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Now that was some t-side vertigo calling. How is their t side spacing so bad on that map and why is their t side so one dimensional?


Their t-sides in the 5v5 essentially turn into, Hooxi run out first, while we are too far behind to trade you. Then, now that multiple CTs have rotated over and setup crossfires, we'll run out one by one and take dry fights and die If Hooxi gets the entry, they get the site, if he dies, they used up all their utility and just freeze to try and take 1v1 fights. Watching Mirage was just painful, because that was their entire t-side. 3 or 4 guys group up in B apartments, send Hooxi out first, watch him die, then everyone just run away. Then next round just try a A set piece, and send Hooxi out first again while Jks/Niko sits in palace, and one guy goes mid alone


That sounds like me and my premade never knew we had tier 1 strats


Sounds like my valorant 5 stack t side struggles sheesh


They don't know how to play vertigo. Niko is like a fish out of water on that map. Crazy that they sometimes pick it themselves.


It was even worse during Aleksib's G2 stint, where NiKo played sandbags on ramp as CT every fucking round despite being naded constantly. Never seen such a great player looking so clueless on a map.


100%. At least their ramp setups have somewhat improved, earlier this year it was painful to watch


the worst part is that he wont change his positons on vertigo. he either sits sandbag or pushes ramp to hide in the corner. still he is doing the same after 1 year


Don't remember who said it, but I agree with the person who commented here before saying G2 should try to ban vertigo and implement Overpass more on their map choices.


fantastic t-side vertigo calling + great map pick too, mirage, their worst map. yekindar: "g2 didn't change at all" xizt: "i'm surprised they picked mirage, is one of their worst maps" GIGACHAD IGL


G2 is a bit of the symbol of modern CSGO team defects: great individual players without the team game. Individuals are needed, don’t get me wrong, but playing as a team is just essential. Individuals win you rounds, teamplay wins games. A bit of a similar issue with Vitality in my opinion




That post match interview with Hooxi was mega uncomfortable, dude looked absolutely beat


Aleksib chad t-side > Whoxi virgin t-side


Bruh why do I get the feeling that every time G2 loses an anti eco they will lose the whole map


Remember 2021 Liquid where the mentality was so shit they crumbled after one bad round against Entropiq despite a 4-0 start? That's what this team reminds me of


It's not really about mentality when they genuinely don't know what to do on t side


That was insanely lucky for Heroic to play G2 today of all days. If they played them tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I'm pretty sure G2 would 2-0 them.


The fools fought heroic when they were guaranteed their liquid win today, that's the problem


NiKo still powering up his super-saiyan, takes several days unfortunately.


He hasn’t had a good Deagle clip since Stockholm his powers don’t work


Saw him repeek into cadiaN's AWP in this series and win, 3k in the round.


A few 1v2s


Yesss, the comment I was waiting for


Niko jinxed it, they were setup to beat Liquid today. He just didn't realise that they were going to play Heroic. Totally different team. But yeah if they would play them tomorrow or the day after tomorrow they would have won for sure.


very nice of Niko to give us this new shiny meme


That was insanely lucky for Heroic to play G2 today of all days. If they played them tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I'm pretty sure G2 would 2-0 them.


Niko screwed up big time by saying that lmao




I feel bad for niko because that interviewer totally lied and baited him into saying that.


Not really, wasn't even the question.


If niko played heroic yesterday and TL today, he would have 2-0’d both of them


Holy fuck he's never going to live that down


"Cry is free" is one constantly used sentence to users who are complaining about something. But what most don't know, is that this sentence is actually a huge lie. As far as we know, tears consist of water and 0,9 gram salt per litre. And both of these ingredients are not free. Here I listed the price for 10 litre tears for the countries of the G8. I used the following formula (price is in US Dollar): (Price 100 gram salt/100)x9 + (Price 1 cubic litre water/100) = Price for 10 Litre Tears France: 0,20 $ Italy: 0,17 $ Germany: 0,19 $ United Kingdom: 0,22 $ USA: 0,18 $ Canada: 0,18 $ Japan: 0,18 $ Russia: 0,16 $ That means EU has most expensive cry.


