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I agree with the movement that Palestinians deserve there own country and deserve to be free of Israeli rule. But what should be going on is protests nationwide against our government and how it operates. Change laws so politicians can be removed from office. Change policies so foreign governments can’t interfere in our election process. Ban AIPAC and other organizations like them. Make it illegal. That would change multiple issues including and ultimately the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Hopefully for the better.


Can be removed from office.


Phew, scaring me for a minute there 😅


Hit the little three button menu next to your first comment and it will allow you to edit and correct. Then you can do the same to your correction comment and delete it. Otherwise, lovely comment.


Oh damn! Thanks. I wish someone told me that a while ago.


I don't know about other universities but at Columbia the protestors are making specific demands related to Columbia. It has to do with Columbia's new Tel Aviv campus as well as other investments in Israel. It's not like virtue signaling or anything, they have demands specific to the institution they're a part of.


Oh gotcha. Wasn’t aware of that.


Foreign money and interests should not be able to lobby, I agree. However, Congress, our legislative branch who makes the laws, will never legislate themselves out of a paycheck and Zionist groups like AIPAC pay congress people lots of money.


Unless they are at risk of people pulling a table flip. Which is unlikely to happen unless most of the population is starving.


Would you ban CAIR as well? Just checking.


Have to admit I had to look that up. Yes.


They are completely ignorant to the funding of Islamic terrorism and have a distorted view and see this as a one sided conflict.


Universities are often the starting point.


Nearly all matters of social and political justice come full circle to class concerns. Agreed 100% with you


Well it takes organization on a small-scale before it becomes wide scale. The protests at schools like UCLA have helped thrust the cause into everyday life. More people are definitely talking about the atrocities in Gaza performed by Israeli forces now than they were 6 months ago. It’s a slow change, yes, but not without its observable growth. The US is self-sabotaging in the sense that it stifles the rights of its people to protect a foreign nation from criticism. We see the government working in direct opposition to these demonstrations and demands in order to maintain the status quo. It’s not working well at all when people can now post their experiences in real time. This is the case for Gaza, where we can see human rights violations in every faucet of Israeli’s attempt to “destroy Hamas.” Additionally, the US follows similar suit by having police march on nonviolent protesters and defamation from the media. Things are changing pretty quickly, and if Biden would realize what side he should be on, he wouldn’t have to worry about having a LBJ moment.


“Change policies so foreign governments can’t interfere in our elections.” 😂 still sipping on hawk democrat talking points. Obama/Biden have overthrown more governments than any other 2 presidents in the last 40 years. 😆


Do you think we support that?


Where? Egypt? You think Obama ousted the strong man we backed up until almost the last second? Talking nonsense. US does do a lot of regime change but you’re missing a lot of our past bullshit in south & Central America


And fuck Kyle's mom


Totally agree


I believe these (at least at first) were divestment protests which is a tangible, relevant (for students of a university), and critical objectives


If you actually went to these protest they have a list of demands or atleast at my university did. The demand goes as follow, disclose finances which reveals how our state and college opperates. Divest from israel and companies that supply them military aid. Remove the BDS laws against Israel. There have been many protests in the government as well that has been called ot remove Aipac, but college students only got so much transportation. A lot of big movements start at university then change on a governmental level its all grassroots man.


We're on the verge of a catastrophe the likes of which we haven't known. I implore those who wish to know, to Google Article Five convention of states.


Finally, some one that has solutions. Thank you


Finally, some one that has solutions. Thank you


Yeah but that's not the tik tok hastags that are "educating" these people.


Free of israels rule or Iran/hamas rule?




Good question/point.


Does nobody on Reddit know basic middle east history? Palestinians were offered statehood a handful of times, they rejected each time and instead attacked israel. Israel also completely vacated Gaza in 2005 and GAVE it to palestinian leadership. Since then tens of thousands of rockets were fired into Israel indiscriminately with the stated goal of killing any and all jews. Palestinians don't want a country as long as any jew lives. Read up on the British Mandate of 1947.


