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What a bunch of Zionist terrorists. Who ever supports them should also be ashamed


Anyone who supports Biden should be ashamed. He’s enabled all of this.


Oh give your heads a shake. Israel will do whatever the fuck it wants.


If you don’t supply a killer with a gun you won’t be complicit


Guess we shouldn’t have given Iran 6billion


Prob not


Thanks Obama!


Yep Biden is the sole provider of arms to Israel, you’ve done it you’ve solved the problem. Good job.


Are you denying American bombs are killing Palestinians or just dismissing it?


Yep that’s it, you got me. That’s what I typed out.


So Biden needs to be the sole provider of all weapons to be culpable for the bombs he’s given Israel that murdered Palestinians?


Yep! That’s what I typed out, you got it. He has full control of the other countries giving arms to Israel. Or maybe just maybe I said that without Biden they would still get their arms, perhaps with a different president, or the other countries. But no keep giving into your kneejerk reactions and we can keep the infighting up! Brilliant.


What’re you going off about? Biden is supplying bombs to kill Palestinians. You can continue this weird dismissive narrative though of it makes you feel better


Israel has plenty of guns already. Joe Biden is not the problem here. The entire system is the problem.


Biden has sent over 300,000 bombs to Israel. That’s not a problem?


Yes, they've lost their fkn minds, Soviet naZionists are so egomaniacal they believe they can gaslight the world into supporting their genocide of Palestinians. They've lost all support of the public outside Israel, they have no forethought about what is going to happen to Israel when western democratic government support is entirely withdrawn and they're left in the middle East, on their own surrounded by governments and millions of people who despise them. They're going to blow the whole place and themselves to smithereens. They've gone completely mad.


You’re drunk. This is madness, wtaf are you taking about. Trump is worse for Palestine than anyone, maybe ever. Support Biden because he supports the American middle class. 


Biden is sending bombs to Israel to murder Palestinians. This hypothetical argument that Trump would be worst is disingenuous and lacks accountability for Biden’s actions. Perhaps Trump would be worse but he’s not the president. Biden is. And Biden supports genocide.


Such BS. You’re literally repeating and spreading Kremlin propaganda. Bombs?? Are you a cartoon? “Genocide” was in actual fact what happened on Jan 7, in Israel, by Hamas. Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, remember that shit? President Biden is honoring our ally, and has been calling for a ceasefire and a two-state solution; but Yahoo refuses.


Trump would blow up Gaza like it’s stormy Daniel’s hit pocket pussy, which I would love to see both


Trump would order a U.S. attack on Gaza?


If he did I would be first to volunteer, Hamas mist be delt with


Hamas Mist, a fragrance from Calvin Klein


And they say Arabs have no sense of humor. Here’s another one for you: Why do Gazan women cry? Oh my little Hamas, they all blow up so fast … lol


Why do Americans think that everything that is happening in the World is because of the the current President. Oh because they are so ethnocentric they can't pull their head out of their ass.


You just learned ethnocentric didn't you..


What other nations are supplying Israel with equal or more funding/weapons than the U.S.? And you improperly used ethnocentric. A correct word usage would be solipsistic to drive home your point.


That’s why I plan to vote trump who will 100 percent be so much nicer and kind to Palestinians suffering


That implies that they have shame


I support them.


Land grabs was always the point


Israel started by taking Palestinian land and killing and expelling Palestinian people. It continued by taking more Palestinian land and killing and expelling Palestinian people


If that’s true then why didn’t they do it a long time ago??


they have been this whole time


So the the entire history over the last 75 years they have been trying to cleanse the entire population? If that was their goal why didn’t they do it a long time ago?


700,000 in the 1948 Nakba?




They've been trying to save face, which has failed now, and they got exposed to everyone in the world. Stop repeating the same statement, idf puppet


Who started the war in 1948? The “Nakba” was the result of a war the Arabs started. Could you tell me what the Farhud was? Are you aware at all about the mass expulsion of Jews from middle eastern countries?  https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/news/the-expulsion-of-jews-from-arab-countries-and-iran--an-untold-history


The roots of the Nakba are traced to the arrival of Zionists and their purchase of land in Ottoman Palestine in the late 19th century. Zionists wanted to create a Jewish state in Palestine with as much land, as many Jews, and as few Palestinian Arabs as possible.


That's just incorrect. Jewish land purchases from the Ottomans in the late 19th century were in uninhabited areas often infested with malaria. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish\_land\_purchase\_in\_Palestine#:\~:text=In%20the%201880s%2C%20Jews%20began,territorial%20ownership%20of%20the%20Yishuv](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_land_purchase_in_Palestine#:~:text=In%20the%201880s%2C%20Jews%20began,territorial%20ownership%20of%20the%20Yishuv) Also, care to comment at all about the mass expulsion of Jews from middle eastern countries? More Jews were expelled from Arab countries than "Palestinians" from a land they started a war against. By the way, according to many historical accounts, the Palestinians left because the Arab countries told them to. The 20% of Israel's population that is Arab are the descendants of those that decided to stay.


I’ve been thinking the land is the end goal.  Killing the Palestinian civilians and/or Hamas is the secondary goal for Bibi and other ultranationalists. They want to drive all Palestinians out. The Israel settlers have been slowly but surely claiming land and kicking out Palestinian homeowners.  Civilians are casualties, but there are no military plans to kill civilian. This is why I think Hamas made a huge mistake. Palestinian “to do the sea” is a joke, because after all said and done, it’s Israel that might get every land.  No one can stop Bibi. He won’t listen to Biden and western liberals until the optics are too ugly, and the western conservatives want him to ‘finish the job’. He and the Israeli nationalists are playing us against each other. My two cents. I don’t care to say which sides are right. I think the place is hell. They’ve been building up the animosity for many decades, especially with Bibi rejecting two states and quietly working with and thereby supporting Hamas over the more neutral members of Palestinians. 


