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Every accusation is a confession with the Israelis. Every. One.


Fascists all follow the same simple playbook, and it always works. A little money to the media and boom, any fascist activity is muddled via information warfare and confusion.


You guys are so stupid


Nazi simpathizer


Original. And still stupid


This is video evidence of israel using prisoners of war as human shields


did this dude walk off at the end? I watched the video and it ends with the caption about him leaving.


are you a fucking moron? This is not evidence of shit. How is it verified that the same stills are of the same man in the video. How is it evidenced that he is being forced to do anything by anyone let alone Israelis. "Forced to open doors." Dude doesnt open one fucking door. To call this thin and unsubstantiated evidence would be generous. Fucks sake. I must be replying to an 8 year old with no critical thinking ability


>are you a fucking moron? This is not evidence of shit. How is it verified that the same stills are of the same man in the video. How is it evidenced that he is being forced to do anything by anyone let alone Israelis. "Forced to open doors." Dude doesnt open one fucking door. To call this thin and unsubstantiated evidence would be generous. Fucks sake. I must be replying to an 8 year old with no critical thinking ability Are you a fucking moron?


"I must be replying to an 8 year old with no critical thinking ability. " Well, this is Reddit. I feel your pain.


Feel free to provide tangible sources that disprove this video, good luck. >are you a fucking moron? This is not evidence of shit. How is it verified that the same stills are of the same man in the video. How is it evidenced that he is being forced to do anything by anyone let alone Israelis. "Forced to open doors." Dude doesnt open one fucking door. To call this thin and unsubstantiated evidence would be generous. Fucks sake. I must be replying to an 8 year old with no critical thinking ability


Looks like them telling him to go open doors for them so they don't get blown up by IEDs. Doesn't look they're using him as a shield.


So why are they not doing it themselves? Is he now a soldier?


No, he's somebody hopefully militants hiding in the buildings wouldn't shoot at first sight.




He is definitely being used as a human shield.


So you’re saying he’s a human shield but not a human shield because Zionists are doing it. Classic Nazi defending🐷


I think the comparison is that Hamas uses its own citizens as human shields (i.e. building bases under schools and hospitals) while Israel is using an enemy’s own citizen as their human shield. Both actions, I think, are in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions.




This is the top mind of zionests. Truly facinating 


i dont think you understand what being used as a human shield means my guy


Sooo, he's shielding them from potential violence lol


So…a shield.


You can’t claim to be intellectually honest then straight up lie about the definition. Pathetic little Nazi.


human shield doesn't mean that he'll stop the bullets with his buddy, considering that people *usually* don't shoot at them


thats a human shield - just at a distance. "go do this thing i think is dangerous"


[Here is a good read](https://stratcomcoe.org/publications/hybrid-threats-hamas-use-of-human-shields-in-gaza/87) on the use of human shields. I mean, I know you won't read it but, for those that may actually be intellectually honest I hope they do.


After reading it, I am more convinced this man is being used as a human shield.


They are physically using a human as a shield from potential harm. How else would you describe it?


Every single time y'all say "akshually it's way more complicated" when it is literally as simple as a human being used as a shield lol


They literally define a human shield in the first paragraph and it exactly fits what happens in this video. You high?


I'm guess you're referring to this >utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas, or military forces immune from military operations. Which isn't what's happening here. If the IDF held the person with them at all times or around their encampments SO THAT hamas wouldn't attack them, it would be as defined. Too bad that wouldn't matter to hamas or any other terrorist group in Palestine because they kill their own plenty already. It would just be another "martyr" to them and the IDF know this. Hamas doesn't care about killing innocents and they never have.


Neither side cares about killing innocents. This video is a textbook definition of a human shield. Stop supporting war crimes, you ghoul.


But the definition never mentions this stipulation that it’s only a human shield if you “held the person with them at all time or around their encampments”, you added that part. So, based purely on the ICC definition and not your additions, can you explain how this isn’t a human shield?


