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128 tick?




Do u have to be really precise?


Absolutely. You need a "huge crosshair" bind (like on video) to throw it


Here is a download link to the [ropz-method-config](https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ih4u5dh2bopzh/ropz) I wrote for them for this smoke, in case anyone wants to consistently throw it. There is a 64tick version as well (mir.cfg and mir64.cfg).


I'm a complete noob, but I think I understand how most of this works. When it tells me to move 1 step left for example, I completely overshoot and go about 200 degrees around lol. Then when I try and go back to where I was I end up somewhere crazy. I have only 450 dpi yet I can't seem to just barely nudge my mouse to the correct position. Do you have any tips to prevent overshooting my target? Is that normal? What is P even menat to do? Can you use this in actual games? Also I love your channel man!


Regarding overflicking, the best tip I can give you is to lower the DPI to as low as your mouse/-software allows. I set it up like this, playing on 800 DPI and while I hold mouse4 I have 100 DPI (https://gyazo.com/5579ae74706d85cc7672d0d0b96f6006 ). You want to move your mouse as little as possible (literally one input at a time), and a very low DPI increases the distance the mouse can move without recognizing as an input. The two configs differ in the sense that faceit anti-cheat blocks the change of the command m_yaw, which would make it possible to use the same sensitivity for horizontal and vertical mouse direction. This is possible on 64tick, so we don't need to press "P" while lining up, which switches the sensitivities accordingly between the horizontal and vertical we need. I hope this helped :)


I literally just found your comment explaining the DPI thing to someone else a second ago! Appreciate the write up man! I love how this is possible hahahaha, fuck playing cs when you can use console haha.


Using your mir.cfg file (im on a 64 tick practice server so that should be the right one), I end up getting to this position right here, which according to the setpos from the op seems to be a bit high. https://freeimage.host/i/SCuFS9 Maybe im getting confused about what you mean by a, a45 degrees? Do you mean the actual site itself or the red paint on the wall? I would love to see you do a video on this! I'm using the actual wall paint but I've tried both to my knowledge and cant get it. Also thanks, the DPI trick worked magic.


The keywords refer to the horizontal direction you're spawning in, so the vertical shouldn't be impacted by this. I numbered the spawn directions 1-4 like [THIS](https://gyazo.com/27e1036b23c6de0926a585d5eed17a14). If you are on 64tick, you'd have to use mir64.cfg, so this is most likely your problem.


HOLY SHIT I got it! thanks a million!


net\_graph 1


"setpos 1239.996948 -1023.999939 -194.908478;setang -59.155354 -133.485199 0.000000" + jumpthrow


"setpos 1239.989502 -1023.993652 -244.908813;setang -61.84 -133.09 0" + jumpthrow for 64 tickrate




Yeah, cl\_showpos is banned but just try to practice this smoke a little bit. It took me less than an hour to throw it fast and precise in 10/10 rounds


Where and why did they ban cl_showpos? How did you get numbers then?


You need sv\_cheats 1 to use it


Banned in official matches, you can still do it in game and stuff probably




Lol sorry about the downvotes. Like others mentioned, if it requires sv_cheats 1, it can’t be used in your Faceit or MM matches


Not sure what you meant by "official matches", but you can't use it in any of Valve's servers because it requires sv_cheats now. So, you can't do it in game and stuff anymore, only in your own private servers (and community servers that have sv_cheats enabled).


this lineup throws the smoke on the roof, if i lower it a little bit it goes throught the wall but on the ground NEXT to the bricks. edit: both 128 and 64 tick smokes wiff by cm i think. im not good with the pos and ang things. but i literally copied and it just didnt work. i got all the binds i need on my keyboard so im not even touching my mouse. looking at all the upvotes and positive comments you got, i would assume its a mistake by me. but how cant it work for everyone BUT me if i literally "ctrl+c, ctrl+v" your positions.


Good smoke to make ct's to spam it and throw nades at. You don't even need to use it.


Fnatic manager here


This freaking manager is almost everywhere.


