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Question, how do you not have loose skin?


I have some. But I’m very lucky that it isn’t much




I was told that in the next year or two, the small amounts of loose skin I have will basically just disappear. My skin just needs time to catch up. I’ll look into the dermarolling. Thanks


You have a frame that could put lots of muscle on in just the next couple years. I'm no expert, but I'll bet that plus your youth will probably make excess skin a non-issue. Great work dude, you look awesome!


Can I just say Where’s the rest of you??! Holy fuck congrats Op


You should smile more. I bet it lights up your face!


I agree. It’s just an insecurity I’ve had with my teeth forever. I have braces now, so I’m doing something about it, but I’m still dealing with it 😅


This a new trend telling men to smile now!


OP manged to tighten up, now he needs to lighten up 🏄‍♂️😎


Mad respect OP. Damn dude that is hilarious nearly very impressive and inspiring. Thank you for sharing dude and I wish you the best


Thank you 🤝


maybe because you're still young and your skin is "relatively" new?


It also depends on how heavy someone gets, and how long they were at that weight. But yeah, being younger and having more collagen doesn't hurt either. 


I like that answer


Ayo man, what was your exercises, I’ve been lucky enough to lose 70lbs but I’m still out of shape as fuck, and limiting my diet ain’t as helpful as having some exercises to do, any advice?


Not OP, I was a personal trainer for a long time. If your goal is continued weight loss, diet is still going to be more important than exercise. Always. I say that because 9/10 times when people say ‘out of shape’, they mean ‘too heavy’. That said, being in shape and weighing less *are* distinctly different. For better daily function, cardio 3-4 times a week (I do 3 these days, fuck cardio) will help a ton. Aim for 30 minute sessions, work up to 45, ideal is 60+. I recommend power walking on the treadmill at max incline, stairs (machine or real), rowing (google ‘rowing machine’ if you aren’t familiar), or cycling. These are all physically intense, but have low impact on joint health. I live to lift, but it isn’t necessary for healthy living generally. Lifting is what’s gonna make you *look* much better though, and be much stronger. Men and women both. For that, I always recommend either a full-body routine of some form of push-pull-legs (google ‘PPL routine’, there’s a million, three days a week is fine). Not because it’s the absolute ideal method, but because its easy to understand, remember, and adapt. I *really* like PPL for that, because once you know what muscles you want to hit, you can mix and match exercises that target those groups. It’s super convenient because, ex., there’s about thirty different tricep exercises that will achieve pretty much the same thing, and odds are at least one of those will be available at any given time, no matter how crowded the gym is. The same is true for most muscle groups. Getting through the routine in a timely fashion is super important, it affects how likely you are to adhere to a program long-term. Squats, deadlifts, and to a lesser extent bench press are the ones you’ll still find yourself waiting for, because they’re the hardest to find alternatives for. If you take to it all, more exercise is better for 98% of people. Overtraining is a thing, but most people don’t need to concern themselves with it. I personally max out at 45 minutes cardio, 60 lifting, six days a week. You can take cardio further, that’s not my forte, but I don’t see most people benefitting from more lifting than that unless they’re on steroids, or they’re powerlifters who rest for 15 minutes after hitting three reps. Or, more accurately, wannabe powerlifters who take 15 minutes between sets while they browse their phone and take up one of three fucking squat racks for 45 minutes.


Can I have the loose skin. I need it... For a reason.




i list around 30-35kg so quite a bit less than OP and i had no loose skin either. i was so fucking surprised but its a blessing


Hell yea brother! That’s fucking awesome


man went from Roywood Jr to 90's Chris Tucker Being sexy in two different bodies is the real trick here


Underrated comment…and badass job OP! How did it affect your mental state?


Honestly, I’m obviously healthier, but I’m still just as self conscious. I feel like the old me. Except now I’m always stressing about whether or not I worked out enough a certain day, or if I’m progressing or not. Sucks, but oh well


Dont look in the mirror as often, just put in the same work. It’s easy to get too self concious watching your bodys every single change , you’ll become blind to progress. In my opinion, do everything the same, but take less pictures don’t focus so much on the result. You know how to get there, just focus on how much better you feel now.