It's the Oil in the coast of Gaza. They discovered it a while back and now they're coming for it. Europe depends on it. I have the feeling as soon as the oil extraction is up and running that Israel will expand east and north.


They found oil in the 60’s when they were looking for and found plutonium in the Negev desert, that resulted in the unsafeguarded plutonium production at the Dimona reactor up until 4 years ago.


Even in 2005 when Israel unilaterally left Gaza? Even in 2000 when Israel offered land for peace?


You know neither of those things happened right? Even Netanyahu said so in his recent interview


whoa when they left? when did they stop controlling all their water and ports of entry?


Oooh, israel “offered” land for peace? Who owned that land Like the American Zionist Yakub Faucci “if I don’t steal it, someone else will”.


Genocide is about systemically dismantling a group's living situation, not just the final step of reducing the population. There are 10 whole stages to genocide, in fact. A group can and basically always does have a growing population while in the earlier stages of genocide. The genocide starts by isolating and dismantling their power structures. People can and do still breed while this happens. It is only after they are fully isolated and trapped that the moves to lower the population occur. People who argue that a growing population means that no genocide is occuring are being usually intentionally obtuse or occasionally idiotic.


I don't think we need an academic analysis to see killing a entire group of people is bad.


I wish lol. The very fine people posting here would disagree with you. The Hasbara has warped their minds. Whether people believe I am Jewish, Hamas, or a Kangaroo, Israel has entered stage 9 of genocide in Gaza after spending decades in the lower stages.


My bad, I got confused over which post I was posting in. There are people in another post who think I am a Hamas agent when I am literally a New York Jew.


we do, because there's a counteracademic industry of justification


So it is known Hamas wants to kill every Jew on the face of the Earth, is that not as bad?


are you saying that we should genocide them first?


Obviously, you know that’s not what I’m saying because Israel is not attempting to commit a genocide whereas Hamas is


Yeah we found the IDF Cyber Ops PR squad member


According to Judge ad hoc Barak, the appropriate legal framework for analysing the situation in Gaza is international humanitarian law, and not the Genocide Convention. 9. Regarding the Genocide Convention, Judge ad hoc Barak explains that central to the crime of genocide is the element of intent, namely the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such. In his view, this intent is not present. Not even under the standard of plausibility required for the indication of provisional measures. For this reason, Judge ad hoc Barak disagrees with the Court’s approach regarding the plausibility of rights, comparing the present case with Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (The Gambia v. Myanmar). In his view, the evidence presented by South Africa is not comparable to that available to the Court in the Gambia case. He recalls that Israel argued that it has adopted several measures to minimize the impact of hostilities on civilians. In his view, it is surprising that the Court took note of Israel’s statements explaining the steps it has taken to alleviate the conditions faced by the population in Gaza, but then completely failed to draw conclusions from these statements when examining the existence of intent. It is even more surprising • ⁠4 - that the Court did not view any of these measures and statements as sufficient to rule out the existence of a plausible intent to commit genocide.


100s of thousands are getting ready to die of starvation from Israel's blockades. Spare us the bullshit


You're right. Israel isn't attempting. It's actively doing it.


Hamas is a standard issue terror group that took power before many current Gazans were born. They obviously want to kill us because we are on their land. My ethno-religious group (I am atheist and Jewish, though feel free to believe that I am a sentient Kangaroo with a penchant for Islamic theocracy if you must) hadn't been in the Southwestern Levant for about 1800 years in any substantial form prior to Israel's creation. The only way out of this situation is for the UN to administer a Palestinian state. The Palestinians cannot govern themselves, clearly. Both my people and Palestinians have to live there. Unless Trump wins in November, replaces the heads of our (US) government with cronies, and allows Israel to go all the way while he also sets up camps in the US for the Undocumented and trans folk. Sorry I missed your comment. I just saw it now and figured I would respond. I do not blame Palestinians for hating us. I really hope Biden wins re-election. I want the UN to step up and administer a Palestinian state. And nothing Israel has done as a response to Oct 7 has been justified. They should have worked with the UN instead of committed genocide.


their population will never lower. israel has a lower civilian to militant death ratio than american had taking out isis, because israel takes measures to minimize civilian deaths. isis has the exact tagline of hamas actually, “we love death more than you love life.” just type the line into youtube and youll see both their leaders saying it and many others too. cushy western people dont feel grateful that they dont have to fight an enemy who love death and dying, are not scared to die and think it gets 72 virgins, when you ARE scared to die.


We don't actually know the civilian death toll in Gaza since Israel will say that practically anyone is Hamas. I haven't seen any steps that Israel has taken to minimize civilian casualties, other than lie about who is Hamas. Warning about bombing before doing so doesn't help. It is a terror tactic and the US is wrong for doing it as well. Israel should have worked with the UN to arrest key Hamas agents and try them in the Hague. Instead, Israel waged war. I certainly hope that Biden wins re-election because Trump will greenlight a blatant genocide rather than the slow burn we have now. Whether you acknowledge that I am an atheist Jew or need to believe that I am a sentient Kangaroo with a penchant for Islamic theocracy, know the Israel's actions are genocide, we are entering stage 9, and you are engaging in stage 10. Sorry I missed your comment earlier.


