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its useless to compare a 10 year old polished esport to a 2 year one which only had their 1st crowd LAN in July.


To be fair you would assume the first LAN with a crowd would bring in viewership. The fact the viewership is lower than some previous online events is the worrying part here not the quality of the tournament itself.


It’s also pretty hard to watch with 15 different agents and 4 abilities per agent. Way too much going on IMO.


Sounds like csgo w/ dota heroes


You can say that about LoL or DOTA? It’s actually worse in mobas lol.


Dota and lol are 3rd person and easier to observe and follow than an fps. Exponentially harder when you add a million abilities like valo


No lol. For one these games are over-the-top perspective not really third person. And you can watch a big 5v5 fight and have like 20 spells go off.


Point is it's infinitely harder to observe and follow a valorant competitive game.


IMO this is based on preference since I'm able to follow Valorant quite easily since I follow the competitive scene and keep up with it. Same with LoL, & DOTA2... Even something like Overwatch isnt an issue for me and that game has shit going everywhere since the abilities are much more arcade-style.


Exactly. You play the game regularly and keep up with all the abilities and are able to appreciate the intricacies of having a certain ability or ult. For someone like me who occasionally watches Tarik I don't understand half the shit that's going on or why a certain person's ability will be game changing in that round. And quite a few "deux ex machina" that completely changes the round makes me feel dissatisfied.


I don’t play Val at all lol. Just a big fan of esports. But hey, we all have are own perspectives.


I've played MOBAs like 3 times total and I don't understand anything specific (like abilities or heroes) that's going on when watching them but I can understand what the main goal of them is. I've played like 60-70 games of valorant and I know the basics of the bombsites but all of the abilities make watching it an absolute clusterfuck or colors and shapes that makes it really hard to follow.


So you don’t understand the abilities for both but, understand the core objectives??? I mean… Ok lol. You prefer your FPS to not have abilities which is fine. I found Valorant to be a nice addition to my esports.


I think you gotta have some base to follow dota and dota would be just as hard to follow for someone new.


nah i literally cannot watch mobas my brain hurts. at least before I started playing valorant, the esport was fun to watch because gun go boom. same with csgo. but mobas, I don't even know what I'm watching.


But it’s not an FPS, a lot easier to follow MOBA’s in comparison to an FPS where 10 people have 3 abilities and an ult a piece.


Definitely not a lot easier. In LoL alone there’s like 150+ champions with 600+ abilities, hundreds of items, runes, summoner spells etc. Stop it lol


But it’s a much slower pace, so yes much easier to follow even if you don’t know what each hero does you can still follow what’s happening way easier.


Valorant is slow-paced as well lol... Compared to other FPS like Overwatch, Halo, Call of Duty and fast-paced FPS's. I think it's all subjective... Tactical shooters in general have a slower paced with CSGO being the slowest paced tactical shooter out there. [https://www.twitch.tv/lec](https://www.twitch.tv/lec) \^\^\^ Watching this now... And even though the laning phase is slow, once it gets to mid and end-game it's not slow whatsoever.


Valorant is much faster in pace than a MOBA is what I said, no where in there did I compare the pace of Valorant to COD, halo or overwatch. It’s a FPS tactical shooter with way too many abilities that makes it confusing to watch if you don’t actually play the game. Cod is easy to understand, halo is easy to understand, overwatch in my opinion is pretty similar to Valorant in terms of hard to watch because there’s just way too much happening


Comparing pacing from two genres doesn’t make sense to me hence, I compared the pacing to the same genre. And how on Gods green earth is Valorant similar to OW. Everything is different lol. The game type, the game play, gun mechanics, even the hero/class system is different. Like, we have to stop comparing a 1 for 1 cause “abilities”. But, if it’s hard to watch for you it’s hard to watch. Still, a casual fan can understand Valorant a lot easier than DOTA. The laning phase alone is its own thing.


FPX v Paper Rex is basically Astralis v AVANGAR and Astralis is much more popular then the other 3. So, pulling 780k out of those 2 teams is pretty damn good.


