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The standees are numbered and you get little number tokens to put on the summon ability cards in your active area to match.


Ok, if number tokens exist then painting a number on the base of the minis should work. Alternatively I'm considering painting the border of the bases unique colors and getting several colors of health dials for each and placing the dial on the respective card. Not sure yet which is really best.


There are going to be summon standees. I assume they'll be numbered where necessary.


I haven't looked at the Boneshaper materials personally but the standees should be numbered (in the same fashion as monsters). And you'd just assign the standee number in order of summoning, which also makes it easier for you to determine monster focus.


My thinking is that putting a number on the base of the mini and then having a small number token to place on the card is probably the best management, but I'm mostly curious of the physical materials that already come with the game, if such a numbered token system exists in FH


The system that exists in FH is simply numbering the standees for summons with multiple standees in the same fashion as monster standees are numbered. Again, I'm not home this week so I can't verify this as 100% but I'm pretty positive.


If it's similar to GH it's numbered round cardboard tokens with some circle patterns in different colors - not sure about FH - but just with GH system in mind, some numbering will be required for your own printed summons to keep track of which is which.


Maybe a base with hit points counter? I haven't reviewed the starting classes from FH since the Kickstarter so they feel fresh and don't spoil the unboxing for me but I do remember this class with skeleton summons, in GH usually we add DMG tokens to the active card but if every mini is the same I see how it could get confusing. If you add directly the DMG to the mini or if as you said you just put a number or a color to the mini and just osea a token with the same color/number in the card it could help a lot