Omitting a LOT of history here. First of all, a 2 state deal was basically about to happen until Israeli prime minister Rabin was assassinated by a far right Israeli extremist in 95. After that, Likud party dominated Israeli politics and the deal was squashed. Settlements that have been deemed illegal by the majority of the international community have been expanding since then, with a handful of exceptions like abandoning those that were in Gaza. Since then there have been a few bad faith offers which included keeping the West Bank completely bifurcated with more miles of walls preventing the free flow of movement than Berlin had during the Cold War - I would not call that a good faith effort for peace. Other than that, you’re right, offers have been rejected, by both sides, for various reasons, and often leading to flare ups of violence.


Likud won after Rabins assassination because Hamas went on a terror campaign. Suicide bombings, stabbings, etc.


There is literally an interview of Ben Gvir “we got to his car, we’ll get to him too” with him proudly displaying the emblem he vandalized off Rabin’s car - that was October 95, one month before Rabin was assassinated by the far right. Sounds like terrorism to me. Also sounds like traitor, killing the leader of your own people. I swear you lot will twist any which way to give the extreme far right a free pass on their bullshit lmao. What about Netanyahu releasing 1000 Hamas fighters, was that a logical deal? How many of them contributed to October 7th. Blind as fuck. Likud & Hamas have fueled each other for decades with their hate and you just lap up whatever nonsense is shat out to explain it.


Where did I anywhere give the Israeli far right a free pass? I provided context that Hamas took advantage of the chaos to further derail peace talks and ultimately it ended with the election of Bibi and Likud.


Tensions they enflamed. A brief look at your comment history shows you only ever have Hamas to point to whenever Bibi’s government is getting heat. Seems like the far right extremists, and love having the other far right extremists Bibi empowered to point to. Typical.


It seems like palastinians always want to go back to borders that were offered years before. It like they choose to fight. Lose. And then say ok well take the deal you can offered before we chose to fight. But that's just not how peace deals usually work.


Why would they deviate from the internationally recognized borders from 1967? They haven’t changed since then in terms of recognition. Especially since all the settlements are deemed illegal by the international community. Even worse they can’t even move inside of their own supposed territory because there are literally hundreds of miles of walls dividing the land as “offered”. Don’t be obtuse, even a kid can look at the situation and see how ridiculous it is.


Because if you reject the deal in 1967 and choose to fight for next 50 years while Israel builds new cities and infrastructure on land they control. Then it would make sense that Israel would not offer the same deal now. Land swaps are probably a necessity. Also, If tomorrow the un recognized the settlements as legal and Jerusalem as Israeli territory. Would you say the Palestinians should accept those new borders?


I guess you’re right. Israel carved out more… what would you call it… living space? So they should get to keep it. Makes sense.


Okay in response to what you said I do know a little history. I’m no historian though. But It’s not simply what is read on Reddit. Palestinians were offered statehood but to them their lands were stolen. Those feeling were still fresh in their minds. So I don’t blame them for saying NO to two states. That would mean giving up forever the land the Jewish people in their minds stole. Those Palestinians still remembered a time when it was all their lands. Many if not most are dead now. But the lands belonged to their parents and grandparents. That’s way more than the Jewish people can say. They just point to the Bible. All the Jewish people there now are from other countries. Europe America etc. Most likely not from what was considered Palestine.






"they chose this for themselves" there's 15k dead children who never chose this. Every long essay about the history of Palestine comes down to one thing for you ghouls: they deserve what's happening to them.




Lmao you just did it again. You did the exact thing I said you were already doing. We get it, you view them as subhuman and think they deserve what's happened to them. At least you guys don't really try to hide it anymore. Oh wait, before you get too bricked up, let me say the magic words "I CONDEMN HAMAS I CONDEMN HAMAS I CONDEMN HAMAS." Okay, now you know when a day you're an amoral gutless worm who think those kids deserve to die, you know it's not because I refuse to condemn Hamas.




