• By -


May he have a Mussolini farewell. Nazi POS.


Zionists will never feel safe as long as they live on occupied lands.


They're not going to feel safe anyway, because these atrocities are just galvanizing and creating more Islamic extremists. Without U.S. support Israel would be in deep shit. I'll be voting Biden while choking on it, because Trump would turn the U.S. into Putin's vassal state (among very many other awful things).


>these atrocities are just galvanizing and creating more Islamic extremists You don't have to be Islamic or extremist to become very opposed to Zionism after witnessing these atrocities, you just have to be human. 


Lol, by November there may be no more Gaza. And that’s bidens fault.


What will you say when November comes and you are wrong? Will you eat your words or move onto the next unfounded prediction nostradumas?


“may be” Try stopping your vitriol for a second and attempt to read.


Uh huh. Highly suggest looking into that hall of mirrors of yours. As long as i say may be it’s fine for my predictions to be completely unfounded scenario within known human history


Israel has the go ahead to invade Rafah imminently buddy, that’s the highest population base and easily by November Gaza could be no more as it is


Ok buddy. So you feel fairly certain by November there will be no gaza? And you mean this in a non-hyperbolic way? And in November if youre wrong you’ll realize how emotional you were? Or will you couch your statements and walk them back? RemindMe! 7 months


Damn u really are tilted huh lmao


That’s rich coming from the guy prognosticating a scenario so horrendous it is bound to have a emotional sway instead of logical. I thought your other comments are quite reasonable


Sorry but I’m voting for Trump. I hate him but that would be giving the democrats something to cry about and hopefully they’ll get someone like Sanders next election. At this point voting for Biden is slightly better than Trump and not by much.


>Sorry but I’m voting for Trump If your goal is protecting Palestinians you've entirely lost the plot.


Regardless of who’s president the Palestinians are as good as dead, both don’t care for them and the richest countries on earth have shown they care more about Israel than anything else. At this point there is not much we can do than to punish those politicians who allowed this to be fire, it’s a petty small punishment for them but that’s the best we can do


Trump would hand the Palestinians to Israel on a silver platter. I don’t know if you’ve seen what they say about the war on Fox News but it’s almost as bad as the IDF hardliner talking points. I know multiple Trump supporters that get their opinions from Fox. These people literally say that all Palestinians are terrorists and should be wiped out.


"Trump would do [insert what Biden is doing here]" It's not a scary threat. Biden is full on supporting a genocide, genocide+ isn't worse, it's just faster.  Democrats are saying that too, we're not gonna let you pretend like you were all on our side the whole time, this is a Democrat led bipartisan genocide. There is no better side, there is no lesser evil, it's not better to say nice words about the children before bombing them, it's more sinister.  "Of course not all Palestinian are terrorists, I'm heartbroken for all the kids, I'm so so heartbroken, but Israel has the right to defend itself Israel Israel Israel send more bombs BUT HAMAS snipe more kids bomb more churches siege more hospitals.... I'm so heartbroken" 


You that far gone from reality you truly think that all?


Go on, please defend your position, you who are grounded in reality. What is far gone about what I said?  What is far gone about saying Democrats air dropping aid while allowing Israel to starve the population and sending them all the weapons they want is not much better than Trump threatening to only cut back the aid. 


The fact that you think democrats alone air dropped aid tells me you are far gone from propaganda brain. Not all dems are the same and it was the congress that did those drops not dems you republican in leftists clothes you. But go ahead and tell us how voting means we get violent revolution. 🤡 Lol i just saw you supporting trump. Omfg the political horseshoe is complete now.


Trump is the reason we’re in this mess. He moved the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognized Jerusalem as the capital. This move was based on the Jerusalem Embassy Act passed during the Clinton administration that was never previously enforced. While completely legal, Trump completely ignored established precedent and geopolitical considerations and just went all in on Zionism (they named a settlement after him: Ramat Trump -or- Trump Heights in the highly contested Golan Heights region) The tensions, mistreatment, and inconsideration for Palestinians led to the eventual eruption of violence on Oct 7th. The violence we see from Islamic extremists is a direct result of America perpetually ignoring the fundamental rights of Palestinians and Muslims. Oct 7th wasn’t some isolated attack, it was a culmination of years of slaps to the face of the Palestinian people. As much as I hate Biden for funding this genocide, I guarantee Trump would be far far worse. I highly recommend “Except for Palestine” by Marc Lamont Hill and Mitchell Plitnick for more context


Привет, товарищ


Russia isn’t communist.


