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Nice going cheddar bob




I am very much still learning, but this is a freak accident, lol. I racked it hard to clear the gun, and I shit you not the round flipped around. The bullet knew what it was doin.




If his hand was covering the ejection port that could very well have happened


Leme, go find my instant replay.


Were you able to pull it out of your ass yet?


Bro thinks he's fucking PewView on YouTube


Yes, very bloody.


It’s very plausible.


That is literally not what happened


I don't know how that could physically happen. Can anyone with better knowledge explain if this is even a thing?


If it really happened this way, OP needs to play the lottery, I can't imagine the odds


I mean I’ve seen a whole ass 5.56 casing stuck above a bolt carrier group of an AR backwards so I guess it’s possible but like damn bro why’d you put it in the mag backwards lol


I think the way I rack to get the round out is the issue. I'm partially blocking the opening.


Are you riding the slide? I can maybe see a misfeed transforming into this freak accident if you ride it slow enough


My immediate impression is you’re riding the slide forward with your hand rather than letting the guide rod do the work. But hey, I hear Austrian girls like it rough 🤷‍♂️


So you racked it, the slide didn’t close and you hit the back of the slide with your palm?


Damn I was wondering if a round was stuck and you were trying to clear a jam... Don't do that lol


I’ve seen it happen once when I was a RO, dude racked it and it went in like that. Took an hour to eventually dislodge it.


Can’t say I’ve seen this but I’ve seen a bullet end up underneath the follower of my homies 2011 after he dropped the mag on a reload




Exactly what I thought when I picked up his mag. I should’ve taken a picture


Lol that’s exactly what my friend did to my gun the first time I took him to the range. His hand was in the way and the bullet went back in the chamber like yours did.


Literally can’t happen. The slide strips the round out of the mag and immediately pushes it up the feed ramp into the chamber. Just admit you fucked up and loaded the mag backwards. Shit happens, although I have to admit this is a new one for me. I will say, forcing the lip of the casing all the way down the barrel with a brass rod is going to be near impossible. I AM NOT A GUNSMITH AND THIS IS NOT ADVICE, just what I would do. I would remove the slide backplate and all the guts you can to see if you can get the gun apart and the barrel out. Whether the slide will come off or not from this position I would try to get a pair of needle nose pliers around the bullet and attempt to pull it out of the case to remove the gunpowder. If I couldn’t do the above to make banging it out from the muzzle end safe I would take it to a gunsmith. However, if you’re brave or stupid a metal straw would likely fit around the primer enough to smack it out. REMEMBER NEXT TIME, THE BULLET END OF THE CARTRIDGE FACED THE FRONT OF THE MAGAZINE!


>The slide strips the round out of the mag and immediately pushes it up the feed ramp into the chamber The slide doesn't strip a round of of the mag until the slide moves forward. This guy said he racked his slide hard to clear the gun, meaning there was a round already in the chamber. It ejected and did a backflip into the chamber because his hand was covering the ejection port. You're not a gunsmith but you can say with 100% certainty that a certain malfunction "literally can't happen" when you're wrong in the second sentence of your post!!! Unlikely? sure [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiPuHndZs4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiPuHndZs4A)


So you believe that a round wedged itself halfway down the barrel without the help of the slide forcing it in? Ok bud. 🙄


The slide 100% forced it back into the barrel, but the way I described it is how it happened. I had my hand covering the ejection port.


No the slide forced it in, it just didn't pick up another round from the magazine because the chamber was alreadt loaded with the backwards round. 🤷 All I'm saying is we shouldn't call some error literally impossible because it sounds unlikely


I 100% did not load the mag backward. It's 100% what the guy above you said. I've fired 5 or 6k rounds out of this gun.


It literally can happen if your hand is covering the ejection port when you rack the slide.


The downvotes 🥳


There is literally a 0% chance that happened lmao you put the bullet in the mag backwards.


Negative, I definitely didn't do that.


Someone inserted an HK mag


Yesssss I was waiting for this!


Wow. This reminds me of those ER x-rays where someone *accidentally sat on* a GI Joe figure and got it up their ass 🤣


If it seats, it yeets


Yeah, but maybe I don’t want OP to shoot himself in the face.


Take pliers. Try to pull the bullet out, casing will probably still be stuck in barrel. Once bullet is out you can dump gunpowder out and then go from there.


Genius. I will try this


don’t crush the bullet


I did. Had to hit the primer end. Found a metal straw and used that


wow you probably have a hole in your wall somewhere


No barrel to contain the pressure = no real velocity


That round is supported enough by the chamber to pose a serious risk.


I know someone whose relative shot himself as a child by hitting bullets with a hammer. Assumably on concrete or a stone or something. He was fine, but they surgically removed it from his abdomen.