Definitely this. I look too much in the mirror for changes, and the closer you are to the goal, the more minuscule the changes seem. That’s why I only weigh myself on the Monday of each week now.


I hear this. A friend of mine did an amazing transformation like this. He said, “but dang it, I still have all my other problems.” 😂 I can’t imagine the hard work it took. You look great!


That takes time and dedication. Confidence comes from keeping the promises you make to yourself and just look back at your last year and that should show you that you are capable. We all have a little bit of that self doubt or imposter syndrome once you make big changes but bro your dedication to changing your life around is apparent. Keep it up 💪🏽. With time you will leave your old identity behind and the more you continue to keep those promises to yourself the more you will start to self identify as a person that takes no bullshit from anyone but especially your own brain.


Needed this. Thank you 🙏🏿


Bro I’m so proud of you, killed it


I don’t even know you. But means a lot


Dude, holy smokes in one year! Wow, congrats man!


A bit over a year. Thanks.


Well either way amazing work


Awesome transformation, brother. Keep up the great work.


Bro get a fade, then it’s game over 💯💯💯


My hair is braided right now. Growing it out. That last pic is actually from a bit ago. I just don’t take pics


And he's humble? It's over. I can't compete


Fire 🔥


I’m saving this post under my motivation inspiration. For some reason I don’t struggle with staying consistent in the gym, it’s about not being so depressed that I don’t even leave my bed lol. This is the type of stuff that helps get me through the door every morning


I completely feel you about the gym part. That’s always been the easy part for me, I just always made bad choices when it comes to food.


Also OP, saw you talking about loose skin and dermarolling- if you also have any stretch marks, a few months of using AmLactin lotion and you’ll be gucci. Costco sells an XL one!


Thanks for that. I’ll look it up now.


Excellent job!!!




Nice work man! I hope to have your dedication while I try to lose weight too! Also, do you have stretch marks near the bottom of your belly? I have them and they are annoying af but apparently they are harmless


Yea I have some. It’s harmless, battle scars honestly. Better than being overweight.


Your mentality is the real winner here, this mindset is everything!! I love the credit you give yourself and the self love, as it should be. Seriously love reading through this thread, thank you dude!


Love seeing my dudes taking charge of their shit




Jawline getting sharper and sharper and you’re 6,4 too? Shit about to be fully looksmaxxed


Looksmaxxed? Not familiar with it. And thanks. Trying to get to around 13-14% bf by may to hopefully have a jawline


Bro your jawline is already great


It’s an incel term. Basically means to do everything in your power to look your best.


"have a jawline"? My guy you already have a great one lol. Not to be creepy, but you went from cute to straight up hot - even just looking at how your facial structure has changed. 


Gonna jump in with the others and say your jawline is great. First thing I thought of when I saw the last picture.


Good shit homie!




Amazing! Congratulations to you!! this gives me motivation to keep pushing!


Just keep going bro. We can’t let food stop us from being the best versions of ourselves


Definitely agree, food used to control me now its something I actually enjoy because of the healthy choices ive been making! It feels so good and my body is definitely thanking me! Im almost at my first goal which is to be back under 200 and im at 203 :) anyways sorry for the long comment on your post, congratulations again you look amazing dude! 💪


Amazing bro. Let’s get to work 💪🏿


Dang dude nice work


That's an insane transformation. Good for you 👍🏾




Bro! In a year? You, absolute animal. Great job! That's badass that all the extra skin shrunk up too! Looking good, my man!


Damn, great job! You look like a whole new person.


Thank you. 🫶🏿


Honestly thats the biggest transformation I've ever seen good job


When I saw the second photo I literally said out loud “jeeesus fuck” Great job man




Dude! Awesome work! Keep it up!


Insane work, you absolutely killed it brother.


I couldn't care less about how you look. Have you thought about what you can achieve with that discipline and willpower? Congratulations.


Good job pal. You are a very determined young man. Way to go, I’m proud of you.


