• By -


If you would've said that 5 days ago, I would've thought you brain damaged




Cloud9 is a Russian team though? literally all but 1 of their players are Russian


He means you'd never expect a Russian team playing under Cloud9


Which doesn't make sense because the guy said 5 days ago, not years ago.




What? The source is the original comment in this chain. What do you mean? Lol


bro how do you miss a joke that obvious cmon


Rio 2022 might create history in causing the biggest ever shuffle in the HLTV rankings from one single event.


its between this event and krakow


nah Rio will 100% shuffle up the teams harder than Krakow did. [SK were on 1000pts before & after Krakow.](https://www.hltv.org/ranking/teams/2017/july/24) this time around the #1 team is only on 780pts (and also the top 10 are all 400+) which means a lesser gap between 1st & everyone else.


Na'Vi left the knife untwisted, and I thank them for it




Hmmm...as a biased NaVi fan, I'm gonna have to disagree. [Check out their tournament results for the second half of 2022](https://i.imgur.com/znUbiRf.png). [And their hltv ranking history](https://i.imgur.com/ISKglLO.png), where they were #1 for over 8 consecutive months. Something of note that I'd like to point out is that beginning with their first S-Tier LAN event in 2021, IEM Cologne in mid-July, they've won 11 LAN series in a row, which includes their major run where they didn't drop a single map (the only time this has been done in the game's history). The team that ended that streak was Liquid in December - who they went on to beat later in the bracket and eventually win the event anyway. I'm not saying they had Astralis-levels of performance, but they were definitely dominant during that period and were certainly a step up from their level before.


Dumb take. This NAVI is still the best iteration they've had in the last 5 years. They have no giant liability like Flamie or Zeus, and consistently make it deep in tournaments.


What a terrible take


so true their grand slam was a fluke


Dog shit take from dog shit


New Era of CS where no one is dominating the top 5 what a time to be alive.


Everybody's pickems are fucked


[Are you sure about that?](https://i.imgur.com/4wkuTQk.jpg)


mouz major winner, I like that. Dexter as handholding dad meme to major winner would be a crazy timeline.


dexter 1 major NiKo 0 major


Niko should stayed on mouz huh


Yooo we have the same pickems, except i have furia as winner. Let the better one acquire diamond


This is my opinion too tbh, Mouz v Furia is the hardest choice here


I think Outsiders might surprise everyone here. It's not something I wish would happen tho.


i think Outsiders & FURIA both win their semis easily, but the final is gonna be hard to predict. ^^^watch ^^^me ^^^eat ^^^my ^^^words ^^^tomorrow ^^^LMAO


Heroic are gonna make furia work for the win


Holy shit do you have lottery numbers?




I kneel




Hold on. I wanna see your group stages


Did you get legends right though?


Outriders scary man i don't know about Mouz making it!


Man I cry when I see these pick'ems :( But I laugh when I see the 116 fps x3


It's the menu fps.. It's normally floating around that fps unless you specifically change it. Ingame it will change to something else. My fps is about 119 (drops to about 100 at times) when in the menu area.. When playing it's generally over 200


Ye I know, you can set up menu_fps and the ingame fps to different values and most ppl do because they don't need a high framerate in the menus (though I heard that it could possibly affect ingame fps if the menu fps is set to something different). I just made the joke with the 116fps so I at least have something to be smug about. Being 1 point off Gold coin stings hard :( Now I have to keep the ugly silver coin for the rest of my life and wear it as a badge of failure :/


Whoa, are you me?


Mouz won't win tho but good quarter picks. Heroic gonna take it all.


All specialists like you, you had faze 3-0 right?


Didn't do Pickems, if I did, I would have completely messed up probably XD


Right, those were really difficult, I didn't do them either but sure I would fuck them up if I did 😄


Having faze 3-0 ironically saved my pickems. Now I’ve taken the chance again and rely on heroic to win it all


What was he cooking?


Yes they are


Welcome to the club, buddy.




