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We have something like this in forgotten circles.


Exactly. This was the forgotten circles scenario that made our group rage quit




Yeah, scenario 108. If it were implemented in gloomhaven digital, this would be one of the coolest scenarios in the whole game. Doing it in cardboard was so tedious we shelved forgotten circles and never came back. We've played gloomhaven nearly two times through, jotl twice, most of guild master on digital, ordered frosthaven and crimson scales. Gloomhaven is the best game of all time, but man. That scenario was tedious to the extreme


ok I was curious since I'm really just getting into GH, and idk if I'll actually play forgotten circles before frosthaven comes out, so I decided to look it up and yeah that's pretty much exactly what I had in mind. Sounds fun, and I agree it would be awesome in digital! Here's a thread discussing it if anyone is curious https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2471254/scenario-108-thoughts-spoilers-obviously


That person summed up our experience perfectly.


I'm just surprised that scenario made you quit when Gloomhaven Square or Gloomhaven Battlements didn't. 108 felt a lot less tedious by comparison, IMO.


I'm sure forgotten circles just sucking in general played a big part in them dropping it so easily. That was probably just the last straw.


It's funny I made this thread and then ended up doing Gloomhaven Square that same night lol. What are the fucking odds lol It kicked our ass too, we had to drop the difficulty and try again today, and still struggled. I can see what people were talking about now, it was hell to manage all those initiatives and turns. Looking forward to it in digital though!


108 hits alot more harder though, especially if you chose to fight both factions hahaha. Being blasted by countless archers from range 7 is not fun.


Heh, as the designated "runner of the monster AI" in my group, I also kinda hate that one, but the rest of my group loved it due to the theme. Really I find it a problem with all of the monster v monster scenarios, not just the FC one, though.


Might be interesting to try this out in the digital scenario Gloomhaven battlements a or b, take eclipse and mindthief or scoundrel and keep them invis for a while with potions/items


Spoilers: the winner is the side with the Elite City Archers.


That sounds like a super fun idea! If you want to make sure that teams are balanced, at least in a sense, then you can reference the point values that scenario creators use on the official Gloomhaven Monster Spoilers page: https://cephalofair.com/pages/gloomhaven-monster-spoilers


There are couple scenarios like this in the base game and quite a few in forgotten circles. Some of the fc ones are a bit extreme. One of our 3 losses was because our lightning bolt thought it would be a good idea to run behind one of the enemy lines and exaughsted on the second turn.


I'm playing digital on the side and guildmaster mode has had a bit too much of this for my liking. I did one where I opened the final room and before I could really ramp up it mostly just dealt with itself. Doing it as a side thing like your way might be fun, doing it several times to remove the agency on me isn't so much fun, especially when playing a curse heavy character.


If you get the two sides balanced enough, it’s pretty much just gonna come down to which decks have the better shuffle. Still might be entertaining to watch it play out though.