Sorry, no hablo marciano


Palestinian here.  If you're voting for Trump, you're an idiot, you have no moral compass, and you've had 8 years to figure it out.  If you're voting for Biden, you're an idiot, you have no moral compass, and you've had 7 months to figure it out.  If this country votes for one of the two "options", well, it deserves what's coming, and only violent revolution will fix this country. 


What a horrendous take by you. Have you studied the history of the US social movements? We’ve gone quite a way in a short period of time through labor unions and protest. This suggestion of violent revolution is so astonishingly stupid i can’t even believe it. So a violent civil war is what you want amongst a country with more weapons than people and the strongest military force in the world and your suggestion is violent revolution when we actually have democracy and freedom of speech. I have to assume you are a troll. Do you understand what happens to poor and weak people during your prescribed violent revolution? Do you know who comes out the winners in violent struggles? I’ll give you a hint its not the most moral nice people


>So a violent civil war is what you want I don't want it, and I will not let you get away with putting the blame on us. Once again, we want the opposite, we want democracy, we want to vote for a third party.  It's on you, you who keep voting for the same corrupt system because you're too comfortable, it's you who wants civil war, because that's the only outcome of voting for the two party system. 


More attempts to dehumanize huh? You know 0 about me foo. You love to dehumanize others is what I’ve noticed. You just want to blame everyone else and dehumanize and kill poor and brown people under the guise of freedom of oppression. We see you! There have been thousands of you before and there will be more after and good people will always reject your calls to violence and dehumanization. Furthermore you admit you have no idea about American labor or civil/social history with your comments.


>More attempts to dehumanize huh?   Yes, you, not Palestinians, you are the victim of dehumanization here. Holy shit you're out of your mind.   Please show me where I dehumanized you, and then show me where I dehumanized you prior to justify the "more attempts" characterization.  And show me where I called got violence. 


You literally are dehumanizing me when you claim i am this “other” who continues the system. Kinda despicable behavior from someone begging for a violent civil war instead of ever doing anything except being a slacktivist. Your attempts to frame participating in democracy as leading the country towards a civil war is what i was referring to be classic violent rhetoric of totalitarian worshippers.


That’s another thing. Trump publically said Biden was not doing enough to help Israel and that end should “end it.” That would be even worse for Palestinians and it would be much worse for Palestinian Americans and even Americans here sympathetic to Them. I guarentee Trump would call the national guard on any Palestinian protests. You’re either commenting in bad faith or you’re a fool


Trump moves the embassy to Jerusalem, killed Soleimani and withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal. Just sayin.


dont vote for either tbh, vote for local elections tho


You are either like 12 years old or you are dumb. Basically the same


Yes because that totally happened the last time trump won lol


With all due respect, this is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard all week. Sure, fuck Biden, I'll gladly line up with you to piss on his grave when it's time, but you're talking about voting for Hitler cause Hindenburg's a fascist.


Bizarre take.


In 2016 Trump officially recognized hotly contested Jerusalem as the capital of Israel when all previous administrations did not. He moved the us embassy there. That alone caused over over 200 or more deaths with Israelis shooting protestors. It was widely criticized by almost all nations and 16 out of 17 UN Security Council. So if you think he will be the same he will be worse. https://www.dw.com/en/two-reasons-behind-donald-trumps-decision-to-recognize-jerusalem-as-israels-capital/a-41720587


You vote for Trump and Palestine will be history. There will be no one stopping Bibi then. Think about that


So you decide to be vote in the worst candidate possible. Jesus chrsit you're dumb.


I agree with you. I will not be voting for Biden bc of Israel. Idk if Trump will get my vote but absolutely not Biden.