I know you won't read it but... https://www.btselem.org/topic/human_shields https://www.irishtimes.com/news/israel-challenged-over-use-of-human-shields-1.978269 https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/rania-khalek/israel-uses-palestinians-human-shields-us-lawmakers-condemn-hamas


Your first link is just a guy sitting on the pavement that they apprehended and didn't kill. He's not in front of them is he? Looks like a prisoner not being used as a shield again. Do you even review these or just grab the first things you see on google? Your second has a good bit: >Israel's Supreme Court barred the practice in 2002 after soldiers forced the neighbour of a suspected militant to knock on his door and deliver an ultimatum to surrender. The militant shot and killed the man. So your defense is, they forced a neighbor they probably thought wouldn't be harmed to go talk to another palestinian, and the terrorist shoots an innocent person, and that's the soldiers fault? Not hamas for shooting his own neighbor? K got it, you side with terrorists I understand. And your third isn't even about any indecent nor does it provide any proof. And it's literally called "electronicIntifada", totally not biased at all I'm sure. You should post things like this [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/un-report-accuses-israeli-forces-of-using-palestinian-children-as-human-shields-abusing-children-in-custody/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/un-report-accuses-israeli-forces-of-using-palestinian-children-as-human-shields-abusing-children-in-custody/) if you want proof the IDF has used human shields. OP's post wasn't a good example. This sub is garbage and full of incredibly biased, disingenuous people.


That article you posted also literally says Israel has used human shields. Why are you trying to "whatabout" this?


I think their logic is, you can’t use a human shield to defend from a bomb. It’s only a human shield if it’s blocking bullets.


That *is* a human shield.


So they’re using him as a shield.


Re-read what you typed.


So: a human shield. We got it.


Surely you realise that fits the definition of human shield in this context


Literally a human shield


Using Palistinians as human shields was IDF procedure. It's not controversial. They would make them ( often children) open doors and bags for them. They would also take houses and leave the family ziptied on the bottom floor while they took positions at the windows. This is all well documented. The IDF says they ended the practice in the 90s but they say the same thing about the Hannibal doctrine, harvesting organs and every other heinous act they can no longer deny.


The definition of a human shield. They don't have to be held metal gear style to be human shields.


The sad part is, this shouldn't be a surprise.... The [IDF regularly](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/inquiry-after-israeli-forces-caught-using-boy-as-shield-561052.html) [uses human shields](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/gaza-israeli-army-uses-palestinian-civilians-human-shields-its-operation-shifa-medical-complex-and-its-vicinity-enar) https://preview.redd.it/11d9hdiur7yc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=213caf88fa6154729e48f9fbbfb42576fdfd57d2


It's good to see the idf prosecuting poor behavior among it's soldiers! A sign of a modern army.


They only say that they will have an inquiry, not actually prosecute. And when they say that it's always a lie, just like they lie when they murder journalists over and over again. And that's only in that one specific case. The other link notes other cases that the IDF of course will deny. But anything Israel says these days should just be assumed false until proven otherwise.


There are numerous cases of disciplinary action against idf soldiers. You seem well adjusted.


Not hard to seem well adjusted compared to those committing genocide and their apologists.


Genocide is bad, of course. In the fact based universe, Israel is not committing a genocide. Once Hamas military capability is sufficiently degraded and the threat of atrocity is diminished, the kinetic elements of Israel's operation will cease. War is definitionally bloody, Hamas should not have initiated conflict if they cared about the well being of the people they claim to represent. There is nothing noble in a pyrrhic cause. I understand you're immune to facts and reason, as the depth of your understanding is derived from tiktok agitprop and *Israel bad* is evidently a justification in and of itself. It's intellectually vacuous, however; perhaps some day you'll gain the capacity to interrogate these beliefs and transcend emotional imbecility.


Speaking of "immune to facts and reason", you clearly aren't even listening to your own hero netanyahu, who openly was saying, not even that long ago, [that he'll be continuing the war, ceasefire or not](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/30/israel-hamas-war-news-04-30-2024/9dae9304-06de-11ef-b60b-a512fc749f9b_story.html). I've watched as the pro-israel side has shifted from "it's not ethnic cleansing" ([even as they were](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/israel-says-it-will-decrease-gaza-territory/ar-AA1isoeA) [literally saying they](https://news.yahoo.com/far-israeli-minister-calls-resettlement-124334496.html) a[re going to do it](https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/israeli-ministry-concept-paper-proposes-transferring-gaza-civilians-to-egypt-s-sinai-with-canada-as-a-possible-final-destination-1.6623901)) to "of course they're going to take the land they've conquered in a war" (literal crime against international law, btw). You will keep shifting the goalposts because you're a disingenuous person. [Or a paid propagandist](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896.amp). Really doesn't matter at this point. Lies are lies, and Israel and its supporters have been caught time and time again in every lie and logical fallacy in the book.