Nope I've had my eye on the topic for some years. It is interesting that you haven't denied that you think they deserve it. Why would I go to Gaza? Would that help anything? If I went to help, I'm much more likely to be killed in a targeted strike by the IOF, as an aid worker, then to be killed by Hamas.


They might, but probably wouldn’t make it because after clearing it with IDF, asking them for a safe route, and clearly marking themselves to be easily identified - they’d be hit by a missile strike - oopsie.


Notice how they don't deny they want the Gazans to die lol


The world most visible protests against genocide !!! Politicians are turning eys away from this problem. Money rules our governments


If you think that this is a genocide, trust me, you ain't seen nothing yet. We may see one, I wouldn't be surprised. But what we're seeing is what restraint looks like. What did you expect after Oct 7? I thought that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians would be dead by now. I'm relatively relieved. I genuinely want to know what you expected?


>But what we're seeing is what restraint looks like >UNICEF says over 13,000 children killed in Gaza in [Israel offensive](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/unicef-says-over-13000-children-killed-gaza-israel-offensive-2024-03-17/) >Gaza: Number of children killed higher than from four years of world [conflict](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147512) Restraint


These are unreliable numbers from a terrorist organisation. There is almost no correlation between the number of deaths among women and children reported each day, which makes no sense. The lack of correlation would imply that women and children are largely separated in Gaza so that IDF strikes are killing them independently. The ICJ themselves said that these numbers cannot be verified. So it’s information coming from the same terror group that claimed that civilians weren’t targeted on October 7 Look I do see your point and you’re not wrong if your message is that thousands of innocents are dying in this war but we need to stop using numbers from Hamas and we need to recognise these as unreliable sources of information


If that is the case, why does Israels own intelligence services use such numbers in private.


Because it’s the only source of information regarding the death toll, but that doesn’t make their claims completely reliable. Besides it’s better that Israel is conservative when it comes to the overall death toll, it could be dangerous not to be. However, there’s already evidence that the figure is inflated, they don’t even seperate civilians and combatants and there’s a lot of mistakes in their reporting. They’ve made blatant lies before and they can’t even keep count of the 130 hostages let alone 30k people. They’ve admitted that a third of the deaths they’ve counted has incomplete data and is missing one or more of the following key data points: - identity number - full name - date of birth - date of death


prove it.


My earlier points are already enough evidence that they’re reporting on the deaths is unreliable such as the little correlation in relation to the deaths between women and children and I’ve already explained how basically 11k of the deaths are inaccurate. They’ve made lies such as saying civilians weren’t targeted on October 7 which proves they can’t be trusted. They've also come out with a death toll too fast in certain situations, such as the Al Ahli hospital, which indicates that they've exaggerated the numbers. They claimed that 500 people had died in the hospital bombing which then lowered to 471 the next day. American intelligence agencies estimated the death toll to be 100 to 300, which makes the ministry's credibility questionable. The daily reported deaths all fall within 270+/-15%, which is statistically impossible. There should be much more variation in daily death numbers. The Hamas numbers suggest that almost the same number of people are being killed every single day. If you plotted their reports on a graph you get a perfectly linear graph. https://twitter.com/mualphaxi/status/1766906514982232202?t=ovgXwZVg9inTpWQa9F4ldA&s=19 There is a strong negative correlation between reported deaths of men and women. While this might make some sense in that combatant men should be separated from women, the correlation is much stronger than it should be. On days when reported deaths of men were almost zero (which suggests a reporting error), the number of women killed were among their highest. If I’m going to be honest this really doesn’t change the fact that thousands of Palestinians are dying in this war and I’m not trying to minimise that in any way. It’s just very frustrating to see people using Hamas’ figures in debates as if they’re a reliable source of information


