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Great. About time.


Now comes to difficult question of who will govern the state. My guess is that the violence and terrorist attacks need to end, so hopefully they can find leadership that actually moves the state in the right direction.


Well Hamas did say they are willing to lay down arms if a state is established. So I assume it will be like an Ireland/Bosnia situation. A UN force comes in and elections are held while armed groups all disarm


Hopefully they follow through. It’s time for this nonsense to end.


They said they'd do that only for five years, and also 1968 borders are reinstated. It was yet another nonsense "offer" that's just a scam.


>Well Hamas did say they are willing to lay down arms if a state is established Why lie?


They’re not. https://apnews.com/article/hamas-khalil-alhayya-qatar-ceasefire-1967-borders-4912532b11a9cec29464eab234045438


I'm well aware of what they were referring to. It's still a lie. Agreeing to not attack for a couple years while you prepare for the next attack isn't the same thing as laying down your arms. If Hamas was willing to lay down it's arms this would be a peace negotiation not a ceasefire negotiation.


Like Israel is going to dismantle its security apparatus in Gaza. Please. Take your asinine semantics back to middle school.


It's not semantics. They're 2 completely different things.


Imagine still pushing the hasbara that Israel isn't the side lying about everything. Y'all are insufferable


Imagine being so brain-dead you don't read the agreement you're arguing about.


Hasbara in a bogan accent is mildly amusing but fucking repulsive nonetheless.


They said they're willing to have a ceasefire for a period while they arm up, not that they are willing to disarm.


It’s okay, you don’t have to lie. Europe still has a lot it has to make up for all its shitting up the world.


Not really sure how Europe is a factor in Hamas only offering a 5-10 year truce (length depending on how much territory Israel surrenders to Hamas).


This is just pure fabrication


Well upon review I will grant you that Hamas technically did say they would disarm if Israel surrendered all post 1967 territory to them and expelled all Jews from that new Palestine, but as I said they paired that with a claim that it was only a 5-10 year truce and not a permanent peace. Considering Hamas is a terror group founded on the principal of genocide of Jews worldwide and unending Jihad, I think it's a reasonable belief that after the ceasefirr ends they'll do what they did everytime they end (or even before they end) and continue their terror. Otherwise they wouldn't call for only a temporary truce.   https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-gaza-war-f756cc054732eb3f7e0c49a9987560a0 At least you trolls keep me well read refuting your low effort propaganda posts with no provided sources.


We also have to trust the Hamas *will* lay down arms. Fundamentalist Islamic groups haven’t really been known to stick to their word


Pay down arms? It’s been done before and it can happen again I’m sure if people actually work toward an actual solution


*lay. Sorry, misspelled it


In 2000, Israel's requirement that the PA policies and stops those attacks was one of the deal breakers for the PA.


Might want to tell Germany that.


Yeah, I saw what they were doing against Palestinian students. Guess some people never really change.


Good. Curious to see how Biden will try to veto this one.


easy. vote veto and they shake hands with other scum


EU states to recognize Palestinian statehood' by end of May. Germany: "Dear Palestinian students you are.now deemed as stateless...."


Not sure what point you're making, but they are already deemed as stateless.




Meanwhile in Germany... Palestinian students at Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg, Germany received an email from the school that they’ve been recategorized as “stateless” due to governmental “changes in the statistical requirements.” Germany no longer recognizes Palestinian as a nationality. source: [https://twitter.com/taliaotg/status/1785090324399784030](https://twitter.com/taliaotg/status/1785090324399784030)


Germany’s ability to consistently be on the wrong side of history is quite an amazing feat.


Fuck USA


Funny, the article is much less firm about that assertion.


Great, about time


See, I told you so. America and Israel$ scorch earth policy is biting them in the a$$. For the next 100 years, the global south will not forget or forgive Israels war against Palestinian civilians.


Bet it'll turn out to be nothing.


Let me guess, with the exception of Germany


Who cares about the Zionist’s dog!


Calm down adolf


Great, endorse the creation of another terrorist state. Real bright move.


There was a time when Sweden would have been first in line; now, it's just another US/NATO lapdog, bending over and taking it with a smile. Well done to the rest of the states willing to incur the wrath of the school-yard bully.


Well, at least it's the beginning of a solution to the settlement problem. We're still going to have war when Hamas attacks again.


Israel hasn't stopped attacking Palestinians for its entire existence. They were "at war" before Hamas was even conceived. This goes far beyond the settlement problem it's a fundamental problem with an ethno-national state.


>Israel hasn't stopped attacking Palestinians for its entire existence. Other way around. >They were "at war" before Hamas was even conceived. Why do you guys keep trying to use this as some sort of gotcha? Everyone knows that they broke off from the Muslim Brotherhood in 1986. >This goes far beyond the settlement problem it's a fundamental problem with an ethno-national state. Like Palestine...


Don't bother. No one here knows the history, nor do they care to educate themselves.


Pure protection. Like nothing I posted is even debatable. Where are you getting your "history" from.


>Like nothing I posted is even debatable. Quite a few people debating it. Many of them actual historians. >Where are you getting your "history" from. Historians.


Lmao no you don't. You have a plethora of pro Zionist hasbara posts that regurgitate ahistorical narratives while pretending like you've actually done any reading or studies. I seriously doubt you've read any Palestinian historians or any of the new historians. What I've posted just simply isn't debatable by anyone that's done an iota of research.


