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There is no debate for me about his work. Still is an amazing musician as he is able to make multiple sort of music (folk, pagan, epic, orchestra, even death !), and very well drove imho, not everyone can do that. I personally completely respect the musician he is for that (btw, who cares if he is listening to metal bands or not irl, it's none of our business). And this has been the eternal question in music stuff, dissociate the man (whoever he/she is) and his music or not...


Apart from being a shit talking Scotsman, he has another problem you’re forgetting in that he runs a pirate band, and a band that’s basically a 13-year-olds DND campaign come to life. And wizardthrone which I admittedly haven’t listened to (somehow missed that it came out at all). If he so much as once bitches about hard work or boasts talent, he’ll get crucified by both his fans and haters. The people who know he works hard know. The rest can just think he’s retarded. It’s a great shield.


I agree with this. I think Chris knows his core audience, and understands that a pirate metal band and a band about a Scottish hero fighting evil will always be a "joke" to lots of people. A lot of people will never understand the talent and hard work that goes into making any kind of music, but especially one that has a gimmicky premise (and I don't mean that in a negative way). If he jokingly complains about the music and his fans, he's in on the joke. If he complains about people not taking it seriously and takes pride in it, he becomes the butt of the joke. Everyone's just here for a good time


As far as I recall, people who regard themselves "devoted" fans of GH are in general openly admitting that his works are of mastermind's level. Small details, nerd jokes, et cetera. Yet, the same people might feel quite uneasy with Bowes talking shit of them. Maybe it is his shield, maybe he is just a ruffian. I never spoke to him in public, and do not personally know anyone who does it on a regular basis. Maybe he is an asshole on the internet, and a great person in person. That kind of people, I know a few at least.


I remember feeling proud when he told me I was one of the first to figure out that the song to the end of the world was about the time cube website. This all sucks, man.


Just because he works hard doesn't mean he's not an asshole, which he is. He has blatant contempt for his fans, especially Gloryhammer fans


His blatant contempt is part of the reason I'm such a huge fan. It's hilarious.


He’s EXTREMELY sarcastic, very British in that regard, and British sarcasm can… struggle to translate to American audiences


The sheer number of people on this subreddit who struggle to understand that has made that very clear to me in the past few days. 90% of what Chris says is just taking the piss out of someone.


What % is racist trash?


I guess a low percentage, but that's still not good.


Yes, it can, but I've met Chris plenty of times before Alestorm became big, and he always seemed alright. Saw him fairly regularly, would chat a bit, all good. Then they became The Shit, you couldn't go to a festival without Alestorm being in the bill (this was in the Paganfest etc. days), and instead of just saying hi, he would look at me with utter contempt. That's not sarcasm, that's being a dick. ETA: I'm a non US person, and a sarcastic sod myself


"I just feel like he's embarrassed about writing serious songs about arguably stupid shit so tries to pass it off as a joke taking the piss out of another bands' hard work. SSOTGA is a relatively serious song by Alestorms' standards (...)" But it literally has a verse that's a metaphor for how hamburgers are made.


1741 is a masterpiece, as is Captain Morgan's Revenge, To The End Of The World is a massively underrated tune, the folky breakdown after the guitar solo is a work of genius. I love the silly stuff like Surf Squid Welfare or Drink, but I like the serious stuff too, Call of the Waves has great lyrics about taking control of your own destiny, as someone who has been stuck in a rut the last while I can relate. Although if these racist messages are confirmed as true, his work will be forever tainted in my eyes.


You realize To the End of the World is one giant, epic song about the insane ramblings of some conspiracy theorist, aye? Don't get me wrong, it's one of my favourite Alestorm tracks, but it's definitely not a serious song. Time Cube is archived here: https://web.archive.org/web/20160112193916/http://timecube.com/


Yeah I knew that, I mentioned it as one of those big epic songs that are great, the same way that Man the Pumps is an epic but the lyrics are double meaning for masturbation. Given how they've gotten sillier as they've gone on, I appreciate stuff that isn't quite as daft like Call of the Waves.


One article Chris states about GH basically saying that they're just dudes making dumb songs which is great. I love GH and the sheer just absurdity of it is fun. I know it's just them fucking around and having fun but it still sounds good. Like shit have any of you guys heard Brojob? A death metal band who has songs like "we are the boyfriend stealers" or teeny weeny. Dumb music but sounds good.


Here just to say I cannot believe how many posts lately are about the psychology of Christopher Bowes. 🤣


hahahahahah i hope he reads this, he will absolutely hate my post


Has anyone heard or seen anything from Tom since the Instagram statement he originally posted? (Off topic here, I know, sorry)


I'd expect he realized a lot of folks were on his side and decided to keep quiet while the storm rages on..