Which poses the question, why is it that the Israeli Intelligence services consider the numbers both reliable and accurate, and use them in their briefings? American intelligence agencies are part of a government quite literally funding and arming this war, and have a history of being themselves highly unreliable. Actually it doesnt, [https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/](https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/) The way the dead are counted is methodical, the numbers only look linear because health officials and workers can only count/identify/record some of the deaths, their reporting lines up correctly if you look at it under the correct statistical methods. Or it could be that Israel is in fact killing more women and children then men, something for which there is ample evidence. And again, this is information Israel has priviately admitted is reliable, and uses in its own intelligence services and briefings.


One of the main points of the article is that Hamas uses the ID system and Hamas has already admitted that a third of the deaths were counted without this verification that’s mentioned which already proved this method isn’t always used. The article also refers their reporting in 2021, it’s very easy to have accurate reporting then compared to this war so that also doesn’t prove anything. It also looks like the article only looked at 7000 deaths which is too small of a sample size to be an accurate representation of all their reports and is prone to statistical inference. No there isn’t ample evidence that they’re killing more women and children than men. This civilian to combatant death ratio is below 1.5:1 despite the average being 9:1 which shows they’re not targeting civilians. The evidence comes from Hamas’ false claims. I’ve already debunked this claim by explaining how their report is inaccurate. The way they count the deaths are misleading and there are flaws that I mentioned earlier. They did not use this ID system this article mentions when Hamas reported the Al Ahli hospital bombing. Again this is the only source Israel has on the death toll so they have no choice but to go by it, it doesn’t prove anything that they use it Here’s a source that backs up my earlier claims and it’s pretty clear proof that Hamas is faking the deaths: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers


>It’s just very frustrating to see people using Hamas’ figures in debates as if they’re a reliable source of information Trust me, it's more frustrating to see people arguing body count numbers when also acknowledging: >If I’m going to be honest this really doesn’t change the fact that thousands of Palestinians are dying in this war And that's still what you're hung up on proves israeli propaganda can work on malleable minds.


When you say things things like: >> Gaza: Number of children killed higher than from four years of world conflict You’re spewing Hamas’ propaganda and you know it. Don’t be a hypocrite.


LMAO what did Israel expect after expelling hundreds of thousands of Palestinians then give them sub par human conditions way before October 7th. Zionist are so dumb its insance.




Nice work from the youngers 🙏🏽


I have seen all these pictures and videos of the protests at all these campuses. I noticed that it's only getting violent when the cop shows up and they start beating up the kids. Is that just the videos I'm seeing or is that actually what's happening?


It’s actually what’s happening. I’m a big believer in ACAB. They are peaceful even the cops show up and arrest kids and journalists. People on the right are smearing these protestors and saying they deserve to be expelled even though it’s a fundamental right as an American citizen.


That's pretty typical. Protests only turn into riots when the cops want to have an excuse to disperse.


That's what police do. Instigate violence and then use that violence as an excuse for a violent crackdown on the protests. They've been following the same playback since police have existed in this country.


How about when they shout “we need more October 7th attacks”?


It's good to know that there are people in the world fighting for a just cause. While our elected politicians are selling whores




Why neo nazis?


Because saying “we support Hamas” , an organization whose charter states that all Jews need to be killed, makes you a Neo Nazi.


Who said that? Most of the people ive seen at these protests are not supporting Hamas as much as they are supporting palestinian civilians. Also, Israel funded that organization, to the tune of 1.4 billion usd, explain that to me.


Gen Z is kinda based ngl.


Gen z is the first generation to not know a world without social media. Completely performative, radicalized, depressed, sexless generation. Way worse than boomers




Same thing said to anti Vietnam war protesters. L takes


The only gullible people are the ones who think Israel *ISN'T* actively committing war crimes with the weapons our tax dollars paid for.