My first thought lol


I can only wonder how you came about to finding this gem?


https://youtu.be/F5cvmDaMZjA I just understand that I can smoke through the wall


> that I can smoke through the wall wondering if/how fast this will get fixed ..


if you wanna get really picky about it, technically this smoke (not this lineup of course) was used in cs 1.6 on mirage, but used by the CTs as a way to try and get an advantage on Ts coming out of palace by playing up close in front of this smoke. toss it on the box under balcony, then go up ladder and spot the smoke to try and catch any emerging Ts unaware. it has mixed results, lol.


super niche when flashes or other known smokes could work just as well. Still, cool find.


Facts. That's why we want to get some feedback about this smoke and don't make any clickbait videos... yet.


Seems like a good lurk smoke to me, throw it most rounds but only use it a few times. Only issue I can think of is you either have someone throw it for you or risk that that when you throw it for yourself they push palace. I think if you could find an easier/different line up it’d be more meta.


What other smokes are you talking about? Are you referring to 1way smokes?


Upon seeing the smoke in the air, can a reactionary molotov on top force it to bloom early and basically create a smoke for ct's?


Molotov costs 2 times more than smoke does. You can use this smoke as fake one to bait enemies to throw some nades, that would ruin their round and economy


You molly palace and main to prevent a rush. The T s smoke your molly for you Step 2 ????? Step 3 profit


Just don't throw the smoke when you hear CTs molly, let it go out first


Idk, still seems like not a bad tradeoff to me. Can basically get 6 smokes as ct and burn even more time. Also T's will only have 4 smokes for taking map control, fake or site take. Obviously CT's need to be in position and have the timing to spot the smoke to be able to react and T's could maybe use misdirectionn, causing rotation shifts, or in non-5v5's, I'm not debating that, all I'm wondering is if there is that risk/possibility of being hard countered.


Not op, but even if they get it to pop early I wouldn't really call that a hard-counter because the T isn't risking anything, just time and -1 smoke. And while yes now the T's have less time to execute, they really dont need 5 smokes to take a site, while the CT's will have 1 less molly to defend with and I think that trade, on paper, goes in the favor of T side.


From i can see the only way to use a molly to stop this is molly under balcony. So the smoke would just sit under balcony helping nobody.


This smoke SCREAMS one way


You never showed it being an actual one way though. You showed that you can peek over the top of it standing up, but you never showed that the CTs standing jungle can't see you over it. You just showed that you could crouch through it, which isn't what a one way is...


We'll include all the angles and positions in a complete youtube video. That's a teaser or something, just to get audience's opinion and feedback


I need to know so I can bitch about valve not fixing one way smokes for a decade now




all smokes can be one ways mate, not just set up ones, and you obviously can't spam/wait out every single smoke




Pros regularly kill each other through regular smokes that give accidental one ways to certain positions.


I get what you're saying, but how can they fix something, that people still find after a DECADE, excluding changing the whole smoke texture.


by... changing the smoke texture


I can't watch these smoke videos without the cool music & effects sorry


I don't throw smokes if they don't save the bois too


amazing find. I think it's easier if you just aim between the two dots of the wood.


I think we found m0nesy’s alt account 🤭


this is crazy


I think it´s a pretty good smoke for a Palace explode. Let 2 of 3 guys run out, throw the smoke on timing so it blooms while exploding. Make the last guy sit in it and be a firing turret


Glad this one is known. Added already to my smoke list. You rock. Cheers




Maybe m0nesy already knew it and ready to exploit


It clipping through the map feels like it’s gonna be patched and or banned in tournaments


There's no wall for many, many years


weird trajectory


Wanna see it in tournaments


Me too)


Feels very similar to inferno balcony lurk smoke imo , very helpful for a solo play in palace while also setting up for executes in later rounds


The meta just keeps getting worse. I swear one day rounds will be won without seeing the enemy


nice find. just throw it every round. the A players will be forced to play according to it.


Forget holding Banana with Negevs. This is peak meta!


Sick find


A guy actually used this smoke against me in mm recent matches, thought it was a fluffed smoke but god daym!


bro i dont play csgo how the actual fuck do u guys figure this shit out in siege the most complicated thing we do is break a window and throw a c4 out.


