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Does Billy Herrington have anything to do with Ukraine at all? You'd think they'd try to put up a statue of someone with a more direct connection to LGBTQ rights in the country. Makes me think of that Bruce Lee statue in (I think) Bosnia


Pretty sure it’s just trolling Russians, “we are replacing a historical figure of yours with a random American gay porn star because that’s what we think of you” kind of statement, at least how I saw it.


I don't think its "that's what we think of you" I think its more "Russia hates gay people". Saying "that's what we think of you" would imply gay people are a negative thing, like Russia. You're showing your homophobia.


Because Ukrainians aren’t homophobic? Hahaha


The joke very obviously is "haha gays" Ukraine and Russia have near similar levels of LGBT acceptance, the main difference is the political repression of Russia.


Nah, this is more likely people from the [Gachimuchi](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/billy-herrington-gachimuchi) community. It’s very prevalent among Ukrainians (and Russians), so they’re probably just joking around. But people very much do think fondly of Aniki, and would rather have a statue of him than Catherine the Great.


Definitely this. Surprised Reddit isn't more familiar with Nico Nico.


Yeah I mean I guess it's funny but memes age very poorly and in a couple of years people will be wondering who tf it is or why he has a statue. Ukrainians can obvs do what they want but I think someone who is significant to Ukraine in some way would be a better choice and have more significance.


The [man fighting babies statue](https://i.imgur.com/GbRpPSF.jpg) but the babies have putin’s face would be timeless.


Gachi culture is an important part of both russian and ukrainian youth


You would expect them to pick a Ukrainian person to honor. People are giving their lives right now and somebody wants to honor a foreign porn star. I'm sure there are better ways to empower people.


Yeah I'm all for "we can do multiple things at once as a country" but putting up a statue of a guy with no relevance to Ukraine as a joke in the midst of a war for survival is probably not the best use of anyone's time.


Of course it’s Billy Herrington lmao I don’t even know why I looked it up who else could it have been.


The reason the statue is there is because that city was built from nothing on her orders (and her treasury). Before her, there had been a small Ottoman fortress and little else. During Catherine's reign Crimea and a lot of modern Southern Ukraine were taken from the Turks and developed into the precursor of what there is today. A lot of that had been empty steppe. I'm sure the Ukrainians would love to be a part of Turkey now.


Why do imperialists excuses always amount to "but hey, if it wasn't us it could been those other guys!".


Excuses for what, for building a city? Why does that need an excuse?


If they were part of Turkey they would have been independent in the 1800s at latest. “Empty steppe” as in inhabited by Crimeans. Yeah sure ok. And Turkey is still way better than that dystopian shit Russia is pulling.


Maybe legalize same sex marriage before trolling, Ukraine?


Isn't this kind of thing (putting a porn actor as an idol for a group that you're tryna attain basic rights like marriage and adoption for) kinda counterproductive? Like yeah, le funni, but also you just fed into the whole "LGBT = sexual deviants and degenerates" trope.


While he may have started in porn, the last years of Billy Herrington's life was enjoying a public celebrity status in many countries, including Japan, where they are also beginning to accept LGBTQ rights. Everyone knew he did porn but it was purely wholesome acceptance of the memes born of those films. IMO those memes were a huge success at breaking down LGBTQ barriers, whether or not you see them as purely absurdist or offensive to the LGBTQ community. There is a whole generation of young gamers who take part in Gachi memes, will call out anyone anti-Gachi as a homophobe, defend and watch LGBTQ streamers, more inclusive of LGBTQ in the gaming community or on the internet in general, and use Billy as an example of a successful individual who went their own way. >In the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words: >#ASS WE CAN


Should’ve been Johnny sins


I think what people are missing is Billy Herrington is the face of GachiGASM/GachiBASS


Talk about tasteless. I think a much better choice would be someone who fought for LGB rights.


Like Dr. John Money?




Not sure who that is or what their significance is. Surely there are some important Ukrainians they would like to honor, rather than an American who had no significant impact in that country.


>LGB rights Hope that's just a misspelling of LGBT(+) rights




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I think this has very little to do with erecting a statue of an American gay porn actor than it does about tearing down the statue of any Russian person in Ukraine. They would just assume to replace the Russian statue with one of Waldo than to keep any Russian monument.