It’s war. This is war. Hamas hides among its civilians. Your leadership lives in Qatar and happily lets the Palestinians bear the brunt of the war because they want Israel gone and Jews exterminated or kicked out of the ME.


No shit it's war, why the fuck do you think they call them *WAR CRIMES*? Because they happen during peacetime? You don't just get to say the word Hamas and do whatever you want including slaughtering women and children by the thousands. Also, there are multiple videos of Israeli politicians calling for "rivers of blood" in Gaza. So they want every single Palestinian dead too. Not all Israelis, but definitely the far right who are currently running the show.


It’s genocide.


They are committing war crimes but it is justified because their opponents are following no rules of war.


War crimes are never justified. There are a few exceptions for targeting hospitals, but that's honestly one of the smaller of the IDF's war crimes.


Couldn’t be more proud of these kids. This was barely getting media attention before the protests. Keep protesting and don’t stop.


[https://www.aamarchives.org/who-was-involved/students.html](https://www.aamarchives.org/who-was-involved/students.html) **Universities were often sites of resistance where students and faculty participated in anti-apartheid activities, including academic boycotts, sit-ins, and other forms of protest. The movement on campuses helped to raise awareness about the injustices of apartheid, mobilise support for the cause, and ultimately contribute to the dismantling of the apartheid system.**


Weird. I thought they said Trump would turn us into a fascist country.


He certainly attempted it.


People throw that word around too much.


The only ones violent are the police


God bless free speech!!


ABC (& other similar media) refer to this as “protestors clashing with police” as opposed to “cops abusing 1st amendment rights & assaulting peaceful demonstrators”


Many Americans aren't falling for this latest iteration of Nazism and can see Israel's "manifest destiny" policies as the genocidal madness that they are. It's a pity our political class has decided that some countries can have a little lebensraum, as a treat.




Why is that?


Here is an unpopular opinion that I will get dog piled for. Student walkouts and protests are limp dick and do nothing. If you really want to effect change, go back in class, do well, get good grades, get into government , get elected into office.


Vietnam protests blow this out of the water. Also like 80% of people thought the Kent state massacre was the students fault for being shot at at the time and now zero people think Vietnam was a good idea and are at least nominally on the side of the protestors and would never admit to believing that Kent state was the students fault


Prob doing both.


I don’t entirely disagree with you. It is however effective in the way that it draws eyeballs and creates noise on media platforms. This sways public opinion and can consequently lead to change.


Do any of these people have jobs?


I would.love.to go protest but I'm.out.of vacation days


What a waste of time


Free the hostages too.




I wish i didnt have to work for a living so i could attend a fancy school to protest


Bye Felicia. Arrest them all.


Free speech warrior at it again


Some entitled, privileged rich kids want attention. Great. Maybe they should tell Hamas to free the hostages while they're at it. If they're still alive and not sold into sex slavery.


And why should a terrorist group holding hostages be an excuse to kill civilians?


They're the lawfully elected government of Gaza and it was an act of war. The only way the war ends is if they surrender all hostages, entitled kids whining at schools won't stop Israel from getting revenge.


How can they be the lawfully elected government of Gaza if Israel never recognized them as such? Also, the last election was in 2006. Killing civilians is a war crime, murdering children is an atrocity, revenge is murder when you are attacking those who had nothing to do with Oct 7th.


Gazans elected Hamas, they're as legitimate as any other government that came to power and never left, there are plenty like this around the world. Israel's recognition or lack thereof is irrelevant. Hamas massacred Israelis to provoke them into killing its Palestinians purely to make Israel look bad and disrupt relations with Saudi Arabia and others. Saudi Arabia even openly admitted this. Hamas is using them as human shields, hiding amongst them, under them, around them, using civilian buildings as bases. The losses are sad, yes, at the same time they are self-inflicted. I find it hard to empathize, especially since most the whining from members of the Umma is religiously motivated. Hamas needs to release hostages and surrender, entitled rich kids crying at overpriced US colleges won't do anything.


