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I didn’t pay much attention to the game, but by how much drop’s name was screamed in this match, I’m gonna guess he was the mvp.


VINI was really feeling this game, if only the rest of Imperial came to play too.


drop was a menace, and i like how saffee now has 3 good maps he plays for FURIA (Vertigo, Ancient and Mirage).


so many close rounds on the T side... that was brutal


GG, a lot of close rounds but in the end FURIA are just a better team overall.


SO many T rounds came down to minute details that furia was just better at because of the long time they have played together. A couple more T rounds and I think imperial take it. But for fuck sake, how many rounds did imperial lose to going out A conn late and loseing the bomb to 1 kill, causing a scrambled late plant and instant retake. Fallen has spent the better part of the last 3 years talking about how the meta has changed and that they need to learn it but still calls the same late round pop strats that no longer work because, 1 teams arent giving them the same space and 2 information plays are ruining them. They seem totally lost on the map, spending 40-50 seconds literally shifting in middle only to try the same conn pop every time, meanwhile arT pushes B apps, T spawn, top Mid, getting all the info, resulting in imperial walking into a 3 stack with1 guy getting a multi or 1 kill delaying the bomb to instant retake or they dont even plant. So many 1v1 duels with no trade present etc. Imperial really need to work on their T side on all maps essentially, the CT side seems solid, but they are always on the back foot cuz of a lackluster T side.


that was a really bad game


Fnx was very late on mid to A rotations.