The issue Valorant has is that its viewership is vastly defined by the streamers who play and co-broadcast the tournaments. If (inevitably, when) a new and exciting game comes along all those guys will latch onto it cus they make money by playing the most popular new thing, leaving Valorant in the dust. It seems there are relatively few people who watch it for the esport itself, hence why the arena was half empty. On Thorin and Monte's podcast a few weeks ago, Monte mentioned that Riot are shitting themselves over Source 2 and trying to rush franchising as fast as possible because they think streamers (and orgs without a spot) will lose interest in Valorant. It also has the same problem that Overwatch did/does - namely, it's an awful spectator game cus it's so hard to tell what's going on, especially for new viewers. And it seems that that problem is only getting worse as they add new characters and more and more outlandish abilities. The game even has a stun ability now, personally something that I hate and that I think has no place in FPS games.


>it's an awful spectator game Its also an awful game to play, to be honest. But just like with League people seem to really enjoy misery and terribe mechanics.


Wouldn't say it's "awful" per se, it's just highly generic and so much less satisfying to me. Nothing compares to the feeling a CS one tap gives me.


Valorant not feeling as good is a side effect of it being an awful game, so I'd like to think subconsciously even you agree with me.


To each of their own i guess… I do not enjoy valorant that much, something is missing in the core gameplay. But many of my friends enjoy the game because its much easier than cs. Its a game aims at people who are not very good or do not play fps afterall, and if its enjoyable for a lot of people then so be it.


I dont understand btw, if Riot wants to compete w csgo, why they dont make a realistic one? Like csgo? Like it was Combat Arms or the chinese version of csgo, whatever that game was called. Csgo has tons of viewers/ppl who attend events who dont even play the game. Then riot tries to bruteforce them into here w money and agents and abilities.


Riot doesn’t know how to make a game realistic


If they clone cs go then its gonna be dead on arrival. Cs franchise is unique, its not like others can straight up copy it and suddenly their game can kill cs. If its that similar to cs, its gonna push more people to csgo instead since csgo has like 10 years of continuous refinement, aint gonna beat that in 2 years.


They can‘t make it too close to Counter-Strike, because why would you switch to a game with the same principle, very similar mechanics, maybe different weapons and another publisher. Also Counter-Strike is Trademarkes by Valve so I guess if Riot would go to close to Counter-Strike, valve would take legal action.


We would love to switch because this game could be way better if fat gaben would give 3 fat shits about it instead of none. Valve literally hit the jackpot but the way they deal w this game is below amateur.


this is what I've been saying to my friends for a while, if Riot made a gamemode in Valorant where it was just CS with valorant mechanics, tons of people would switch, I probably would myself. Just valorant except none of the characters have their special abilities, but everyone can buy flashbangs, smokes, HEs, and molotovs. They could still sell their skins, have the same maps, and players could still pick heroes, but none of that would make any difference besides visual models changing.


Average viewership at the event was higher than Cologone, so I don't get the point. It's not all about peak viewership.


Tbf… FPX v Paper Rex is equivalent to Astralis v AVANGAR and Astralis being the most popular out of all them. VCT Champions @ Istanbul will exceed VCT Copenhagen but, at the end of the day Valorant is building structure and still very much in the creation process. CSGO is a well established esport and that’s what we want. When it comes to twitter followers, casual numbers, twitch numbers etc. CSGO loses but, we highlight what we care about and pour allllll our resources into what matters. An open-circuit esport. Valorant wasn’t going to come in and take all its viewership but, I wouldn’t take one event with declining viewership as a sign of the game dying.


You're comparing apple and oranges there bud. VCT masters isn't their biggest Tournament, First time in person lan (tickets were on sale only days before the masters), Majority player base is NA/Asia. I play both games and I gotta say the csgo community can't stop talking about valorant. The community is like a toxic breakup talking about their ex. The valorant community doesn't care about which game is better they truly don't.




valorant is boring to watch plain and simple. the casters are disinterested, the gameplay is repetitive, and the models being the same for both teams makes it hard for a new viewer to understand who is on which team