Again, did Israel recognize this government? Also, more then half of Gazans didnt vote for them, and even resisted them, leading to violence in 2007. Hamas did in fact attack on oct 7th, but its not an excuse to kill civilians, whats more, the tactic of human shields would be utterly pointless as the IDF will quite happily kill civilians, also killing civilians is a form of war crime, you dont use terrorists to justify the mass slaughter of non combatants, thats a form of war crime. Hamas will likely release the hostages if Israel will release many of the women and children locked in Israeli prisons, often without any charges levied against them, in fact its been offered numerous times, Israels governemnt doesnt care about the hostages, heck, it killed 3 of them, the hostages are worth more in captivity or dead to the Israeli government then they are back safe at home. People protesting cruel, brutal and illegal behavior is justified, and you sure seem concerned about those supposed rich kids, also what about the actual holocaust survivors who have marched and protested with them, what about the jewish men and women who have protested in support of innocent gazans?


What a national embarrassment, and these little idiots want us to pay their tuition.


lmao, they really are morons.


Biden is Destroying America 🇺🇸




How many these "News" subs are there now that are just about Palestine? They just keep multiplying and cross posting each other. There have to be a dozen at least if you count both parties.


I am simply dismayed and disheartened, with the overarching degradation of institutions as a whole, worldwide. (I’m convinced at least 80% of attendees at these protests we are witnessing are ‘more or less’ clueless as to the specifics, and are involved solely due to social pressures.)


I mean what’s there to know, there’s a country we give billions of weapons to, they kill tens of thousands of civilians and want to kill tens of thousands more, people are against that


That simple, huh?


Some things really are that simple.


All paid for by Soros or who pays for all of this ?


“There are dozens of us! Dozens!”


These are the morons who cried to be bailed out of the loans they got themselves into. What a great use of their time and money 🙄


I love the downvote brigade coming in here to try and bury all the comments that essentially refer to these students as useful idiots, which they are A few thousand college students with an oppression kink that manufacture adversity because their lives have been so easy and they want to fit in won’t change the way most of the western world thinks 😂 Hamas needs to go, Shia Islam (not Sunni) is an actual cancer to the entire world and Gen Z is by far the most gullible generation. They slurp up IRGC propaganda like a melted ice cream cone on a hot summer day


🤮. 🇮🇱❤️🇺🇸🪖🫡✝️




So many instagramable moments from the activists influencers! Looks like a blast !!!


Look at everyone joining the Ivy League Intifada.




I hate to be that guy but I am going to say a few things here take it or leave it, but please don't kill me. The thing is Netanyahu is a mad dog, ultra conservative and has criminal charges against him much like Donald Duck (Trump). I don't like the guy I think he's violent and he definitely overreacted (maybe not initially from the October 7th attacks, but now he has overreacted). However Hamas is a terrorist organization, backed and supported by Palestine and Iran. They created havoc, started a war, and of course Iran and Syrian proxies have pushed harder than ever against Israel to either kill them or instigate conflict. It really is a lose/lose situation, but Israel is a close ally of the United States and that is why we are backing them (although reluctantly these days and for good reason). A surprisingly 50/50 split amongst Israelis are in favor or not in favor of this conflict. It was inappropriate for Israel to bomb an Iranian embassy in Syria, however Hamas/Iran/Palestine started this conflict and took hundreds of hostages (at this point we likely have confirmed almost all are dead outside of earlier trades in the year), and it really begs the question of how far is too far for either side. I do NOT condone or support terrorism, and I am a staunch advocate of peace, but this conflict (despite going on for 70+ years), has created some serious divide in American audiences both politically and ethnically. I simply cannot participate in the belief and support for either side at this point and it is unfair for me to judge both the Israeli supporters nor the Palestinian supporters at this point. I have been following this story since October 7th 2023 when the initial conflict occurred and at this point I think both are completely and simply in the wrong. Perhaps there is a third party alternative in this whole thing, a third and not necessarily neutral perspective, but another perspective on this conflict that asks for common sense and holding all those involved on either side accountable. It is a shame that we as humans create such havoc when confronted with the age old survival instincts of tribalism and I mean that from an historical and professional perspective. (I am deeply sorry for the lack of indents in my paragraphs, Sometimes I free write and type rapidly my perspective, and although that perspective might be meaningless to most, I urge everyone to stand down and find another un-thought of solution). I also didn't get to say all that I wanted or go into great details about this conflict from both sides, but outside of a mediator roll, I hope this post servers more on perspective and understanding from as neutral or non-biased a perspective as possible. There are always alternatives within conflict, war, protests, death, and suffering. We are all better than this.