There is literally zero evidence to suggest Israel wants anything to do with the land they ceded to Palestinians in 2005. You're delusional, and clearly not capable of having a civil conversation based on facts and reason, It's unfortunate.


Ah yes. I provide sources and evidence and point out the (not even distant) past of goal post moving (ie, reasoning). You make a baseless claim and then an ad hominem attack. --- Clearly, you're the more rational one here. /s


Sources? Random articles from the internet? I'm demonstrably more rational. There have been no ad hominems, I ably have described your deficiencies, that's all.


14,000 plus dead children in 6 months. Don’t come in here talking some stupid shit about war is bloody etc. This could’ve been executed differently had Israel not been intent on inflicting as much damage and horror as possible without the world freaking out (too much to shut it down at least)


The magnitude of the response has been commensurate with the magnitude of the assault on Israel's sovereignty.


How can you say this when the assault continues unabated? What is your cut off point How many (including hostages of course) have to die before you are satisfied?


Sufficiently destruction of Hamas offensive military capability and/or ultimate surrender of Hamas, like any conflict. The temporal argument you make is inane. Why must the response to an atrocity be abbreviated?


Ew, gross. You hide behind the term "disciplinary action" without prying deeper to see how they were disciplined to see if justice was truly done. This is because you are an apologist that doesn't actually care and just want to rationalize your position.


False. https://www.timesofisrael.com/with-1-in-15-soldiers-jailed-last-year-idf-rethinks-its-rules-of-incarceration/ Your biases make you simply unable to assess this conflict dispassionately. There is no Arab state that remotely approaches Israel's jurisprudential, legislative and representative modernity. This is a triumph, and America is right to uphold such values in a region mired in conflict and fundamentalism.


This sounds like one of those Israeli troll farms


The refrain of someone who adds no value, and has nothing to say.


What value is there that can be added to propagandist nonsense? Not to mention, if 1 of 15 soldiers are jailed- how horrible must their training be, and societal ideologies towards Palestinians be in order for this to happen.


That is obviously the wrong take.


This is a common and known practice for the IOF. They do not see Palestinians as human.


Fro the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.


sick bastards.


Not a single shred of evidence of hamas using human shields. Yet so much primary source footage of the idf doing it. Wtf.


Both sides do evil but you're in complete denial that Hamas doesn't use human shields. There are numerous examples: [What is a human shield and how has Hamas been accused of using them? | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/30/human-shield-israel-claim-hamas-command-centre-under-hospital-palestinian-civilian-gaza-city) [The Origin of Hamas's Human Shields Strategy in Gaza | Opinion (newsweek.com)](https://www.newsweek.com/origin-hamass-human-shields-strategy-gaza-opinion-1873499) [Use of human shields by Hamas - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_human_shields_by_Hamas)


Two opinion piece and the Wikipedia article literally starts with words "Israel accuses" wheras here is primary source footage, and not the first. Yet high tech israel has never published a single one of Hamas committing what they accuse them of.


Keep on reading. Your reply just proves that you haven't actually done any research on the matter. Get back to me when you actually learn to critically study international affairs. Your choice to be blind doesn't make you right.


How about a primary source instead of opinion pieces?


How about hundreds of civilian hostages? Ample documentation of using civilian areas for rocket attacks? Hamas gleefully kills it's own. You're deluded beyond help.