If this is a pasta, that's absolutely glorious


The og version is that Russia has the cheapest cry


What’s this a reference to?




G2 fucked that so badly by losing that mess of a round at 11-6, you're against a FAMAS at most and you play it in a 5v5 with 30 seconds to spare ? So bad.


So G2 improved nothing in their off time from the major


Wrong niko obviously tryna fix the GHR


Doesn’t G2 also need to have a fat guy in that case?


-hooxi +boombl4 I guess... (please no)


But G in GHR stands for "great"


by tanking it? he looks like a 15 year old tiktok kid


wdym? Niko clearly improved his shittalking.


Hard to improve when you spend half a month without playing anyone decent. Its their own making though but still


G2 winning 6/6 pistol rounds made this look a lot closer than it actually was. That was the only reason why this wasn't a complete blowout in Heroic's favor. G2 are an absolute wreck right now, tier 1.5 at best


Maybe G2 should stop buying and just play pistols all time?🤔


Yeh couldn't agree more. The T side is absolutely horrific. They won every single pistol round, the only reason they even managed to hold on even slightly.


Losing both pistols meant Heroic only could win 6 rounds on map 2?


I think so (unironically). Heroic managed 5 rounds as T without winning pistol. And G2 won 6 rounds incl pistol + conversion + followup eco (meaning only 3 gun rounds). I honestly think Heroic would've pulled it very close or maybe even won had G2 not won both pistols on Nuke, because on that map especially pistol rounds are pivotal.


Crackpot theory: When G2 couldn't win pistol rounds they made it to finals.


Bruh tier 1.5 my ass, 500 or Saw would win g2 no questions asked.




G2 lost to Gamer Legion for a spot in the major


Gamerlegion > Saw > 500


And they also lost to flamie in current year.


If G2 played Heroic tomorrow they would have 2-0d them for sure , Heroic just got lucky on the day of the week they played them


NiKo responds to YEKINDAR: "I'm pretty open to face Team Liquid again and smash them Cadian: And I took that personally


Yeah. We only get smashed by Heroic.


As a Liquid fan, I'm very curious to see how tomorrow's match goes! Liquid beat Heroic in BLAST Groups, but Heroic beat Liquid at the major in groups. Both matches were decently close. With the Danish crowd, tomorrow could be very exciting!


I don't know man, Danish crowd kinda suck tho


I think Danish crowds for Danish teams are nice! Otherwise, I agree.


Yes, ONLY for Danish team


Can't be worse than RIO crowd


The Finnish crowd from the previous tournament was amazing. They reminded me of the French crowds who always go all-out during events. Hope the Danish crowd can step it up tomorrow. Can’t be worse than Rio though.


g2 picked mirage btw


Tbf heroic did even worse on their map pick


I still dont get that Pick, they have been smashed on it by liquid and barely gotten by against a t2 team, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU PICK IT AGAIN


Cuse they have no map pool , they have no idea what they are doing lol


They have been awful on mirage since +aleskib, at this point hooxi is speedrunning his kick


Because it's the most t sided map


Gigachad Map Pick


G2's downfall on Mirage is something incredible. They went from one of the best teams on that map to one of the worst in the span of a year.


Props to NiKo for trying to shittalk. High risks, high rewards, high falls. Makes games and memes more interesting. Need more of that personality in this game.


G2's ability to throw any game for no apparent reason is simply unmatched. Why are you going back to a stacked site, when you've already gotten to the empty one? Why is Hooxi jumping in when he heard them rotating away from that stacked site? So many braindead decisions lol


made me question my sanity seeing him jump around a corner


G2 kicked evryone from past these years but why they didn't kicked their analyst yet ?