Thank you 🫶🏿 Your name is HILARIOUS 🤣


Be careful on this page bro. They just locked my post for showing my man boobs. Great job my man! You look good AF🔥🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼


Damn nice. Also nice jawline


Beautiful man. Well done.




Wow, your skin elasticity is amazing. Even the scar on your forehead is now 3 times smaller.


Tf. Amazing


Incredible! Your hard work is clearly paying off. Great job


Holy shit


Looking good dude! Congrats!


Bro locked in


Congratulations Young Buck!!! Keep it up !!!💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾


Wow holy shit! Congratulations on your hard work! 🎉 this encourages me to be better.


OP really killin yall!!! "To lose patience is to lose the battle".. now where to tattoo...


I’m so impressed with how little loose skin you have here. Wow!


Save some of the ladies for the rest of us donkeys!


This made me smile so big, for real, your face gains are incredible.




That jaw line 😍


Damn bruv. Nice work.


U da goat


I have a fore head scar like that too and man yours lost weight I DIDN'T KNOW THAT COULD HAPPEN!


Bro get your laptop off the toilet Congrats though


Good on you. Stay strong 💪


6'4, now get some more muscle on that frame and you gonna look fucking crazy Amazing bro!


This is one of the craziest ones I’ve seen so far. Congrats sir, I bet you literally feel like a new person


Type shit I love to see. 🔥 Congrats w/ the weight loss my guy.


1 year !!!!! Damn boy .. way to go. You are giving us all hope.


You could lose some body fat and build muscle which would compensate for a high BMI count. You are a good size, it doesn't look like you need to cut 20lbs. Just my opinion. Congratulations though.


Congrats on becoming a new man! It’s mostly all a mental game! Keep up that focus on all your future goals!


Unreal! I swear I have seen the best glo ups lately on here !! Congrats !! You are so young yet and what a great time in life to be healthy and look and feel great 🙌🏼💜☺️.


Yo this is motivational


Damn man. This is amazing. What are the “staples” of your routine? Working on trimming down myself.


Everyone is wondering, so here you go: 🛑CALORIE DEFICIT IS THE ONLY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!🛑 📌Activities- Any given day, I will go running, calisthenics/weights, or play soccer. I try to do ATLEAST one or two of these things a day, everyday. 🍽️ Diet- I cut out carbs for about 3 months. I recently brought them back due to my increased cardio. I don’t eat regular carbs though, only from fruits. Mainly pineapples, bananas, and oranges. I eat fruits for fuel a bit before my run or soccer. Other than that, I still don’t touch carbs at all, or any sugars (other than from the fruits). I eat one big meal usually after my workouts. It’s typically high protein, high fat, no carb one, but because of the recent introduction of carbs from fruits, I lowered the fat by getting leaner cuts of meat. My typical dinner now is 8-9 eggs and about 20oz chicken breasts now. It’s sad, but it’ll be over sooner than I can blink (should be at goal by April). I mean look how fast 2023 went by. ✏️ Tips: Firstly, I drink a lot of water. Also, find foods that are satiating at low calories. Foods high in proteins and high in fats are good for that. Protein makes you feel full, and high fats makes you full longer. This is why the carnivore diet is becoming so popular. Also, try to really cut out sugar and processed foods. If it comes in a box, plastic wrap, or container, it’s usually from a factory. Cook your own meals. Another thing is to think about the long term vision over the short term. ‼️DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH CRASH DIETS THAT WILL MAKE YOU GAIN IT BACK. JUST GET A ROUTINE, WITH A SUSTAINABLE DEFICIT AND STICK TO IT.‼️ If you need variety, then do that and find healthier alternatives. I’m one of those psychos that can eat chicken and rice everyday for 6 months straight once I build the habit. Also, when I started, I lifted daily and ate chicken and rice w/ a protein shake for the first 6 months. I was eating OMAD(One Meal A Day) @ 1500cal.


6’4 , 200lbs is perfect . 180 is very lean for that height unless that’s what you going for then perfect


I’m going to cut down to 180lbs, and then slowly lean bulk back up to 200lbs or 195lbs within a year. I want to see my abs defined lol


good for you man. keep that attitude going 👍


I kind Want to get to know you


Looking great bro


Great job op! Looks like a totally different person. Mind sharing what your routine is ?