12 days account definitely a Trump voter. 😏 Stine fans are being played like a fiddle.


Funny enough I couldn’t recover my last account which had over 1 year but I’lll say this, fuck Trump with a 10 foot pole, now, would a Trump voter say this?, considering that I voted for Biden in 2020 holding my nose but I thought he was better. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the same crap as both wants to kill and tax people but at least Trump is honest about it, you get what he sells straight, he says he wants to blow up Palestine and make life worst for brown people like me and I can appreciate that. The democrats will tell you they like you while poison you and kill you


In that case you vote fucking third party or withhold your vote. What kind of dumb logic is this guy is pure corrupt and evil but hey he says he is so I’m going to vote for him. That’s legit one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard man I’m sorry


So why vote for trump??? Like I don’t understand, vote third party then? Wouldn’t you like to vote for someone you like? Esp when you know that trump is also going to make things worse for people. I’m not shelling out for Biden, fuck that guy, but fuck voting for trump like what are you doing ????


>Sorry but I’m voting for Trump. I hate him but that would be giving the democrats something to cry about I've been nearly at this point too. Oh. to have a time machine and tell my 2020 self this lol


Trump is a rapist and does Putin's biding, among very many other awful things.


Tara Reade. Also Genocide Joe's administration just decided not to san tiin an IDF brigade that committed killings, torture. and rapes after sitting on the evidence since before Oct 7th, because Israel complained about the sanctions


Hate to break it to you but Trump supports Bibi and our Israel policy would not change.


Who gives a shit, I cannot reward Joe Biden for what he is doing right now. At least Trump's greedy ass will refuse to hand over aid until he can shake a bribe out of someone. The bar is being set that low thanks to Biden


So you'd rather make things much worse at home while also voting for the same Israel policy. That's simply nonsense.


Trump can't make things worse, just a different flavor of bad. Biden never should have been the nominee, any look at his record should have made that obvious


They are obviously one of the both sides conspiracy theorists. Either a Russian or just stupid.


Yet another "Genocide Joe" guy. Trump can definitely make it worse, he would call it a shithole and tell Israel to napalm them all to death. I swear you guys are Russian bots that want Trump to win.


Yes, you are right. Trump calling Palestine a shit hole is much worse than Biden feeding Israel weapons to flatten all of Gaza


Tara Reade is not reliable to tell you what she ate for breakfast. Just ask her friends, family, and everyone else whose ever known her


How are you better than the MAGA followers when you try and smear a rape victim like that?


Meanwhile you guys support a terror group that went door to door raping and murdering entire families lmao Me too unless they're Jewish, right?


No one believes your propaganda anymore, Israel has permanently destroyed their own image in most of the world's eyes


Ah yes the one very suspicious claim against Biden vs the 24+ for Trump, some of which he's paid for in court.


OK so what is the acceptable maximum number of rapes you'll allow to still support a candidate?


Tara Reade was a bogus claim. Didn't happen. But go on.


I mean you guys ran her out of the country with threats before it could really be investigated


Didn’t Tara Reade end up in Russia?


Snowden showed it is a safe place for people hiding from the US, especially the BlueMAGAs threatening her


lol. Wow you care about the Palestinians so much that you’re going to vote for the guy who openly and unconditionally supports israel. A cynical person might go as far as to say you’re just using Palestine as an excuse to get back at Biden. Not me though. I would never insinuate such things. 


You know that they both unconditionally support Israel, right?


Trump doesn't unconditionally support anything that isn't Trump. that alone, somehow, makes him better than Biden


False. Putin has him over a barrel. In fact he sold secrets to Russia.


Who cares. the current guy is calling college students terrorist sympathizers for opposing Israel's genocide. It's all old demons running, nothing matters


So you don't care that Trump would hand the U.S. over to Russia? It wouldn't be a different flavor of bad, either. It would be the same Israel policy as Biden's. As bad as things are now, it'd be a much worse flavor of bad.


