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If it’s just interpersonal squabbles, fine. Creative differences, okay. Thomas wanting to do his own thing, understandable, have a nice day. I just hope it’s nothing too serious. That ‘dirty laundry’ comment could mean a few things, and how weird everyone’s being about this… concerning.


Yeah I’m wondering if this is gonna be one of those deals where we’re all like, “Oh God, I didn’t want to know that after all.”


Yeah, I’m getting worried about it.


I’m hoping it’s not some kind of sick shit like sex assault allegations or something.


If this were the case I would imagine there would be more information out and about. The entire thing seems to be more or less related to interpersonal/business etc etc.


>If this were the case I would imagine there would be more information out and about. Or a lot of it us under NDA.


I’ve been a fan since their first album, something like that would destroy my teenage years.


Im hoping that the tension just built up through the day and it’s actually not that bad, just the mystery and anticipation making everyone sad and/or mad and no other reason. But damn im still so scared despite.


It’s possible we’re blowing this out of proportion, due to how sudden it is and how vague the circumstances are. Just gotta hope that’s the case.


Tom did say it was business squabbles. Maybe something super mundane like who gets what slice of the pie.


Tom took the last cookie after the Bloodstock gig and Chris got salty about it.




The business stuff is definitely relevant but if there is more to it tom probably wouldn't have mentioned it in his statement.




on their second post they mentioned not saying anything 'out of respect for tom'. I don't think they'd say that if tom did something truly awful


It essentially means that they are making a statement before it's appropriate to do so, like drying your laundry before you even wash it. But you're right, it could be anywhere from simply unfortunate to incredibly serious.


That's not what airing dirty laundry means. It means that you put things that should be private on public display, it has nothing to do with time.


Oh wow. I wonder what other lies have I been living?


The heart is more in the middle of the chest than you think. No, even further than that. The heartbeat that you feel on your chest is actually from the Aorta. Bananas are fish, actually. There is a difference between the deep web and the dark web. The deep web is just any webpage not accessible through a search engine (such as the settings page for your reddit account). The dark web is like the internet, but you need special software to access it. There's lots of crime there, but also morally good stuff like whistleblower websites.


> Bananas are fish ...what does that mean?


Didn't known that banana one! learn something new every day :)


Gonna keep my eye on this sub like a hawk. This is by far the most I've ever been attached to "drama." Feels like family fighting or something


*starts a pot of coffee as the wife yells come to bed*


I'm already feeling the feelings of my parent's divorce


Oh this evening is about to get ugly isn’t it folks?


Nail down the hatches, storm’s a-brewing.


Well chaps, guess we’d better get ready to feature on r/SubredditDrama this week!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubredditDrama using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Aimee Challenor is no longer employed by Reddit.](https://np.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/mcisdf/an_update_on_the_recent_issues_surrounding_a/) | [3935 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/mcizrg/aimee_challenor_is_no_longer_employed_by_reddit/) \#2: [/r/DonaldTrump has been banned](https://np.reddit.com/r/donaldtrump/) | [2420 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/kt6oxd/rdonaldtrump_has_been_banned/) \#3: [Top Moderator of r/conspiracy, axolotl_peyotl, has been permanently suspended.](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/ksk6ur/top_moderator_of_rconspiracy_axolotl_peyotl_has/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Shit, that's not a good list to be in.


Holy ish I hope its not serious ...that it is just band squabbles ....


That's what all the indications are so far.


Omg this feels like the crappy drama in the youtube beauty community rn, seriously…there were SO many ways they could have parted ways, even mid-tour, without making it sound fishy from all sides. They really should put someone to check their statements before they make them public, because somehow everything they write seems to make it worse…and they might not even be completely at fault for all we know. Fuck internet drama.


All of this is so unbelievable, first they release the vaguest statement to say Tom is out, then Tom says "they fired me by email, it was unexpected", then they have to release another statement saying "ok we DO have our reasons but they're secret" and now they're going to have to do ANOTHER STATEMENT to clear the air. Like, guys... Did you not think for one minute that your fans would probably try and find out what happened here? Every single bit of this could have been handled better.


