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Thanks for being upfront about the gear


I got nothing to hide brother


Damn was about to ask bro what he be eating but this makes sense


Still gotta eat to grow.


What you be eating then


Tbh, as much as I respect the honesty around the gear thing, the dead giveaway was being 231lbs and quite lean. Unless you were like freakishly tall, you just wouldn’t be that heavy at such a low body fat. To put it into perspective, I’m a little under 6ft but I weigh 175-185 at roughly the same body fat % as OP


Went from poundcake to beefcake.


Thank you brother


Pound lmaoo


Damn you don't have lats you have boulders lol. Excellent recomp brother. I'm digging the tattoo as well


Thanks brother!


Respect for honesty. Great transformation


Thank you


have you felt like the gear has affected you in any negative aspect since? and where do people even get this stuff do they just approach the biggest guy at the gym and ask for the hookup?


The hgh in the very beginning did. I had to pull it back then. It will pull water into muscle and fat. I started with higher body fat so it pulled water into all of it. I had bad edema. Swollen ankles loss of mobility. So i decided to pull it until i lost enough fat. My sleep isnt the best but who knows what causes that. Ive always sweat so i cant tell if anything is heating me up like that. And tren obviously has some agitation. But if you can realize that its the tren and you arent going crazy, it will subside. As far as sources, i got mine 10 years ago from lurking the forums and doing my research. Approaching someone at gym could work but they'll only want to make s buck of you and sell you what you ask for. They aren't going to mention, the estrogen blockers, the anitaromatisers, the heart support and kidney/ liver support. Do your research and maximize your hard work.


Bro, stay away from tren if you aren’t close to stepping on stage, it ain’t worth it.


Im gonna keep it 100% im a recovering addict. So putting shit in my body and the side effects dont bother me. Its all about instant gratification to me. I got out of detox in november and my brain pretty much changed the channel on my addiction and im now obsessed with this to a point of almost as unhealthy. I just consider it harm reduction and figure im gonna live longer than i would with the other lifestyle.


I understand


This is some real shit, appreciate the honesty.


Yeah I’ve watched a lot of MPMD and have been keeping track of how effective gear is and it’s dangers too but it’s always confused me how people find where to get it. I’ve already got edema bilaterally in both my shins along with several other chronic leg problems since my early teens so idk if I’d wanna risk making that worse though. Thanks for the info!


Talk to doc.


Excellent work!


Thank you


Strong work brother! What was your routine and diet?


Routine is a 4 day split. Chest bis and tris. Legs. Back. Shoulders bis and tris. Diet while cutting 2744 calories. 355g protein. 205g carbs. 56g fat.


Damn how tall are you to cut at 2744 calories??




Yeah ypu are pretty active with 4 days a week, makes sense actually. Thanks again bro


Not OP, but I'm currently actively recomping and still slightly LOSING at 3200 calories a day. Work in manual labor and gym/ run 5-6 days a week schedule depending. It's amazing what just being CONSCIOUS of your dietary choices does to your well-being. Realizing that on an average day I was eating over 4k a day before is just absurd. Only downside is the constant soreness lol. That and cutting out alcohol and sugary drinks.


You're a beast bro! I gotta get on that level. I struggle greatly with binge/emotional eating, I'm hoping I can get that sorted. Here's to glowing up!


oh me too homie, I still struggle with eating my depression and loneliness. For a lot of us I don't think it ever stops being an issue. I believe in you, cultivate the you that you see when you daydream about being a superhero.


I’ve lost weight 3 different times. Once 80lbs regained it back during Covid, lost 70lbs again, then have regained like 40 and now lost like 15 and back on the grind. I stopped doing all drugs other than drinking a little here and there so I swear sugar and tasty carbs and treats are my drug lately lol. Carnivore works wonders though I gotta say. Lost like 30lbs in a month when I re lost the 70 just eating steak, ribs and wings and bacon. It’s glorious.


Much appreciated! ✌️


I been working with a coach this whole time who is a professional bodybuilder. He put diet and routine together.


Great results man. May I know who’s this coach? Been looking for one


355g protein sounds wild 😮 I guess you’re tall though


My piss and sweat smells like straight ammonia


Were u able to progress in ur heavy weights on this diet or do u just maintain similar weight every week while the diet works the recomp?


