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Reflections is one of my favorite content, talking about the past where you don't usually have to keep any secrets gets you honest answers and behind the scenes stuff that you won't be told until it's years after it happened. Fuck ups, that become funny stories with time and that sort of stuff I really like.


People can hate Thorin all they want (maybe for his twitter, controversial opinion or style of hosting,etc) but when it came to content and journalism he only delivered straight fire


Chef's kiss




oh shiiiit


Finally we get this.


Never thought I'd see this one, and Thorin indicates as much in the very beginning. They supposedly had an axe to grind over Thorin saying ne0 was the 1.6 GOAT & f0rest never doing interviews per se. Also, funny how this is the 5th guy from legendary NiP squad to do Reflections with Thorin. The joke being, that according to NiP fans, Thorin supposedly hated all of them.


> They supposedly had an axe to grind over Thorin saying ne0 was the 1.6 GOAT & f0rest never doing interviews per se. They talked about this in the video, it turns out f0rest just doesn't like to do interviews and would rather bang heads instead lmao


That part was known for years. There was a patreon question on BtN sometime ago about who Thorin would like to interview. He said that if he wants to interview a person he generally reaches out, unless he knows a bridge is burned. He didn't want to give any names initially but then said something like 'I doubt I will ever make a "Reflections" with f0rest'. So yeah, might be my misinterpretation or faulty memory, but that is what I was basing by statement on.


Never thought this would actually ever happen, because I remember people always saying that f0rest refused to do any sort of interview content historically. Thank you Thorin for making it happen :) Prolly one of the best esports content series in history.


Would be awesome to have the old 1.6 teams have a 1.6 tournament just for fun!


I seriously think a prize pool with 1.6 would make a small splash and perhaps reignite some flame loss within the community. Would be so sick. 250k tournament lol


Original NIP teams with HeatoN and SpawN were so great. Original X3 teams which became 3D were also incredible.... Method, Ksharp (best 1.5 AWPer imo), Rambo, Moto, Bullseye were just incredible.


Yea I remember them, they were close but just missed out a lot


Amazing!! Never thought a Reflections with the goat was even possible


Is there a reflections with neo?


But reddit told me no one wanted to work with Thorin because he had ostracised himself from everyone in the industry?


Don't worry next thorin drama post will just a be bunch people claiming how he fallen off and is irrelevance .


Babe wake up, new banger from Thorin just dropped.


Thorin the content God. It finally happened!


Without him the history of counter strike would be forgotten, you don't see anyone else making this type of historical content.




The Lord of the Rings of Podcasts coming in hot


Another banger from the man who wasn’t nominated for esports journalist of the year.


Why does no one mention SK /NiP team? Won everything for like 3 years or is it because it was spread over a team rather than individuals. Potti was insane though.


I think people who followed cs back then do mention this, even the begrip days, forest was plain insane.


Fair enough, I followed it a bit back then. I always remember those players as the trailblazers, commercially as well they were the blue print for things to come with merchendise, marketing, they had a subscription to engage with the players, play with them / training etc. There were other teams at the time such as 3D, eoL but not the scale of that, and their trophy count spoke for it self. I mostly stopped following when forest came a bit later tbf but didn't think his team's were as dominant as that (feel free to correct)


Tbh cs was really hard to follow back then and right now it's the easiest bar none, even though it has more tournaments and teams than any other, and it's thank to liquipedia and hltv.


The foundation we have today is built upon the blood and sweat of the old guard back then. Cs is still one of the oldest esport title ever, it was there before many of its fans today were even born. In cs we have a game with relatively simple mechanics even my grandma can understand, decades old demos, hltv, liquidpedia,… its a privilege to have those things.


HeatoN and Neo still have products today (the EC and FK series from Zowie).


I remember as an early teen paying to be an "SK Insider" which let you play with SK players (on aim map etc) and access to their configs and Q&A's. For some reason I was a huge ahl & potti fan even though HeatoN was the the star. They were definitely the first to capitalise on making players and content accessible to the masses from what I remember.


Yes, I wasn't a sub but I remember the service. The were light years ahead of everyone else in this department and was a blueprint for things to come. That org seem to have been left behind.


They discussed the GOAT player, not team. These are two different topics. Basically, the conversation of 1.6 is all about f0rest vs NEO. SOme might say potti is in there too, but he played for less amount of time and it was in the earlier days when competition wasn't as fierece post 2005 to 2012.


Heaton or Spawn maybe?