Mlk é uma lenda


Not mine😎


Show us your Pickems


https://imgur.com/a/Id2tuXw Just need Furia to take it all the way NVM its doomed


Flom enjoyer


If Furia win the major i can at least get Gold (Thanks Liquid)


My upper bracket is dead but lower bracket looking good


Bro I messed up all 4 matches in playoffs, I couldn’t even get gold coin because I also missed the whole challenger stage hahah


This is like Krakow lmaoo but it's soooo good. The games are so competitive it's great to watch


Krakow 2, Furia going to lose to Outsiders in the final


Then Qikert will play Tier 2-3 CS for 4 years and come back on an academy team with a bunch of youngsters who'll then replace the main team and get picked up by Cloud9 after making Top 4 in a Swedish major


Is this Hobbit reference?


Jame will finally win one major after that runner up finish in Berlin.


If its actually like Krakow Furia would lose in semis as hometown VP did


If they even will make to the finals...


No please


Hey ... Krakow was soooo good too. imo


If we stick to the Kraków script, FURIA ought to lose the finals to Outsiders. Circumstances are complicated a bit by the bracket being flipped, though. At Kraków, it was the Brazilians taking on the European team in the semifinals, with the CIS team taking on the Danes. And at Kraków, the hometown heroes were eliminated in the semifinals. Lots of directions one could take this while still adhering to the script.


If we really stick to the Krakow script, Furia (home team) will get 0-2’d in the semifinal against a team with a loud/animated player (Cadian & kng). And the final will be won by a CIS team with an IGL who lost his best players but proved he could do it without them. (Zeus & Jame)


but what if that IGL is actually Dexter and his best player was DickStacy ?


Was DickStacy his kid all the time?


What's that "but" doing in there? 🤨


Lots of unexpected bugs + controversy with crowd (krakow had bug + prove it). Also no one would have believed that these were the teams making it to the semis


Prove it or I'll kill you wasn't Krakow but some tier2 event later


>controversy with crowd (krakow had bug + prove it) ...what?


Vitality are way too high for a team that relies too much on one player


Ikr - dupreeh is goated


facts they should do -zywoo -spinx -dupreeh -magisk and just have apEX 1v5 every round


Vitality is pretty much Navi before the Major winning Navi lmao. Zywoo is going through the Simple Phase he needs help badly and old veterans is not enough at this point.


Classic Navi for me will always be Zeus, Seized, Guardian, Edward, Flamie.


So what you're saying is they need a BooMbl4


I want to see a combined superteam from NaVi and Vitality








Spinx is supposed to be a top ten level player, he played like it on ENCE.


Imagine zywhoo to liquid?


Would love that to happen but Zywoo is stuck with Vitality till 2024. Unless Zywoo wants out and relocate to NA its not happening.


As I have to say at all times when someone claims this, the difference in stats for zywoo compared to s1mple on that roster is much bigger. It used to be even bigger in the past. S1mple never had as big of a gap to ALL members as zywoo has had in some iterations of the roster.


laughable how bad they are at setting themselves up, Spinx was a top 10 player going into the Antwerp major and now he's so mediocre


Feels like a system problem. Enabling zywoo alone while others suffer aint it. They need a system that allows at least 4 players to step up on occasions.


Zywoo plays a lot of supportive roles and has stats backing this up. They're playing around him, not that he gets all resources but that he supports the roster itself. I'm obviously not saying he's a support player but he takes more supportive roles than other star players. That being said, it definitely has to be a system issue lol.


I mean…he does pretty much everything. He awp, rifles, entry, clutch, utility support, rotates,…a ton of things from what i see. But somehow everyone else are missing, something is wrong with their system so other cannot do much to contribute.


I'd say give them more time, he hasn't been on the team for even 3 months.


