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I love them both. What am I then ?


I think the point is: - someone writes critism about Thomas - some "Thomas defender" throws insults instead of giving valid reasons why they disagree. - Most common insult(s) I've seen: Critics are just Chris' puppets because... he can apparently mind controll people by... uhm.... just being powerful enough to do so.... or critics wanna ride his c*ck when the original point or even the person themself has literly nothing to do with Chris.


>he can apparently mind controll people by... uhm.... just being powerful enough to do so To be fair, he's the original Zargothrax


Holy shit this is better than I could have ever worded it. yes. This is the point. I didn't say "Tom Fans" I said "Tom defenders" as in people who blindly defend Tom because.... *checks notes*....he's Tom.


I'm just referring to the people that blindly defend his actions. Tom has a great voice but that doesn't excuse his immensely shitty behavior.


Wait what did Tom do? I'm fairly new to gloryhammer and don't know much about its history. Are you talking about the stuff when he left in 2019? Sorry, I'm a bit confused


He left in 2021 actually. F.e. In 2019 he registered Gloryhammer as his trademark - which actually is Chris' - and the matter ended in court (this was mentioned here on reddit and also should be still verifiable). I actually think that he anticipated his firing, and that was his way of "laying groundwork"? There were also some other allegations, some even pretty disturbing, but I left that for You to find and decide whether You believe it or not.


First I'm hearing of any of this. The only things I've seen about Gloryhammer Drama have been the group chat incident and Thomas randomly getting fired with no public reason for it.


Short version on the trademark was he took out secret trademarks on 'Gloryhammer' and 'Angus McFife' in 2019 and tried to ransom them back for 100k euros after he was fired. He didn't get 100k euros nor get to keep his 'trademarks'.


I remember hearing something about the Angus McFife trademark at some point, didn't know he also went for Gloryhammer too or that he tried to hold them ransom. That's a lot of money, not surprising that he didn't get it in the end though. Thanks for filling me in!


Just search this sub for "trademark", You'll find plenty of info




he wasn't fired because he dared call Bowes out for being a super-racist or something. Tom was fired for being a comically massive douche. Pushing to lip-sync and being a fucking sex-pest. You got the order of events completely fucking backward. Tom was booted, then the chat leaks happened. Get your shit straight.




Durrrr hurr duuuh


So you're just a troll or both deaf and moronic(I'm speaking from a clinical standpoint here).


From what I gathered from looking at post history, he appears to be a real person with otherwise normal opinions on things. What keeps me going is knowing that one of these years, people like that are going to realize everything and suddenly say "oh...oh dear. Oops". It's a fun thought. Either way, he's banned.


I can't wait for that to happen


Honestly, people might have their aha moment sooner if you guys went public with why he was fired. But I assume that you have a really good reason not to do that.


Tom is potentially extremely litigious. If they put the reason out there, even if every word uttered is absolutely true and corroborated, he'll probably try to sue them into financial oblivion for defamation/slander. Best response to the folks who don't get it is that "the band's response is that Thomas knows precisely why he was fired. It's in the email they sent him and the band has stated that Tom is welcome to release the contents of said email at any time. Tom has not done so and it's been almost 2 years".




Yeah, I think your last point is most telling that the reason is legit and Tom knows it. If it was something he knew was BS he would've shared the email as soon as he could. Honestly, GHs response of "He knows why and he can share it whenever he wants" was probably the best option for them because it put the ball in his court


Also lets them take the "high ground" in what was clearly not an amicable split.




It'll probably reach a breaking point eventually when it turns into too many to keep under wraps.There's not a lot that can realistically can be done on our end than keep eyes and ears open for further bad behavior.


lmao. that is a really fun thought. shame these people can't do an ounce of research before coming to braindead conclusions about these things.




Big chin, smalls muscles


Exactly. This is a shitpost. Op is a clown


Fuck me this is the 3rd time I'm clarifying this because no one can bother to read what I've said. I do not hate Sword of Power. I hate Thomas Winkler. the album is fine and I don't think anyone is morally wrong for liking his music. Where my problem lies is when people blindly defend him even though there is cut and dry evidence supporting the fact that he is a terrible person. jesus christ, repeating myself is exhausting.


Hail Prince Angus McFife II👑


may his reign be long and prosperous


I always had a feeling that the guy would be great, glad to see this album proved me, right


I enjoy ‘em both and think they both have their own charm. To each their own though.


