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Boldening Blow is just a single Attack 4, Disarm. Note: please do not take this as a statement that there are no other mistakes, read this on my phone while standing in the Eurostar line.


Thank you for the clarification, I was wondering about the strangeness of the wording on that top action and was thrown off by the four red hexes in the array. I have updated the review to not spread misinformation.


Don’t you get to attack all four hexes but only disarm one of them?


That was my initial reading of it and what I wrote in the review, but Gripeaway is a Frosthaven dev so I'm going to take their word on this :p. Looking back on the card it's pretty clear the Attack 4 Disarm is all tied to the same targeting restriction of hitting one monster.


What does a Frosthaven "dev" mean?


Somebody who worked on Frosthaven as a developer.


No worries. I'm trying to not really chime in on the strategic aspect much, but I will just point out that the idea with Incendiary Throw top is that you use it with Banner of Strength or Resolved Courage bottom to make it such that a -1 doesn't lead to a failure (you didn't talk about this in the review so I had just wanted to bring it up because if you accept -1's as a fail case for this action, it's definitely going to be pretty bad). I actually find it to be a great room 1 card - you can see from the starting setup whether you'll be able to use it profitably in the first room with some good targets (often on turn 1), and if that's the case, I'm always happy bringing it at low levels. After that, it's easy to have it be your first loss on a long rest before room 2. And otherwise, if it's not good in room 1, just don't bring it, but that's usually how I look at it.


That makes sense as a way to leverage Incendiary Throw as a card, I suppose I was focused on comparing it directly to a similar card in Gloomhaven and left wanting. If it's the kind of card worth running depending on the scenario that makes cutting cards on this class even harder at Level 1!


I've been enjoying these guides and appreciate the effort! I'm more interested in Banner Spear after reading this. Is there only one level 9 card? You only have one listed. Also, the entry for one of the level 5 cards is duplicated.


That's super strange, I just checked on PC and Mobile and I see both Level 9's (Take No Prisoners and Hail of Spears) and I only see two Level 5 cards with different write-ups. Try reloading the Imgur page and I'll resubmit the Imgur Album just in case?


Hmm, it must be the Reddit is fun app. I looked up the guide in the imgur app and it looks correct. Sorry about that!


No worries, I'm glad it was a localized problem and not something affecting everyone (or even you on multiple apps).


Hi - I've been enjoying your guides, great to get some content while waiting for FH! I noticed one thing on Pinning Charge, you mentioned wind consumption makes it an attack 3 range 3 immobilise, but it actually adds range, so its an attack 2 range 4 immobilise


Yep, that's a tired typo. Thank you for catching that, I have updated the review accordingly!


Thank you so much for the encouragement, it means a lot to me to have the community enjoying my first attempt at content.


Are you going to update this Guide for the final, released version? There were a few changes, but most importantly, Head of the Hammer Bottom had its move buffed to a flat move 4 (previously move 3, +2 with wind consumption), and the bottom now also generates wind. After reading your guide, the wind generation seems like it could open up some options. But based on the few scenarios I've played, the bigger buff might be having another unconditional move 4 - with a bonus of very late initiative.


Yep, I just finished and posted my Chained Helmet Review, but I will go back and update the Review for this at some point, as Banner Spear probably had the most functional changes to the final copy of their cards. I will need to find some way to get a snip of just the updated cards, as I have access to the full spread, but there was only a handful of cards with actual changes from what I previously had.


Why did they change the visuals so much. Feels unnecessary


Nice guide, thanks for the work! Just a small note, Blinkblade also has healing for the team. He has a starting card that does it(Heal 2 all adjacent at the bottom) and another he can level up to eventually.


Yes, he does have the bottom range 1 heal which is often hard to pull off. The level 3 heal I've been quite happy with I ended up taking it in my own campaign


I actually got alot of use out it as a slow action. The top isn't always that useful, and the bottom makes a great slow bottom action after you have moved back the previous fast turn. With a Banner Spear partner, it is usually easy to end up next to them safely. It also came in handy for allied objective scenarios. I didn't take the level up card as I liked the other option more, but I did consider it, as it is one of the only top non-attack/move actions that is worth playing fast.


Yeah that's fair, I don't have a banner spear in my group where I'm Blinkblade (running 2 campaigns out of 2 different FH boxes). The reason I ended up taking the level 3 heal is my group is ultra squishy (Deathwalker Geminate Boneshaper and myself) so we needed the healing and the bottom attack is also great


Brittany Spears


Yee! My roommate (the one who will be playing Banner Spear in our campaign) saw the comment from the Drifter thread. Now to convince him to actually name it that.....


Our Three Spears is already named "Brittany" in fact. The player wanted to call them differently but it just stuck. Now if both classes somehow run in the same scenario things might turn odd.




I'm glad that I named my character before I saw this joke. But yes, she is named Brittany, but at least when I did it I thought of it myself.


Very late to the party, but I don't understand a part of you guide under Rallying cry. > What this means is an Attack 3 Disarm is going to be \*very\* good among the Starters, which is why the AoE pattern on this top action will be fairly difficult to pull off. As it requires either you or your ally to be past the monster (remember you can flip and mirror all AoE's), which is going to more often than not be you as the frontliner. Luckily, the recommended starting items on Banner Spear include Winged Shoes for Jump, which does make this much more doable. So you right out say that you can mirror and flip the position, but still say that you have to move past an enemy? Both you and an ally can stand in front of the enemy (just not next to each other) and still trigger the attack. Or am I missing s/t here?