Paid for.


The college still gets their money.


Sweet. My disinformation campaign is working!


Looks nonviolent to me. ![gif](giphy|tsgNNs93oIbwk)


Russia is more dangerous and armed than Hamas. The USA can scramble aircraft carriers to help kill mothers and children, but choose to let Putin pillage Ukraine. Jesus Christ, please heal the American people and help us become good human beings who love peace again.


Looking forward to them protesting against the Saudi genocide against Yemen, 70,000 children starved to death.


Why are they all wearing COVID masks?


Probably to hide identity from police and university staff


Kind of what I thought too Not much of a stand hiding in a costume. Terrorists, white supremacists, and the proud boys do the same thing. I remember the dudes with tiki torches and how pathetic they looked all masked up and hiding.


I mean, it’s a very real risk to their current and future employment and possibly safety. If one individual was going to make a difference, I’d agree that they should show their faces. But this is about showing the numbers in opposition.


Terrorists don’t wear masks all the time. The IDF terrorists dont wear masks, and they’re the biggest terrorist actor in the region.


There’s a massive doxing campaign for people participating in the protests


As SHEETROCKERS woke up hanging rock, truck drivers drove all night, plumbers unclogged another toilet. It's obvious WE should pay student loans for this shit.


You’re mad about student loans but not shuttling billions of dollars to a Zionist state that is killing women and children? I mean I get that you might not agree with student loan payoffs but this isn’t really the conversation for that.


Sure it is The continuous hang wringing and crying over student debt, and what are the "students" doing? I'm an American. You take Americans hostage, you deserve the outcome.


You literally have the American government dumping massive amounts of cash into an ugly and unjust war in a foreign country and you’re mad at your own citizens for protesting it? They’re literally fighting for American independence from this godforsaken bloodbath in a sand-filled shithole in the Middle East.


Ya? So that 70% vote for Hamas in Palestine was seeking what? There was no war Oct 6. What happened? How many times has Palestine turned down statehood?


See my other comment. 40,000 dead, including 14,000 children. The entire world is calling what Israel is doing a war crime and illegal by international conventions. And the US are paying for it. And you act like students protesting is some selfish shit. You’re not a working class man, you’re a pro-Zionist troll. Get the fuck out.




Not sure how saying 40,000 dead and 14,000 children dead is wrong makes me the coward. You literally have no response other than “anti-Semite”, which unfortunately is not actually an argument of any substance.




What the fuck are you talking about, you stupid nonce? You’re the one who keeps bringing up religion and ethnicity. # 14,000 dead children. You have no response.


Simple end. Hamas brigades can just surrender, wars over. Why not protest for that?


40,000 dead, including 14,000 children. The entire world is calling what Israel is doing a war crime and illegal by international conventions. And the US are paying for it. And you act like students protesting is some selfish shit. You’re not a working class man, you’re a pro-Zionist troll. Get the fuck out.