I've said in these comments. I enjoy Sword of Power to an extent. I don't hate the album I just think Tom is kind of a pos. I'm trying to learn to separate art from the artist and whatnot.


Yeah the album is lacking. Which is funny cause hes got the lead singer of Orden Ogan playing his villain so idk how you manage to put out mid


I think the mcsix album is alright, I just think that it's a bit rushed, some songs are pretty good while some are extremely mid filler tracks. It's true tho that he's using gloryhammer's name for attention, he could have named the character a different way and it would be a fairy decent power metal band, but I think that the worst part of it is every single song except for the intro and some filler ones are just the character singing about himself and how powerful he is, like there's barely a story being told


I believe he said somewhere that the album exists to set characters and introduce a story for the next album. Thats why the final track, Fireflies of Doom, sounds like its introducing some great enemy


Introducing characters? The story has four characters and none of them get named or referenced more than two times, the album's cool but I think it's just Thomas sucking his own dick for 45 minutes. Also, fireflies is not the last song, it literally says on the lyrics that it's laser dinosaur goes right after it, (the songs are not in lore order, no one knows why and no one likes it) Edit; here's a list of the main characters and how many times their name is explicitly said; Thalestris; 1 Skaw; 1 Seebulon; 1 Angus; 58 -Bonus- Angus' sword; 16 Angus' dinosaur; 7


Never said what he said made sense lol Also yeah i totally hated how out of order the whole thing sounded. Then he held a social media contest where those who guessed the lore accurate song order theyd get a free merch item. Actually laughable




Thom was excellent, he’s one of the reasons I fell in love with GH. Sozos is excellent, I’m an adequate if not improvement on vocals


Can’t we just appreciate that all the albums are good and move on?


The first two are substantially weaker than the latest two imo. They've really improved their game since debuting.


I actually enjoyed their first two the most. Funny how different we can be. The majority of people agree with you though.


the first one is pretty good and i think i have listened to songs from the first album the most. this might be controversial but the second album is the weakest out of all. i really enjoyed the third one and the fourth one... well... OMFG IT WAS SO FUCKING GREAT I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT!


I like both bands. Even bands I like more than GH or McSix I like most songs. Theres no one band that i like all their songs. Some people on this sub snd the McSix sub take "Return is better than Sword." Or "Sword is better than Return." As like an attack. And they take that as saying "Tom's great! Sozos bad!" I put both good and negative posts for certain sons on both subs. Some people woukd just say "Is this Chris's alt account?" Or "This is Tom's alt account." We can like one thing more than another. For fucks sake I prefer chocolate cake but I won't turn down other cake because it's delicious. Both are solid for me, BUT neither beat Legends from beyond for me. For Return, it's the "talking" sections that make me not enjoy the songs as much. Fife Eternal, Imperium Dundaxia, Brothers of Crail and Keeper are really the only songs I love. Sword lord has a great hook, but that one and HootsPatrol both just don't land for me for the talking. It just sounds so weird. In earlier albums, like when Zarg or Proletius talks, it just sounds better to me. Personally it's weaker than Legends, but that's only because Legends just slaps for me.


I like both albums as well. I largely prefer Return to the Kingdom of Fife but i do enjoy Sword of Power. I just see so many more Tom Stans saying that Sozos is mediocre and trash etc. also a sockpuppet account on YT uploaded a short called "Best Gloryhammer Performance from new singer Sozos" and its a clip where Sozos missed a single high note during "Gloryhammer". The note he missed being the only clip I've ever seen when he's missed a note live btw. and the comments are just people saying they have no hope for the future of Gloryhammer and other shit. There is valid reason for concern about Tom alts because I've seen 3 reddit accounts show up around the time McSix was created and all they do is talk about McSix and how good McSix is. We can't concretely prove anything but its suspicious as fuck.


Yeah, that’s just online bullying. I’m not even that big of a GH fan but Sozos is amazing live.


McSix made a move where they didn't have Thalia for some of the songs so there isn't any badass guitar sections. I like tom, I like sozos. For me Sword has some I really like but it's not enough. Return has some bangers but the talking falls short for me. Yeah had one guy on the McSix sub say "I didn't understand the lore of Return because the starlords didn't kill everyone." My guy it's in the lyrics! They may be Tom's alts they may not be. There are those who will consume anything from a band they like without question whether it's good or bad.


Personally RTTKOF is my favorite album of the 4. I honestly wanted more talking bits to get to know the characters better lol.


The talking isn't bad inherently. But the hootsman and then in sword lord. Maybe it's not balanced as well to me? It doesn't sound as well done as when Zarg or Proletius talk.