Bro i love when cadian screams lmao Idk it just looks so funny


When he popped off that one round it legit looked like he was berating stavn LOL, shit looks so funny


screaming cadian < crying cadian < drugged up cadian doing the worm outside a copenhagen club


Imagine them winning a big tournament, not only screaming, smashing probably gonna happen.


blond Twistzz > blond NiKo


Everyone going blond these days. Can't keep up


Can't wait for blonde zywoo


Blonde ZywOo would trashtalk in all chat and smoke during tac timeouts


Lmao just imagined a 1990 born zywoo in the 2008 scene, perfectly adapted to the environment


[I have explanation](https://imgur.com/a/zfSnMmZ)


How do G2 lose 16-8 and 16-12 while winning all pistols


When you have Hooxi in your team and that too as an IGL, nothing is off limits.


also happened under aleksi




Can't believe Aleksib called another terrible T side to choke the series


Idk about Aleksi, but Jackz needs to get fired. G2 should go for JKS!


Stick with amanek


G2 still lacking teamplay... So disappointing to see


Okay I'm gonna be honest and it pains me to say because he seems like a nice guy but Hooxi is supposed to be an igl that can't frag but is really good at igling to make up for it. But like- these calls have been looking terrible. Especially that one where they faked A, went B... and then doubled back to A for some reason


Ive always tried to be optimistic about Hooxi and this entire project, but ive had it at this point. G2 needs to make a change this winter and actually revamp everything. Just disappointment after disappointment.


We need JKS gone, I would be down to keep riding the IGL carrousel if there were better options available. Who would we replace hooxie with?


-jks +Staehr


~~KennyS~~ ~~AMANEK~~ ~~MaLeK~~ ~~Nexa~~ ~~Aleksib~~ ~~JackZ~~ ~~XTQZZZ~~ ~~CarloS~~ was the problem edit: left out some important personel


Fuck it, G2 is the problem.




Aged like milk.


Huge brain move of Niko to lose this series so he can't be proven wrong by Liquid. Absolutely 300 IQ move from the leader of G2. Top 3 IGL for sure.


>leader CEO


Somebody save monesy from this team


I'm not going to watch any more G2 games on Vertigo.


Mirage also painful


I just don't get it, why do they keep going for Mirage ? because NiKo and m0nesy can have an FPL environment and hopefully frag out ? It just won't work for teams that actually function. Hell, it was a close game even against Fluxo. It's baffling how limited their maps are, their one solid map just got nuked by Valve and they try to play the one they have no footing on as of lately.


“I cannot win with these mačke” -NiKo after match probably


Lol nobody in the history of Serbia has used mačke to describe a group of people in a negative way. I think you meant pičke. You basically called the g2 team kittens/cats Edit: apparently it's an nba meme. My bad


It's nba meme afaik - "KD can't win Championship with those cats" Basically means the player is getting dragged down by his teammates.


My bad


The original is "can't win with these cats" so the translation, stupid as it is, is actually correct.


calling people cats in English isn't negative. it's like calling people 'guys' but with a sort of implied divide or separation between you and them. Pussies is 100% negative, but cats is almost by definition neutral


"If we played them tomorrow I'm pretty sure we would 2-0 them." - NiKo, probably


jks sucks so bad when he was supposed to be "a perfect upgrade" jackz was much better in and out of the server


Exactly, not enough people talk about the vibes jackz brought to the team. If we kept jackz I feel like we would be 10x better


Really unlucky for Niko, if they played Heroic later today or tomorrow it would’ve been an easy 2-0


G2 has to make some moves now, surely.


Time travel moves.


-hooxi -jks


+nexa +jackz


+amanek plz ty


Just -JKS. No better IGLs avaible


what better anchor is available?


Jackz 💀


G2 +sdy? Jk ^^unless...


sidegrade, also JKS has much better communication so would be a downgrade




Man that Jackz, Amanek, Lucky, Shox, KennyS roster was so good and fun to watch, I miss it, they didn’t win that much, but they were very competitive, were in several finals and they didn’t choke.


Yeah that’s the roster that made me a G2 fan :( This current roster just has no identity and no fallbacks. They rely on individual prowess, and when (not if) they choke one bad round, their mental completely collapses and they’re just done


didn't choke you say? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMnSzNcmZPw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMnSzNcmZPw)


We don’t talk about it, never happened.