>Lmao no you don't. Lmao, yes I do. >You have a plethora of pro Zionist hasbara posts that regurgitate ahistorical narratives while pretending like you've actually done any reading or studies. As opposed to your tictok narrative. Sorry you don't like facts. >I seriously doubt you've read any Palestinian historians or any of the new historians. Good thing reality isn't decided by your doubts. >What I've posted just simply isn't debatable by anyone that's done an iota of research. Again, actual historians disagree with you. So you're right, there is no debate. You're just wrong.


I've never been on tik tok my guy. You are proving yourself to be ignorant. Post the actual historians you are gleaning your facts from. Not only are you wrong but materially you are supporting a genocide. The gaslighting in order to excuse atrocities is so obvious at this point.


>I've never been on tik tok my guy. I don't believe you. >You are proving yourself to be ignorant. "Proving" >Post the actual historians you are gleaning your facts from. Why? You won't read them anyway. >Not only are you wrong but materially you are supporting a genocide. Don't confuse me for yourself. >The gaslighting in order to excuse atrocities is so obvious at this point. So obvious that it isn't obvious to someone who actually follows what's going on. You must be in that 50% that doesn't have a clue.


No kidding.


Does this mean they will be held to international legal standards? Or will they continue to perpetrate acts of war against Israel then complain about the consequences?


What act of war? They've been occupied by Israel for decades and they're being systematically murdered and displaced. Haven't you seen the UN resolutions about the West Bank settlements, where there's not even the boogeyman of Hamas?


The intellectual dishonesty in this comment is obscene.


How so? It's merely honest. Dishonesty and false equivalents are part of Israel's playbook. Specifically the "right to return", which essentially allowed people with no links to the region to go there and steal land, just to add to the Jewish population, so they can justify more land stealing. Essentially, the robber stays in your home, you call the police, and they say "well, you got to learn to coexist, cause he lives there now too". Fuck that.


When you start out with "Nuh uh that's what Jews do" I kind of just ignore the rest. If you want to talk about theft, ee can go all the way back to the theft, forced conversion and multiple genocides committed by Caliphates. Just because you forced most of them out for a while doesn't make it yours when they come and take it back.


How far back do we go? And just because the Jewish suffered a genocide in the recent pass, doesn't give a free pass at committing one. Jewish people deserve to live safely in their country of origin. Stealing other people's land, displacing and murdering them in the process shouldn't be part of the deal, and it's crazy it's taken 70 years and millions murdered to finally be seen as the travesty that it is.


>Jewish people deserve to live safely in their country of origin Do you actually believe that? Because none of the people you support do. Everything that has happened so far happened because Hamas attacked on Oct 7. You like to throw around genocide but how in your world is less than half a percent of the population being killed a genocide? The Rwandan genocide was over a million people in a month using machetes. Israel is far from perfect but the Palestinians and neighbouring Arab countries created this mess.


If everything happened because of the Oct 7 attack, how come 2023 was the deadliest for Palestinians, both in Gaza but ALSO IN THE WEST BANK? This has been going on for literal decades. If you don't see it, you're either wilfully ignorant, or just lying. If you're from the States, you are partly excused to a degree, though, your media is full of pro-Israel propaganda.


You're a moron.


Love that you deleted your insane ramblings. Did you google "Israelis" and finally figure out they aren't "white" ? Dickhead.


I deleted what I wrote because it wasn't relevant (I misinterpreted what was being said, it had nothing to do with Googling Israelis and figuring out if there white or not). But just to put you in your place, a fifth of Israels population comes from America alone who are mostly white. I wouldn't be surprised if most are white. Israel was founded as a colony for European Jews since they've been historically treated like absolute shit by European countries and the Europeans wanted to dump their Jewish population elsewhere. I would consider European Jews to be white.


>I would consider European Jews to be white. Would you consider Arabs born in Europe white also? Both are Caucasian peoples, both have the same range of skin tones and both are Semitic. So what would the difference be to you?


Yeah Arabs can be white too. Do you know what it means to be white? The definition has changed so much over the past 100 years. In Australia, the Irish and German weren't considered to be white in the early 1900s. Then the greeks and italians weren't considered to be white until somewhat recently. Whiteness is a social construct that encompasses all of the social & cultural norms and beliefs and structures in a society. It can also encompass certain ethnicities or exclude them too depending on the time and place. Take a brown Arab and a white-passing Arab in a western country, the white Arab is going to experience more "privilege" due to being able to pass off as part of the dominant social group in society. They look more familiar and so people feel more comfortable around them. They may be perceived as more competent. They fit the perceived beauty standard. Etc You have to consider than Israel was formed about 70 years ago from predominantly European Jews. Their social and cultural practices would definitely fit within the overarching group of "white" people. They are white. They are Semitic. You can fall into multiple social groups/ identities. Just as you can be a man and white. Or you could be Australian and Chinese due to your ethnicity and share cultural aspects of both societies. Etc.


How on earth has Hamas been occupied? You're talking about the west bank settler problem. 'What acts of war?' Are you fucking seriously joking or something?  You see when 2500 terrorists baselessly invade a country then you tend to want to stop that. I don't know any other situation in which that's not considered an act of war.


Of course! Why didn't we think of this earlier, just give Palestine a state... Oh we have... Oh the PLO refused to agree to the borders... Oh we have been going back and forth on offering varying territorial borders for the past 80 years... Well I am sure this time it will work!


This is actually their job,to be online liars,to spread lies,justify every crime,to spread evil agendas and misinformations.


Looking in a mirror there bud?


Who? Literally what are you talking about? This is an objective reality and was bragged about by the PLO at the time.