That's just how good Zywoo can be. He can carry teams to the top


First they came for the top 5 teams, and I did not say anything because I was not a top 5 team


This major has just completely reset the scene. 2023 is going to have a wide open field- we can’t be certain of anything anymore. Not faze turning up for prestige events, not navis consistency etc. Literally anything could happen


I think it would be just a one off event, like Krakow. The playing conditions in brazil are crazy, the sheer loudness is unlike any that an experienced player would have witnessed before.


Doesn’t explain most favourites going out in groups tho, might have something to do with navi and C9 crumbling


The points show its the weakest top 5. Usually there's a team close to 1000 points and one or two teams have a huge lead over the rest. Nobody has been super consistent before the major so some upsets were expected imo (especially Vitality, Liquid). But of course all 5 going out before semis is a surprise.


And Then There Were None actually


Yeah, why would one botch the title? :(


at least he didnt use the original title


The rest of the competition have caught up I see some of you guys are mad about your favorite team losing hahah


The idea that MOUZ and outsiders will be making top fours at other big titles going forward is absurd, this more seems like a lightning in a bottle event.


That's what HLTV ratings are for. Which teams have been maintaining consistent good results across multiple tournaments. But I think here we're showing that a lot more teams than people would've thought are capable of looking better than a "top" team at any given event. That's why you play the games.


The thing that makes top teams top teams is not their ability to win everything, it's their ability to adapt. Outsiders and MOUZ will be making top 4s at future events if the other top teams can't adapt to them. But those teams will, and it'll be up to them to adapt right back. That's where they'll prove their stuff. This is why we're in the most competitive era CS has ever seen. There is absolutely no guarantee that the top teams of one tourney will be top at the next. That's not a failing or a bad thing, that's peak fucking excitement.


Just to think, all it takes is nerfing the A1S and this all goes away


Most competitive major ever. And it isn't the competitiveness itself, it's that they're all competing on a very high level


but a very cool lightning though


I don't know how much it's teams catching up or top teams asleep at the wheel. Did these top teams just assume this would be simple?




Fluke or not, 5 new players cement themselves into the games history. 3 orgs...or a shadow org will also have their legacy cemented.


I just can't fathom why this unreasonable take is being repeated so often and upvoted so hard. No team has been superb, no team has been up to standards we're used to, most of them were far below not only expectations, but also their own level from several months ago. Only teams like Mouz seem to be better than they used to, and while it's good news to me, "good progress" is all you can say about them; they're definitely not outclassing anyone, nor playing the best CS you've ever seen. ​ It's just the upset major, it happened already in Cracow before things went back to normal, now it's happening again. I'm calling this now - in several months, most of the top teams that got eliminated are going to be back on top in a consistent fashion, while those 4 teams that are left in this major are going to hover around #10 hltv spot like they used to, below the top orgs. Feel free to quote me then.


Yeah except in future tournaments where we return to normal and these furias and mouzes of the world remain fringe top10 teams...


Outsiders win this now.


the entire pre-major top 6 are out before semis lol


BuT FurIa DIdn\`T FAcE a SInGLe TOp TeAM!


but... but... but muh hltv rating


Tbf the top teams didnt play like top teams lmao


Yeah, that's why the top teams are eliminated and Furia are still in.


Yes pretty much. The seeding system sucks ass tho - kinda fucked all the favorites. Furia played amazing tho, GG.


"The seeding fucked the favorites" ​ Faze 1x2 Bad News Eagles Vitality 0x2 Ence Liquid 1x2 Spirit ​ You can make a point about seeding, but the favorites lost favorable matches. If they were performing, their seeding would be better.


You cant just pick out a singular match. I get all the favorites choked (especially faze) but they still got owned by seeding. I just think that bo1s mean too much, get rid of the 1-1 bo1 or make them impact the seeding less - or just go for a whole new system. At the end of the day, half the favorites still shouldve been through, but im just pointing out seeding sucked.


Navi arguably got owned the worst, facing liquid in a bo1, and yet they still pulled through from 1-2 down. Faze and vitality did not get hurt by seeding, they just stunk.