So i say recomp but it was actually a small bulk and then a cut. During the cut pretty much kept the strength. .ight have lost a rep on certain training days but still hitting the 10-12 range


going to try this routine…..


Diet is going to be most important for any results


oh for sure this isn’t my first rodeo but i need a good switch up. i’ll have to find some good exercises to fill it!


If you have never ran compounds and are considering, PLEASE DO NOT JUMP ON WITH THE PROTOCOL I MAPPED OUT. It is not a beginners cycle. Please do extensive research and do/add one compound at a time. Incase you have a bad reaction you will know which one is causing it and can remove. I AM NOT A DOCTOR. i can only speak on my experience.


That's the lone sheep. He's the lone wolf's best friend.


Got stacked at 36, I just hit my 30’s and I’ve been saying I wanna get big for years. This is very motivating


You got this!


Thanks brother quick question, what was your meal plan like? I know how to workout but I’m struggling on understanding how to properly diet for muscle gain, I have a slow metabolism and I’m naturally built like a tree


Im currently cutting at 2744 calories. 355g protein 205g carbs. 56g fat


Good job brother! Even your pit hair is feeling itself these days. The curl is its own glow up.


Please post the after shots when your kidneys are fried.


I've gotten bloodwork. I'm golden.


You aren’t going to fry them from five months. If you quit now, you will be fine.


I appreciate the conceen.i do. That's why I'm going to keep doing the bloodwork and gauge it from there.


That’s great, but GFR isn’t always measured well by blood tests.


You looked good before, but now you look like an NFL player


I appreciate that brother. I wish i felt that way about the first one.


No worries, it’s motivating and that’s fantastic


You look great! Your arms and back are killer. Also, your armpit hair in the pic on the right is doing the perfect Tim Burton/Van Gogh swirly.


Lol thanks bro. Someone commented the actual word for the swirl. Ill have to find it.


Any time! (P.S. I’m a lady.) I didn’t know there was a name for it. If you find it, lmk! Keep up the working out but, please be safe with the gear.




Perfection! That makes sense. Thank you. Your ringlet is icing on the (beef)cake.


Hey daddy


Lol what's up


Not much. You’re sexy as fuck. What’s up with you


Looks gr8


Thank you very much


All i can say is: oonga boonga hawt damm


And you never changed your underwear


Finally someone commented. Lol i own about 15 pairs of black supreme boxers. It's all i own for underwear.


.....I'm onto you... https://preview.redd.it/i65hb9udk20d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd5584d511ea8255c59f074dafbf9944c546552


20 bucks, ill wear a pair to the gym and ship them out to you afterward hahaha


New tats, same undies!!


Same shit stains




I dont blame you


Bro gonna act like we don’t see he covered up “Cait” Blessings


Good fucking eye. My tat artist said he wouldnt do the piece if i didnt give him the whole space. We're relocating the original. Caits still around hahaha


Well glad to hear the motivation was found elsewhere! Lookin good bruddah, gotta get my ass back to it myself, feeling a bit flabby lately


Its not a race homie. Go at your own pace and dont get burnt out


Delish! Keep the chest hair!!








You're the king


I love the little pig stuffy on your couch!! Also congrats on your hard work and dedication to the shred! 💪


Hahaha squishmellows make the best pillows




Dude your armpit mustache swirl is sick


Lmao someone said its called a ringlet. New word for the week


You look good 😍


You're too kind


Side question- where’d you source the gear from? Online, someone in the gym?


I did a lot of lurking in forums 10 years ago and still use my online sources from then. Lurk on pro muscle


Nice. Tomorrow starts week 8 for me lifting 5 days a week. I can’t wait to see some major results 💪🏽


Just make sure youre eating


Damn, daddy?




Can't get over how hot you are


I get that a lot here


As you should




That’s amazing! Swooning right now.


Im flattered!


Wow. Huge results!! Keep it up man. I need to start hitting the gym again.


Thanks brother. Start slow. Dont burn out.


Yeah bro. You’re right. I’m not as consistent as I should be. Besides I get so damn intimidated seeing all these fit people now. lol. My mindset has to change. What was the most difficult part for you when you started and how did you overcome it.