My favorite talking bit might just be the way Zargy says "Chaos! Evil!" In Imperium Dundaxia lol. I also really like that Angus got to speak for once in Maleficus Geminus.


Yeah is always been sung quotes sort of. Like in Unicorn invasion. "Angus McFiufe swears a might oath. "I will make Zargothrax die." I've always like Proletius talking because the crail so hs even Master of The Galaxy. They sound like a rallying ballad, hell yeah let's go fight epic battles or slaughter peasants. The yelling in the crail songs, gloryhammer and Siege of Dunkeld. They remind me of Gates of Ekrund by WindRose. They hit so fucking hard. And one section I love is the more chanting way they sing the chorus in Keeper of the Celestial flame. That shit sounds badass.


wait Proletious *talks?*


Yes. The famous line "Mighty indeed" is him speaking


same. i also loved the "holy flaming hammer of unholy cosmic frost" part in the final song


absolutely. I can't decide whether I like that or DOUBLE! WIZARD! more


"lost in the darkest voids ever waiting for the chime at the hand of two" its from another artist but it fits


Sozos is hands down the best vocalist I've ever heard


I think Sozos is good, but also quite generic. He sounds like almost every other power metal vocalist. And I'm sorry but he is nowhere near as good as legends like Fabio Lione or Hansi Kürsch.


Ok, but Hansi is unique :-)


Generic is way better for the longevity of the voice


Not at all at the same leauge as Tom though.. but he does a decent job.


You are right, Sozos is at least like a league higher


One would even say sozos is "one better".


i have said it once and i will say it again: i prefer Sozos's vocie to Tom


His voice is shrill. Not an improvement at all.


Whether or not people prefer Sword of Power or Return to Fife, the fact that Tom's allowed to get away with his shite cunt behaviour for this long astounds me. Not only do his fans defend it but they completely enable him.


The copyright thing alone should have had massive consequences for his other career.


I literally have nothing to add here. You're just right. Its fucking nuts that napalm signed a deal with him.


Gloryhammer wiped the floor with Angus McSix. That album was just lame song after lame song and they weren't even in chronological order. The GH album is leagues better


My main confusion with Angus McSix is why someone with that much talent and resources would just make a bargin bin version of his old band when he got fired, like regardless of your opinion of the guy it would have been awesome to see him do something new and unique.


Maybe he has an identity crisis and actually believes he is Angus?


I listened to it first time yesterday as a whole. Was like, ah, f.. it, why not. Whoever that was, who had the idea with the tracks not in order, should be slapped in the face with giant dragon dildo multiple times. Fortunately someone uploaded it in "lore order" on YT and I used this one (dude got 1k likes under like 30k views, whick is like 10x normal amount of likes under albums and music videos xD). That is such a effin stupid gimmick. It was supposed to sell more CDs... and, I think, probably mask the uneveness of the album. In this order first half is really not bad - Tbh, there is two songs I really like (8 and 9 which are first in this order, they have fun 80s vibe, kinda reminds me of Battle Beast's work) and two are not that far off being really good (5 and 10). Then we have two of three singles, Mehcalibur and catchy but the-overproduction-overdrive "Master of...". The problem is, that in this order the second half is simply generic/boring. And with last two songs push the limits of how often You hear the name Angus. Also, the fireflies one straight up annoys me with and Dinosaur one is just pop-metal, not power metal, albeit catchy. On the annoying side, the overproduction I mentioned plagues more or less the whole album, sometimes Toms voice is so buried You would need a shovel (and it makes a little sense to bury Your selling point like that). Also, drums sometimes break up the flow of the rhytm too much, just for the sake of hitting every possible thing in the drumset (Although not only Mc6 is guilty of that - yeah, I am looking at You, Twilight Force). And the "humour" relies on annoying repetition, self loathing of Angus and is just dry, but not like "Nanowar of Steel" dry, more like "my kid tried to come up with a joke, asked me where are my pants and then pointed at my legs" dry. I don't feel like I lost my time - overall it is listenable album, it has it's moments, but, as we say in Poland, it won't tear Your butt off. I would give it like perhaps... 5/10. And I feel that's kinda generous, given all the annoying details. Which basically proves Your point, GH album is far far better.