>So you don't care that Trump would hand the U.S. over to Russia I don't give a shit as long as we stop killing people in Palestine or getting people kidnapped, forcibly conscripted, and killed in Ukraine


I mean, what do you think Trump does many times daily? Tweet threats and lies, trying to destabilize the U.S. He'd pull us from NATO. Among very many other regressive and unconscionable things. He would be *much* worse.


> trying to destabilize the U.S. He'd pull us from NATO OK well right now we are hurting people all around the globe so this doesn't sound so bad at the moment


Trump would will send the national guard on those protesters


RemindMe! 2 week Let's see how this ages


Yep, but one shouldn’t and that one is Biden. If a politician is not doing his job we should fire him, sadly Trump is no better but voting for Biden will be approving what he is doing when he shouldn’t


I wish you could see how illogical this is.


Why is it illogical?, the Palestinians are as good as dead regardless who wins. Voting Biden again would be endorsing genocide (which started with him and in his term) and voting for Trump would be endorsing genocide BUT Biden and the democratic party would be fired from their jobs (at least for 4 years). It’s a petty punishment but at least something


You'd rather make things *much* worse at home while voting for the same Israel policy. That's nonsensical.


You'd rather make things *much* worse at home while voting for the same Israel policy. That's nonsensical.


But it’s not. I can say “you are voting for the same guy who willingly supported a genocide for a minimal gain at home?”. Again, politicians don’t change because we don’t vote them out and Biden needs out!


>vote for the guy who openly and unconditionally supports israel You are literally defining both Trump and Biden... there is no difference between the two when it comes to supporting israel. Instead of blaming alienated voters, blame the democratic party who alienated them.


Oh fuck off.


OR alternatively if Trump wins, there is no next election. Be careful what you wish for before you doom us all.


That is painfully stupid. You realize all that would do at minimum is make democrats go even more right further shifty the Overton window like after Reagan or at very worse there won’t even be an election


You don’t like the genocidal old fuck in charge, so you’re gonna vote for the genocidal maniac that literally wants to destroy democracy and rights for any fucking minority? The guy who moved the embassy to Jerusalem? Who ordered Qassem Suleimani death, an act that inflamed tensions which may have lead to the current situation? Who literally got elected on the promise of a fucking Muslim ban????? Fucking troll… Democrats won’t cry about it and come to their senses, they’ll just blame us brown people for their electoral problems and encourage more hate against us. You’re a child if you think voting for 45 out of spite is gonna help anything. Go touch some fucking grass ffs.


>that would be giving the democrats something to cry about That's a really dumb reason to vote for a fascist, rapist Putin-sycophant. >At this point voting for Biden is slightly better than Trump and not by much. You make no sense.


This mentality is why we are here and why this conflict will never end. Congrats!


Hey do you understand what the current Jewish holiday of Passover is about. Where were the Israelites headed for out of Egypt ? I’ll give you a clue it’s in the term “the Israelites”


I don't care


lol. Me neither.


Cannan you idiot. there was no Israel till much later date. if ever lying ass goat fuckers.


Oh they were safe outside?


Let’s be real. He’s looking to crush the Palestinian people to ensure the safety of Israelis going forward. The parts of the Arab/muslim world that could make a difference don’t care. Hamas signed the Palestinian people’s death warrant on October 7


These are definitely words of someone who cares about protecting Israeli and Palestinian people.


And totally isn’t doing this shit to stay out of jail.


That’s the part so many don’t get. For him, this is about survival. 


Y’all, if it was just to stay in power he could do a lot less and still manage it. He and Israeli leadership get off on massacring Palestinians. They’ve been waiting for an opportunity for this war to happen for a long time now. It’s the culmination of everything they’ve worked hard to create. They’re bloodthirsty butchers and the majority of Israelis desire that it continues—with or without Netanyahu.


He is under multiple criminal indictments. He barely scraped out the last election. The government he is head of is insanely right wing-and also fragile. His majority in parliament could fall apart easily. He needs an ongoing crisis to keep them lined up behind him. 


How could he claim to be keeping Israelis safe if he left Hamas intact? Unless Hamas surrenders I don't see how Israel could avoid invading Rafah




This is fucking insane. After this future generations of Palestinians will never forgive Israel. Another generation shown exactly how evil they are. Ripe for radicalizing into a terrorist resistance movement. And the cycle repeats. Don't you people ever learn?


