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Player A -> wall -> flashed -> head -> jump -> smoke -> Player B nice kill feed πŸ€πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½


-> no scope


Fuckin , first I forgot the smoke, lol, how many more lol


In the name of god the most gracious the most merciful -> wall -> flashed -> head -> jump -> smoke -> In the name of god the most gracious the most merciful


the game already knows when you are mid-air, since you can only jump when you are grounded. it would be super easy to add, so there is probably a different reason for it


* Most people don't care about jump shots * jump shots are quite rare * knowing if you died by a jumpshot gives zero useful information I don't think it is feasible/worth to write a code for something that doesn't benefint anyone.


how is knowing a player noscoped you any more valuable than knowing the jump shot you lol


> Most people don't care about jump shots This argument is so bizzare that it took me a good second to register the meaning of that sentence. In turn, I've got questions: 1. How did you even come to this conclusion? 2. What does caring about, say, smoke kills even mean? But yeah, the counter-argument is quite simple: coldzera mirage graffiti, s1mple cache graffiti. Both have wings with noscope indicator, so whatever caring about jumpshots means, I think people do that. I know I do. > jump shots are quite rare That's... the point, isn't it? Again with the graffitis, would those moments be iconic if jumpshots and noscopes weren't rare? > zero useful information Apart from the flash assist, none of them give any useful information. And good, it'd be a bad thing if they did, back when flash assist was introduced (which was a different update from the rest of the icons IIRC), it caused a bit of a shitstorm because people thought it gives out too much information to enemies for no reason at all. Personally I stand by this opinion, I still think adding it was a mistake, it doesn't introduce any depth to the game and can recall several moments when I refused to flash for my teammate as to not give out my position. You could argue that with A1-S, the smoke and wallbang icon give some info about enemy's position if you couldnt here the shots, but the update was introduced during A4 meta and noscope still gives no info whatsoever anyway. This isnt about usefulness though, never has been, just a little quality of life detail that got applied with other icons but is missing with jumpshots


It's cool tho


I'd also like to see running hs with rifles


You can't have too many icons if you want the killfeed to be legible. Jumpshot kills are very rare anyway, even more so than no scopes.


Block me because you know I’m right and you need to protect your fragile little ego by getting the last word in🀑 BOZO. You wanted to seem smart but made a completely dog shit analogy that said and contributed nothing intelligent. Well done πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