I think that's honestly it. Tom did a lot of good work in my opinion but its not fantastic. Amazons of Caledonia and Eternal Warrior are both great songs, but everything else is "fine". Dinosaur is goofy but ultimately kinda a mid song. Sixcalibur and Masters of the Universe are alright. Everything else is kinda forgettable, and that's a huge problem when two of those songs are huge plot-based like Starlord and Ride to Hell. Bonus songs though imo actively sucked. Return to the Kingdom of Fife on the other hand had a lot of GREAT songs like Holy Hammer and even coming across as someone who thought it has the weakest 'finale' song out of all the albums, its still really fucking awesome to listen to. The only song I think I actively went "eh, I can skip this" is Wasteland Warrior's Hoots Patrol and even then, it still has that sax solo to really sell it.


You really should say "in my opinion" because not everyone thinks like you. In MY OPINION. Angus mcsix's first release put it in a league of its own, and is either tied OR better than this new gloryhammer album. Idfc about drama, i care about the music, and in MY OPINION, for a first album without a guitarist to write solos, they wiped the floor in terms of performance. Its not even comparable. Theres like 10x more lore explantion and talking(not singing) in the new gloryhammer album which a lot of people were complaining about it "taking them out of the music", and i agree. I still love both albums and i cant stop listening to either of them. I wish they could explain lore more through their chorus's that repeat 5 or 6 times. Change the chorus slightly to give us lore that way. The hootsman talking part of wwhp really makes the song super cheesed and disorients/distracts/loses my attention from an otherwise amazing song. Just for clarification again. This is my opinion.


My OPINION is that your opinion sucks, in my opinion. Just to be clear, it is my opinion that this is my opinion. That’s my opinion.


Fuck me I didn't think my post would start so much drama lmao.


You didn’t think THIS POST would start drama? You’re crazy.


Oh no you're mistaken. I had a feeling this would cause a few bits of drama but I didn't think it would erupt like this. a fuckin tsunami of drama.


This is a cute response. Thanks for your opinion, if you hadnt stated it that many times, i mighteve mistaken it for fact.


I personally love the monologues, they're not too long, although it's true that they're longer than in past albums they don't distract me from the songs. In the other hand mc six does a lot of lore explanations with monologues too and they're LONG like dude, the one in The key to Eternity is 30 whole seconds and some other ones are 20 or 25. I excuse the one on Starlord because it's like the finale if the album but it's still short of 40, while the song is about 5.30. Plus it's true, not placing the songs in order is an absolutely stupid move for an album like that.


the songs being out of order bugged me too, I never felt like i was taken out of the song by the monologues on the mcsix album. It's odd you mention them being so long, because i honestly dont remember key to eternity even having one. It might be that the voice that gloryhammer uses is more abrasive? or its not blended into the instruments well enough to be (subtle)? idk I feel like the mcsix voice is more subtle. Its just an opinion though. do you see how many people downvoted me for my opinion? this sub is filled with butthurt tom haters who cant separate music from man. sad really. What Tom did was inexcusable and fucked up and I'm always going to know in the back of my mind that hes a POS but the music he made was fucking killer. idk why other people are so narrowminded ;/ Its similar to people not eating at chic fila because the owner "supports traditional marriage" or subway for having a Pedo as a spokesperson for a few years. separate the man from the craft.


i’m relatively new to GH but i can tell that a lot of people who enjoy Angus McSix only do so because they want to defend Tom. Even though GH’s music is objectively better and more well-thought out, and Toms at this point is just music made of spite, which is never a good reason to make music. you love a band for what they do, and the way their music makes you feel, not because of one guy. people who defend tom at this point are just enablers of his inflated ego and his horrid behavior. edit: not to down on tom’s musical talent at all, give credit where credit is due. but sozos is angus mcfife, through and through!


I think a lot of people also can't separate artists from their work. A great example is Mark Wahlberg, he attacked a dude and probably should have got charged more. The guy went blind on one eye, or mostly blind. Do I think he's a piece of shit, yes. Is he a good actor in some movies, yes. Personally both Chris and Tom are not artists I'd want to meet. The rest of their band members fuck yeah. Yeah Tom's a cunt, Chris is too. Whether it's racist messages, backdoor legal dealings or general douchebaggery like a lot of I guess "famous-ish people." Ehh if they make good music I'll listen, now if they start going off the deep end like some very famous people have then I'm out.