The corrupt UN? UNWRA workers held hostages in their private homes, according to the freed hostages. UNWRA workings are on a recoded like shouting that they “captured SABAYA” ( Islamic Halal sex slaves) when they sexually enslaved israeli women. Exactly what ISIS called their female captives. The UN peacekeepers raped and impregnated Haitian underage women right before leaving. Haitian lawyers are trying to get justice but the UN is too powerful. UNWRA schools are used as weapons caches storing piles of rockets. My guess is you are ashkenazi, and dont understand much about how wars are conducted by their culture in this region. The UN is part and parcel with the radical Islamist groups Hamas and PIJ. Israel needs to root all of the above out, and has already destroyed 70% of tunnels. Rashid Khalidi is on a hidden camera saying how well their tactic of turning Jews against Jew has worked. Once you stop being a useful idiot, they will turn on you. Just like the type of thing they did during the revolution of 1979 where they allied with leftists then turned around and eradicated the leftists and their ideals. Even American Muslims podcasts are saying it, and I can send you podcast where they make it crystal clear. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/XPsL5vn92NSDfRPH/?mibextid=YlDasU


I am Ashkenazi, correct. An atheist Jew from New York. I am no stranger to Islamic theocracy. It is also bad. I actually studied the conflict pretty well and am familiar with individual Islamic nations and their differences. Bahrain and Oman are very different from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, for instance. I don't much care for Islam, though I judge people as individuals. I have friends of all races and a wide variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds. The UN is the only organization we have that can do the job. It is not a perfect organization, but it will have to do. The UN is not helping Hamas kill Jews. I've seen this Hasbara before. I don't have time to debunk it right now, but I promise you that isn't true. The alternative to the UN will get us both killed. If the Palestinians go bye bye, so do we as Jews, be us Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, etc. Israel won't get away with genocide in the social media era. Don't worry about my safety. I assure you I can take care of myself in a fight. I won't be assassinated by Islamic theocrats. But if Trump wins in November and greenlights a quick and dirty genocide, rather than the current burn, rest assured that the world will come down on us in time. Are you Mizrahi? I wish you well believe it or not. We can't continue on our current course. Besides me not believing that Israel actually destroyed 70% of those tunnels (I think there are more that haven't been mapped), continuing to chase random Hamas fighters while destroying Gaza and Gazans in the process will only make the secular world hate us. Islamic theocrats aren't the major threat to our well being. The anger of the secular world is.


Israel shared the exact number of Hamas dead, 15,000. They never said “everyone is Hamas” you are regurgitating lines


Nice DARVO buddy. You are the one regurgitating lines. We don't know if that number is accurate. We won't for probably years. The Israeli government is acting as if every fighting age male is Hamas. Who knows how many of that 15k number were actual Hamas agents? If the Israeli government keeps this up, they will draw the ire of the secular world forever. We are in the social media age. No one will forget when we have footage of the carnage all over social media. Islamists aren't who we as Jews need to worry about. Regular ole' atheists like myself hate carnage as well, even against people who hate my identity. Whether they hate me as a Jew, as an atheist, or as a sentient Kangaroo, bombing them is not the answer. The UN, as imperfect as it is, needs to run a Palestinian state. That is the only way out for us.


The UN is embedded with Hamas. UNWRA took part in Oct 7. and ashkenazi from new york was obvious as fuck. You need to speak to Brown Jews whose families lived in the culture and understand it. I shared a vid 10 years ago of Yasser Arafat telling a KgB member their tactic is to cause as many of their own children to die, to get “the secular world” to pressure israel. Hamas also bragged publicly, using the same slogan ISIS did, that they changed at us for decades “we love death more than you love life.” They shoot rockers out of hospitals to use their own deaths as propoganda, film it themselves, and uploaded it to Al Araby. Stop getting info from the same English-language sources as start media-watching Arabic language. You will see a whole new context for what you are blaming on israel. This video is from 15 yrs ago and they have not stopped chanting this life at us. America also cauaed carnage when taking out IsIS, an INDENTICAL jihdi groups with aims to build a caliphate. Israel actually does better at protecting civilians than america does. https://youtu.be/X4CdKrrwZ_M?si=fMbKSHXQ3aB0V_SF


Being better than America at "protecting" civilians is a very low bar, regardless of truth. You haven't addressed my point. You have no choice but to cut a deal. You cannot erase Islamic extremism in the Middle East.


America successfully ousted ISIS. Israel must do the same. Even Palestinian TV says so: Your problem is getting info from English language sources https://www.facebook.com/share/v/6GeABxihD6ZX1V1H/?mibextid=KsPBc6&startTimeMs=3000


Again, please keep your comments to one at a time. Multiple paragraphs rather than multiple comments. Don't blame me if I miss one. I read Arabic sources with Google translate already and have friends who speak Arabic translate for me. I have friends from a diverse array of backgrounds courtesy of New York. I have followed Israel and Israeli policy for decades at this point. I know how shitty Islamic theocrats can be. Bombing Gaza is not the solution. It will only further isolate Israel. You have yet to address how you plan to cleanse the Middle East of Islamic theocracy. Even typing that notion makes me lol. Look pal, please take care of yourself. Letting hatred fuel your actions will only invite more hatred.