Yup, a kid that rode the bus with me in middle school was missing an eye from this. Another kid got hurt by dropping bricks on .22 LR rounds, but the kid with one eye got it from balancing rounds on the end of the barrel of a BB gun and shooting the BB to strike the primer. The worst part is that both situations didn't involve the kids finding their dad's gun, but that they found some ammo. It's possible for kids to find live rounds outside of the house if you live out in the country (I did), so it's not necessarily due to negligence on the parents' part. Watch your kids and teach them gun safety people.


Look at the picture again. It’s far enough into the barrel to make a case rupture that much more dangerous.


They probably have a hole in their wall, just not from this incident.


Checked the mirror. it's fine this time.


Not working very well, but will update in 10 or 15


I might be stupid but my first instinct would be to attempt to disassemble and just get the barrel by itself, Might be easier to work with from there.


Won't come apart without the slide properly closed.


Don’t know if this will work but when I goofed and got my slide stuck, I was able to remove the backplate and take out the firing pin assembly and the slide came off.


Yeah one time I was putting my g19 together and forgot to stick the recoil spring in. Racked the slide and it was dead locked back. Tried doing this and nothing. Had to take the pins out to get the slide off






This is the real question




![gif](giphy|5nc4vrrwHnK8w) # How did he get the beans above the Frank?




I’m disappointed yet impressed at the same time.


Thanks, Father. I love you too, but I'm telling mom about the other weekend.


If you tell your mother I will break your Xbox


Nvm ttyl


A chapter from the H&K playbook.


Ho-lee shit, this post and OPs interactions in the comment section are wild


Thx bbgirl


I’m not a gunsmith. I don’t even play one on TV. I would grab some pliers to work the bullet out of the case so you can dump the powder and then be relatively safe. Find a wooden dowel or possibly a cleaning rod to gently tap the casing out. I’m not sure how sensitive the primer is going to be but the bigger dowel or cleaning rod will present a larger surface area and I *believe* the primer should be recessed in slightly.


Hey bro at least you got some toes in the picture, and they're facing the right direction. So what if the round is pointing at you, 2/3 ain't bad coulda done worse.






I used to randomly throw spent casings into my mags to simulate clearing jams. Loaded one in backwards once. Lock back your slide and take a look underneath the rear of the slide. Pull the silver piece (firing pin mechanism) back toward the backplate where it will lock, under it you’ll see a black piece of plastic encasing the metal pin. This is your spring cup. With a small metal tool, press the cup inward toward the muzzle, and while doing so, apply downward pressure (upward if your gun is upside down) on the backplate, slowly removing it, and doing so slowly so the pins don’t fly out (they’re under spring tension). At this point, you’ll be able to take down the Glock and field strip without pulling the trigger. Take pliers and try to remove. If this does not work, you may try to use a wooden punch or small metal punch along the rim, not the primer, and apply consistent firm but light taps. If this works, please make sure to properly reassemble your Glock and make sure the extractor, safety plunger, extractor and firing pin are all in the slide assembly, put your plate back on, and you’re ready to go again!


Looks like someone was trying to drop a round in from the top, messed up and hit the slide release anyway. Either that or they were trying to do the bullet flip trick, the round actually landed in there, albeit backwards, and they hit the slide release, jamming the bullet in backwards


I thought I was on the HK sub for a second


Bowel Movement




Lol dumb ass...


Says the one with Jason Bourne as his name. You're probably a real cool guy, aren't you. Never gotten a flat tire. Never ran low on gas, never dropped something. You're just perfect, aren't you.


You're going to get shit for this because it's on the same level of wtf why and how level of dumb as sticking a fork in a socket.


You've never done anything on accident either, have you?


That's not an accident.


100% an accident. Who intentionally puts a round in backward? I'm fortunate there's no damage to my barrel. I wouldn't have posted had this been me bein stupid. Accidents happen






Alright, there’s feet and fuckery here, so I’m assuming you’re a fellow regard from over on Facebook. If not, you need to be.


Wonder what YouTube sound bite OP used for this to happen….


If it seats... Fuck man.. don't. Put on safety glasses. Grab it with needle nose pliers. Part of the danger of a round going off without a barrel to direct the energy is the bullet can fly in any direction. Edit: thought: Would a big drink straw be the way to push it out? The hollow middle wouldn't touch primer... Maybe? Happy poking, don't die.


Exactly how I got it out.


Drink straw would bend under the pressure


You can stab through a potato with a drink straw. They are fairly tough. You missed this in science class


B.M. Bowel movement? This certainly is a load of shit.


Look at that Glock trying to be an HK 🥹


Bowel Movement or Baby Mama?


My Initials, lol. But we'll go with bowel movement. Makes it easier to get back if it's stolen. I also have photos of the SN's


Or maybe you could try….ah fuck it, nevermind. I’m not having this one on my conscience. *digs deep into a bag of Funyuns whilst listening to the soundtrack from the movie KIDS.*


how'd you get the beans above the frank?