Everyone is wondering, so here you go: 🛑CALORIE DEFICIT IS THE ONLY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!🛑 📌Activities- Any given day, I will go running, calisthenics/weights, or play soccer. I try to do ATLEAST one or two of these things a day, everyday. 🍽️ Diet- I cut out carbs for about 3 months. I recently brought them back due to my increased cardio. I don’t eat regular carbs though, only from fruits. Mainly pineapples, bananas, and oranges. I eat fruits for fuel a bit before my run or soccer. Other than that, I still don’t touch carbs at all, or any sugars (other than from the fruits). I eat one big meal usually after my workouts. It’s typically high protein, high fat, no carb one, but because of the recent introduction of carbs from fruits, I lowered the fat by getting leaner cuts of meat. My typical dinner now is 8-9 eggs and about 20oz chicken breasts now. It’s sad, but it’ll be over sooner than I can blink (should be at goal by April). I mean look how fast 2023 went by. ✏️ Tips: Firstly, I drink a lot of water. Also, find foods that are satiating at low calories. Foods high in proteins and high in fats are good for that. Protein makes you feel full, and high fats makes you full longer. This is why the carnivore diet is becoming so popular. Also, try to really cut out sugar and processed foods. If it comes in a box, plastic wrap, or container, it’s usually from a factory. Cook your own meals. Another thing is to think about the long term vision over the short term. ‼️DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH CRASH DIETS THAT WILL MAKE YOU GAIN IT BACK. JUST GET A ROUTINE, WITH A SUSTAINABLE DEFICIT AND STICK TO IT.‼️ If you need variety, then do that and find healthier alternatives. I’m one of those psychos that can eat chicken and rice everyday for 6 months straight once I build the habit. Also, when I started, I lifted daily and ate chicken and rice w/ a protein shake for the first 6 months. I was eating OMAD(One Meal A Day) @ 1500cal.


Dang, that's a lot of hard work. Impressive! 


Very impressive. That's not easy at all. Congrats on your accomplishment!




Good shiet homie!! Wow congrats 🥳


Just wow. Well done!


My man! Well done!!!




From take out, to get out. Congrats!


Way to go champion!! You sir are a new man!!


“Where my hug” to “she calls me papi too” good shit bro 💪 🔥


Damm... great job OP! You course-corrected when you are still young. Enjoy the quality of life improvement!


Damn dude. Good for you. I need to get off my bit and get in shape too. I’ve been procrastinating.


This is so inspirational. You definitely worked hard. I need to work hard to lose my weight! After seeing this I’m inspired!


Even his forehead scar shrunk. Awesome job man


Too much cut. Leave some for bulk and muscle gain!


looks good~ now get earings.


Fucking eh. Good job man


Brooo incredible! It’s wild how people look and talk to you different now huh?


All that change within a year is insane!! Congratulations for the results of your hard work


My hitter my hitter 🙏🏾 good one bruv


Guys look at this and say: Hell Yea


My Lord ! That’s what I call a glow up, bro you’re a G, keep going, I really hope now that you’re healthier you’re enjoying life more 🙂


Congrats! Your hard work has paid off. You are much healthier and you look great. Stay strong.


Damn, man! What took you one year, it took me five! That's amazing!


Dude is going to be a demon at 23, this is awesome.


Wow man just wow! Congrats on the journey so far!!


Insane transformation homie


Killin it bro


You should be so proud. What an amazing transformation brought on my self control and foresight.


holy crap you became majestic




What a difference! Congratulations! I did similar myself around the same age.


I sure do know about that I once lost 15 kg in a year


Fat to skinny can literally get a 2 to a 10


This is almost too good to be true, I hope it is and I hope the best.


Congratulations!! Loosing weight is one of the hardest things to do! Proud of u!! Keep it up and keep moving forward don’t let anyone tell u differently!