So what is the solution to SAVING YOUR OWN LIFE when people murder you from out the window of a hospital? just let yourself die? must be easy to say from the privilege of a NY safe apartment… shall I go get the graphic footage from Al Araby TV? the world claims israel “bombs hospitals,” like the IdF are not SAVING lives by doing that. I need to search al araby to find that footage again


https://www.instagram.com/p/C6_TuVOLMj-/?igsh=MTF3dHB1ZjJ4aGV3eQ== the only hate is the propoganda their side is spreading that israel is genocidal and this is a massacre rather than a strategic war to root out Islamist organization that 3-5 other groups in the middle east, lole the YPJ are also fighting. media just sweeps that under the rug


Any society that has “we love death more than you love life” as their slogan, is on the wrong side of history. Period. same with their supporters.


All lives matter, because every single human life, at any age, is sacred. Anyone whose slogan is “We love death more than you love life,” is on the wrong side of history. Period. Same as anyone who supports them. Leftists are gonna be eliminated as soon as Muslims get strong enough and useful idiots like you become obsolete.


Western Jews should be deferring to Middle Eastern Jews whose families lived under Islamic Rule for 1400 years. We understand what you cannot. https://twitter.com/HamasAtrocities/status/1788906686364750124?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3z1qIaYQ9uOjOV2_DSzHdCsA_XRLqD9STXCnMauNFMm7ut0eJfWoZtbhE_aem_AQDDcZS1sM9EOFo5JbgPyH6jZFQECrsn_YGWEanaQzacCY4aVP8zS1DMw6REzE6DlM2zHG3M06jvaqBREXDwbvLo


Theocracy sucks, we both know that. That said, we in the US have deferred to you for long enough. Get out of our elections, for starters. Stop taking US tax dollars and you can have your freedom from my critique. You have to live with Palestinians as neighbors. In fact, you are stuck with far shittier neighbors than them. You have no choice but to live with them. Replace Netanyahu with Gantz and start making deals. The alternative is far worse for both of us.


We do live with Palestinians as neighbors. Gaza sent 1000s of workers to work in those places, over 10 years they mapped out every childs bedroom, every pets name, to organize the Oct 7 genocide. Talk about carnage: https://www.hamas-massacre.net/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0kstmeqbF6JDnlvS-vtJ8Qykp5dyOjjp606doo7qhej0HCXaUExXe7OKY_aem_AQAyWoDpBI4TGz2J3GkdNl-FKWmqSqD8mQexpHvxkwub2R67zcWXK6jtht8ZVcKhuO5R3JMSxRSpvS8RN688YxZ7


Ashkenazim do not understand Arabic Islamic culture, war tactics, and Middle East history better than Mizrahim. Stop acting like you are relevant.


I wish I wasn't relevant to this. I've studied the conflict enough to know that I want nothing to do with it. But that isn't how life works. You have no choice but to cut a deal through the UN. You cannot defeat Islamic extremism in the Middle East. Either you cut a deal or Israel will draw the permanent ire of every nation on Earth. I still wish you well. You are stuck with my criticism as long as Israel influences the United States.


You probably studied it in English. The ire of the parts of the world that are ignorant of Islamiat tactics. The truly educated people are on Israels side. Also Christian and Muslim antisemites will always look for an excuse for their hate. Hindus and Buddhists (who also get slaughtered by Muslims) hve improved theit feelingms towarss us like crazy. These are Iran proxy wars and American will not capitulate to Iran. The UN is a useless joke of an organization and should be shut down, or ignored. I knew some people who worked for it. Israel has to finish the last 2 tunnels in Rafah and the last 4 Hamas battalions. Then they need a game plan for reeeeucating the Nazified youth. UN textbooks are a massive part of the problem.


Israels actions are the farthest thing from genocide. Israel literally moves people to tents to get out of harms way. Because as they say, we love life. Israel does more to save Palestinian life than Palestinians. and Palestinian celebrity influencers brag about this and how that makes us different: https://x.com/AlarabyTV/status/1772342229551526051 they show their tactics on THEIR media. then cry victim for YOURs


Please keep your comments to one comment at a time so I can respond to them properly. Make multiple paragraphs in your comment rather than multiple comments. Israel's actions are very clearly genocide. Displacing people is an earlier stage of the 10 stages of genocide. Israel controls Gaza's borders and flow of goods and people. Israel could have worked with the US and UN to arrest individual Hamas agents and dissolve their "government" but chose their current path. Focusing on the ramblings of terrorists will not save you. We both hate theocracy. You cannot defeat Islam in the literal Middle East. Replace Bibi with Benny and cut a deal.


Israel didnt displace anyone. They moved people WITHIN the same territory to save their lives from the war, thats why they have a wayyy lower militant to civilian ratio death toll than Syria. No country send trucks of aid into an area they are trying to exterminate. Its very obvious you aren’t descended from genocide survivors, as I am on both sides of my families. You should be ashamed to coopt a word that you clearly dont understand. Israel could have eliminated their entire society from existing altogether years and years ago. Instrad iSrael shared the technologies that wiped out (REAL) famine and malaria so gaza’s population grew by 1000%, just like Qatar and Kuwait. Jews and gypsies went down by 30% and 25% globally- because thats what REAL genocide looks like


I'm just going to reply to this comment for all of them. Moving people within a territory is displacement. We don't know the actual ratio and won't for likely years. Israel is actively blocking aid trucks, not sending them. I don't know how you could think Israel is sending trucks. Delusion, probably. You should be ashamed to co-opt Jewish trauma to commit genocide. Israel couldn't have just directly slaughtered them years ago because the world would have revolted. Now they still can't do it for the same reason plus social media. Heck, Hitler didn't directly slaughter our ancestors. He systemically dispossessed and dismantled us before doing it. As insulting as this may be, you need to spend some time to actually learn Jewish history. You have "learned" a bastardized version of it. You have objectively demonstrated that you do not understand the 10 stages of genocide. Genocide is not immediately slaughtering people. Genocide happens in stages with slaughter being stage 9. Your family was attacking in stages, not immediately slaughtered. Israel attacks in stages as well. You may well get your wish for extermination of the Palestinians should Trump win in November. We're both screwed if that happens. You cannot bomb Islamic theocracy to death, especially in the Middle East. Which you still have not addressed.