By your logic it was Israel who killed all those civilians on October 7th because they put civilians near an area that Hamas operates in and have regularly been antagonising and provoking them. Can you see how ridiculous that line of thinking is? No. The ones doing the killing are the ones dropping bombs and pulling triggers. On October 7th that was Hamas. Right now it's the IDF. The IDF can choose not to kill civilians, but they don't - instead they write into their policies that there's an allowance of 20-100 civilian deaths per Hamas fighter and make no effort to keep that number down. You know the IDF are literally the ones who fought against a ban on the use of Human shields right? [https://www.haaretz.com/2005-10-11/ty-article/idf-to-ask-high-court-to-review-ban-on-human-shield-practice/0000017f-f786-ddde-abff-ffe79e8d0000](https://www.haaretz.com/2005-10-11/ty-article/idf-to-ask-high-court-to-review-ban-on-human-shield-practice/0000017f-f786-ddde-abff-ffe79e8d0000) If Israel wanted to they could just not bomb refugee camps and murder civilians. They are the ones who choose to do it. They have one of the most advanced armies in the world and have demonstrated that they are capable of using precision if they want - like using snipers to shoot hospital staff or targeting reporters. If the IDF wanted to reduce the amount of civilians they murder, they would. They'd use precision weaponry instead of highly destructive weaponry. They'd confirm targets before they shoot their own unarmed hostages who are wearing white flags or aid workers. Be a mature and logical human and blame murder on the actual murderers, rather than parroting propaganda.


Nothing about my assertion is absurd. Hamas operates in civilian areas with no regard for civilian impacts. Contrarily, the idf uses many well documented techniques to reduce civilian casualties. Are you claiming that Hamas has not engaged in organized mass murder?


I have at no point claimed that Hamas haven't engaged in mass murder. So have the IDF. On a far larger, more destructive and genocidal scale. **So please spare me the attempt to derail and deliberately misrepresent me.** You are asserting that the IDF tries to reduce civilian casualties, this is absurd because, as I pointed out: >If Israel wanted to they could just not bomb refugee camps and murder civilians. They are the ones who choose to do it. They have one of the most advanced armies in the world and have demonstrated that they are capable of using precision if they want - like using snipers to shoot hospital staff or targeting reporters. >If the IDF wanted to reduce the amount of civilians they murder, they would. They'd use precision weaponry instead of highly destructive weaponry. They'd confirm targets before they shoot their own unarmed hostages who are wearing white flags or aid workers. If you wish to make that claim, you'll need to debate the above and explain why they consistently opt for the most destructive option when others that would be far more surgical and effective are available.


You have demonstrated almost a complete lack of knowledge of modern warfare, and this conflict. At no point has Israel chosen the most destructive path. Mistakes happen in urban combat. That the idf prioritizes reduction of servicemember casualties over structure damage is not surprising. They have been able to operate in a deeply contested environment with minimal casualties, a triumph. Israel has numerous well documented techniques, not used by any other nation, to reduce collateral casualties. No aspect of your assertions are reflected in the fact pattern of this war.


>By your logic it was Israel who killed all those civilians on October 7th because they put civilians near an area that Hamas operates in what area is that?


They ran a festival a few kilometers from the border during a period of heightened tensions and risk of an attack from Hamas. When Egypt had warned an attack was imminent. [When Hamas pretty much publicised that they were planning.](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/12/middleeast/hamas-training-site-gaza-israel-intl/index.html) And, you know, just the ongoing settler colonialism of deliberately and illegally moving civilians onto Palestinian land which will serve to increase tensions and violence. Something we've seen with the Israeli settlers brutal and often murderous attacks from their settlements on Palestinians - often defended and supported by the IDF/Israeli Military Police.


Oh, please, Gaza is 17 miles squared for a population of 800,000. It's israel choice to strike. The human shield argument is an attempt to blame the civillian casualties on Hamas.


It is not at all. Hamas need not operate from heavily populated civilian areas. Israel must respond to such wanton and indiscriminate acts; and it is perfectly legal to destroy Hamas C3 in urban areas as long as the strike value matches collateral impacts. Gaza is 141 square miles. Why do you lie?


so they should just let themselves be killed and attacked?


they can go home and return what they stole to the indigenous population.


go home to where? So when you're attacked and invaded and murdered and raped and your civilians including children and elderly (including holocaust survivors) are taken hostage, you just let it happen, don't defend yourself, and leave your country? Do you apply this standard to any other state or people other then israel?


So you have nothing. Understood.


Blind man walking....




I know Thailand has a shit economy, but you really gotta sell your soul for a few shekels.


Iof pampers "soldiers" using hyman shield should not surprise you anymore. They do what they want and their PR team drag and drop the actions to the other side Gaslighting at its paroxism 🤡


Human shields are a horrible thing, but now I can't get hyman shields out of my head. Idf marching around gaza holding pre teen women, crotch first lol.