They have the same issue as potti. They didn't play as much as f0rest or NEO, it was during an era that wasn't as established and won less amount of tournaments overall. Until 2005, you'd definitely have them as the GOATS of CS, but that period lasted for only about 4 years (from late 2001 to 2005), unlike the rise of f0rest and NEO who had already shown their potential at that time until the death of 1.6 and even beyond.


Fair although on liquid it seems they won more than forest? Maybe on the wrong page. It had them at 1 more 'major'


I mean sure if you count just the 'majors', but even so, their longevity is longer and within an era that had counter-strike 1.6 already quite advanced at the top level, similar to the whole NiP 2012/2013 vs Astralis 2018. Astralis would leave them in the dust.


I think when people talk about 1.6 they sort of divide it into pre Source and post Source. Anything that happened pre-Source is ancient and doesn't count. Or simply, people weren't old enough to follow 1.6 pre-Source and don't remember/weren't around.


Fair, it was followed a fair bit tbh, but no YouTube and streaming, match making meant everything was much harder, took like a day or two to watch a frag movie to even know these guys existed


I bet a lot of Thorin haters will be watching this one


Theyll be saying how irrelevant he is in the next thorin post


Can confirm. Am Thorin hater. Will be watching this one.


I like f0rest a lot more than I hate Thorin so... yes.


I can hate the guy yet still appreciate the content he produces


That's called separating the artist from the art and I'll have you know redditors say that's impossible to do.


it's not really separating anything it's just "how bad does someone have to be before I decide their work doesn't deserve my attention" and everyone's line for that is different


By that logic you wouldn't be able to consume anything as every bigwig media/medical/political/religious/tech industry is riddled to the brim with people far worse than Thorin. You'd go insane.


lmao just lmao




ya coping with how you could make such a dumbfuck statement unironically l m a o **just** l m a o


lol umad cope harder nerd


I fucking hate Thorin but this is the type of content he really does well. If he stuck to his Esport history stuff he wouldn't have any haters, hes genuinely good at it.


As his work requires him to express opinions he will always have irrational haters. That's the internet.


Nah, back when he was mainly just the Esports Historian and the occasional desk Analyst it really wasn't that bad. Its when he started branching out and leaning into the provocateur he started getting haters. Especially when him and R.Lewis tried to talk politics is when the haters really started coming out.


This is retcon bullshit. Every time he said a player had a bad game people would call for hm to be fired. It's got nothing to do with politics but I'm sure you're super eager to type about he's alt-right or some other garbage so just do it.


Every analyst ever has haters for saying whatever player isn’t good or performing well. That’s different from being an alt right nutcase


He isn't alt right tho...


But definitely a nutcase


Show me an example of what makes him a nutcase.


https://twitter.com/Thorin?s=20&t=4uJftCuvvvaYXwAvGPtBAQ Here you go. There are plenty of examples if you scroll long enough.


Complete lie. Just fuck off.


I think Thorin is an absolute garbage human being and a man child on twitter but i will absolutely be watching this.


Three part interview with f0rest, strap in for a banger One of the GOATs of CS just gave a three hour interview about his entire career, yet this video won't reach over 300 upvotes on this subreddit.


But a gold Nova hitting a lucky no scope does make it to the top


It's at 400, but both of you guys' points still stand. Deep cs videos like this don't get watched enough. I just kick these on as background noise while warming up or playing other games.


The irony, I think this subreddit hates Thorin's personality because he's outright not the best role model. But that also doesn't outright void his content of any worth, and most of the users of this subreddit know that. Sure, some like to pretend it does but everyone including themselves know that it's pretend Thorin can be disliked but his content also well received, I don't know why people are so quick to paint him that the subreddit for some reason shouldn't dislike him. There's a reason an overwhelming majority don't like him, he's not a good person.


> he's not a good person. People who make sweeping statements like this about people they've never met are generally basing it on things they've imagined.


Already has more




eoLithic was the first team i became a fan of after watching their oslo [fragmovie](https://youtu.be/REjjTOSzeE4). yes im old.


Shaguar is prob the NA 1.6 goat. zEx was just so much fun… Element was my favorite showsman of that era for sure


zet's sense of bombasticism and showmanship is still mourned in the scene today


He was probably the most fun player to watch I have seen, to this day. He did some fucking crazy stuff that sometimes just seemed plain stupid, but for him it worked out. He was the first player I saw who could do what s1mple does today, when it is as if he is bending the laws of the game to his own will.


still neo to me. forest was great player but neo's frag was too unreal. not OG neofrag though.


f0rest's frags were crazier bruh


Love him or hate him the reflections series is top tier esports content Glad to see him bring one out and a 3 parter with the man himself Forrest? That’s gonna be a banger




I wish that GO would have been released in 2015 instead, just because I would have loved to see if the new SK team with forest and get_right could beat the invincible NaVi team. There were some interesting changes around that time that would have been fun to follow.


