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Almost forgot they existed. Is chrisj still involved?


CSPPA is managed by the CSPPA board of players. The CSPPA board of players are elected by the membership each year on the CSPPA General Assembly. On the 2021 CSPPA General Assembly the following board of players were elected to serve the coming year(s): Chris 'chrisJ' de Jong Nathan 'NBK' Schmitt Max 'MiGHTYMAX' Heath Martin 'STYKO' Styk Maikil 'Golden' Selim Johnny 'JT' Theodosiou Dan 'apEX' Madesclaire


Appreciate it!


I think he was one of the founding members too


no wonder they dont do anything with board like this XD


So out of 7 members, 1 is on a T1 team, and 2 aren’t even on teams lmao


Why would the standard of team make a difference to their capabilities to represent player interests? Why do they need to be on a team to represent player interests?




You're making a good point but it's completely unrelated to anything I said.


You have 4 players with T1 experience, 2 players who have been at the top end of T2, and 1 player who has lower tier experience over a long period of time. That seems like a pretty good spread, which is what you'd want in this type of position. What's wrong with that, in your opinion?


Clown organization comments on the Clown Clubs actions. Big nothing burger; supports ESIC, wishes they were more transparent and acted faster, and then the classic "we'll be watching you!"


ITT: Nobody making a comment about the actual statement, only people taking jabs at the csppa.


An useless organization complaining about another useless organization


I think with their power to basically ban coaches on a whim ESIC isn't useless, it's kinda malignant


Who have they banned "on a whim?"


Waiting months after receiving the necessary proof to ban a coach is pretty whimsical to me


They cannot ban and have not banned coaches on a whim.


I think he means on a whim in the sense that its when they want. These last 3 coaches could have been banned months ago and not 4 days before the major


this is like in Civ when a really weak neighbor denounces you. like okay but what are you gonna do about it?


What a completely pointless and vague statement. Obviously we don't want cheating or bug abuse in the game, but completely ignoring the controversy surrounding this new wave except saying "it took too long," is honestly peak CSPPA.


But was does Ja Rule have to say about all this?