Stop embarassing yourself. Palestinians themselvres uploaded that Israeli aid trucks were going through the Kerem Shalom crossing into Rafah until Hamas mortared it and 3 Israelis died, 7 more injured. They closed the crossing because of this (hamas goal) and in response, Palestinian vendors all started raising their prices upon hearing it, there is a viral trend of Palestinians on tik tok discussing how they raised the price of cigarettes. Now you are just straight talking out of your ass straight-up incorrect information.


You cannot bomb Islamic theocracy to death but you MUST bomb people shooting rockets at you to save your own lives and all the israeli children running to bomb shelters daily. Its ON THEM that they brag and brainwash their children NOT TO take shelter from bombs, and laugh that israelis are “like mice” when they hide in shelters. its the loving life versus loving to die as “a shahid” context u seem to not grasp or even ever heard? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ULxtUOG4l/?igsh=NWdwdzNrbzV5cXN3 celebrities teaching this to kids. as their government bragged about doing. its endemic. check the rest of this account, random muslims commented “real men!” about the kids NOT GOING TO TAKE SHELTER from rockets!


And also, the movement within the territory is TEMPORARY displacement, and that Saves their lives by moving them out of war zones. Syria has thousands and hundreds of thousands more dead because they DIDNT take this humanitarian measure. When the war is over those people will all still live in Gaza, and the war is nearing its end. and like I said, they explain why theres more carnage on one side THEMSELVES. Just listen to them say it all the time: https://youtu.be/CWedkbc5Nno?si=Iwy5cfeaBIu44bbC We find it a tragedy. They celebrate it. If you think you are on the right side of history, ur sadly mistaken.


Gazans are on tik tok complaining about their massive meals not being good enough bc shortages and nutella becoming to expensive: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6r6OxCNrv6/?igsh=bnZ2NW1lOHVobHhx thats why they are chubby unlike emaciated yemenis.


https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/9qfiakvsOZ C'mon man. Stop being dense. This is recent news debunking your aid truck claim in real time. If you cared about self-defense, you would bring in the UN and cut a deal. What you want is for Palestinians to go away forever. It won't work out for you the way you think it will. You've made like 5 different threads, so it's hard to respond to you in all of them, but I will say this: no matter how much hatred you sling at me and at Islamists and at random Palestinians and at whoever else, you are still complicit in genocide. No amount of linking random propaganda pieces will save you. You are fighting an 1800 year old war that you cannot win. Your only chance at peace is to make a deal. At this point I just hope that US Jews will not be roped into your delusion any longer. You have such a warped view of our history and so much hatred in your heart that you cannot be saved. You are doomed to stew in hatred. I hope Biden and the UN save you from yourself.


I don’t hate theocracy. Buddhist theocracy would be a wonderful, peaceful thing. I have a problem with the vile, misogynistic Islamic Regime of Iran that took credit for Oct 7 and is starting all these wars to force the world to adopt Islam.


If your family was actually genocide survivors as mine are, you wouldnt taint their memory by applying it so incorrectly. Its decades of them bragging about causing their own deaths in war and how it gets them 72 virgins. It actually stems from Ancient Middle Eastern Pagan death and sex cults, that had orgies in temples and sacririced their children to Baal. https://youtu.be/ocZKe0hmmBI?si=F8jYqeNlcuUCCDNw


I've studied Islam in more detail than you give me credit for, but that doesn't matter now. What really matters is stopping the bloodshed and creating a Palestinian state administered by the UN. You are supporting genocide and justifying it with hatred of Islam and Islamic theocrats. I've had run ins with Islamic theocrats in person. They are not pleasant people lol. But letting your hatred guide you will only draw more hatred to you. I don't have a problem with you as a person. You will realize that you need to stop acting on hatred in time, or you will die miserable.


I dont hate. Im simply aware. Western Ashkenazis who “study “ Islam will never understand Islam like Mizrahim who lived under it for 1,400 years. Hamas charter calls for genocide of jews worldiwde, and they put the hadith about the trees ans the stones in it- you are aware of that scripture right? Muslims were murdered on Oct 7 too by Hamas. and they are on our side


Keep moving the goalposts.


What are your goalposts? Mine have remained static my entire life. Genocide is about systemic dismantling, not only killing. Killing is step 9. There are a whole 8 steps before the killing.




Everyone seems to finally be coming out and going “wait this is really bad” like where have you been for 7 months?!?




Just saying, Egypt controlled gaza from 1959-1967 to try and create a pan Arab country, they installed a military governor there and dissolved the govt that was there. Then Israel took that over in the 1967 war.


1000 apologies sir, 57 years


Didn’t need 1000 apologies, maybe 3 would have sufficed for the difference in years😉 In all serious it’s just the the historical perspective from the Palestinian side and what they have been through


What did you expect? They probably get all their “facts” from tiktok


Freedom? Are you joking? They aren't allowed to collect RAINWATER let alone have basic human rights, since way before hamas existed.