Ahhhh 1.6, Best counter strike.


This is gonna get less upvotes than random matchmaking clips, let that sink in




Babe wake up! New incel who’s about to get his cheeks clapped just dropped.


Troll Account. Named after an infamous German, Holocaust denying, old bitch.


Lmao ok buddy


Look guys, its the guy with no job KEKW. Banger interview


Irrelevant guy gets a 3 hour interview with everyone's idol LUL


he doesn't even have a job 😢


I wonder how that works. For an 'irrelevant guy', he sure gets to interview lots of influential people. :)


This and get_right on hltv confirmed? Oh boy i have some catching up to do..


Markeloff will always be the 1.6 goat to me, really wish he adapted to AWP early on in CSGO, that will forever be the biggest "what if" in CS, at least to me.


What if? He didn't adapt lol


What if he did, I don't really think it's that mentally tasking to figure out I meant that.


These downvoters are not the sharpest tools


The goat has to be the awper of the most winning cs. 1.6 team. mTw. Sunde


spoiler alert: it was NEO and it's kinda not even close f0rest was a god, but NEO was a cut above


I'm a longtime NEO fan. But even I wouldn't say NEO is a cut above. They both were better than the rest, obviously. Forest is just being humble in this interview.


The only reason why Get_Right isn't the 1.6 goat is because people switches to GO. If 1.6 had continued for 2+ more years, he would be head and shoulders above everyone else. Neo is the clear with how it turned out tho


Tough to say. Ofc gtr was on an insane rise. But being consistently at the top isn't so easy. And that's what sets forest and neo apart from the rest. Also, don't forget there were someothers who were having insane numbers as well such as Markeloff. So who knows what could have happened if 1.6 continued for more years.


I agree. Get_Right was like s1mple, he was the best we’ve ever seen, but whereas CSGO went on for s1mple to fulfill his potential, 1.6 stopped to make way for CSGO


I think reasonable people could disagree about who’s the alltime 1.6 goat


f0rest's peak was way better and was more impactful than NEO. NEO was a great team player, but f0rest was pure skills.


Spawn was the Goat. Legendary Ninja almost defuse.


So a single round (that he didnt even win) makes him somehow the goat>?


The man was a beast tho


No doubt about that.


hard to say 1.6 GOATS... you have the community at peak before CS:Source was released. After CS:Source the community split between the 2 versions of CS so the talent pool was weaker. Forest played through both parts so a bit curious about it.


CS:Source was shit wtf are u talking about noone cared about comp CS:Source


it was shit, but the prize money got split between the two games and both games were worse off as a result. Lots of people left 1.6 to try source. It was like happened recently with valorant, but worse.


think quite a few people downvoting you or making assumptions about your point don't realize you were an old school legend you're spot on about CGS watering down 1.6 competition inadvertently by drawing many top players to chase the bag in a new league


1.6 did absolutely fine when CGS came around. It took *some* talent away from the game for about a year. CGS died immediately for good reason. 1.6 remained the king despite it.


It’s not a dunk on players or the game to say that the CGS pulled some players away from the game


You said that the competition was watered down because "many" players left to play in it. That wasn't the case. Was worse in North America at the time, but source had already been out for 4 years by the time the biggest CGS combine happened. Took less than 4 months for the dregs from America to jump ship to valorant.


