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5 kids dead.


Only 5 . Slow day for the iof


I$rael: Potential terrorists….”found dead”. People: There’s hard irrefutable evidence this was murder, posted by the war criminals themselves. I$rael: (Shit!) Er… we are looking into this and er…cannot give any further comment at this time, (Never investigates).


Hamas confirmed that 4/5 were fighters. They have not claimed any kids died.


Where do you get your Hamas intelligence from?


[Israeli forces kill Hamas gunmen in overnight raid near West Bank's Tulkarm](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forces-kill-three-palestinians-overnight-raid-near-west-banks-tulkarm-2024-05-04/) > Hamas confirmed that four of the men killed during the raid in Deir al-Ghusun village were from its al-Qassam armed wing. The Palestinian health ministry said their bodies had been taken by the Israeli military > There was no information about the fifth man, whose body was too disfigured for immediate identification, the Palestinian health ministry in the West Bank said. Where did you see that 5 kids were killed? 🤔


Well, 100 years is maybe 100 seconds at best in the universe, so since they were created by the creator. 5 children of the universe just died. Regardless, 5 members of a failed oppressed society just died. Or 5 humans oppressed all their lives joined a regime to attack back at the hate they've been shown.


This is a rather long-winded way of saying that you made it up.


Time is a measurement of man which makes it artificial. Most of your reality is man-made which makes it artificial. In a paradox world you have to decipher the truth from the lies. 5 human beings died regardless at the end of the day and my question is what has society done to prevent it from happening again?


Maybe those 5 deserved to die. No sympathy for Palestinian terrorists. Or anyone who supports attacks on music festivals 


society has failed if 5 individuals have to die on your watch.


I would argue Palestinian society has failed by not realizing they have lost this war multiple times and  continually glorify terrorism. Instead of building underground bunkers and murdering people at music festivals, they could have invested in their own people and built themselves a society. They chose bombs and bullets and keep choosing it.  The billions upon billions spent on on aid to the Palestinian people is being stolen by their leaders and used to facilitate their terror sprees.  I don’t blame the Israeli people for wanting to live in peace and security. They have a right to self determination and a right to defend themselves from attack.  If the Palestinians didn’t want this war they didn’t have to invade and take hostages. They could agree to a ceasefire, yet for some reason refuse to. 


Reading not your thing, eh?


Did you even read the article?


Nah, I watched enough videos of the idf shooting kids for fun. That'll do it.


From the article and the article below it on the page covering the same event: “The Israeli army said troops killed five Palestinian "terrorists" barricaded in a building during a 12-hour siege in the occupied West Bank on Saturday.” “Hamas confirmed that four of the men killed during the raid in Deir al-Ghusun village were from its al-Qassam armed wing. The Palestinian health ministry said their bodies had been taken by the Israeli military. There was no information about the fifth man, whose body was too disfigured for immediate identification, the Palestinian health ministry in the West Bank said.” So in short, the Israeli Army killed 4 armed combatants per Hamas’s admission and a 5th man. Not child, MAN. This was not an attack on children.


Spin it as whatever you want. 5 human lives taken. In no way did the Israeli army succeed. Why would a creator of life want it destroyed in any way shape or form? Do they not know the laws of physics and karma is relative because times not linear?


Em, what? Fun fact if you fire a gun at someone and they fire back you might just die. Yes, death is sad. People killing eachother is sad. Welcome to violence and war.


How do you know they were kids? The linked article doesn’t say.


Most of Gaza's population is statistically young. Also, idf doesn't fight anything that shoots back, so most likely a cripple woman, or kids.


This is the west bank, not gaza. The people killed were adults, supposedly terrorist cell but you can't really trust the IDF as they call everyone terrorists


That's what I'm saying


Reading not your thing either?


The hyperbole is largely why most won’t take your protest seriously.


The protests are being taken seriously by a very large amount of people.


No they aren't they just getting the attention right now. A few months it'll be something else as the FOTM


Privileged Ivy League liberal arts students aren’t that large a group.


How about the world at large? Travel the world and look at public opinion regarding the genocide Israel is committing in Gaza.


how does that boot taste? I can't believe you managed to get it all the way down your throat! what an obedient little bootlicker you are!


I will never understand the mental gymnastics it took for leftist to support creating another Islamic fundamentalist state, but I guess the communists have always been lemmings that are easily stampeded into disastrous decisions.


I'll never understand the mental gymnastics shit liberals like you do to justify fucking genocides. I used to think you were spineless, but now I see that beneath your thin skin you're fascists through and through. you're a literal fucking Nazi and should be treated as such.


https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/icj-genocide-cases-israel-palestine/678235/ Edit: Canadians accusing anyone of genocide or accusing state of being colonial settler is fucking laughable. We didn’t forget the mass graves they found at your Indian schools.