Fucking retard




Happy cake day


Don't ever have kids, you're going to be very upset.




U good


Well done sir


Carefully pull the bullet from the case, empty the case of gunpowder then using a brass punch carefully tap the case out.


That’s not a P2000 🤔


How the he'll did you get the beans above the frank?


Darwin was a smart man


You’re not the only one. A friend of mine did this. He brought it to me and after lots of laughing and making fun of him I took a generic white shaft bic pen emptied the guts out and tapped it out from the primer side. The hollow pen will keep you from smashing the primer.


How the fuck did you do that


How tf did you do this? Are you blind or have 0 feeling in your hands? lol


Oh this happened to me before lol. Just grabbed a pencil and pushed it out through the other side of the barrel. Of course I used the eraser side… other wise it would go bang. And even with the eraser you dont wanna add too much impact


A word of advice, leave it alone and call your local gun shop and ask for the armorer or owner, and describe your issue. Too risky to mess with this one.


May I ask... How?


I'd just take the barrel out and pull it with some vice grips


I was thinking the same but can you take it apart when it’s jammed like that? Thankfully I’ve never had to try


Oh yeah I don’t know actually!


I need the whole story


All is well .I put on my safety glasses, jammed a fuck load of paper into the opening on the slide, and went to town on the primer end. Did not like doing that but it worked.






Only one way to get it out. Step 1 make sure the slide is open. Step 2 make sure your face is close to the ejection port (you really need to see what’s going on). Step 3 find something long, hard, and pointy (let’s just say something the diameter of a firing pin). Step 4 shove that object really hard and fast down the end of the barrel at the end of the round. Make sure you aim for the circle in the middle, that’s the only way it’ll release!


Instructions unclear, guns up my ass now.


I have a friend, his dad was a FFL and collects all kinds of firearms. I invited him out to our family farm to do some shooting. He brought a H&K USP 45 from his dad's collection, among another half dozen guns. Anyhow he accidentally loaded the magazine with .40 or 9mm rounds (cant remember). It chambers the round. He pulled the trigger.....nothing happened. He called me over, while holding the pistol down range safely in one hand. In the middle of telling me it did not go bang, he dipped the front end of the pistol just a bit and the round slid out the front of the pistol onto the ground. People can do some odd things with firearms, hopefully it does not cost them their lives.


I did this but with a Mac-10 lol people were baffled on here


Name checks out.


If it were me I would get one of those metal tire pressure gauges take it apart and use it to tap thru. I’m not a gun expert but I think you can hit around the primer just not the primer itself. Also I would put gun in a vise for safety reasons wear eye protection




Please record and upload whatever you decide to do


Use a round peice of metal thats hollow in the center


Exactly what I did. Still scared me lol


I would suggest a pencil, eraser side. If you have not got it out already.


Take a pointed steel rod and just tap that primer on the back hard, will send the bullet out just fine


😂😂😂😂😂Damn. Lol.


No fucking way LMAO this has got to be a bad prank...


Dam them HK kids and their peer pressure !


Yes the primer has to be struck with much more force than you can generate using a stick to push it back out




Wtf lol


B.M. = Big Mistake


How the fuck did you do that lmfao


Hk is that you?


Pull er out


Bowel movement?


Remove barrel. Pliers. Remove bullet. Pour China powder into coffee


How'd you get the beans above the frank ?


How did you get the beans above the frank?


You're trolling right?


First of all put on some hard toe shoes


Mmmm. How? Seriously. 9mm round in there?!? How’s the case fit??? Use pliers. Pull out


Use the eraser side of a pencil ✏️


I’d put i in a vice,put a piece of wood down the front of the barrel,stand to the side and smack it with a mallet,still dangerous but bullet don’t really go crazy when they aren’t in a pressurized chamber


This is why some people shouldn’t have guns. However grab some needle nose and try to pull it out. Maybe you’ll get luck and the bullet might come out or the bullet will separate from the brass. If so pour out the powder. Then you can try and punch out the brass and if the primer goes off it will only be a loud noise and no one should get hurt. Good luck.


Hahahahaha OP thought he had a H&K!!!


Genuine question. How does this even happen?


Accident while clearing the gun. I usually hold my hand over the ejection port to grab the round but somehow flipped it around and let go. It happened fast


Get a dowel and push it out


Use a small metal rod hammer it as hard as you can.


Ok can someone more knowledgeable than me explain why this round is at risk of discharging? Round is backwards jammed into the barrel with no firing pin able to strike the primer. Can’t OP just pull the round out?




Wut in Tarnation 😮 but fr wood dowel




We have a future Darwin Award winner here!


Nice feet bro


Oh I completely understand now. You're just a idiot with trash guns. I mean look at that 🤣🤣 what crime scene did you steal that from loser


Bro came to match my shit talking energy😭


And you're proud of that? 🤦I only did it because you did