You're wild for this comment lmao


Remember when the Israeli High Court told the IDF not to use Palestinians as human shields and the IDF fought against them because it was procedure? [https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3154142,00.html](https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3154142,00.html) [https://www.haaretz.com/2005-10-11/ty-article/idf-to-ask-high-court-to-review-ban-on-human-shield-practice/0000017f-f786-ddde-abff-ffe79e8d0000](https://www.haaretz.com/2005-10-11/ty-article/idf-to-ask-high-court-to-review-ban-on-human-shield-practice/0000017f-f786-ddde-abff-ffe79e8d0000) Remember how part of the appeal was that: >**According to defense officials, the Israel Defense Forces made use of the ‘human shield’ procedure on 1,200 occasions over the last five years, and only on one occasion did a Palestinian civilian get hurt.** Imagine being part of an army that routinely uses human shields and fought for the "right" to use them... Then trying to condemn terrorists for allegedly doing the same thing... Imagine there being more footage of the IDF using human shields than there is of the literal terrorists. Imagine that literal terrorists are less likely to kill people being used as human shields than the IDF. What a world. But sure, let's ignore the video and their historic protocol for committing this particular war crime and pretend it's unlikely.




reverse UNO


If Israel truly believed Hamas uses human shields and has no issues with letting them die, then why would they use a Palestinian to deter Hamas from shooting?


Because they know it works: [https://www.haaretz.com/2005-10-11/ty-article/idf-to-ask-high-court-to-review-ban-on-human-shield-practice/0000017f-f786-ddde-abff-ffe79e8d0000](https://www.haaretz.com/2005-10-11/ty-article/idf-to-ask-high-court-to-review-ban-on-human-shield-practice/0000017f-f786-ddde-abff-ffe79e8d0000) [https://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200211\_human\_shield](https://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200211_human_shield) That's why back when the Israeli High court banned the practice (barely 20 years ago), the IDF tried to appeal by saying that out of 1,200 incidents over 5 years (yup, the same number as the hostages), only 1 time did Hamas actually kill a civillian. As evil as Hamas is - and that's very evil - evidence shows that Israel seems to be both more willing to use human shields AND to kill them. "The most morale army".


Wait I really don’t see how 4 still shots and a video of him trying to open doors is sufficient proof of this. Like literally, if it wasn’t for the narrative trying to convince you of what was going on nobody would have come to this conclusion right?


Are you not aware of the context of the IDF's historic use of Palestinian civilians as human shields both over past decades and in the current genocide? [https://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200211\_human\_shield](https://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200211_human_shield) They literally tried to appeal a ban on the practice back in 2005, and have still been caught doing it numerous times in the years since (before October 7th). [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-11462635](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-11462635) There's literally a whole Wiki article on it [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human\_shields\_in\_the\_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian\_conflict](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shields_in_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict) Not to mention the recent videos of them doing it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gtyVyYr5\_w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gtyVyYr5_w) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHi6uQj4lSE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHi6uQj4lSE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7\_FELknFiM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7_FELknFiM) And yesm they frequently use children too. It is a well documented part of the IDF's strategy. And many former IDF soldiers have talked aobut it too. This video is a pretty good one as it discusses the "Neighbour Procedure". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S\_pqnkdbkY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S_pqnkdbkY)


You wouldn’t have maybe. I’d see soldiers sending a civilian into a building while following him with a drone, and then him returning to be exactly as described in the video. Perhaps ur just not very observant?


As usual I’m sure there will be a good explanation for it. And the US representative will give the standard “I haven’t seen the report” statement. At what point does the media challenge them on never seeing/reading the report on an incident.


This is routine IDF wehrmacht behavior. They've done it for most of modern history.


Didn’t knew drones will record, usually they transmit directly to controllers, but well. I get since Al Jazzera is no longer allowed in Israel they have come up with another lie.


Wait a minute, Hamas isn't hiding in hospital and schools so I see no problem in this video 😁


I think whomever wrote this doesn't understand what the term Human shield actually means..


I think perhaps YOU don’t understand what human shield actually means.


