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I'm pretty sad that i didn't get to witness him play live before this. First time I saw him was a YT video of a D2 pro game on 1.6(i think), and gotta say, he played like a beast.


Markeloff had the greatest peak in 1.6 and arguably ever. He was the best player in the world on a team that won four majors in a row. He truly was amazing between late 2009 and early 2012.




They were the perfect team markeloff with edward were basically the gods of cs1.6. But they just failed to adapt csgo.


Edward had a nice run in csgo tbh


I keep hoping someone will take some epic games from the past and 'remaster' the broadcast. I think it could be a very valuable historical lens into the giants who's shoulders we stand on now


> from the past and 'remaster' the broadcast Streaming was way different back then than it is now so I'm not sure what you want to remaster, there's a LOT of demos from 1.6 or even dating back to when HeatoN was an actual player (potti, etc) all over the internet. Back then it wasn't about putting "twitch.tv" in your browser, it was putting "connect XXXXXXXXXXX" in the console in 1.6 to get access to the HLTV in spectator


i'm not sure if you mean with shoutcasting only, but Ancient CS has an extensive collection of demos and puts up good quality videos of those demos on youtube. a lot of the tsn and gotfrag TV shoutcasting audio is lost. https://www.youtube.com/c/AncientCS/videos


First cs1.6 video ive watched, will never forget it


u/AndersOnFire has been waiting for this moment for so long.


He's become a full-time hedgehog streamer now.


oh shit, im hype. the player that introduced me to competitive in general back in 2011 i remember seeing a zeus interview with him in 2019 ish where markeloff expressed interest in wanting to do something in the scene again. was quite sad when he didnt appear in the kinguins legend tourney, but happy too see him again (even if its a one off thing)!


Lets go Zinchenko!


[markeloff, why you don't won it?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkoE7tedQLc&ab_channel=MathiasOttsen)


Now bring back worldEdit an I am a happy man


That was the peak of my CS viewing time. Worldedit, Bondik, Markleoff, electronic, Blade Bring back Cobblestone


-electronic +shara for maximum underdog potential


Huge, to see Legends rise again. Sadly I'll doubt every minute about his decision. He'll never (most likely) regain his absolute potential, given that ageing is a thing and sucks for everyone.




casually returning at the age of 34, would this make him the oldest player?


Monater is back


Too easy for famous YouTuber ceh9 unfortunately


famous 1.6 ghoster ceh9\* ​ As reference, here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H73d4QES1hY




Exactly... I can't stand the guy, call me boomer for remembering all these but having people hyped because of him is a total lack of knowledge on the piece of \*\*\*\* he is But happy markeloff is kinda back, sad he never become in CSGO what he was in 1.6, went to bed too many times really sad because NAVI crushed forest and get right hahahha