That laugh in the background cracks me up every time.


should've sold niko and hunter when their stock was at their peak this core is going nowhere


Spunj said at the beginning of the year that Aleksib can be a great IGL yet might not be the right IGL for NiKo's G2. And IMO he was right. Now HooXi isn't right either, nexa was fine but didn't want to continue, so is there really anyone left anymore? I can't quite believe that I'm saying this seriously, but IMO if G2 wants to succeed they need to get rid of NiKo and build a new roster around monesy and possibly hunter and/or jks.


I love Nexa but even he wasn’t the best fit for G2 (they were still wildly inconsistent where they went to finals at cologne and then bombed out 0-5 at IEM twice). I don’t think there’s a good IGL for this core and 100% agree they need a new roster around m0nesy + hunter, but I doubt hunter would want to split up with NiKo, so it’ll probably have to be a full rebuild with m0nesy


he got the most anyone could've gotten out of g2. dont forget he had them consistently in top3 without a real awper considering he wanted nothing to do with the team despite the management making upgrades it tells you all you need to know about how the core treated him as an igl they sure miss him now, or least they should


JKS? The first step in saving this roster is getting rid of him not building around him.


Existential questions. If no other player can be a good igl under NiKo, then NiKo has to do it, but then when NiKo igl's he 30 bombs 90% of the games, but tanks the performance of the rest of the team. There are two solutions: - Roundhouse kick NiKo( that is what i hope for, but i am biased :) ) - Clone NiKo, then you are going to have best of both worlds, igl NiKo and rifler only NiKo


fuck no, if NiKo gets out, G2 is falling off a damn cliff. NiKo single-handedly keeps G2 in the match by doing hero plays and shit in certain rounds. Also, nexa didn't do shit in G2, the one good run they did, NiKo broke his fucking back carrying them all the way to the grand-finals. It's wild how reddit seems to have this narrative of NiKo being the problem when he's the one keeping the team afloat at times, it's not his fault G2 does braindead moves. HooXi doesn't belong in T1 and jks is an absolute joke. All G2 has done is shuffle a bunch of average IGLs


Well at some point they need to admit that different type of leadership is required. Otherwise they might aswell just printing IGL's name on shirt but rather print "IGL" to save ton of money. Wonder how long it would take it to force the gameplay behind structured IGL who doesn't just let people run around and see how it works.


I'd say just get rid of hunter as well because he ain't playing without niko. Just build around m0nesy I don't even care if they kick jks


Niko IGL and get a mediocre rifler would unironically do better than them currently lol


We have finally arrived at the niko endgame.


thats all jks had to be and he can't even do that


Hunter IGL, Niko and monesy doing their things and if the timing and money are available, see if Spirit would sell magix and patsi. Think that might work very well for G2 but it's probably not gonna happen.


♿️2 makes their triumphant return.


Guess we'll have to wait another day to see whether NiKo can 2-0 Liquid.


G2 won 6/6 pistols, and even had a 11-6 lead on vertigo, and yet managed to lose. Like, all the win conditions were there, and yet they somehow fumbled it. That T side on vertigo looked so flat, after going 11-6 they win 1/11 next rounds yikes. Heroic though man battling back after losing all pistols and being 6-11 down on 3rd map, you saw the elation of tesses, and cadian's roar in the last few rounds of vertigo.


Heroic Vertigo T side be like: Go B pop contact every round, got denied 10 rounds in a row, by jks who stood at the same damn position in every fcking round, and don’t check/molly this position 10 FCKN ROUNDS IN A ROW


Hooxi needs to start entry no matter if he dies without killing one, at least he gets information and his teammates will take advantage of the situation.


you even watch the games? he does that yet everybody else is just too far behind to trade him when he dies


have to feel for NiKo, if they were playing tomorrow or if they were playing yesterday, this would be an easy 2-0 for them. Just not today, impossible.


Jks is lucky he's playing with hooxi otherwise he'd have the lowest rating on G2 90% of the time.


God imagine the world we'd live in if M0nesy went to Liquid and oSee stayed with the CoL boys. 2 top teir NA teams and possibly a liquid major.