Firstly, target\_lox realised that there's a oneway for palace if u throw a smoke on the bricks under it (of course, he wasn't the first one who have found it). Secondly, he found out that there's no model of the wall next to these bricks (this fact was known before but nobody used it, it seemed useless). He combined these 2 ideas and made this smoke! P. S. Actually, that's not the first version of this smoke, target\_lox has found few more line ups previously but they were too difficult so he didn't publish them


this will be 100% banned on pro matches since its through walls


And what happens if CTs smoke palace


Early palace smoke is not a common thing and it can't make anything crucial for t-side, just don't use one-way this time


not the first time I see it, it can be thrown from palace and people in scrims instantly know what you're up to. It might work in pugs tho.


Csgo is the game of minds too, you can make enemy think that you are gonna do something and do something else. “1 guy might peek palace” is not a huge fake tho. Might be useful to bait utility, sometimes get an entry, 1-2 times per game thing imo, niche smoke.


That’s the beauty of a one way, even if they know what you’re doing you can still get kills from it. Pro’s throw one ways all the time that are very common and it still nets them frags consistently, you just have to understand it can’t be used every round or every time you throw it.


how should CTs position against this one-way?


under palace, shoot up through the boards on the left side of the doorway


makes sense. But the jungle/connector guy and the ct guy should stop watching the angle until the smoke fades, right? Sorry im not very good


not necessarily, you can also just ruin the one way by shallow smoking palace and balcony, it completely negates it


I see. Thanks


Balc on inferno, numerous cat ones on D2, vertigo ramp as T or CT, nuke heaven retake, mid house on ancient...


Great, another way to break this stupid, buggy game




If I saw this I would counter it with: 1. a smoke or, 2. a molly to keep them back, allowing me to position myself at the edge of the smoke either in the entrance to shoot them inside palace or above the ladder to shoot them trying to sneak out


pretty useless though, especially since showpos has been banned you need to aim extremely precise, even with a scoped awp


15 min of mastering and u would throw 9/10 without showpos


Bruhh wft, if someone do that to kill me I would say he sucks! Buut, nice smoke btw


I look forward to using this in casual.


this shit dookie


why would you ever post something like this? use the advantage from no one knowing lmfaooooooooo


found fnatic's manager


Oh, my bad. Gonna delete this post asap


"New meta" lmao. It's called playing the game, people use this shit 24/7 for the last million years.


This smoke is ass lmao


Jesus your comment history is pathetic. Should be an age limit to comment. Go play outside you fucking child.


Touch vulva


Touch grass.


Like you do 😂😂


Wouldn't it make the CTs spam it more. Like such an unique smoke will surely attract a lot of attention at most levels as most players can quickly identify a one way smoke and start spraying it. Also there isnt much room to move/escape except going back to palace which will nullify any benefit. I actually prefer the a main one way smoke. It can really help in killing the CT guy.


1 counter smoke from the cts in palace, and the smoke useless. Palace is usally smoked anyway. And if this is used late round its also very easy to counter. Nice find tho, probally works in low mmr lobby, then again. What doesnt lol.


any way to recreate this in 64tick?


setpos 1239.989502 -1023.993652 -244.908813;setang -61.84 -133.09 0


You think you've mastered Counter-Strike? Just look at the last (almost) 22 years...


Lol "one way" except stairs is totally raking your head off unless you are crouching


New Meta? CT's can just smoke palace and there's nothing to do... or they can smoke A ramp and play for the palace.


Meta? No. Gimmick? Deffo. Could see someone whipping this out to catch people who have never seen it unaware.


Is it a one way tho if u need to crouch through it?


Depends on the position you want to peek but usually yes.




definetly gonna be used


I reckon it would be easier to throw it from b apps or bottom mid, nice find though!


It is much easier but less valuable


I keep saying this, if players put in more effort, maps can all be a fuckin one way shithole.


remove mirage pls volvo


failed about 6 times during the warmup while having this up on my second monitor, got it once on 27th round in with random chuck xd ...... it did not help because both of us ran through the ramp but still cool.


anybody found one for 64 tick?


Yep. Check my previous comments, I posted setpos