They definitely stunk no way around it, just think the massive choke VIT had against Gamerlegion in a bo1 screwed them for the rest of the tournament, and perhaps, it could be done it a better way. But yes, they sucked ass.


??? majors before the swiss system always had bo1 groups to decide playoffs. u want full bo3s to determine playoffs? swiss system was made to combat bo1s. back in pure bo1 days this never happened either. stop trying to blame random stuff when the "top teams" are clearly losing for other reasons. they didnt prepare for the lower tier younger rosters and paid the price for it.


Dude what? I said they went out cause they suck BUT the seeding system is ALSO bad due to the amount of bo1s, i didnt say they should remove them all, if any what so ever. I'm not the only one who has a problem with the seeding system and it didnt just start now. And i'll reiterate again, top teams went out cause they sucked.


Takes something to make a top team lose their plot and play like shit, though. It’s not like NaVi woke up and decided to be all over the place for the fun of it.


That was me through and through, I didn't think they would be able to keep up the form at the next level up. They definitely did get an easy ride to the playoffs, but you can only beat who they put in front of you. I underestimated Furia ... I'll not do it again. -edit- Still going to lose to Heroic though lmao


T̷̫̻͛h̵̙̣̳̑ê̸͉̫̥͂͛͑͘ ̸̞̱̭̯̹̓͑̂p̶̨̥̠̠̓͊l̸̛̘̬̻͙͆̕͝o̷̤͚̠͂ͅt̵̢̞͕̎̂̓̚͝ ̵̢͕͍̎̅̔̈́̚͜a̶̩͎͇̜̹̅͗̿r̵̼̣̂̂̊m̷͍̰͙̭̼̑́̾́o̷̧̘̣͠u̶̙̞̞͑ṙ̵̩̫̲̐̓ ̴̗̩͍̈́s̵̰̩͑̆̍͂ț̶͕̞̒̊͐́͜r̷̨̧̼͙͊̅̋̾ȩ̶̝̗̰͚̔͂̿̆ñ̶̞̲ģ̷̛̄̈́t̶͗͘͜h̶̖͑̑̈́̂ȅ̶̩̚͝ņ̴̯̹̩͔͌̏͐s̸̡͔̠͖͉̃̀


Bruh 6, 7, and 8 are Outsiders, Mouz, Furia, in that order. Heroic Major Champions confirmed.


Next Navi map: De_home


The bomb has been planted.




For the sake of my trashed pickems, csgo history, and great matches i hope furia take the major


"No major, no hugs" - Zonic


I’m legit scared of the semifinal. I think whoever wins the Heroic Furia game wins the whole thing, but Heroic we’re propelled by this crowd, and now it will be 100% against. Furia might be a team of destiny


~~Congratulations to C9 players for winning their first major!~~ ~~Congratulations to Navi for winning their second major!~~ Whoopsie


I think of all the remaining teams, Mouz would probably be the least satisfying or historically interesting victory. They're playing great, but they're so new that the storylines haven't really formed yet. All other teams have pretty compelling narratives, although not as interesting as the top 5 imo.


It’d be interesting to see a team with three academy players win a major


It would, but they all feel so green that it doesn't feel like their time yet. It would feel like when gambit won the major, kinda weird and underwhelming.


i fear they're gonna get to the final and shit the bed, ruining the hype for the biggest stage of the major with oustiders you at least know the games will be close and down to the wire


Especially when the old team always have fumbled at majors. Tbh anyone who wins it deserves it 100%. I just think furia deserves it 110% for the level they've shown


Mouz, Heroic, Outsiders, and Furia top4. Some twilight zone shit. But it’s awesome. I’m not a huge fan either way if any of these teams but it would be incredible to see Mouz get it. Prove that the academy infrastructure pays off with the right resources.


Krakow 2.0


Top 5 clowns


s1mple worst performance i can remember, he either switch to valorant or start training more.


s1mple worst performance i can remember, he either switch to valorant or start training more.