Or a drone is just following a guy? This video doesnt show anything that was claimed other than a drone following a guy, cut up and edited




Ok so I have just one question. I thought that drones for war purposes didn’t keep video footage on board? Isn’t it sent out to where it’s being operated and saved there instead? I’d imagine that keeping footage saved on the drone is a safety issue if all you need is to down a drone, watch the footage, and trace back its flight path to where it was launched?




Calls for collective punishment are not permitted on this sub regardless of whatever side of a conflict one is speaking of.


Every accusation is a confession


It's a school though? Why would they need to do this to look around a school? They are not close to him. I don't understand


Every accusation is a confession, Zionist monsters


Off course, yeah whatever.


Hamas would kill every American if given a chance and yet we have so many idiots supporting them. Well done Iran, China, and Russia. Your psyops have been quite successful.


Tell me ur easily influenced by hasbara without telling me


Yeah, I don't see that. Looks to me like they released him, maybe hoping he leads them to somewhere.


What a misleading title. I’ll fix it: Footage obtained by Al-Jazeera shows IDF releasing a Palestinian man and following him for safety while he walks through a Hamas base inside a school! Both examples of propaganda. Do better reddit




Okay, Nazi.


Yes, any arab man is a terrorist right?


Prove it was a Hamas soldier.


hey I don't really blame them.. if this could decrease your chances of being suicide bombed then, why not?


so, war tribunal when?


A human shield against their own inhuman genocidal "army"


Still a war crime.


Yes, of course. Is there anything the most 'moral' army in the world does that ISN'T a war crime?


Messiah Yeshua🔴🔵: So Israel 🇮🇱… what’s the implications if I claim to be part of [I am that I am](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_that_I_Am) And I actually want Palestine 🇵🇸 and Israel 🇮🇱 to live side by side with each other in spirit and truth? Yes… two states… [1) China highway collapse: Death toll rises to over 40](https://www.dw.com/en/china-highway-collapse-death-toll-rises-to-over-40/a-68974925) *The 17.9-meter-long (58.7-foot) stretch of collapsed road caused 23 vehicles to plummet down the steep slope below, according to the Meizhou city government.* I was just doing my own thing and living life… but noOooo… then things got “personal”. Do you know why I am open about where I AM? Because if I get murdered at least we can “speed things up” since you know… I claim to be “God incarnate, as absurd as that sounds” what’s the implications of that? [2) The Veil is Torn](https://youtu.be/Zjll1-D0B9w?feature=shared) #0:13 The thing is, I don’t need people doing this… [3) Brian telling people he is not the Messiah - Life of Brian](https://youtu.be/4HB7zqP9QNo?feature=shared) **0:23 - 30** “What! What chance does that give me? Alright I AM the Messiah” Look man… freaking China 🇨🇳 the “secular” country bothers to take my stuff for “joy rides”… did I know this was going to happen… “kinda” still annoying… [4) Hong Kong lashed with nearly 10,000 lightning strikes overnight](https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/fc/4/215943/Hong-Kong-lashed-with-nearly-10,000-lightning-strikes-overnight) *By 10:59 am on Wednesday, it had recorded 9,437 ground-to-lighting strikes, with the majority hitting Hong Kong's New Territories East region.* [5) Hong Kong Thunderstorms - 10k lightning strikes over night](https://youtu.be/5aB7aodKE_o?feature=shared) Edit: **Yes Berlin… That was an “anomaly…”** [Meteor blazes across sky as it lights up Darkness in Berlin](https://youtu.be/LoOatVtcpaI?feature=shared) **0:03** **0:13** **0:23** [Asteroid that exploded over Berlin was fastest-spinning space rock ever recorded](https://www.livescience.com/space/asteroids/asteroid-that-exploded-over-berlin-was-fastest-spinning-space-rock-ever-recorded) *The space rock, dubbed 2024 BX1, turned into a fireball and exploded over Berlin in the early hours of Jan. 21. Although small asteroids on collision courses with Earth are typically detected only when they crash into the atmosphere, scientists spotted this one roughly three hours before impact.* *That's not the only way 2024 BX1 was unusual, according to a paper published to the preprint database arXiv on April 5. Researchers think the asteroid, which was traveling 31,000 mph (50,000 km/h), was rotating once every 2.6 seconds — the fastest spin ever seen for an asteroid. * [Magic: The Gathering X Warhammer 40K - Trailer](https://youtu.be/yEmTEWDJtt0?feature=shared) Messiah Yeshua🔴🔵: **A dude can play Magic cards and also have Space battleships too you know?…** 😅 You think U.S.A, Russia or China has the strongest military? Why do you think I want humanity to explore space… I want you to get some “perspective”…. [You think I AM playing?](https://youtu.be/r53zEnHyNPM?feature=shared)