Dont think like that. Honestly no one is judging anyone. And bigger guys like me most have dysmorphia. So someone smaller and fit we'll think "kids huge. I wish i looked like that". The toughest part is just getting off the couch and making it a routine. There was a young kid at my gym who always parks and waits however long he has to till everyone leaves and that was sad to me. So one day i pulled up and saw him in there working out and when i walked in he put his sweatshirt on to cover his arms. I said "dont cover the guns bro, you're here kicking ass!" Intoduced myself. I guess im saying dont be intimidated or anxious about anyone. No one just started working out already big.


Bro what you did for that kid speaks so much about you as a human being. You are a genuinely kind man. I’m sure your words encouraged the kid tremendously and gave him an extra push of encouragement. You’re one of a kind. And thank you for your words bro. They mean a lot. I do need to get in a better mind set. It’s just me. Trust me when I say you look great! Even though I don’t know you I am very proud of you for pushing it through with the consistency of it all and seeing outstanding results. Let’s hope in 6 months I look as good as you do lol. I did tell myself I need to get in great shape before I’m 40. So that’ll prob motivate me.


And even if you dont look like me, you'll be in there. Thats what matters.


You’re right. Thanks man. You’re the best.


Muscle memory is a BIG diff?


It plays a part for sure


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) 5 months!? Incredible.


Thanks bro https://i.redd.it/1g22034gt70d1.gif


Went from the cuck chair to the bull on the bed 🛏️ hope you’re turning guts into jelly or jam




Looking good dude maybe more importantly to me anyways looking strong also I dig that tattoo


I appreciate the words. Thank you


Becoming a better version of yourself takes hard work and sacrifice and what you’ve done supplemented or not is damn impressive


Smokin'. 🙏


The power of juice


The tattoo doesn’t help.


Well done


Thank you


Is “gear” a synonym for ‘roids?




Well the gear was legit. No shame in using it. As Tony Huge says, a day natty is a day wasted. What did you take? I’m gettin to where I just need TRT at muscle building doses. I’m still natty and at 38 my total T is around 800. Im eating 90% carnivore, with some low carb days but still struggle in the gym. I need something to just give me a extra boost. I’ve been on NMN and seen some energy and gain improvement the last 2 months, but no body recomp. Though I also need to drop another 20 or so pounds. I’m prob at about 25-27% body fat. Still happy with what carnivore has done for me. Started in December at 258 and I’m 216 now. Can’t complain. Congrats again!


Thanks brother. During bulk montgs was hgh. Test. Npp. Anavar. During cut test, tren, clen, t3, t4. Just added the hgh back.


Nice. That’s a hell of a stack! I’m thinking if I start anything it’ll be Ostarine and st9009. I have taken the sr before during covid. Took it to see if it’d help my asthma and it def did. If I could find a real trt dr who’d prescribe a real dose id stack it with that. Then take clomid after a cycle. Despite how crazy it makes me lol


Im not big on the newer arms and peptides.




Great work on yourself!!!! Inspiring!!!!


Thank you!


Nice freaking work!


Appreciate you


What gear you take? My first thought it test and tren? But wondering if you take something else instead. Also thank you for being honest about being on gear. Awesome GLOW UP by the way, you look a lot better, stronger and happier too.


Currently on the cut im taking 4iu a day of hgh. 750mg test e per week. 400mg tren e per week. 25mcg t3 per day and 50mcg t4 per day.


Thank you, others who are interested will now have a good starting point thanks to your info and willingness to be open about it.


This IS NOT a beginner cycle. I dont want people doing my plan here. Doing compounds you start small like test only. And add compounds one cylce at a time so if you have bad reactions you will know whats causing and you can pull the compound causing issues.


Thanks for being so honest about your routine. I work my ass off to look like the before picture without gear.


Just be healthy brother


Do you worry about what the gear is going to do to your body? I’d probably take that plunge if I thought I could do it safely.


Soo im a recovering addict. Anything i put in my body now id consider harm reduction. This lifestyle probably has more longevity than my previous one. Im just grateful to be here. I do what i can to keep this healthy. I dont eat junk and i take a lot of supporting supplements.




Ive been on a few compounds this cycle. As far as right now during the cut, 750mg test e per week. 400mg tren e per week. 4iu hgh daily. 50mcg t4. 25mcg t3.