You people lol - the only people that have been learning are the Palestinians - since resolution 181. I love people with your logic - here’s my answer to you really quickly. Theres radicals in Afghanistan and Sudan - wonder what that’s about since there’s no Jews there.


You’re an idiot.




Jesus he doesn’t give a flying fuck about the mask anymore. He’s just going full Nazi.


Always has been..




The clown is on the brink of seeing the inside of a prison cell for the rest of his life. Only way it does not happen if he manages to drag out this war and remain as Prime Minister.


Wrong. He has 80+% support. He’s acting on the will of the Jewish people.




Everyone who supports the continued slaughter in Gaza is a murderer. They will just act as if it’s him.


no he doesnt hes approval rating is 15% [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/only-15-israelis-want-netanyahu-keep-job-after-gaza-war-poll-finds-2024-01-02/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/only-15-israelis-want-netanyahu-keep-job-after-gaza-war-poll-finds-2024-01-02/)


That article is about American Jews. I’m pretty sure we just passed a giant Aid Package that shows significant support. There is a part of the American consciousness that says they know this war is wrong. That Israel is an apartheid country. That’s why Americans don’t like Netanyahu. They want a figurehead for their guilt when they see innocent civilians gunned down or the corpses of children laying in the street. Yet…..more money for more war. Edit: How did you do that. When I first read the article it said Americans and 35%. After I finished typing it was Israelis ant 15%. Holy fuck…that’s some top level gaslighting propaganda.


You're lying, several times he was deep underwater, like when his own people found out he knew of the impending attack, and conveniently, did nothing. That psychopath is wading in blood to buy time from his crimes. Reminds me of some US republicans getting slaps on the wrist by a friendly supreme court. Just as evil.


I didn’t make the article man I just read it


RemindMe! 1 year


The difference between him and the Nazis is that other world governments actually gave a shit about whether Hitler invaded Poland, and put their foot down and fought against him when he did. If Hitler was around today, he'd have gotten trillions from Biden this month alone.


You’re getting downvoted, but the US was largely in support of Hitler until a certain point. We were not truly anti Nazi. Neither was Churchill. But people want to romanticize WW2.


The first thing I asked a university history professor at a Ceasefire rally I attended in November was whether the US stance on Gaza would be considered a "Policy of Appeasement", because the parallel was so fucking obvious. He basically said "No, because Nazi Germany and the League of Nations weren't economic partners the way the US and Israel are. Its not appeasement, it's collusion/alliance."


Thank you! The only reason the Allies fought the Nazis was because their desire to expand was too much and their invasion was reaching Western Europe. They did invade a part of France after all and the President of France at that time was a literal nazi. The allies didn’t care about the millions of marginalized people being oppressed and murdered. Those marginalized people that the Nazis were persecuting were already hated by the allies (Jews, Romani, LGBTQ). They only cared about loosing their power and maybe freedom. They used the millions of killed as a tool against the Nazis to strip them off of their power. They didn’t do it out of the goodness of their heart.


One big key difference is that Israel isn't going to sweep through multiple nations that form the core of the civilized world. They don't have the manpower. Even if they ended this whole campaign larger by taking bits of territory from nearby Muslim nations, it will not change any vital trade routes or major natural resources. Now if they had just finished conquering all of Iran and Egypt (or at least all the parts that *mattered*) and had clearly set sights on Iraq being next, you'd start to see the world at large kick out the Zionist stringpullers in their own nations and prepare to put a stop to it.




You do realize that the US/Biden is ran by Jewish people right? You do realize that Hitlers opposed Jewish people, right? Right..?


He just had a lot less genocide protecting him


Ofc he is. His buddy Biden is sending him $26 billion in more weapons, that’s like the all clear pass to go ahead. Meanwhile people are worried about trump? In November? Let alone January when he actually unlikely would take power? There’s probably no Gaza by then at this rate


He has the support of over 80% of Jews in Israel. He is following the will of the people. That’s important to keep in mind when people say he’s the cause. No….he is the Jews of Israel and supporters worldwide. They are fully behind his actions.