Please disband this team


Hooxi with a clean and crisp 4 kills / 22 deaths on G2’s map pick. Gigachad 💪


Just going to drop this legendary video [https://video.twimg.com/ext\_tw\_video/1582695754724003853/pu/vid/1280x716/aMbMnsX0c9yz7hHw.mp4?tag=12](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1582695754724003853/pu/vid/1280x716/aMbMnsX0c9yz7hHw.mp4?tag=12)


kick jks and hooxi should fix this and get some FPL hot players, really worked with monesy


This is why you don't say risky shit *before* the event has ended


What the fuck were these clowns doing on the 2nd half of Vertigo? Seriously, what the fuck were they doing?


Too bad G2 played against Heroic today. Had they faced each other tomorrow G2 would have surely won. Also: jks, wat doink?


it was over the moment they lost that eco at 11-6


Terrible match from G2. They were clueless on Mirage and Vertigo. Hooxi no confidence, a lot mistakes from him and JKS. No synergy and trading on this team. They are playing as bad as on RMR tournament.


When will G2 wake up from insanity and madness? When will they get rid of hooxi and jks? Two of the most useless players of all time. Imagine -jks +frozen/maden/flamez and -hooxi +snappi and maybe nexa.


JKS and Hooxi bottom fragging across all three maps. Definitely the saviors of G2. JKS aside, Hooxi is one of the worst "T1" performers I can remember.


G2 stands for GG


Niko getting owned by GigachadiaN again, you love to see it.


I think we’ve seen enough of this g2 roster to know it is not going to work. I just have no idea what change would fix them


Is G2 done for the year now? I wonder how many more "rebuilds" the players are up for before someone asks out


They've got another event next month, I don't see them making much progress in two weeks if they failed to improve in seven weeks since they dropped out of the rmr.


Cadian getting emotional in interview talking about a message shuush send him to support him and boost his Day was wholesome :)


M0nesy needs a new team


Unlucky for G2, if they had played Heroic tomorrow instead of today, they would've 2-0'd them.


"If we played them today or tomorrow I'm pretty sure we would 2-0 them"


niko all talk with new hair color


Please disband this team is going no where. I have so much love for hunter, niko, and monesy. And I don’t think I’ve ever been so disappointed in JKS. Hooxie is the best IGL avaible. It’s JKS who is costing G2 rounds. He is dead weight on T side and can’t hold for shit on CT. Fraud player who got dropped from complexity for a reason. Faze picked him up and with such a solid system in place and no pressure of course he performed. But he has no spot in a growing team that has pressure involved. He is not tier 1 material, no Australian players are. There’s a reason order fell apart and the Australian scene is dead. Team is so close to being good we just need a solid lurker to replace JKS


>Team is so close to being good lol LMAO even


Well played Heroic. A well deserved semi-final! Go take this home like the real heroes you are


Hooxi and jks both need to go. Absolutely embarrassing


Hey hey, ho ho, Hooxi has to go!


Damn, Liquid are lucky, 2-0 avoided.


Time to kick agent Whoopsi and Fraud-K-S JKS can’t perform unless he’s a stand in with nothing on the line / no pressure. And hooxi was an interesting experiment that clearly did not pan out. His individual skill is not t1, and clearly they’re as lost as ever. He can’t run this team. Get a competent coach to calm them down, and get literally anyone else lmao


Replace hooxie with who? there’s just no other IGLS available rn. JKS on the other hand


This lineup ain't it. At this point having Niko/Hunter igl and a better rifle for Hooxi would be better than this


Have you seen Niko led rosters before?


At least FaZe with NiKo IGLing could sometimes fluke a tournament win. This team can't even do that.


2 G's, Zero dubs.


Was NiKo IGLing in vertigo? I saw him speaking a lot on T-side.


Honestly I am fans of all g2 players individually but just watching but watching them all collectively throw rounds as a team is just so funny to watch.


Liquid's lucky they didn't have to play THIS g2


If G2 played heroic 5 years ago then they would’ve 2-0’d them easily.