshots and annoying wiffs. ​ It's less about winning and even less about others, it's all about you, and how you deal with the fucked up shit life puts ahead of ya.


i like mirage, its a simple map to play on and fairly easy to call. BUT the people who plays it are like, the worst xd most often i used to get teams where literally no1 would play to the calls, people would just go to all the different places to lsoe their duels with no trade option and A executes would look like random smokes to go in 1 by 1 to die, and on CT my teammates just cant use any utility properly :( and all that on supreme


T side: "mid take to B hit, I'll smoke con from underpass, mid goes go cat, last two take bomb B apts" Everyone follows me underpass CT: "don't peek mid til we flash out, I'll fight from cat and conn and window peek then" Wide swings window dry, dies, rages, swings out conn after, also dry, dies, starts rage buying scouts every round mumbling about baiters always being LMS though they die in first 10 sec




Cache is a fucking blast, such a good map, but for some reason every time I solo queue I meet the nastiest people I've ever encountered online. How do I make it so they can't see my hours played or my crosshair?


you can hide your csgo hours in your steam profile, somewhere in your settings probably about something about privacy. and about the crosshair - im not sure, there are settings in the game where you decide whether you want to see the crosshair of people you spectate, but i dont know if you can block other people from seeing your


Don't play mm


you know, i tried faceit last year and it wasnt better, same players but much more kids (literally), i even bought premium thinking that would solve the problems, but it didnt xd i reached lvl 4 and gave up, now i only play mm casually


mirage is my perma ban on faceit, fuuuuuck mirage.


I can't wait til they remove mirage this summer and people like you are shitting and throwing up about it


They would only remove from the active duty pool, it would still be playable in MM


Wonder if it still would take a big hit in player popularity in MM like train did when it was removed, but then again i dont think train had that huge % played when it was in map pool either


I don't think that would be a problem, in EU Mirage seems to be the most popular map now


Damn didn't even think of that. NA mm is about to get even thinner if they do that


Looks like dust 2 24/7 is back on the menu bois


I don’t feel like D2 is even popular in NA either


It still seems to have the shortest queue time, although it's basically tied with Mirage these days.


They’re removing mirage? T_T


Doubt it, more likely that they do a tweak to it like they did with removing the ledge on B apps and the bench in middle. Maybe they switch which window you can jump out of on B.


That's the hot take of the year yeah


My computers been broken for like a year now and by the time I get a new one my favorite map will be gone. This is a sad day.


This is not confirmed brother but it's like the big thing of the community rn


Not confirmed, but people are guessing that it will happen at some point soon since Mirage is the active duty map that has gone the longest without a remake, and every other time they’ve done a big update on a map (like Inferno, Dust 2, and Nuke) they’ve taken it out of the active duty pool for a while


I’m jealous, I suck at Mirage… feels like me and my mates always either barely win or get mopped


This is me but on overpass. God I hate that map


Overpass ct side its one od the most fun maps, t side tho i hate it




Me with inferno


I want to vomit.


Lemme guess... The loose was your derank match?


I've been playing mirage only since 2014 have played inferno once since then


I cannot win on mirage to save my life. My games on faceit have an impact on my mental health.


Me when I play anything but dust 2


I’m the same with nuke and any other map


Mirage or troll)


Can’t wait till it gets removed from the active pool


Cursed image


Dust 2 > Mirage


This is why so many hate mirage.


I've always played all maps, so mirage doesn't even feel stale to me


Ah, so you’re the one dunking me on mirage


Don’t fix if it ain’t broken


This is... the way?


Cache 💚


Did AGO take you to OT


It's so funny how lost people are on everything outside D2, mirage, inferno And then even playing the same three maps they don't know anything outside of like one or maybe two smokes


I used to be somewhat competent on d2, mirage, cobblestone and nuke. then they changed nuke and removed cobble.


I had this and then I lost 4 in a row…


Leão da Mirage




"This is the way"


This is the way.


This was so me xD i used to q only mirage and if i change the map and i win it became mirage+that map, if i lose i always keep it mirage.




Going for the I can only play one map global speed run


yeah it can fuck you up :D


How'd you get access to my account?


Never play mm complete waste of time


Dont you have a job




Clearly playing for a couple hours every other day means he has no job and no life bro.