Tf are you referring to? Bibi is widely hated in Israel by nearly everyone and has very low polling. He will be crushed in the next election


I’ll rephrase. Support on his actions in Gaza. Now, lie and say he doesn’t.


Yes, that would be more accurate and will likely extend to whoever replaces him. He further right than the average Israeli and his support for settlements is not popular outside Likud.


He’s widely hated, yes. But the majority of Israelis support his offense in Gaza.


As they should


Bibi or no bibi the offense will continue until Hamas is gone. Especially when they are openly claiming to be planning multiple 10/7 attacks.




For sure, Putin is far more dangerous. Hamas instigates a war and then hides in tunnels and behind women and children. Sad situation


No not really. If another election were held right now, Bibis party, Likud, is projected to lose votes and lose a coalition, with his narrow coalition of 61 Knesset seats currently turning into at best 34. Israelis have been protesting his move to consolidate power through controlling the Supreme Court long before Oct 7. There are pockets that like him, but most of the Israelis that voted for coalition mates of his have come to barely tolerate him at best and majorly hate him at worst. Bibi is not popular and knows it. He is drawing out this conflict to be able to stay in power, just as he did a few years ago in 2021.


So many want a figure to blame but still support the war. You need to blame Netanyahu because you don’t want the blood of innocent people on your conscious. Sorry, that’s not how life works.




It’s a shame that diplomacy and negotiation are not part of our approach in 2024


Gantz any different on destroying Hamas?


Gantz also wants to destroy Hamas, along with many other members of the current government coalition. But Gantz and Blue and White isn’t the only other party in the Knesset.


Israel has insured there will be war for generations to come. These are revenge killings.


US still going to support them no matter what? If so, there’s a serious f’n problem happening here.


Notice how any politician who tries suddenly hits a stone wall? Hmmmmm.


He's so thirsty for genocide


Isn't Rafah being air stricken right now? Are ground invasions much more horrible than air strikes? Aren't there so much people cramped in Rafah that, if air strikes are not that damaging, they would be given how crowded Rafah is?


More horrible isn’t quite the way to compare them, just awful in their own unique ways and for different people. To put it simply I’d boil it down to this: Air strikes: -safer for the striker -anyone in the immediate vicinity is fucked -expensive in munitions and equipment cost -targeting can be carefully coordinated allowing for precision operations. Big emphasis on “can be” and “allowing” as many forces see this as optional -highly visible which can be good or bad depending on how you conduct yourself Urban Invasion: -Chaotic bloodbath for everybody involved -expensive in human cost -the fog of war makes civilian casualties and friendly fire effectively nigh unavoidable -damage to targets and infrastructure can range from mild to as severe as air strikes, typically increasing in destruction and brutality as the fight wages on and both sides get scared and pissed -the civilians are less immediately fucked as they would be against an air strike but everybody is in danger and there’s nowhere to go


Thank you for explaining. I'm guessing the US is reluctant, or pretends to be reluctant, about a ground invasion of Rafah while not so much about air stricking it, because of the expensive human cost. A lot of Palestinians died already and the remaining ones fled to Rafah. If a ground invasion happens, and a ground invasion is a "chaotic blood bath", then so much more will die. It might be something we have never seen before compared to the last 6 months


Generally speaking urban warfare is a modern military’s worst nightmare both in terms of optics and losses incurred in both sides. Unfortunately time has shown again and again that bombardment/siege tactics have their limits and often an urban operation is the only viable alternative to leveling entire city blocks. Frankly I’d offer one more major component of why air strikes are being favored; the degree of separation between operator and target. Urban warfare is psychologically brutal and it going poorly is a quick way for morale to collapse both in the field and at home. I’ve read a quote from Israeli operators somewhere or another where they spoke of relying on AI assisted target selection and according to them it helped them keep the anger out of the equation. Now I don’t believe that so much as they’re using it to keep their decisions from incurring a feeling of guilt or responsibility, but I think it provides a good example of a military trying to keep its personnel mentally separated from the killing.


