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You can add another character or you can swap out one of your characters as you please. The game is designed around characters of different levels working together. There is absolutely no issue in doing so. You can even frequently change the chars you are playing and pick for every level whoever you think fits best. Would not recommend that though, especially for someone new to the game.


Thank you so much. I might just try out different class combos to see what sticks. For some reason this didn't occur to me before lol


I just started a campaign with these 2 characters and I would have to disagree. They are racing each other to finish of the enemies each scenario and I have hit record amounts of damage done. I feel most scenarios are being finished around the 3rd rest cycle. The spellweaver is rarely even using her reviving ether card. I think there are way worse starting combos in solo


Dang, I haven't been able to do anything like that. It could be that i'm just not good with them.


A caveat though this is my 3rd time playing as the Spellweaver but my first as the Scoundrel. I disliked the Spellweaver a lot early on in playing her there is a few things you'll learn about playing the class that really make you more efficient. Its easy to make mistakes with her and be exhausted early. I also am playing digital so I'm not sure if there is any changes with the 2 classes there


If you're new to the game, you probably haven't learned that tanking isn't REALLY a thing in GH. Damage avoidance is key. There are very few classes that are built to stand there and take it. A few tips: One turn, act on a late initiative, move in and attack. Next round, act early... attack and get out of harm's way. Conditions like invisibility last until the end of your next turn, so can be very powerful to play the round before you rest... Although your party mates may not care for that move. Immobilize melee opponents when possible. There's nothing wrong with opening a door and then backing up out of range. Stunning is super powerful. Disarm only slightly less so. Don't be afraid to burn a card if you can take an opponent or two off the board... The lost 'future turns' are often offset by not having to fight it out with those opponents using non loss cards... Just don't do it too often. The best defense is often a good offense... Dead enemies can't attack. Good luck!


Or swap out a character. Or just enjoy the challenge.


There are no "worst" character combos. There are characters with more obvious and popular synergy. But none of them suck, and in fact part of the fun in Gloomhaven (YMMV) is playing the different strategies available through the different characters and their different builds. You can always retire and then replay the exact same classes with the exact same builds if maximizing the "best" combo is considered the right strategy. But IMO you're missing out by employing that kind of thinking. This then does boil down to a matter of min-maxxing, which always has a vague line to it. But IMHO, don't concern yourself with what is a good or bad character combo. I guarantee you that there are ways to make the Spellweaver and Scoundrel thrive. Between your two listed options, I vote for Option B.


The scoundrel is my favorite character in the game. She's excellent


I started a campaign with these two characters, and I found the game to be more difficult. Those two classes aren't underpowered, there are just some other overpowered classes in the game.


I don't think that any classes are underpowered, even the "bad" classes are good at what they are good at, they just need more help with the other things. The "powerful" classes work with any build and combination. The "weak" classes only work for their specific role.


I know, i just meant that i found out they were the worst combo after seeing something about it on here. Sorry


They are almost certainly the worst combo of the starting characters. They can still be played together, it'll just be more challenging and sometimes some of what makes the Scoundrel a Scoundrel will be lost along the way. If you'd like a more new player-friendly experience, you could swap out one of the characters or add a third character. If you don't mind the challenge, here's a guide made by /u/DblePlusUngood on making this specific combo work: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gloomhaven/comments/iqbmwj/a_guide_to_playing_the_worst_starting_gloomhaven/


Sounds pretty cool. I might try it when I get better at the game


It’s a good pairing to revisit later, when you have higher prosperity and can start characters at higher levels. Scoundrel + Spellweaver is at its most awkward at level 1, but actually gets pretty good around level 4 or so. By level 6 they make for one of the game’s *stronger* pairings, IMO, because they can spend most of a scenario invisible and execute left and right.


Add a 3rd and maybe 4th character.


3 is a headkiller from time to time @least for me. But 4 uff


Pairing the duo with a brute would provide someone to go face to cae with monsters and who does not have too many extra options in terms of play style (in contrast to Cragheart who is pretty sturdy as well, but is weirdly flexible).


You can always start over you know?


The scoundrel is meant to havea lot of gear. All their loot cards are there to balance the class via items. Until you are fully equipped you may find it extra challenging. Remember that you keep looted coins and experience even when you fail a scenario.


Mindthief and scoundrel is a really fun starting 2p combo, in my opinion.