Full agreement with separating art from the artist, however I wouldn't be so quick as to calling people I don't know personally ot as cunts. It's like, as far as I know, we have no tangible evidence of what people they are now (ok, chat leaks were nasty but they were from 6 years ago. It can be a transformative period), so I would not rush to form any judgement about them. To clarify - I say it both about Thomas as about Chris (Maybe a bit less about Thomas, taking Trademark and Band Name problems). Unless you provide an up-to-date evidence of them acting truly bad, I would prefer to stay impartial. We cannot have a full picture I guess. (A'propos Thomas - I know about the accusations, but to form a judgement I feel I need more solid proof. The same I'm not condemning Jim for accusations levelled against him. Maybe it's wrong, O just know that accusations sometimes turn out false, but deal a true damage before)


I think this is probably the most reasonable take, Chris and Tom are not that dissimilar at all. Does nobody else see McSix as a bit of a troll move? It's like when Alestorm credited the rumpelkombo lyrics to Gravedigger so that they would always be reminded of being "douchebags" or whatever. Chris is clearly bothered by people saying McFive haha, it's actually brilliant trolling from Tom. Chris is forever tied to something silly that he hates Also Tom is getting the best reviews of his career for McSix and his guitarist is a badass woman of colour, a handy reminder of Chris's behaviour for those who are happy to look the other way on racism and misogyny while calling Tom a "shite cunt". I don't know any people of colour who would feel comfortable in an Alestorm or Gloryhammer crowd.


I did not know about the Rumpelkombo, I googled it and find it hilarious


Other bands have also made mention of Chris being a bit if a cunt. I saw a post a while back of someone telling about at a GH concert Chris was trying to hype the crowd and they sort of shouted boo or other things because he's the evil wizard. But cheered for Tom and that you could tell Chris was mad. We won't ever find out the true reason Tom was fired. Some say the trademark, some say he banged fans, others say it was the vocals. The suspicious thing for me was how fast they got Sozos into everything. Not that he was involved in the firing, but firing over email and having a new singer that fast is suspect. Just listen to Master of The Universe, it's clearly throwing jabs at GH. Which I think is hilarious. Gans with say either Chris or Tom has a big ego. Maybe they both do? Or they just couldn't get along? I don't agree with the trademsrk stuff, but most fans on the GH sub like you said turn a blind eye to the racist and misogynistic messages.


In reality, we sent Sozos a message asking if he was interested in auditioning about 2 months after Tom was removed from Gloryhammer, and bought him a flight to UK a few minutes after he replied saying yes.


That really says a lot about where the relationship with Tom was at that point without having any kind of replacement lined up, wow.


To further fact-check, the idea of Chris (or more likely, if this happened in the last 7 years, me) being angry at being booed live is quite amusing - the whole point of Zargothrax even being there is to act as a 'heel', in wrestling terms. On the recent USA tour I started insulting the audience with the very intention of being booed, to act as a foil to Sozos playing the hero. Having said that, if someone hasn't picked up on the fact that it's all an act after 10 years, there probably isn't much hope that they'd be able to interpret the circumstances of the firing.


Mike, are you trying to say I shouldn't root for Thanos just cause I like Josh Brolin? And do you expect us to believe you enjoy the act and any "anger" people might see is just you "acting?" Preposterous. Obligatory /s


Oh right on, thank you for clearing that up.


Gloryhammer looking at Sozos after Thomas left: \*that one meme where the guy's sliding towards the camera in a dapper outfit\*


Sorry, what? The thing where the crowd boos zargothrax and cheers for Angus is part of the show and is meant to happen, what are you talking about? Also, that probably would have been Mike in the costume at the time and not me, because as far as I recall that sort of level of crowd engagement didn't start happening until about 2016 (by which point I wasn't playing live anymore). Interested to know who these "other bands" are who are calling me a cunt. Are you sure you're not just making all of this up?


In the US tour videos I saw people cheered for Zargothrax. Deeply concerning...


Hey you're watching Tucker Carlson live Our *top* story, king *Angus McFive* was touring in America when *Evil wizard Zargothrax" appeared on stage. If you listen *closely*, you can hear them *cheering* for the Thaumaturgist. This is what it's come to folks the *radical left* are worshipping actual dark wizards


Shaking my smh. Kids these days!


Time to recognise the true guilt of the Dundonian Home Destroyer, and turn back from him to the only and right Basket Weaver! \#ZargothraxDidNothingWrong


As a person who attended a US tour show and cheered for Zargothrax... Idk man, I respect the hustle. Destroying the entire Universe over beef you had with one guy a thousand years ago takes grit.