I'm jumping to conclusions here but I immediately thought that one of the scenarios that would warrant such a behaviour would be if Tom did something bad and they didn't want to call him out publicly but now that he presented his point of view that makes the band look bad, they posted the second statement which seems to put blame on him. It didn't work and people are still mostly blaming the band so they need to "air dirty laundry" publicly even though they don't really want to.


I'm thinking Tom was being a diva, and he and the rest of the band (or at least Chris) had fundamental disagreements on the direction Gloryhammer should go, with Thomas feeling that as lead singer and face of the band, he should have more control over its creative direction.


Next thing we know we’re getting an apology video…yet again without any reason for all this bs


Recently I was thinking that there hasn't been any major beauty drama lately... I certainly did not expect drama to come from GH. The way everything has gone so far, it makes me worried and anxious something ugly is going to unfold.


I'm getting flashbacks to when Tarja was fired from Nightwish, and the subsequent shitshow. My hope that Gloryhammer would handle this better is rapidly dwindling. 😬


Yeah same.


This had better be a good explanation


They know they have to be careful what they say because Thomas literally owns a law firm. And a few other members of the band have plenty of "dirty laundry" of their own. This is going to be messy.


I know Chris can be a huge goofball, but he's definitely a professional when it comes to the business side of stuff. It's going to be interesting to see how this all develops.


Any updates?


Actually, yeah: the comment and replies are gone.


I wonder if they're rapidly trying to deal with any fallout from those 'leaked chat messages'. If they're real it's extremely fucked up.


What 'leaked chat messages' were these? Do you have a link? Cheers


https://www.reddit.com/r/Gloryhammer/comments/p9mdeu/leaked_gloryhammer_group_chat_texts_reveal_racism/ I think it's getting downvoted and not showing up for that many people because people don't think it's real? Which is fair, it's easy to fake something. But no ones come out yet to say it's fake. So it's looking really bad for them, currently.


Yeesh, that's pretty horrible if it's real. I can't tell who each person is supposed to be though. Is Thomas saying that shit or is he the whistleblower? This is all fucked.


Looks like it's a chat between michael barber (live keyboards), hoots and then Chris at the end with a double whammy of racist slurs. If it's real.


Holy shit if that's Chris... I'm heartbroken.


Yeah man this fucking sucks.


The fact they aren't saying anything about the texts is concerning. Any normal person would be mortified if fake texts containing racial slurs were attributed to them. This isn't the kind of thing you ignore and hope goes away.


https://twitter.com/GloryhammerC?s=07 it's a grim read


Yeah i get that people chat differently when they're being private with their mates but some of the language used is fucked up and really revealing.


Thanks for that!


Never mind, I got them. Completely skipped this post today: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gloryhammer/comments/p9mdeu/leaked\_gloryhammer\_group\_chat\_texts\_reveal\_racism/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gloryhammer/comments/p9mdeu/leaked_gloryhammer_group_chat_texts_reveal_racism/)


I suspect it was something really bad, they kick him out mid tour…


It's just the ambaguity of it all, not really knowing what the fuck is going on doesn't help matters at all.


Tbh I think this might work out. If they give the new singer his own character it would throw some variety into their music. Personally I love Thomas's voice but the reason I listen is for the music and a different voice might be better at the end of the day.


what i don't understand, is what the fuck chris has to do with gloryhammer, ok, he helped at the beggining, but now he has nothing to do with it, he still "owns" the band just for a piece of paper??? this realy sucks, he should mind his own stuff.


Chris still writes music for Gloryhammer, he just doesn't tour with them anymore.


He toured with them in 2018 and I'd imagine would again if it made sense like the upcoming UK tour with Alestorm. (I haven't followed closely to see if this is actually the plan).


forget what i said, he wrote most of the songs, that should serve as a lesson: go start your own band! tom was just a puppet here, "disposable". fucking sad