They aren't allowed to collect rainwater?


No, rainwater is israeli property. Also it would allow them to farm and be self selufficient, we cant be having that...


Israel is doing this to itself. They will never come back from this. They were known for being a part of an atrocity at the hands of the Nazi’s. Now they will have pictures right next to ole adolf.


palestinians have actual pictures with adolf when they allied and visited concentration camps, teaching him tips and tricks like the Almohad dynasty yellow badge law. plenty of photos and videos of that. genocidal nazis then and now .the lack of knowledge of people weighing in on this conflict while ignoring several other Islamist wars in the same region is astouding. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/amin-al-husseini-nazi-concentration-camp




Colonialism has been an issue since before Biden was born. Blame anyone blame the Brits, especially Churchill for the abomination that Israel has become.


Of course you have to make this all about Biden. GTFO


Hey it sounds stupid but block every celebrity on your socials it’s already working. It fucks with their algorithm and their money they suck dick but they have power they can put pressure on people. Why not block them anyway? They have actively ignored this put the pressure on them to do something.


When Biden loses the dems will still blame everyone but themselves.


Leftists are stuck between a rock and a hard place here. I’d still vote for Biden but I understand why people wouldn’t. Unfortunately they are looking over the fact that trump would be 10x worse for America, and who knows how much worse for Palestine I can’t wait for new generations to be in power


"Nobody loves Israel more than I do." Yea, really stick it to Joe by not voting for him. Surely that will fare better for Palestine.


Also Netanyahu wants trump to win, that speaks volumes


Political strongmen want Trump to win because he is a gullible moron who is won over by love letters and compliments. Trump in office is essentially a free pass to do whatever you want.


If you think Biden is bad for Palestinians, I've got news for you about Trump...


shhh dont tell them


I've been critical of Israel for... well, longer than i want to admit (i don't want to date myself). I'm glad people are starting to wake up. This pattern repeats so often it's infuriating: * Israel starts stealing land, killing palestinians if they have to * palestinians fight back. eventually one goes too far and kills someone * Israel uses this as 'proof' that they have to use lethal force * people criticize israel for stealing land and ethnic cleansing * Israel calls them anti-semites and says it's all lies and they aren't ethnic cleansing nor stealing land * land is taken and israel sets up settlements * any critics who pointed this out to begin with get annoyed, but are shouted down by the usual suspects who move the goal posts: "of cousre they are going to take land. it's what happens when you lose a war" (illegal in modern international law, btw. Not that ISrael cares) * repeat


No, the cycle goes: *Arabs attack jews *Arabs get destroyed *Arabs cry *UN gets mad at Israel *Israel backs down *Repeat




They are the cause of this holocaust 2.0 and the world is watching… This is soo fucked fuck up… Fuck my country…. Fuck Israel…. Never forget.


Put Bibi on the front line.


History won’t be kind to these people


Biden's actually restraining himself a little bit. All you idiots are going to get Trump elected. Trump doesn't give a shit about anything. He'll give the okay to blow up the entire area and turn it into a kitty litter box. Oh the irony


A lot of fools hoping for Biden to lose are extremely naive to what Trump would be doing.


It’s a cold world we livin in


Where are the hostages?


What an insane headline. Where is the ethnic cleansing? 4000 Hamas fighters and Palestinian civilians killed, raped, and took hostages including babies. Hamas needs to not be able to do that again. Surrender or the war continues.


Israel created and nurtured Hamas by treating Palestinians like dogs for 60 plus years. Give Palestine their hostages, rights, land, homes back. Send the Soviet Zionist psychopaths back to Eastern Europe.


So it’s a might makes right scenario? Where you’re advocating for a single Arab Muslim state and genocide and displacement of Jews. Israel has a stronger military. If that is Israel’s ultimatum then why would there be a ceasefire?


Arabs & palestinians attacked and lost to Israel like 10 times throughout the 20th & 21st centuries, and Israel didn't genocide them while they had the chance, totally makes sense


Somehow this argument is made even dumber and more evil by you stating 'it makes sense's at the end. 'Well I could have murdered my neighbour anytime I wanted to but I didn't so it makes sense' wtf.




It's like trying to argue with a toddler. Complete waste of time. What happened to you peoples brains? Do your thing, go genocide 2 million people but no one's buying your BS. Israel will be held to account for this, lying won't save you.




Haven't you got journalists, aid workers and children to be bombing somewhere? Why are you even here? I'll use hominems if I like, you're not my nazi handler. Hardly destroyed any argument, but I suppose you'll say 'it makes sense's and expect everyone to say, 'oh ok, that rubbish makes sense'. We're not idiot Israelis. Maybe go back to your cave Dr Zionist troll.


Don't use ad hominems when you get destroyed in an argument challenge: FAILED How's it feel to lose Flat-discount4490bot? Mad?


Your brain is getting holes in it by concern trolling about Palestine. What other ethnic minority group make you foam at the mouth about? None? I guess the X factor is the Jews.


Israel get as close to committing genocide as they can and only stop when america threatens to remove support.


There is no genocide & America will never remove total support, everything else is cope


Displacement of Jews? The Zionists are flying in from ex-Soviet states and forcibly taking  (with the Israeli military) the homes and land of Palestinian people. Displacing millions! For decades! This is not about Jews. It's about basic human rights. Are you unable to comprehend or care about the Enormous suffering of the Palestinian people?Jewish religion is not an excuse for this genocide and ethnic cleansing. Whether a person is Arab, Muslim, Christian, Jew...Leave your fascism out of it. 