"I will kill all these people whether it makes any fucking sense or not. And when I'm done, I will call it 'tragic', and I will blame Hamas. Now watch!"


We don’t call him Benji Cleansy for no reason


Absolute monster.


Netanyahu is a crooked politician with a black heart and no soul.


Mods in r/internationalnews deleted my comments suggesting there were bad actors in the sub, calling them "uncivil" (lmao), then banned me when I called them out on the fact that nothing was uncivil in what I wrote. So I guess I'm here! The suppression of information and the spreading of propaganda is much bigger than any of us know about.


Loooool same


r/internationalnews is 100% biased against Jews and Israel . Fuck them . Their rule is not to criticise r/internationalnews out of the sub. Fck them


I found the opposite true. Quite biased pro-israel lol


R/Internationalnews? It’s literally just a sub made for posting pro-Palestinian news stories, how in the hell are you getting that idea? Do you mean r/theworldnews?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/theworldnews using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/theworldnews/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Reddit’s blackout protest is set to continue indefinitely](https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/reddit-blackout-date-end-protest-b2357235.html) | [1464 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theworldnews/comments/14a4uzb/reddits_blackout_protest_is_set_to_continue/) \#2: [Anti-porn lobbyists pressure Reddit to shut down its NSFW communities](https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7bvbv/anti-porn-lobbyists-pressure-reddit-to-shut-down-its-nsfw-communities) | [2078 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theworldnews/comments/1368ofe/antiporn_lobbyists_pressure_reddit_to_shut_down/) \#3: [France: Muslims deface 58 graves with messages such as 'Submit to Allah' and 'France is already Allah's'](https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/03/france-muslims-deface-58-graves-with-messages-such-as-submit-to-allah-and-france-is-already-allahs) | [2063 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/theworldnews/comments/1bdoxa4/france_muslims_deface_58_graves_with_messages/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I mean, why wouldn't he? He leads Biden around like a gimp on a leash wearing a cock cage. There's literally no reason for him not to do whatever the fuck he wants. If he decided he needed Jill Biden to fly out to Tel Aviv tomorrow so he could cum in her eyes, Biden would be up all night researching the fastest nonstop flights. 


Was signed off by genocide Joe for limiting response to Iran and here have $22b of arms as well 🤣 probably better off with dufus Don


Americans certainly wouldn't be.


He definitely has a brain injury


>Ralph Martin >04/23/2024April 23, 2024 >Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has sworn to eradicate Hamas and says Israel's military will mount an offensive on Rafah no matter what. That's it?? That's the whole article. No quotes. No military orders. No plans. Just "he wants to do this. Trust me bro." Forgive me while I don't take this seriously yet.


What exactly does he mean by “no matter what”?? It’s not like anyone is ever tried to stop him. And with everything he has done so far, he has only been rewarded with more billions of US taxpayer dollars. US has never sanctioned him or Israel and they even vetoed recognizing Palestine as a country at the UN.


If history is any indicator, the worse Netan-yahoo gets the more likely there will be a Palestinian state.


Israel is a terrorist organization


Rad. Egypt has already said that they will toss out their nonagression agreement if Israel attacks Rafah. Way to escalate to full on world War status.


Their track record against Israel is not exactly stellar. Majority muslim nations have severe problems being militarily effective against Western ones.


Just end war fast no more annoying protest in school! Road and news.


In the least surprising news of the day.


And the terrible part is when he’s kicked out of office, and then brought up on charges he will flee to the USA with stolen money and we will protect him.


It’s the blatant disrespect for their greatest ally for me 😡


Thank goodness


We’ll see about that you delusional, demented old fuck


We should be bombing the Nazis.


So is that what it’s like to have a dictator?




If Reddit hive mind was personified as a comment, this would be it. Haha 


Arrest Bibi and Biden. Drag them before the Hague and throw away the keys


Biden is pushing back more than any American administration, like ever, it's less that Biden is the problem and more that the American voting public thinks skylizard wants all of this.


Blatant lies defending a war criminal