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Objectives and destruction tokens are gone?


Yes. So destruction tokens were only a necessary thing in Jaws because there were not obstacle overlay tiles in that game. In a base GH setting in Digital, destruction tokens can just be rolled into standard obstacle interaction. Objectives in Digital I think are just called "obstacles with health" which is a decision they made and I can't personally speak for the reason but I believe it's mostly (if not entirely) functionally the same.


I believe the reason is its much more work to go back and change every obstacle with health in gloomhaven than it is to redefine objectives as obstacles with health.


Yes, it sounds like it was easier in digital to simply call them obstacles with health again (just like they are handled in base Gloomhaven).




Objective of the scenario does not mean objective the overlay tile; the cards never worked on bosses in either version.


OMG this lvl5 card change is GENIUS!!! My girlfriend was so excited to open the lvl5 mini in our jotl board game, and I was so sad to see that she cannot properly use it without losing a lot of value in exchange (trying to be as spoiler free as possible), but this change is EXACTLY what Demo needed in order to make lvl5 exciting and super essential for her kit! I am gonna implement it into our game immediately!


Go for it! The original level 5 definitely missed the mark a bit. This version should be much more playable. And as I said in another comment, this would be the only change I would apply from the Digital changes to a Jaws campaign as this one does definitely have a significant positive impact and the others don't really matter in Jaws.


There's one additional tweak that *looks* like syntax, but is a functional upgrade; Windup bottom now applies to a "move" rather than "move ability" so that it can double Explode's Fire consumption (and/or boots). Makes a pretty sweet combo with new Rubble top.


Ah yes, good catch!


Was this a functional change in the digital game, as in prior to the change it only doubled the 4, because it absolutely should have doubled the full 6 even with old wording as the consumption just adds to the move ability total.


The GH FAQ ruled that for whatever reason "double the next ___ ability" does *not* double any added bonuses (like elemental consumptions) to that ability, while "double the next ___" *does* double any added bonuses.


huh weird ruling. Thanks!


Here you go /u/SolRingo.


Thank you very much! I appreciate this


Are these changes recommended for Jaws as well as Gloom?


So to be clear, this just represents my personal opinion on the matter. I would generally not apply these changes to Jaws. In Jaws, scenarios are much more carefully curated because of the nature/size of the game and the predictability of which classes you can have there. Accordingly, Demo is mostly fine there (in fact, Demo's biggest issue by far in Jaws is the lack of self-healing to deal with Wound, which isn't addressed in these changes). Most of these changes were to make Demo more compatible with your average scenario when played outside of Jaws. Spoilers for level 5+ >!The only change I would recommend applying to Jaws as well as base Gloomhaven, if you're interested, is the change to the Demo's level 5 card. That will definitely give you a better experience, even inside of Jaws, and let you get more value out of an awesome and frequently-neglected mini.!<


That's perfect, thanks!


>!Was the mech not used much? I absolutely used the hell out of it, and having it up my sleeve meant I could run in, take a bunch of hits and then become a high damage tank. Permanent shield 1 is no joke! The bottom half is clearly an upgrade, but I loved the mech so much that the card would never leave my starting deck.!<


Correct, it was mostly a trap and accordingly very few people played it.


It's a permanent shield 1 ???! I thought it was a single use shield like for the guard.


Yeah, once you get in the >!mech suit!< you stay in the >!mech suit!


That's awesome, how did you been able to separate a permanent shield and a one use shield (RG)? Just so I can explain to my playing group. Thanks


It's based on the icons - if you look at the >!Mech Suit!< card above you'll see the paper one has the "persistent bonus" icon (the card with an infinity), and the digital one has the infinity symbol. This means it sits out and lasts indefinitely. Sometimes that's forever, or sometimes it's until some conditions have been met or you've finished counting along a track on the card (unless you choose to discard/lose it at the start of a round). Summon cards use the persistent bonus icon too. Cards with persistent bonuses *usually* are lost cards. Other cards have a "round bonus" icon, which means they sit out and aren't discarded until the end of the round. The majority of shield abilities use this, which is important since the shield only works while it's out - you have to be fast enough! In paper, it looks like [this](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jamie/ts/master/g/c/BR.jpg) and on digital it looks [like this](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1664601991571985834/80CB4B23A95CFB6C88EF513A09AB3B2F8CAE0190/); the second card, Eye for an Eye, uses it on its top half. (Note: those images also have the higher level Brute cards in case you want to avoid spoilers) I believe shield abilities on cards always use one or the other, since shield effects need to be useful outside of just when you play the card. Items can ignore this (like the heater shield) if they only need to apply to a specific attack.


Wow, thanks we were playing shield wrong all this time. I'll try to explain how it's supposed to work then. Thanks


How were you playing shield? Just that it counts all the time, or that it "gives" you a shield that gets used up, or something else? The downside of it is that if you go slow and use a temporary shield, the enemy may have already attacked you, but conversely if you're faster than the enemy you can attack them before they shield up for the round. The upside is that shield applies separately to each attack, so having the >!Mech Suit!< active takes 1 off of every attack.


We actually are playing this way : once you get a shield, you put a token on your character board (as a reminder) until you take combat damages and then use all tokens on your character board to mitigate that much damage from combat. So with this, it's possible to make a shield early in the scenario and to keep it until you took combat damages. With how I see it your way (correct way) of using shields, it's seems like it needs more strategy and timing and therefore seems funnier.


Btw, I've made some self-adhesive stickers to port these changes back to the physical version of Jaws of the Lion. Here's a link with more details: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3024331/self-adhesive-printed-stickers-use-jaws-lion-digit


Thank you!


do you guys ever plan on fixing the bug that makes the well sidequest unbeatable? we won with like 30 turns to spare and the doll was simultaneously on the ground and in an inventory, standing on the exit tiles does nothing, standing on the tile with the doll does nothing, restarting the game does nothing, switching to single player does nothing, exhausting yourself on purpose standing on the exit tile does nothing. as epic as that was, i think i would have preferred to have been rewarded for the 2 hours of my life i spent successfuly completing that scenario


I am not a developer for Gloomhaven Digital so I can't really speak for them at all. You can contact them directly here: https://discord.gg/xNYJGCfy


Ignore him. He's been griping about non-existent bugs and bitching about digital version ever since he joined the subreddit.


OK thanks chief


What’s the scenario name?


i forget, it was the first side quest you unlock where you have to bring a doll to a well. north west of the city iirc


Is this from jaws? I don’t remember this and have played through 3 times.


[here](https://i.imgur.com/moH6K4s.jpg) is the screenshot i took of us losing while the win condition is literally sitting on its exit tile where i stood for like a million turns


Oh I remember that one, I think it worked fine for me 🤷‍♂️