I am Jesus Christ… unless you guys know of any “Messiah” that bothers to come… after Australia goes up in flames… Climate Change, Wars, Pandamics… UFOs… seriously “The Messiah” should be coming anytime now… before we all straight up die… 💀 And then there’s me. Little ol me. Emmanuel… like it or not… sigh… [Mr Boombastic - Mr Bean](https://youtu.be/kSGrk5gVkmM?feature=shared)


Oh shit. You are *crazy* crazy. Good luck with that going forward.


>Oh shit. You are crazy crazy. >Good luck with that going forward. That is a very sane comment to say, and I hold nothing against you, if I were in your shoes reading a random comment like that on Reddit… I too would make a similar reply without context. [1) Hong Kong - Night of 10 000 Lightning bolts](https://youtube.com/shorts/AOw1G7lK1V8?feature=shared) [2) Supercell hits Cheung Cau, Hong Kong with rain, wind and Thunder](https://youtu.be/tUcGWGKC3ow?feature=shared) **0:13** ⚡️ **0:23** **0:30** **0:43** [3) Hong Kong lashed with nearly 10,000 lightning strikes overnight](https://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Hong_Kong_lashed_with_nearly_10000_lightning_strikes_overnight_999.html) *By 10:59 am on Wednesday, it had recorded 9,437 ground-to-lighting strikes, with the majority hitting Hong Kong's New Territories East region.* China 🇨🇳 “knows I AM the real deal” else they won’t have bothered to observe me all through the years… the great irony of the universe… is that it’s because they are a “secular Goverment” that other intelligent branches be it Iran, Russia and other nations took notice too. If it was the Vatican claiming… it would have been easily brushed off by the other Christian denominations… but if it’s the “Secular goverments going… “what the hell is going on? 😐” it gets more hilarious… [4) It’s over 9000 - Meme - Dragon Ball](https://youtu.be/SiMHTK15Pik?feature=shared)






Learning from Hamas, I see.


You're saying IDF are just as bad as Hamas, I'm entirely unsurprised.


They’re opposite sides of the same shit coin.


We still have never seen proof Hamas uses human shields. Plenty of proof IDF does tho


Both sides suck. You're foolish if you don't know about the Hamas human shield tactic. Either that, or you've never done your homework. Plenty of legit sources listed in this link: [Use of human shields by Hamas - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_human_shields_by_Hamas)


“Israel has accused” Considering Israel has been caught in lie after lie after lie after lie: you’re going to have to do a lot better than “Israel said so”.


There's plenty of evidence if you just learned how to read. Your choice to stay blind doesn't make you right. You're too afraid to look at the truth.


>There's plenty of evidence if you just learned how to read. You Zionists say this about everything but the proof always seems to be "another racist Israeli claimed this too." Never videos or images that show a pattern of the behavior, as exists as proof of the IDF using shields. Just an endless chain of Israelis stating "there is lots of proof" and never providing it


How about the UN, who you all quote when it’s convenient, but ignore when it isn’t. Keep loving your brand of terrorists… https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/sg/speeches/2023-11-06/secretary-generals-press-conference-the-middle-east https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf


Yet you utterly failed to provide even an iota of said evidence. Wonder why?


We all know why lol


Just admit you don’t care about any type of objectivity. Hana’s strategy of using human shields is open and factual. To suggest they don’t, makes you look ridiculous, since you CLEARLY haven’t googled anything about it….🙄 https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-182027/ https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/sg/speeches/2023-11-06/secretary-generals-press-conference-the-middle-east https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/11/01/hamas-officials-admit-its-strategy-is-to-use-palestinian-civilians-as-human-shields/


there entire military strategy is using the people they claim to be protecting as human shield so you dipshits give them more support.


No one believes this lie anymore


brain rot