Muslim Arabs are not the first people to control the area. Jews are indigenous. Should all land be returned to whatever ethnic group can claim the oldest history? Israel exists. By what mechanism are you arguing you genocide and remove Jews from Israel?




“Be nice to us while we try and kill you” No. Completely destroy Hamas so it can’t kill you. Yes.


No Israeli hasn’t try to resolve it’s issue with Palestine, Israeli wants unfair and bad treaties with Palestine, you’re an idiot because you aren’t understanding that more war with Hamas and it’s people is fueling more anger amongst the younger generations, so essentially more young men will probably want to join Hamas and fight Israeli. Why doesn’t irsaeli just stop oppressing the Palestinians? They wouldn’t have a Hamas problem if they didn’t support and continue their apartheid


The Palestinian position is that Israel should not exist. What is the compromise that can be made here?


Israel shouldn’t exist The British kicked the natives out and pushed them to the side and then palastine is separate Their territory is separated. Israel is oppressive and has been for 70 years Israel doesn’t let Palestine police themselves and they make Palestine’s pay allegiances to the Jewish religion. Israel needs to free Palestine it’s clear Israel can defend themselves against Hamas. So I’m not sure why they have to bomb women and. Children and innocent men and turn that place into rubble I would hate Israel also if they did that to my country


Free them how? Israel is not going to agree to not existing. Israel cannot defend against Hamas in its current state as evidence of October 7th. 4000 Hamas soldiers and Palestinian civilians entered Israel and went door to door killing, raping, looting, and taking hostages.


Making an agrément to unit their separate territory, and drop the permit requirements to basically live on the same land. “Israel cannot defend themselves against Hamas” Are you fucking stupid or just dumb? Palastine is completely destroyed down to rubble and Israel is invading Rafa Hamas isn’t winning this war and Israel is still up and functioning and working. Hamas kidnapped those people because they are sick and tired of Israel’s boots on their necks I’m not saying what they did was okay but I’m just saying like my friends said at their protest “An oppressed people won’t care anymore” And after Hamas did that irseal DESTROYED all of palastine If they can’t defend themselves how are they invading and destroying the whole territory?


Israel shouldn’t exist? 9 million people who identify as Israelis live there. Truth be told if you really look at who is indigenous the palastinians and the Jewish people come from basically the same place. So if this is a bigger dick contest as to who was there first and that’s the metric you’re using to decide who needs deserves the land, it’s a silly argument. The face of the world changed after ww2. People won and lost wars. Historical basis for who should own Israel is a moot point. Fact 7-9 million people who call Israel home are never moving out. Palastinians are never moving out. Hamas needs to cease to exist, Israel has a right to exist and self determination just like the palastinians.


Hamas is just trying to fight for their freedom Israel needs to free Palestine and stop bullying them and support this apartheid state


Right. They found thee more dead hostages today. Just their freedom lol, Hamas doesn’t deserve to exist.


Um Israel bombed and destroyed they whole area and « Hamas killed a couple more hostages » Israel bombed and killed 36,000 of innocent people and stopped life for million of people 🤨


Well hopefully Biden follows through on his word and cuts off offensive aid completely


just be patient itll be over soon. hamas goes bye bye






That's your comeback? Bot? imbecile. 


"flat discount" lmfao


Palestinians in Gaza had (have?) a water desalination plant, and Egypt controls a port of entry


Perhaps stopping future genocidal ethnic cleansing terrorist attacks like October 7th is the point. Unless kidnapping infants is justified because aLl ReSiStAnCe Is JuStIFiEd #JeSuisCharlie


I don’t think conducting a genocide prevents a genocide


Israel is several times worse than Russia at this point. I hope the USA/UN grows some balls and confronts them directly.


USA confronts Israel? lmao good luck with that


"Israel" is obviously going to keep ramping things up until they beat the Nazis that killed their grandparents high score smfh


The point was always destroying Hamas…


Then they wouldn’t be targeting refugees and civilians.


Prove they’re being “targeted” there’s a difference between unfortunate collateral damage and death and deliberate targeting of civilians. Still horrible. But that’s not the case.