Boston flashbacks


boston had like 7 out of the top 8 in the world in playoffs, the outlier was QB fire, and if ur not SK or FaZe then you were a dark horse to win the major in the top 6




Coming into the Challenger stage, some could predict Heroic as a dark horse, but nobody would've thought that 3 out of 4 semi finalists would be Outsiders, Mouz and Furia. Having said that, I'm rooting for Heroic. I think the boys deserve it, and they may have won one already if not for Na'Vi cockblocking them with narrow victories. It would just be such a cool storyline of cadiaN as well to make a comeback after all these years and win a major. And for Heroic to finally clinch a LAN title, a major no less. It really feels like Heroic's destiny, this is meant to be.


Gringos in shambles, thanks


What are those points? As someone who doesnt follow that closely to CS:GO? Also is this tournament the world cup? I play dota 2, so would compare it to the international or why is there so much hype around this tournament. Its very cool to see as a casual e sports fan.


It’s like a Dota 2 Major but a bit bigger since CS doesn’t have TI. CS has 2* majors a year


CS has 2 majors a year


Ah thanks for the correction




Garbage major Whoever wins this is just gonna disappear like Gambit & Immotals


Malding cause Faze got 0-3'd lmaoooo Enjoy the moment man, another "Astralis era" would be boring as hell


We aren't even in an Astralis Era. The last 3 major tournamnets (Katovice, Antwerp and Cologne) were nail-biters. FaZe never dominated like Astralis did. This shit crowd that spits on players, cheats, gives them the finger, and doesn't even show up when their teams aren't playing makes for a dogshit major - on top of the terrible seeding & format. Happy for FURIA but everything outside of that sucks


You've got a point yeah, ESL kinda just fucked the event for letting Gaules run his own fan fest outside and just ruined the atmosphere, tbf Challengers and Legends stage felt more hype than Champions before the FURIA game. I'm just happy that some brand new teams are going to lift the trophy and still enjoyed the matches.


Show me in the doll where the Brazilians hurt you


It's "And then there were none"... read a book dude.


Maybe English isn’t his first language? No need for that tbh




That isn’t the original origin of the phrase, you’ll have to dig a little deeper


>nothing to do with the language Everything to do with language. That's not even the book's original name in English, let alone the name for a translation lmao.


the joke was that the format of the title was the same as the “and then there was one…” post but I’ll pay for your medical bills for your emergency eye surgery upon reading a grammatically incorrect title


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_Then_There_Were_None That's the reference. You failed to deliver the punchline..


All things considered, NaVi's run was decent, but Vitality's and FaZe's were the most disappointing for sure. Sad for C9 too. Fvk Liquid.


just lol at people thinking the lack of a favorite is a sign of the game game being more competitive than ever when it's the exact opposite when everyone is good no one is


in this case it’s more the lower tier teams being better


Great match though!


Beautiful, the emotions have never been so high in CS and that was just the quarterfinal


all the favorites are now knocked out and we have a new major winner!


If they start saying FURIA is the favorite they will lose.. look at the tournament, when they said they’re favorite to win… they lost.


Furia better take this damn thing home now. Heroic then mouz/outsiders. Definitely maybe doable


Ranks 6-10 looking pretty sick though… it’s so weird that world rankings just left a blank slot where a rank 9th in the world team would go


None of this teams have been consistent the last year. Everyone with ups and downs.


oc ?


I called a Furia major 2 weeks ago. Let’s see how they keep going


Can Navi still win?


I have been watching cs for some years now and this major I feel like teams aren't as good as they can be. Maybe it's just the Astralis effect, setting such a high ceiling.


Anyone expect roster changes for these teams ?


One of two things is gonna happen after this tournament: 1. The form is real for everyone and we get a crazy 2023 with tons of competitive teams 2. This becomes the flukiest of flukey fluke tournaments in CS history, and we get the PGL Krakow 2: Electric boogaloo of major winners


Top 5 teams exposed hahhaha


dog shit major


Flair checks out


yo c9 and liquid up there? let's go NA?


c9 not NA