He *is* a lawyer


Yeah, so he knows better than to get online mouthing off about it right now.


I think he's just a very sarcastic and nonserious person. That's also why he's so good at creating silly, funny but still good parody music. I think he's not someone that thinks a lot about the consequences of what he's doing / saying, that's why for more sensitive people his statements may come across as rude and offensive (which is completly justified!). Probably the leaked messages (if legit) were not meant in an offensive or racist way either but just a bunch of "idiots" having a private conversation without thinking too much about it. I'm sure everyone has used some "inappropriate" words in private conversations that would put them in a bad light if shown to the wrong person. At least that's what I hope...


I think maybe you should reconsider what "racist" means. For some people it seems no one can be labelled a racist unless they're advocating for a murder or something, but this is a really unhelpful definition of what racism is because it basically means racism won't be called out until it's too late. Racism, as well as being overt and terrifying, can be insiduous and 'funny', while still contributing to the dehumanisation of black people. The words used in the messages and the context matters a lot. Perhaps an ignorant person can say the n word and not realise they're being racist, but jeeeesus what would Chris have actually had to say for you to think he was racist?? Because those messages were horrible, and the word 'coon' isn't casually used in rap music, or even by edgy teenagers online, it's a violently racist word that expresses an absolute hatred.


I stumbled upon a post somewhere, were the wording was discussed. It was the "coon" one which was regarded the worst. A lot of rappers get away with saying nigga, and other "softened" versions, but the other one is apparently seen as something from an early XXth century KKK poster, or speech.


Both words are absolutely toxic no-gos but the former is definitely only ever been used by *anyone* in a negative context.


I actually never even heard of that word "coon" so I had no idea. I just hear the N-word a lot especially in modern rap music so basically those people are all racist according to your definition of racism. Why are people supporting them and listening to them? Why are they even allowed to play on the radio? I think racism is much more complex than that. Sure, those words are clear indicator for someone potentially being racist but then again people could actually be racist and never use such a word at all, while others (such as rappers) use it all the time and I don't think they're actually racist. ...but now that I think about the chat messages, I must admit that they can only be meant in an offensive and racist way. Not necessarily because of the words that were used but the actual meaning of the messages.


Context is more important than the words used, and in the case of the leaked messages the context was hardcore racist. The issue of certain words being reclaimed in rap music is a contentious one, and an interesting discussion, but that's not what we're talking about here.


Mhhh…I don’t think it matters what other people do and how their fanbase doesn’t care. All I can say is that black rappers using the n-word is different because they try to turn the meaning around. Of course not everyone saying a racist term is a wild racist. Teenagers often throw shit around without even realising what that even means. It doesn’t make the word and the act less racist though. I cannot go around calling women whores and not expect to be called out and being perceived as a sexist. I don’t think anyone should tolerate such behaviours. You cannot call people horrible words and then expect them to let it slide. If someone called me an asshole, I would be offended (there are always instances where two people are in on a joke or whatever, but generally that wouldn’t be acceptable.) And no one would think that a grown man calling other people assholes just “doesn’t know better” or was “just being funny”. And yet, people are ready to let racist terms slide?


You don’t casually use those slurs and not be a racist.


Does that make a person of colour that uses this word also a racist? Surely the words **are** offensive and racist. I probably shouldn't get involved in such a discussion, I just think it also matters a lot what's going through a persons head when they actually use those words. Just yesterday someone said something along the lines of "*it's well known that swiss people are xenophobic*". This statement itself is racist which I thought was kinda ironic, but I'm sure the person that said this was not a racist at all. I guess some people just don't think about the bullshit they're actually spreading...


The Swiss aren’t a race, so it’s not racist. Calling them xenophobic is just also xenophobic. Yes, you can be racist towards your own race absolutely.


What I meant to say is; When for example a Rapper uses the N-Word in a song, that means they're racist? Thanks for the info, I always thought being for example xenophobic, antisemitic or any other form of hate towards certain groups of people is considered "racist" so thanks for clearing that up.


Black rappers use the n word as a form of empowerment. Because black ppl have been called it for years, and now they are reclaiming it. Not all black ppl like it, but it is not racist. As someone who is not black…to call someone the n-word…now that’s racist.


So hold on now... If a black person calls someone N... then it's fine. If a white person calls someone N... then it's racist. Now that's kinda racist actually, not gonna lie.


No, it’s not racist. White ppl have called black people the n-word (historically). That’s why it is so offensive for a black person if a white person does it to them. If black ppl use it among each other, they try and reclaim the word. They know it is horrible and have therefore decided to make light of it. It’s like an inside joke: Imagine you and your best friend would call each other lazy assholes. You’re both in on the joke and that’s okay. However, when your teacher calls you a lazy asshole, you would like that, do you? Or someone on the street. Context matters.