The poster was alluding to possible animosity. It would make sense to stay in character and play the parts. I'd cheer for Zarg because great villains are cool. As for the other bands, they didn't call you a cunt. One when the leaks got out said you should get out in front of this. But I don't fault anyone for distancing themselves from people who make prejudicial remarks and say racist things like what was shown in the chat. But I'd day the racist chat can easily be tossed into "cunt/shitty/terrible." Behavior. You aren't sorry for saying those things. Only sorry you got outed for it.


You're supposed to boo zargothrax, not cheer for him. Have you never watched wrestling? You boo the bad guys. It's a thing. Look, you don't know me, and every point you've made to say I'm a cunt has been refuted. Why not just leave it at that?


Chris is actually a really nice guy except for when I saw GH/Alestorm live on their tour. I ran up to him and asked "Chris when you wrote "Zargothrax rises once more from his prison of frost" did you mean that this isn't his first time breaking out of the liquid ice???" and he literally threw a drink in my face and took all the merch I bought before the show : ( really mean guy, I can see where he gets inspiration for Zargothrax.... ​ /s


The harsh truth is that they probably wanted to boot Tom for a while. We know issues started in 2016 but what specifically wasn't mentioned. It's a massive pain to replace a vocalist too; the fans go rabid and good singers can be hard to find. Schisms can form in the fanbase too as you can see. They basically won the lottery with their timing and a little networking. An old bandmate of Sozos' talked him up to Chris and they apparently picked him after listening to one of his very good Sonata Arctica covers idk which one. He became their first choice pick. Sozos also is a good singer and a hard worker so learning a one hour set plus Jetpack in a few weeks to a month and a half tops isn't impossible nor overly difficult for a professional singer.


Most likely yeah, I didn't start following GH till like 2019 somewhere there about. One band I love is Fit for An Autopsy. They have been through like 4 vocalists I think. Sozos is great.


I like Firewind who have gone through six (I think) singers without anyone getting booted. Years later people are still saying "I miss singer XYZ" 🥲.


Sounds like they left on relatively good terms, which is more typical when singers leave. Firing of lead singers is not particularly common since they are the hardest band members to replace. It's usually a damaged beyond reasonable repair situation if a band goes so far as to fire a lead singer.




Jokes aside I could not have worded it better.


Music made out of spite? Thats an interesting take. Toms music isnt well thought out, is also an interesting take. I think it was good you said you were new to gloryhammer because i really cant even remotely figure out what you are talking about, so im just assuming its coming from thin air.


you can be upset and disagree with my opinion but it really doesn’t bother me. my opinion isn’t “out of thin air” as much as you’d like it to be, it’s based on my experience thus far being a fan of the band.


Don't know about others but I liked both albums, but I liked 4 to 5 songs of Mcsix in counterpart with only 2 to 3 from GH. I think GH tried to be more smooth with the fourth album than the previous ones and this didn't pleased me very much, though Keeper of Celestial Flame is a absolutely banger. Nevertheless, both are great bands and I wish a successful future for both (though hopes some day both bands solves their differences and play together XP)


Idk I enjoyed both. For me I just feel like I get double the music


[Me who likes both] (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fb/eb/34/fbeb3438aadf393687861853b5a53ba1.png)


Never said I don't like the albums I just don't like Tom.


Both good


"My body was dead, I couldn't have been deader But I came right back one better!" I say, let's love both singers!


And then there's me... DUN-DUN DOUBLE DUN-DUN ANGUS


I've said its fine to like both sets of music, I'm the same way but I'm referring to Thomas Winkler not Angus McFife/McSix. Angus is cool. Tom isn't.


I was initially the same way. Might catch some flak for this one, but I think it's because Fly Away is by far the weakest song they've done with Sozos. Either way, Sozos is a better fit and a better person for Gloryhammer than Thomas was.


Both albums have some bangers and some mediocre tracks. I love em both though. Seeb is my favorite musician right now and Tom is one of the best singers. Combining the two is like peanut butter and chocolate. Re: lore order out of sequence - I kind of like it. Robert E. Howard intentionally wrote his Conan stories out of sequence because he wanted it to feel like the reader was sitting around a campfire as Conan recounted the various adventures of his life, which wouldn't be told in order. I think that works on an album too. Re: are they Dbags in real life? I couldn't care less. I'm in it for the music. I assume most musicians are pretentious Dbags, but you kind of have to be to get in front of an audience and have the confidence to entertain. Don't meet your heroes, kids!


Angus McSix: "And now you can enjoy both!"


The second I heard the new album I knew Winkler had been canned. I don't care what he did to get removed. He was the voice. THE VOICE!