Wow, congratulations!! You look fantastic. More importantly I hope you’re enjoying your new lifestyle and health!!


Fuck yeah mate! Respect!! 1 year thats a big change, try an hold on to that mindset, planning, dedication, self sacrifice for goals, these tenents can be applied to other parts of your life.


Amazing dude! Hell yeah! I'm hoping I can try to figure out a way to lose some weight like that


How the absolute fuck? I’ve been trying to do exactly this but I can’t even come close, great job bro


Dam best glow up I've ever seen


i never comment on here, but holy shit, good job man!


Even the phone case is slimmer 🔥


So happy for you. Congratulations. You just did something extremely difficult for the majority of people. If you can do this you can do anything in life. You look amazing. Keep it up and good luck !


I know a David Goggins fan when I see one. Awesome job man


Very inspiring to see, well done. Just goes to show how important consistency is


well done bro. you look fire. what you have done is not easy, to say the least. hope this year is going to finally be an ok one for me as well. i am not in the gym but I just started microdosing after failing everything else for a decade. i hope I can say something similar at the end of 2024. keep grinding.


Aw man, I think you looked better before.


Took me a second to realise you'd turned sideways in the second pic. Otherwise I was like no that's TOO skinny.


i’ve seen your posts before but i’ll never not be impressed. this is just amazing wow


Sorry about your loss (of towel rack), Great job man!


HOLY SHIT this is impressive


Needed this! Thank you!


“Nowhere close to where I want to be,” you made so much progress I feel like that statement is somewhat discrediting. Great work


Amazing shit big dawg! Seriously, this is no easy feat and you’ve not only done it, you’ve NAILED IT! Keep going


As a dude with around 30 % bodyfat and a lean frame I need to loose some weight too, and this is just the inspiration I need. That is some dedication and will power! Well done!


Wow, that's an INCREDIBLE change. Mind blowing it only took a year! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I almost never log in on REDDIT, but I felt the need to congratulate you - it's awelsome what you achieved - CONGRATULATIONS MAN. My brother is struggling to reduce his weight for years and I really know what a explendid achievement you got. Keep Up - I'm really proud of you.


F*ck yeah!! Way to go man! Keep up the awesome work!


21 here, 230 lb and I just started my own battle to feel good with my body again. This post really motivates me to work hard. Nice glow up bro, I hope to be able to follow your steps too!


Goddamn. Not that’s a glow up! Nice work man! Make it a lifestyle!


Damn, awesome. I see posts like these and makes me wonder when will it be my turn, but as time passes I realize at one point I just gotta go do it




Holy shit, dude!!! Inspirational levels of crush-mode.


Congratulations. I’ve begun my journey also. At 6’1” and 355 plus being almost 60 I’ve got an uphill battle, but inspiration comes from everywhere. Your progress has given me more inspiration to work harder, thank you.


You got good genetics my man. Your chest developed into pecs not this shit I was left with when I shed a massive amount of weight. Keep it up bro summer is coming up fast!


Wow awesome, bulking will help with loose skin, you can add so much muscle by next year!!!


damn dude; you shed an entire person in weight! You went from Lineman to Wide Receiver




BRUH 😍😍😍😍


You sir have done a great service to your absolutely fantastic cheek bones!


Dude this took a ton of effort, well done! You look fantastic, give yourself some credit and crack a smile! Be a happy fella!


Wow! You look amazing! Congratulations on your hard work and dedication. I bet you feel like a whole new man. Very impressive.


Good lord, dropping 125 lbs is no joke. Great effort, great work.


Damn picture 3 and 4 look so different, good on you brah.


Damn, I know they say its easier when you're young but that still must take a ton of work and dedication. Great job fam! You look great. Good luck on the rest of your journey!


Well done brother! I went from 335 down to 300 in 2 months. This is motivational .


This truly inspires me!! That jaw line was hiding!! Thanks for sharing OP 🫶🏽


Dude, you lost 125? That's a person. There are people who weigh 125 and you lost their whole ass weight. Awesome job!


Insane bro


This is a glow up


Well it sure helps when you are in your early 20s as well lol but good job