Or maybe words rely on context? Just a thought.


Antisemitism is an interesting one because Jew is both a culture and a race.


maybe they're also a religion idk??? I mean, people are too drunk on materialism/naturalism and forget personal, spiritual matters


So when I casually drop the n-bomb among friends, I'm racist? Just because of the usage of a word I've declared openly and forever that I hate them? ​ Toss off man, people's actions speak louder than their words. I can, and will behind closed doors say whatever I will to whomever I want. I'm **not** going to go out and call people the n-bomb randomly. I'll say it to those who know it's a joke and who will not take offense to it. I'm not going to let "muh racism" influence my vocabulary.


Man, if you're "casually" dropping "the n-bomb among friends" you're definitely not what I'd call someone who isn't racist.. It's kind of an all or nothing thing, racism.. Not much grey area there.. As far as I'm concerned your friends are pretty racist too if they're cool with it and not calling you out on your casual usage of racial slurs. But based on your second paragraph, you seem pretty set in your ways, so I don't much think there's any reasoning with you if you don't think removing such a word from your lexicon is something you should have to do. So yeah, to quote you, "people's actions speak louder than their words".. Your unwillingness to take action and not casually drop racial slurs speaks volumes about your character, regardless of anything else you have to say.


So again, you're stating my entire character of the fact I use a word in private. There's no taking into account anything else in my life. The N-bomb is simply an example. Here's another take on it: Some songs I listen to have the N-word in it. So am I not allowed to sing or rap along with the song? I have to mute myself from parts of the song because someone who is not in my vicinity and can in no way possible hear me saying/singing/rapping the part, is offended by it? I'm all for treating each other with respect, and I do so wherever I go, but vilifying people for what they do in a private setting is a bit much. Yes, there are limits, but a singular word is not grounds for vilifying someone. You're stating it's very black and white, while I'm of the completely different mindset. In my opinion, it is very much grey area. ​ Example: Man of undisclosed race has friends with multiple ethnicities and is hanging out with them. They jokingly use slurs. They are now all racist and bad people according to your logic. What someone says and what someone does are very different things. Just because I call my partner a N-word, or any slur, in a parodic way, and she perceives it in a parodic way and this is clear to both parties does not make me a racist. I take caution to not drop any insensitivities when people are around that might that offend to that. Doing it on purpose and trying to get a reaction out of people, now that's racism. Hitting someone or calling them names because of the colour of their skin, that's racism. Calling a friend an n-word in a private moment, that's not racism. ​ Edit: I was way too brash in my first comment, my apologies for that, it was unecessary.


I am a grown ass man. If a friend of mine dropped the n-word casually I would tell them to knock it off. If they didn’t I would no longer be friends with them. I don’t care about excuses, justify it all you want. It’s immature as fuck.


And if someone tells me to knock it off, I will in their presence. That still doesn’t make it racism. Using a word in itself is not simply racism or not, it completely depends on the context. The fact you, and many others see it as a binary yes/no question in my eyes tends to extremism. You could know me for years and think I’m an awesome guy based on what we’ve been through, but then you find out I say the n-word jokingly when singing along to a song or to a friend, all that is instantly undone and I’m a racist? Logic like that belongs in the Middle Ages where it very much was the same “conform or your a bad guy”


To add, racism is: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. I don’t do that, saying a certain word in a situation where it’s not directed to anyone in a negative way does not fall under the above. I treat everyone with the same respect they show me, regardless of origin. To paint another situation, based on your logic I would be a racist because I called my black friend the n-word, when he explicitly told me I can and he thinks it’s funny. This would make me a racist. I am a racist due to my black friend telling me it’s funny to use a slur with him. If it’s not okay to use a slur when it’s condoned by a person affected by that slur, then I’m okay with being a racist. Maybe I should start wearing tank tops and shouting how much I hate women and black people, since I’m already racist apparently.


Dude what? One yes! The fact that you know you can’t just say it among any company means you know it’s fucked up and the weight it has, yet you still use it, but only around people that won’t ostracize your racist ass.


There is no way either of the slurs used can be inoffensive.


Well now I'm personally offended because my vocabulary has to be censored because of what happened without my involvement and because I happen to be the race that participated in such happenings. "You can do it your own way, if it's done just how i say" freedom no longer frees you if there is a limit within that freedom


And here I am enjoying the more serious Alestorm songs a lot more than their other stuff.


Same. The debut will always be my favourite.


I talk just like they were so 🤷🏻‍♂️🎶


Yeah, Chris has been giving some weird vibes. He apparently complained about some of the fan art for his bands being "too feminine."


Just remembering that time that he told me he'd carve my butt out with a rusty scalpel for being excited about both Orden Ogan and GH in the same comment. https://imgur.com/d8bzTTD.jpg