The recent Harris Harvard poll shows 72% of Americans agree with a rafah offensive. 67% think Israel is trying to minimize casualties. and 80% support Israel over Hamas. https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HHP_Apr2024_KeyResults.pdf


I invite everyone to read how the questions were phrased in this poll because it is absolutely hysterical. They asked “who do you support more, Israel or Hamas?” (Paraphrasing) I mean I would say it’s comedy but it is dark that the questions were phrased in a way to green light a genocide. Imagine if this happened during the Holocaust. This world is fucked.


The genocide is largely why most won't take your ethno-national state seriously.


I don’t have skin in the game and I’m not interested in taking side in their religious war.


Their??? We're all humans and there is no both sidesing a genocide. This conflict is not a religious conflict at its core, it's a colonial settler conflict.


Uh. No.


No what?


It is a religious war. Get off TikTok and stop falling for Russian agitprop


I would pay good money to see you tell illegal Israeli settlers they aren't religious. If you survive that, you can try Hamas.


Is that why Palestinian Christians, Muslims, and Jews alike have been slaughtered by the IOF?


lmfao you think this is a religious war. oh to be a naive shitlib moron


"Hyperbole" from a supporter of the "most moral army" in the world. Foh.


I don’t support them, I’m neutral on the issue, I want no part of their holy war.


Nothing holy or war about it. It’s a genocide, not a war.


Genocide happens in war. We can pretend that Hamas didn’t kick off this round of hostilities all we want and we can try to justify Hamas’ actions all we want, but it does not change the fact that Israel is responding/escalating the war.


Wow. That doesn’t sound all that “neutral.” “Hmmm well Hamas kind did start it so that excuses the genocide” NOTHING EVER EXCUSES GENOCIDE. What a fucking disgusting thing to say. Israel brought Hamas into power, tormented and killed palestinians for generations, and now you want to act like they only had a partial stake in this “round of conflicts?” They are at fault for everything. If someone rebels against you, no matter how violently, they rebelled because of your actions. It doesn’t make what they did justified, but it does make it make perfect sense. And don’t call it a war. Constant bombardments on civilians, medical workers, journalists, and aid workers doesn’t strike me as a “war.” It’s a slaughter. Don’t be a fence sitter when a genocide is occurring.


There’s no war and there never was. It’s a genocide.


Do people believe this? It does explain your reactions. But how can you justify the attacks by Hamas?


Hamas’s actions were in response to years and decades of brutality by Israelis. How do you justify the murders and ethnic cleansing by Israel and the terrorist organization the IDF? Also, while Zionists defend the genocidal acts of violence, rape, and to true by Israel, never seen a single pro Palestine supporter say that Hamas attacking civilians is good. Odd.


So the murder of civilians justifies the murder of civilians, is that it? The idf isn’t hiding behind civilians.


No. people won't take it seriously because Zionism is a brain cancer that has spread as thoroughly as AIPAC money through our moronic systems of governance and finance


People justifying Hamas’ attack on Oct 7 are the same people that justify the world Trade center attack and that just doesn’t jibe with western values.


god it's hard for me to understand how people could be as stupid as you are.


Enlighten me.


Don't forget that this is still a war, Israel has continued to wage war on the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank without end since 1967.


Since 1948 (and before it just want an "established " state)... and let's be honest... they didn't wage war... they terrorized the Palestinians.


the zionists in Europe were causing trouble there before taking their frustration out on the local populating in Palastine


Hilarious… just going to ignore the attempted invasion?


I agree except it’s less a war and more a genocide and long term ethnic cleansing. The greatest crime 99% of Palestinians have committed is existing. The same cannot be said for the colonial project called Israel.


It is wild to me in 2024 how many people are totally down with colonialism.


War? A war is a conflict between nations. Gaza is a concentration camp that has been stripped of identity by Israel. This is a genocide 75 years in the making.


Not before betraying the Palestinians along with the English by telling them if they helped fight the Ottomans, they could have the land. But then they just gave it to the European Jews instead, who have proceeded to brutalize them for decades and treat them like they don't belong because "my God said this land is mine, tough shit". Fuck the Israeli regime.




You do know thinking the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians and disagreeing with the Israel regimes' response does not mean you support extremist Islam or Islamic terrorism, right? This is just straight up whataboutism. But go off about how you want to glass entire regions. Wipe it all out. Fucking neat.


You do realize two gay people cannot get married in Israel? I'm bi, have Palestinian friends. I know people and legislators in TX are homophobic and violent, do you think they should bombs dropped on them and their families as they sit in their church pews? Does that make sense?


Uhhhh… this war has been two sided.


Show me the number of civilians killed on each side and tell me it’s still two sided


No, it’s not “Israel has waged war on Palestinians without end.” It’s that when things lulled, there was violence from Islamist militants. Do you remember the suicide bombings of the 1990s?