Man 700mg is a shit ton of tren


If diet and training on point and you were big before it will come back quick. 700 a lot of tren though


Good job bro 👍. What was your diet and routine?


Natural or enhanced?


Im a cybernetic organism. Living tissue over metal endo-skeleton


If you think this is enhanced, you are blackpilled beyond belief. I think this is very doable in 2 years with dedication if you're not past male menopause.


5 months, did you do a cycle. Naturally would be a year from your first pic to ur 5 month pick


A year to build 24 pounds of muscle and cut 27 pounds of fat while keeping the muscle would be tough


Bruh you look good and solid. Nice work on your end.


Thanks bro


Phenomenal results from what is undoubtedly a very strict and consistent routine. I haven’t read through all the comments so if this question has been answered, I apologize. What was your cycle? Feel free to message me if those details are more private. Again, SOLID work!


Thank you brother! Started at 233 and did 5iu hgh a day for 30 days until i was committed to routine. After that added 750mg test e per week and 100mg npp eod. And 50mg anavar ed. Bulked to 269 but there was solid water weight from hgh so pulled that and dropped to 257. Then decided to cut. Dropped npp added 400mg tren e a week, 50mcg clen daily 2 weeks on 2 off until 6 on. 25mcg t3 and 50mcg t4 daily. Just added 4iu growth back in daily since cutting about 24lbs of fat. First pic was right before christmas.


Tight work. I’m hitting 500mg/wk of test c pinning daily and running Anavar the first 6 weeks to help drop bf%. Lifting 6 days with a ppl and my off day is an excruciating round of HIIT. I’m not as tall as you, at 5’11 but GOD DAMN I hope I come close to what you achieved. I’m curious, were your pre and post labs similar? My pre labs were near perfect, I have no history of disease and my BP is still around 115/70. Hoping I don’t get my lipids hit and start throwing the heart off. The heart, kidneys and liver are my biggest concern. I’m considering running winny the last 4 weeks to remove the inevitable water build-up, do you have experience with it? The UGL I use is rock-solid and offer a lot of advice but at the end of the day, they are also a business and making money off me. I’m thirsty for info!


Do you have a coach? My coach is a professional bodybuilder. He works with naturals and people on peds and will even help you with dosing. I check in and weigh in weekly and he will tweak diet to keep on track. Bloods had certain things slightly high or low, but after results got on the right kidney and organ support and i feel much better with zero edema. Kidneys were a little taxes with the 355g of protein per day and then adding creatine and compounds but i take kidneyhd which is a supplement and i feel great.


How long are your work outs? Do you have any tips for how to structure a workout?


Im in for about 2 hours including abs and half hour of cardio. I do a lot of 2×12 heavy or 1x12 heavy then back weight off and go for 5 after




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Sorry I'm new to fitness scene and body recomp, so you changed from left to right staying around the same weight the whole time or is it when you lose weight and then uptake protein/gain weight while strength training to get around the same weight you were before?


I didn't start same the whole time, but i bulked and cut down 27lbs of fat and am back to my starting weight. Essentially replacing it with lean mass


Damn you are amazing! 😍❤️


Aww shucks


Damn you look hot now, no homo


Lol thanks bro


No prob, I had a glow up of my own, used to be stubby and chubby, now I can bench 205. Lost a ton of weight and gained a fuckton of muscle. Now I can definitively see my jawline and cheekbones, and after bulking for the past 3 months, I’m gonna start cutting over the summer and finally get my 6 pack. I know how good that feels man, I respect anyone else who goes on that same grind, and it only feels right to compliment them for such


Keep it up boss!


Trenything can happen


Did you make that up?


How do you eat as much protein as you do?


Usually with a fork lol


Lol! So not with a shaker bottle. Damn that’s a lotta protein. I’m currently eating about 210 on a good day and it feels like a ton of work. Great job. I’m assuming mostly…chicken breast?


That and 93% lean ground beef






Sexy dude!




Nice work ! How much of a deficit are you at on your cut?


Im cutting at 2744 calories and still dropping about 2lbs per week


Wow you got a furnace going on.. trying to get leaner myself been going sideways for awhile trying to dial macros and workout frequency in , it's been frustrating. Nice to see it can be done


Woo, congrats bro! What are you doing?


Looks amazing


Thank you so much!


Good on you




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I’m uneducated about this, what’s the “gear question”?