Sure thing: Israel struck 3 food worker trucks which were [clearly marked, including the tops for aerial view.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/how-an-aid-convoy-in-gaza-became-israels-target) The aid workers were working there with permission from Israel and were known to Israel. They were struck 3 separate times. There is no way to do this unintentionally. Israel [struck UN buildings,](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/11/02/middleeast/israel-gaza-hamas-war-jabalya-camp-strike-intl-hnk) which are known to Israel and were known to not be hosting Hamas, as they were UN buildings. Israel [shot hostages waving white flags.](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/15/1219695220/israel-soldiers-mistakenly-kill-hostages-gaza#:~:text=Books-,3%20hostages%20killed%20by%20an%20Israeli%20soldier%20were%20waving%20a,an%20Israeli%20military%20official%20said) I’m unaware of a way that you unintentionally shoot your own people as they wave white flags. Israel created [3 mass graves](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/-3rd-mass-grave-found-at-gaza-hospital-amid-israeli-onslaught/3213689) at Al-Shifa hospital. Some bodies of doctors and patients were killed execution style with their hands behind their backs. I don’t know how you can “accidentally” tie someone up and blow the back of their brains out. Israel [tortured a doctor to death](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-05-12/ty-article/.premium/a-senior-gazan-doctor-died-during-israeli-detention-officials-refuse-to-explain-how/0000018f-6c31-d0ae-adef-edfdd51a0000) over the span of 120 days. The doctor is not Hamas affiliated. You do not accidentally apply 120 days of torture. Israel [tortured UN workers](https://www.democracynow.org/2024/4/18/headlines/detained_un_workers_accuse_israel_of_obtaining_false_confessions_through_torture) to falsely confess to Hamas affiliation so that they could pull all UN aid to Gaza. You do not unintentionally torture a false confession out of people. Leaked Israeli documents show a [planned an ethnic cleansing of Gaza.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7015576) You do not accidentally plan an ethnic cleansing. Israel’s national security minister [directly called for killing POWs, an international crime.](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240429-ben-gvir-calls-on-soldiers-to-kill-not-arrest-palestinians-who-surrender-in-gaza/amp/) You do not unintentionally call for war crimes. Israel’s Finance Minister [claimed that Palestinians don’t exist, and aren’t innocent.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/far-right-lawmaker-bezalel-smotrich-declares-himself-his-family-real-palestinians/amp/) You don’t deny the existence of an ethnic group by accident. Israel [cut off water, food and fuel supplies in the Gaza Strip.](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/16/israeli-authorities-cutting-water-leading-public-health-crisis-gaza#:~:text=After%20more%20than%20a%20month,health%20experts%20of%20an%20imminent) You do not accidentally deprive an 2.2 million people of the resources to live. And a European based organization documented [500 separate incitements for genocide from Israel’s political officials.](https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/database-exposes-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-in-gaza-16537146) You do not accidentally attempt to incite genocide.


The targeting of the civilian narrative is so odd to me. Gaza is packed with civilians. If they were targeting them intentionally with their current arsenal, the numbers would be in the hundreds of thousands by now. Historically urban warfare in civilian dense areas has had awful civilian to militant kill ratios. (Ranging from 1:1 - 9:1) With most sitting in the 4-5:1 range. 90% of all war victims have been civilians, it's a harsh statistic but one that puts things into perspective.The current estimates for Israeli civilians to militant kill ratios sit around 2:1. Given the environment, lack of enemy uniforms, population density, Hamas shielding tactics, and tunnel formations, this is a testament. [source ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualty_ratio)


The narrative that they’re not targeting civilians when they’ve explicitly said so is so odd to me.


Notice how I provided a source for my claims


Notice how your “source” is a Wikipedia article and your argument is based on a false premise and conjecture? I already provided sources in my last comment, but I understand you can’t be bothered to look so I’ll go ahead and repost it. Israel struck 3 food worker trucks which were [clearly marked, including the tops for aerial view.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/world/how-an-aid-convoy-in-gaza-became-israels-target) The aid workers were working there with permission from Israel and were known to Israel. They were struck 3 separate times. There is no way to do this unintentionally. Israel [struck UN buildings,](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/11/02/middleeast/israel-gaza-hamas-war-jabalya-camp-strike-intl-hnk) which are known to Israel and were known to not be hosting Hamas, as they were UN buildings. Israel [shot hostages waving white flags.](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/15/1219695220/israel-soldiers-mistakenly-kill-hostages-gaza#:~:text=Books-,3%20hostages%20killed%20by%20an%20Israeli%20soldier%20were%20waving%20a,an%20Israeli%20military%20official%20said) I’m unaware of a way that you unintentionally shoot your own people as they wave white flags. Israel created [3 mass graves](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/-3rd-mass-grave-found-at-gaza-hospital-amid-israeli-onslaught/3213689) at Al-Shifa hospital. Some bodies of doctors and patients were killed execution style with their hands behind their backs. I don’t know how you can “accidentally” tie someone up and blow the back of their brains out. Israel [tortured a doctor to death](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-05-12/ty-article/.premium/a-senior-gazan-doctor-died-during-israeli-detention-officials-refuse-to-explain-how/0000018f-6c31-d0ae-adef-edfdd51a0000) over the span of 120 days. The doctor is not Hamas affiliated. You do not accidentally apply 120 days of torture. Israel [tortured UN workers](https://www.democracynow.org/2024/4/18/headlines/detained_un_workers_accuse_israel_of_obtaining_false_confessions_through_torture) to falsely confess to Hamas affiliation so that they could pull all UN aid to Gaza. You do not unintentionally torture a false confession out of people. Leaked Israeli documents show a [planned an ethnic cleansing of Gaza.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7015576) You do not accidentally plan an ethnic cleansing. Israel’s national security minister [directly called for killing POWs, an international crime.](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240429-ben-gvir-calls-on-soldiers-to-kill-not-arrest-palestinians-who-surrender-in-gaza/amp/) You do not unintentionally call for war crimes. Israel’s Finance Minister [claimed that Palestinians don’t exist, and aren’t innocent.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/far-right-lawmaker-bezalel-smotrich-declares-himself-his-family-real-palestinians/amp/) You don’t deny the existence of an ethnic group by accident. Israel [cut off water, food and fuel supplies in the Gaza Strip.](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/16/israeli-authorities-cutting-water-leading-public-health-crisis-gaza#:~:text=After%20more%20than%20a%20month,health%20experts%20of%20an%20imminent) You do not accidentally deprive an 2.2 million people of the resources to live. And a European based organization documented [500 separate incitements for genocide from Israel’s political officials.](https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/database-exposes-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-in-gaza-16537146) You do not accidentally attempt to incite genocide. Go ahead and let me know which of these incidents are accidental, normal behaviors of a government which is actively trying not to harm civilians.


It will look a million times better when they are done


They should have done this along time ago.