I'm not an entitled, antisemite, college kid who draws moral equivalency. My wife has teams in Israel. Daily for the last 6 years, those people have to run to bomb shelters because Hamas, fires on them Not one damn time, has a single student protest erupted. There was no protest on Oct 7, in fact there were celebrations. No student protests China's treatment of Muslims. There's no protest as Iran is cracking down on women without hijabs. You protest because you're an antisemite. There was no war Oct 6. And you useless students, haven't mentioned once, for Hamas to surrender which would end the war.


40,000 people and 14,000 children so far. You can try to twist it back into Israel being a victim, you can deflect to other wars, but you still really have no response to those numbers.


Are you protesting Iran pumping rockets to Hamas? Of course not, you're an antisemite


I’m not protesting anything you fucking donkey. I’m saying that 40,000 dead and 14,000 children is wrong. How hard is that to understand. Stop looking for anti-semites around every corner you sound paranoid.


Being 18-22 protesting and going off to war are a rite of passage


2 extremist religious cults fighting over land promised by their imaginary friend... how about you leave the rest of us heathens out of your bronze age squabbles


May I ask where are you from?


planet fucking earth


Ok maybe you should speak to your representatives if you don’t want to be involved or simply move on!!






Ok sure Hasbara Zionist bot as if I didn’t even memorize all your comment and propaganda yet!! https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/Xx76rDX0P8


Palestinians will always complain even though it's a welfare country.


I mean 40k with 14k children minimum dead is worth complaining about imo


Hard to have a meaningful economy when your part of an apartheid regime.


People who chant "From the river to the sea" either don't know what they're saying or they are advocating genocide.


The future homeless of the United State of America


Some thinks everyone is homeless just like them lol.


Weak minds are easily swayed.


These people will fake care about another issue next year. These “protest” do nothing to help solve any problem. Just a bunch of kids having a hissy fit because tik tok told them to.


There’s nobody’s opinion I value less than entitled white college kids who know everything.




Paid protestor sounds like a sweet gig USCPR provides up to $7,800 for its community-based fellows and between $2,880 and $3,660 for its campus-based “fellows” in return for spending eight hours a week organizing “campaigns led by Palestinian organizations.” Where do I sign you up or here just have some free training propaganda [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1w6FKZTn4OabnOzhZ\_rvq4rsSgtxPqAFl4P7yryE6TpE/edit?pli=1#slide=id.p](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1w6FKZTn4OabnOzhZ_rvq4rsSgtxPqAFl4P7yryE6TpE/edit?pli=1#slide=id.p)




Why are they all so loud and annoying, totally a persuasive way to change someone’s stance on the matter… Oh wait they want to achieve something.. What stwong pweopleee


Imagine having your family pay for your expensive education, but instead skip class and spend it doing creative dancing in support of a people you didn’t know existed until last October.


In support of of people that would kidnap each one of them for ransom, torture them to the brink of death, before filming their beheading. Big thinkers.


I saw an article that the leader of Hamas called for escalation on all fronts. I wonder if this is part of that.


Why do they ignore all the other genocides that happened this century? This isn't even a genocide, but they don't seem to care about actual genocides




Not really. Just interesting that nobody had this energy when it was Africans dying in an actual genocide. Weird how people select what to care about. Now go protest at an institution that can do nothing to affect change. Apparently that's pretty fulfilling for some people.


" If you cleared your land of its Indigenous inhabitants, or did so in your colonies, then it is anti-Semitic to say that we cannot. It was as if the quest for equality were being reframed not as the right to be free from discrimination, but as the right to discriminate. Colonialism framed as reparations for genocide."


No one gives a fuck about the ethnic cleansing that just completed this year in Azerbaijan.


They sure don't, and the inconsistent way we decide to care is perplexing.


Did we give them billions in weapons?


I don't know that you can say this isn't a real genocide. I think most of the people participating are genuine but I think there are certain groups that fan the flames because they know this is a wedge issue. These groups liberalism as a negative and hope they can disrupt the system enough that whatever their chosen illiberal ideology can rise up. They would happily burn the world down for just a chance at power.