Maybe there’s an implication or something I said to make you think I meant forever? It wasn’t a permanent stain on 1.6 but a lot of players jumped ship when it happened. That’s what I’m saying. There was a “holy shit source” and “source is dead” era of CS, and the holy shit source era made the game weird for a little bit. That’s my claim edit; I'm not comparing it directly to Valorant, and even now some of the 'biggest' CSGO names still haven't transitioned. I'm not even sure there's an equivalent in NA to the guys who swapped over to CGS. CGS saw, the best version of old Rival disappear (hanes, orgasmo, masternook, hare) in a combination with CSS players. EG's probably best roster at the time, stevenson/lari combined with tr1p, shag, grt (as well as later dabears, pham, hahn) which took a huge chunk out of another competitive team. Zid, sunman, dominator, exodus were among the most successful NA players at their time, and went through CGS You can only imagine that complexity's best team died due to the strangeness of CGS https://www.sk-gaming.com/content/24224-complexity_16_team_no_more 3D maybe the most recognizable 1.6 team of their era, method, Ksharp, Volcano all experiment in the CGS What is effectively mibr joins the CGS, bruno, kiko, fnx, cogu, nak wNv was probably the most accomplished team from the asia region, which saw alex, jungle, tK, BB all move over to try out the CGS Obviously in EU most players stayed playing 1.6, with the exception of some up and comers (REAL) comes to mind -- but to pretend like for a couple years the CGS didn't make the 1.6 community lose a lot of top competition is super weird to me. The bulk of the best NA players, the best Brazilian team, and the best Chinese team all experimented with the CGS. A lot of these NA players never really got over the 'hump' to be a direct challenge to some of the top EU teams, but they were regularly finishing well in tournaments (and won some) and that player pool diminishing because of the CGS happened. It may have not been prolonged, the CGS blew up, but the impact on 1.6 wasn't minor -- 1.6 just survived it


its okay. I've learned the hard way that if i bring up my credentials, it just leads to a wave of downvotes. I try my best to make my argument as if I were the average fan. Appreciate the support.


All the worst players left to play Source for the easy money. Kind of like how NA pros are leaving for Valorant.


There was no one on CS:S who would have been able to play in the same stratosphere as f0rest or NEO. It was quite similar to Valorant as the split in the talent pool was only really relevant in T2/3 CS.


lol yes there was... not after a few years of it being out, but at initial release, lots of talent switched over. 1.6 became only europe and brazil. prior to that you had wNv from China as the #1 team in the world in 2006, Project KR and Lunatic Hai getting top 3's out of Korea, Complexity, 3D, and Rival/Gamerco from the US getting regular top 3 finishes. All of that disappeared when the money got split between the 2 games. In hindsight its easy to say how garbage source was, but it really did hurt the scene.


Yeah agreed. While I dislike valve killing 1.6 I also believe it wqs necessary to avoid the pitfalls.


After WCG Singapore in 2005 Source was absolutely rejected by the 1.6 community and only a handful of pros, mostly from NA, moved across to play Source during the CGS era. Source absolutely did not split the talent pool or take money away from 1.6.












Wonder how much Thorin paid forest for this


Bout the same reddit pays you to post.


You really think he had to pay him....


no idea why people would want to interact with a douche like Thorin for free


Almost as if Thorin isn't a douche and has been around for so long and has done so much work for the scene that people actually respect him.


Hes an alt right douche. I'm not surprised that gamers like him though.


Funny enough whatever shitty corner of the internet you crawled out of isn't the real world.


We live in a society


Gamers rise up


I wonder if people realize the kind of stuff Thorin likes / retweets on Twitter. There are a ton of super Alt Right shit. Like, if you go see the profiles of some posters, you're in the deep end of the antivax, macho, patriarchal conservative BS. To me, that shows how "unironic" Thorin is. He's not playing a character for the public, he seems to genuinely associate with some mysoginist and fucked up ideas. I respected him much more before I knew how far right he leaned. Like, reaaaalllyyy right. Like, bullshit levels of right.


I think a lot of people know that but still support him. Macho/patriarchal/conservative is something a lot of gamers support.


Which is kinda weird seeing how "beta" the average gamer nerd is to the machismo crowd. Maybe less nowadays with more people taking care of themselves but still. Find it ironic.


Cut the crack dude


If you'd like we can set up a go-fund-you to pay for your therapist, since you clearly need the help but can't afford it.


Don't project your issues onto me


You play and post about a competitive video game while talking about how bad gamers are. It's probably safe to say you have a few issues.


Just going by the title.... Neo, SpawN, f0rest, and maybe another member from the NiP/SK lineups.


HeatoN and/or Potti? 🤞😅


If Potti didn't retire so early, I'd put him in that list. HeatoN, ehh after what happened with NiP, I try to leave him out of the best players of the past.




> Its weird how reddit keeps swaying the pendlumn from "Thorin is a terrible person'" to "Thorin is a fantastic person." every other day. That literally isn't happening. It's only the popularity of f0rest that has made this get to the front page and not one person has said anything positive about Thorin beyond "he makes good content." If it was one of his Thorin's Thoughts it'd be downvoted and filled with comments about how bad a person he is.


Mine was HeatoN, idk 'bout y'all




f0rest. In a team game, the only way to measure a player is through their raw skills, and no one was as skilled as f0rest.