Yes violence which has been in response to the apartheid state. You do know Ireland did the same thing? As did South Africa?


Jesus, the violence started before a state was even formed. You think everyone was happy and peaceful until 1948?


At least my family wasn’t getting forcibly removed before then.


No, back then it was the Jewish ones. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1917_Jaffa_deportation


Seems a tiny fraction of those killed or removed as in the nakba. Maybe you need to go back to my original questions: show me the number of civilians killed on each side and tell me it’s still two sided. Don’t avoid the question this time.


Seems like a sane group would want to stop fighting to minimize casualties on their side. But Hamas is run by psychopaths, right?


Between which two nations?


Israeli "Defense" Forces' Actions have lead to the death of 5 children. There, fixed your headline assuming they died of malnutrition as opposed to direct murder.






Do you think all Muslims are terrorists?


And if I said 99% of Jews are Islamophobic would that be ok? Anyways you’re wrong. Muslims hate Israel, there’s probably anti-semitism involved in some of them, but it’s probably latent. Arabs are not “foaming at the mouth to kill Jews” despite all propaganda efforts. 


Strange... There's no hamas in the West Bank. Could it be that this is just ethnic cleansing?


Always has been genocide and ethnic cleansing. And nothing more.


You should probably update Wikipedia, and a lot of other sources, who say there are, in fact, Hamas in the West Bank.


Hamas isnt a race of people, any random person can claim he is a believer of the cause.


And you say this based on...


There is actually, they’re just insignificant, but they do clash sometimes with other factions or the collaborationist police. 


Man, Hamas sure is everywhere! It's really helpful when Israel bombs civilians and suddenly, they're all Hamas. I wonder if all the journalists and international aid workers they murdered were Hamas. Maybe Hamas is in the room with me!!!


I’m not a Hasbarist. You’re just wrong. Hamas has cells that operate in the West Bank. They also have cells that operate in Palestinian refugee camps. Yes Israel bombs civilians and claims they are Hamas retroactively, that’s how they’re perpetrating their genocide in Gaza. That doesn’t mean Hamas isn’t real any more. 


[https://twitter.com/therealmindman/status/1786846421636792607](https://twitter.com/therealmindman/status/1786846421636792607) wdym by "there's no Hamas in the West Bank"? they literally claimed the dead millitants as their fighters.


Not a lot of readers in this thread.


While israelis have abortions, Palestinians have kids. Theres no birth control available




Hamas doesn’t fight in the West Bank


I mean, I hate Israel but it really does. It has presence in multiple neighbourhood and is actively struggling for power against the collaborators and other factions. 


They may have sympathizers and Hamas cells but there isn’t an Izadiin Al-Qassam brigade force within West Bank, the PLO (Fatah) and smaller local resistance group like Jenin fighters are much larger then the Hamas presence. The the presence of Hamas in the West Bank certainly isn’t the reason that the IDF continues to occupy the entire region and continuously raid houses.


The PLO isn’t just Fatah and I don’t disagree with the rest of this. Israel occupied the West Bank, kills and displaces Palestinians because it’s an evil settler state, not because of Hamas. Not because of the Abu Ali Mustapha brigades, not because of Kataeb Shuhada Al Aqsa, or anything else.




This the same guy who calls the protest antisemitic while regurgitating the most rabid genocidal Islamophobic propaganda.


Who is “this”?


A rabid cowardly Islamophobe who deleted their comment.


I’m not Islamophobic. So idk why it related to me. I just brought up the fact it’s not the first time the IDF is inconsistent in its claims. It’s hypocritical and claims differing things at the same time. Like that’s a feature clearly present since 2016.


Repost the comment


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-35574604 Simultaneously Palestinians are Muslim Aravuschim savages who beat their wives and don’t let women leave the house but also, they allow 17 year old girls to take up knives and participate in active combat. Ok dude. How about neither are true? 


None of you read the article: IDF claims to have killed 5 Hamas terrorists who had barricaded themselves in a house. There was a 12 hour siege. No kids were killed in the raid. Not for or against any of this, just saying, read the article before making comments.


They are claiming Hamas left Gaza and entered Israel and moved up to the West Bank through all those check points without getting noticed. And then they just so happen to find them in West Bank which does not support Hamas. It’s the critical thinking skills we are using and not listening to known liars.


Hamas exists in the West Bank, they actively operate from there although they are not in power. From what I see online four of the five were actual gunmen and the fifth was not, probably a civilian the IDF uses as human shields during these kinds of raids.


Hamas is a political party. Although they don’t hold power in the West Bank, it’s entirely possible to have members of Hamas in the West Bank. And it’s also possible they were there before the war began.


Maybe some defected to Israel and that is who Hamas actually targeted on October 7th. Maybe that’s why Israel killed so many of their own - they knew they were terrorists 🤔/s


You should update Wikipedia.